
How To Use Barbarian In A Sentence

  • As to the pay of the Mercenaries it nearly filled two esparto-grass baskets; there were even visible in one of them some of the leathern discs which the Republic used to economise its specie; and as the Barbarians appeared greatly surprised, Hanno told them that, their accounts being very difficult, the Ancients had not had leisure to examine them. Salammbo
  • Texans were more or less thought of as yahoo barbarians somewhere between the Beverly Hillbillies and Deliverance.
  • Years ago we were more provincial even than now as, for instance, a certain Englishman, who wrote, while living in a small French town in 1813 these barbarians make fun of me everywhere just because I am properly dressed and speak the language of a human being. The Yankee Myth
  • Out goes the barbarian; in comes the caring, sharing new man. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this is a clash of civilizations, then one of our soldiers has just been murdered by our barbarian enemies.
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  • Thoas rules [8] the land, o'er barbarians, [Thoas,] who guiding his foot swift as the pinion, has arrived at this epithet [of Thoas, i.e. _the swift_] on account of his fleetness of foot. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • This establishment was severely damaged by flooding at the end of the second century and rebuilt in much the same form, only to be slighted during the barbarian incursions of AD 276.
  • The walled city was attacked by barbarian hordes.
  • The king's persistency in begging her not to veil so austerely a face which the gods had made for the admiration of men, his evident vexation upon her refusal to appear in Greek costume at the sacrifices and public solemnities, his unsparing raillery at what he termed her barbarian shyness, all tended to convince her that the young King Candaules
  • The Kalachakra tantra talks about a time when the three lalos, the barbarian kings, will rule the earth.
  • They gave the officers to understand that far from wishing to act as enemies, they were willing to afford the shipwrecked people all the assistance in their power; but these barbarians shewed, on all occasions, a perfidiousness which is peculiar to the inhabitants of these climates; when the brig had sent biscuit on shore, they seized the half of it, and a few moments after, sold it at an exorbitant price, to those from whom they had stolen it. Naufrage de la frigate la Méduse. English
  • Accepting that the barbarians had come to stay, he spent his years in St Peter's chair sending missionaries to convert them to Christianity or where necessary wean them off the Arian heresy.
  • Torsion catapults continued to be built into the time of the barbarian invasions when they were superseded by a traction artillery piece, the trebuchet.
  • They aren't bloodthirsty barbarians, they are people who believe that if a crime is bad enough then one can justify taking the life of the person.
  • barbarian invaders
  • Forgetting all the principles for which they were fighting in their endless war against their enemy, they have become savage barbarians teetering on the very edge of bestiality.
  • He fingered his knife, but knew that even with it he was no match for the young man tall as a gau leng Manchurian, and the even taller yang gui zhi barbarian who came out of the house behind him. City of Glory
  • I am abhorrently evil and I feed on misery and death This would have made EXCELLENT ammo against the inhuman, barbarian right-wing devils who eat babies. Matthew Yglesias » Goldfarb Endorses Terrorist Ethics
  • Obviously, in his later years, when he became king, necessity demanded he modify his ways, but as we witness in “Phoenix on the Sword,” the barbarian is always lurking just beneath the surface. The Triumph of Barbarism over Civilization « Gerry Canavan
  • The importance of these functions was enhanced by the barbarian invasions of the fifth century.
  • “Robert of Paris, a haughty barbarian,” with the “Robert called the Strong,” mentioned as an ancestor of Hugh Capet. Count Robert of Paris
  • It suggests the "Enduap" (rondache) of ostrich-plumes worn by the Tupi-Guarani barbarians of the Brazil, the bunchy caudal appendages which made the missionaries compare them with pigeons. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
  • I forbore to mention that the reason I knew the name Ahriman was because of a classic Conan The Barbarian story... Dinner at Kellogg College
  • The startled barbarian grappled reflexively, neglecting the weapons that hung at his waist.
  • This problem is even more pronounced in epic fantasy were the barbarian hero can't swing a two-handed broadsword without hitting an ancient prophecy, a royal heir in hiding, orcs, elves or an epic quest to complete. SF Fanatic: I Am Not A Fan Of Fantasy, Here's Why
  • Apparently bloggers really are considered the barbarians at the gates - unrefined, undisciplined and uncivilized.
  • The methods of punishment would not have shamed the most cruel barbarians in history.
  • Barbarians, or rather some barbarians in the eyes of some Greeks, did not need images at all.
  • Olympiodorus, in Photius's extracts, tells us of one Libanius, who practised this kind of military magic, and having promised [Greek: choris opliton kata barbaron energein] to perform great things against the Barbarians without soldiers, was, at the instances of the empress Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • The first group of people became known as Galatians were from the barbarian tribal stock known as Celts or Gauls. Galatians ��� where was Paul���s epistle destined to?
  • Both believe that the Bible can do ignorant, sensual savages no good; both believe that nothing but compulsatory power can restrain uncivilized barbarians from polygamy, inebriety, and other sinful practices. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • We seem somehow to have got used to the idea of this body of barbarians building their pyramids of skulls. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the head of one thousand horse, the Roman general sallied from the Flaminian gate to mark the ground of an advantageous position, and to survey the camp of the Barbarians; but while he still believed them on the other side of the Tyber, he was suddenly encompassed and assaulted by their numerous squadrons. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • His friends are a bunch of barbarians - they don't even wash their hands before they eat.
  • Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Football is a game for gentlemen played by barbarians. Oscar Wilde 
  • When Herodotus narrates what he was told by the barbarians among whom he travelled, he narrates fooleries, after the manner of the greater part of travellers. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • E. L. Godkin, the editor of the Nation, might have been speaking for all of them when he lamented the “gaudy stream of bespangled, belaced and beruffled barbarians” flooding New York. The Five of Hearts
  • We have relapsed into disputes about transubstantiation at the very moment when the discovery of the wide prevalence of theophagy as a tribal custom has deprived us of the last excuse for believing that our official religious rites differ in essentials from those of barbarians. The Revolutionist’s Handbook
  • That is, it is Moira that determines who shall be slave or master, peasant or warrior, citizen or non-citizen, Greek or barbarian.
  • Every barbarian language had an equivalent term, and all of them were based on a derivative of that language's word for fury.
  • Romance appears hundreds of years later, and it _appears more immediately and earliest in connection with precisely those districts in which the passage of the few Teutonic, Slavonic and other barbarians had been least felt_. Europe and the Faith "Sine auctoritate nulla vita"
  • For here on, I will consider anyone consorting with these barbarians to be my enemy.
  • Germany, the might modern Hun, the highly scienced barbarian of this twentieth Defenders of Democracy; contributions from representative men and women of letters and other arts from our allies and our own country, edited by the Gift book committee of the Militia of Mercy
  • A French journalist warned in 1831 that ‘the barbarians who threaten society are not in the Caucasus or the steppes of Tartary; they are in the faubourgs of our manufacturing towns’.
  • For the ancients of Pisa have met for the last time; the signory of Florence plots no more; no more will any Emperor with the pride of a barbarian, the mien of a beggar or a thief, cross the Alps, or such an one as Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • The supervisory board of the Bulgarian National Bank was a straight jacket for the elite, which drained the financial system in a pagan and barbarian way.
  • And although your Lordship will doubtless proceed, I must warn you through my experience of European affairs, heedfully, that the reasons that operate in this small presidio, which is surrounded by barbarians and hostile nations, have no place in populous cities. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science.
  • ‘[The anti-secession law] is barbarian and invasive behavior,’ Lee said.
  • They realised the necessity of compelling barbarians and provincials alike to respect the elementary rights of person and property; Theodoric the Ostrogoth and Gundobad the Burgundian were the authors of new criminal codes, in the one case mainly, in the other partially, derived from Roman jurisprudence. Medieval Europe
  • The rampant crowds were like ancient Viking barbarians, smoking heavily and taking down alcohol in large gulps.
  • The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
  • This does not mean that the result in either case is an all around and consistent rehabilitation of the ferine or barbarian habit of mind and body. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • [- 24 -] And they would have perished utterly, but for the fact that some of the pikes of the barbarians were bent and others were broken, while the bowstrings snapped under the constant shooting, the missiles were all discharged, every sword blunted, and, chief of all, that the men themselves grew weary of the slaughter. Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • Your brothers, to - day, are ignorant barbarians compared with me and the knowledge I have wrung from the books in the hours they were sleeping. Chapter 30
  • Barbarian line of battle, twenty trumpets from her poop and foreship asking, “Dare you meet me?” A Victor of Salamis
  • Standing on the ramparts of the fort, there is a palpable sense of history: this is where civilisation once ended and the barbarians began. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their background was probably very varied, some perhaps landowners, others military men, Roman or barbarian, who had been invited to take control or seized power.
  • And were a civilized nation engaged with barbarians, who observed no rules even of war, the former must also suspend their observance of them, where they no longer serve to any purpose; and must render every action or recounter as bloody and pernicious as possible to the first aggressors. An Enquiry into the Principles of Morals
  • Gallo-Roman lived according to the code, the barbarian according to the Salian or Ripuarian law; in other words, the law was personal, not territorial. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • United States not only believed in slavery, but bought and sold women and babes in the name of Jesus Christ, this infidel, this wretch who is now burning in the flames of hell, lifted his voice against human slavery and said: "It is robbery, and a slaveholder is a thief; the whipper of women is a barbarian; the seller of a child is a savage. Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll - Latest
  • And these particular rooms were aired only for a barbarian envoy or a member of the merchant class.
  • Presently the door was unlocked, - the Count and Margarite appeared; they saw me in agonies; "I am dying, barbarian; you will be satisfied, you have murdered a worthy man who never injured you - you have killed an innocent wife. The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • At this the disaffected cohorts proclaimed the name of their lawful sovereign; the Barbarians, astonished by the defection of their Roman allies, dispersed, according to their custom, in tumultuary flight; and Mascezel obtained the of an easy, and almost bloodless, victory. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • the barbarians sacked Rome
  • In 112 BCE, the Han's southern campaign to "pacify" the Southern Yue subjugated the Southern and Western Barbarians, resulting in the establishment of Yuexi and Shenli commanderies. 21 In 109 BCE, the Han conquered the Laojin and Mimo peoples. 22 Under enormous military pressure, the king of Dian surrendered. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Provided that the barbarians remained amenable, any of these arrangements might suit the gentry better than direct imperial rule.
  • It suggests the “Enduap” (rondache) of ostrich-plumes worn by the Tupi – Guarani barbarians of the Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Now they took responsibility for provisioning the cities with food and maintaining the city walls to protect the population from the increasingly frequent barbarian raids.
  • Folding down the corners of pages, scribbling in margins and breaking the spines of paperbacks are signs of a barbarian.
  • And dread thee nothing of this barbarian, but command that we both two be called tofore thee, and take heed what shall be said between us both softly, for I shall so refrain him that he shall no more dare demand such thing. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • The intercept from the barbarians reads as follows: “Dear Brothers (we don’t recognize “sisters except for breeding and incubating purposes), Soon, very soon, we will unleash our brand of Islam on the Shiites and the Kurds – bide your time, we will act as soon as the cowards from America retreat. Think Progress » Associated Press “Caused Some U.S. Soldiers to Lose Their Lives”
  • LOS ANGELES Reuters - The maids of "The Help" proved far mightier than muscle-flexing "Conan the Barbarian" and three other new releases at the weekend box office, taking the top spot with an estimated $20.5 million in U.S. and Canadian ticket sales. "The Help" outflexes "Conan" to win box office
  • In the east and north are the humanoid hordes and the barbarian nomads.
  • Right loath was the swart barbarian to let me have them, but hunger, hunger is a great tamer of your savage; and the steam of good Furbo’s cook-shop yonder was suggestive of savory chops and greasy sausages — and — and — in short, Aurelius, I got them at The Roman Traitor (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Legionaries hurried to see the barbarian captive. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The sum total of the game's main and side quests amounts to a massively long adventure, and the first five or so hours of that experience have you fighting waves of scags (think giant rats) and dimwitted barbarians who lack any artificial intelligence whatsoever. The Buzz
  • The active cavalry of Scythia is always followed, in their most distant and rapid incursions, by an adequate number of spare horses, who may be occasionally used, either to redouble the speed, or to satisfy the hunger, of the Barbarians. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • There were the "savages" then the "barbarians" and then of course, the "civilizations" - very unilinear thinking, to believe that all societies developed exactly the same way. Calling all anthropologists
  • Remove your hands, barbarian!" squealed the bursar, struggling to free himself from the steely grasp. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Ilium and captured the famous city of Dardanus, he came hither to Argos and has set up high on the temple-walls many a trophy, spoil of the barbarians. Electra
  • What happens when the barbarians, the grand ignorant, never appear and so cannot be defeated or contained?
  • Although the Roman aristocrats despised the barbarians, many also believed that they could use them to their own purposes.
  • In the West, however, Diocletian's system worked for a time, but then fell apart in the face of the barbarian invasions.
  • Matt Carse, an archaeologist of the most definitely rogueish sort of tomb raider is looking to score, when the discovery of the mythical Sword of Rhiannon catapults him back into time, and into the body of a man well suited to be a barbarian adventurer. Superhero Prose Fiction: Eric John Stark - Sea-Kings Of Mars and Otherworldly Stories
  • § 23. _one who is a barbarian-aye, and a woman_ ([Greek: _barbaron anthr_opon kai tauta gynaika_]). The Public Orations of Demosthenes, volume 2
  • Lorn watches the barbarians as Nytral chevies the raw lancers into formation. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • This champion of samurai who would overthrow the Shogunate and expel the barbarians became the devoted follower of the elite shogunal official.
  • Terminal illness makes a fantastic, fun-filled irreverent backdrop for black comedy, exploding with comments on humankind's barbarian invasion of the planet.
  • To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together. Armchair Generals To The Rescue
  • He'd been told that they are thieves, savages, and barbarians.
  • False, smiling, cozening traitor! — and for that unfeminine barbarian! Count Robert of Paris
  • popple" bark is his chief dainty -- he cannot understand and cannot tolerate this barbarian, who eats raw fish and leaves the bones and fins and the smell of slime in his doorway. Secret of the Woods
  • Bloggers are not some new creation, but the newest set of the barbarians at the gates.
  • Their prayers and sermons excited the people against the impious Barbarians; and the patriarch is accused of declaring, that the faithful might obtain the redemption of all their sins by the extirpation of the schismatics. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Of course, there is the added bonus of playing a King versus just the father of a muscle-bound barbarian. Mickey Rourke in Talks for CONAN and WAR OF THE GODS –
  • It also provided protection from marauding northern barbarian tribes.
  • The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
  • That is what barbarians say in their eastern tongue as a prelude to the dirge of death, whene'er royal blood is spilt upon the ground by deadly iron blades. Orestes
  • Thus the fateful clash between settlers from the culture of Aristotle, St. Paul, Da Vinci, Luther, and Newton and aboriginal horsemen from the buffalo plains happened as though in a time warp—as though the former were looking backward thousands of years at premoral, pre-Christian, low-barbarian versions of themselves. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • And maybe that date will be viewed in future centuries as the beginning of the great barbarian invasions.
  • That is what barbarians say in their eastern tongue as a prelude to the dirge of death, whene'er royal blood is spilt upon the ground by deadly iron blades. Orestes
  • The view of the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of the world is a barbarian idea based on primitive concepts of God and must be dismissed.
  • Emperor Ling favored "barbarian" music, clothes, curtains, beds, chairs, and dances. 166 And it was during the Han period that Buddhism, a "barbarian" religion, was adopted by the Chinese, first by nobilities and then by the masses. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Thereupon I declared that I was a heretic and a barbarian — “Je suis heretique et barbare,” I said, The Gambler
  • We will not be eating half-raw, half-burned goat like barbarians; I have pickled onions and dates, and honey, and some other things, things the vermin and animals didn't scent. Aerie
  • The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.
  • The early medieval chapter adopts the by-now-commonplace position that the history of Europe after the fall of Rome and the barbarian invasions was one of progress.
  • The Barbarians skipper Ian Jones will have sunk a few beers last night as the incomparable Kiwi had just played his last game of rugby.
  • About 7 years ago, Brazilian artist João ( "John") Barros da Silveira redrew a number of Marvel's "Conan the Barbarian" covers for Brazilian publisher Mythos Editora, here's some of his artwork next to the Marvel equivalent .... way cool! Archive 2009-08-01
  • Among the causes of the fall of the Roman empire were successive attacks by barbarians.
  • Moreover, some of the Greek cities thought they could use the barbarian, or the threat of him, against their enemies.
  • His territory was placed under the new commandery of Yizhou. 23 By the end of the second century BCE, Han China had reached central Yunnan and part of west Yunnan, thus dividing the Southwestern Barbarian area into the four commanderies of Jianwei, Zangke, Yuexi, and Yizhou. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Varangian, who proffered his modicum of decocted barley, which these barbarians prefer to the juice of the grape. Count Robert of Paris
  • Dividing his life and his work between politics and leisured retirement, he wrote light poems (nugae), verse panegyrics, and letters, which give a vivid description of Romans and barbarians in fifth-century Gaul. 5. The Later Empire, 284-527 C.E
  • South, letterless barbarian pagans from the East and North. Europe and the Faith "Sine auctoritate nulla vita"
  • These units thus provided a continuous process of turning unlettered barbarians into literate Roman citizens.
  • The Barbarians were knocking about in the late bronze age and iron age.
  • The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
  • He does not even use the term barbarian, probably because the Hellenes had not yet been marked off from the rest of the world by one distinctive name. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • So, unrepaired and unfrequented, town centers began to look dilapidated, long before any unwelcome barbarian tongues were heard in their near empty streets.
  • Manchester United tours are not just a series of football matches but are events which resemble a call for a religious crusade or a barbarian invasion.
  • All day he maintained his perilous station between the city and the Barbarians: Villehardouin decamped in silence at the dead of night; and his masterly retreat of three days would have deserved the praise of Xenophon and the ten thousand. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He sat in a shaded corner of Avatre's pen, wearing the same tunic as Kiron himself and because he was not used to riding, a pair of the leggings that Heklatis called "trews" such as the barbarians wore, to keep his legs from being chafed raw on the inside. Aerie
  • Today, a message from an Internet café could have confirmed the barbarian incursions were nightmares come true.
  • When the empire collapsed, hordes of barbarian armies, including the infamous Vandal pirates, invaded Italy throughout the fifth century AD.
  • The picture of forceful barbarian invasion in the fifth century may have been influenced by some Byzantine historians of the sixth century, overanxious to justify Justinian's wars of reconquest in the western empire.
  • In their wild and alien nature, these animals were the embodiment of all that was uncivilized and, therefore, of barbarian irrationality and evil.
  • During the Taiding reign (1324 – 1327) when the Huajiaoman (flower foot barbarian) rebelled, the emperor issued an edict to comfort them instead of launching a punitive expedition. 84 In 1325, some native peoples in Dali and Weichu revolted, and the provincial administration asked the court to pacify them, but the emperor denied this request and dispatched his envoys to deal with the "barbarians. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • It was predicated on the idea of an inherent superiority of the Greek over the barbarian.
  • And this: Alexander, a recent coloniser, brought Aristotle to the barbarians; thus the widespread mania for believing that the Graeco-Romans invented the world; and thus the contempt — in secondary education — for things Eastern just a bit of Egypt, Luxor and the pyramids, so that children can learn to draw shadows. Archive 2010-04-01
  • When I was on the march toward the Red Sea, among the escort of Jewish cavalrymen who accompanied us was a certain Mosollamus Hebrew Meshullam, a very intelligent man, robust, and by common consent, the very best of bowmen, whether Greek or barbarian. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • Instantly, astonishment registered on the barbarian's face, but Brother Simon didn't let the moment go.
  • Hence, francalenus, holding freely; frank aleu, frank dad, frank chamen, and so many other terms half Latin and half barbarian, which have so long composed the miserable patois spoken in France. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • All ‘barbarian’ business was to be conducted solely through a monopoly, a guild, of ten Chinese merchants which we call the Co-hong. Tai-Pan
  • We have brought the barbarian across the Rhine in order to help defend our frontiers.
  • Who wants a parcel of low-flung, 'outside barbarians,' to go in cahoot with us, and share alike a piece of land that always was and always will be ours? The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, May 1844 Volume 23, Number 5
  • A quick end, rather than torture and rape at the hands of those barbarians in the hall.
  • Ever since we'd been kidnapped by the barbarians, she had changed, and it hadn't been subtle.
  • We seem somehow to have got used to the idea of this body of barbarians building their pyramids of skulls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here was someone who was prepared to wave two fingers at those American barbarians who were filling French kids with burgers.
  • Our PCs ranged from halflings and humans in encumbering armor (Move +8) to barbarians and monks (Move +16). Life In The Big City – Chase Rules « Geek Related
  • At this the individual ranks as the unholy (barbarian, natural man, "egoist") over against the State, exactly as he was once regarded by the Church; before the individual the State takes on the nimbus of a saint. Coercion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Every society, each generation, faces an invasion by barbarians.
  • And, few hands deal with the rewriting of those text; like the hands of the monks in monasteries trying to maintain the writings in the face of barbarian invansions. Amazing Thread v.2.0
  • Raised on the hinge of the Greek and the barbarian (non-Greek) world, he had the amused tolerance of a man who can see and has lived with both sides.
  • John, though unable to disguise the pleasure he had derived from his overall performance against the Barbarians, was the first to point out that he had been some way from flawless.
  • One might believe Lucullus thought his money really captive and barbarian, so wantonly and contumeliously did he treat it. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.
  • In the face of continuing barbarian invasions, the smaller landowners were driven to seek protection and maintenance from more powerful men in return for which they gave service and obedience.
  • McCarthy, those like him, and those who followed them, were clearly nonacademic and antiacademic, the barbarians at the gates. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • The House of Ch'in erected and pounded firm the wall to make a barrier before the dwelling-place of the Barbarians, Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
  • Tacitus admired the Germanic tribes, Herodotus the barbarian Scythians, Ibn Khaldun the nomadic Beduin, and the Chinese the Mongols. [more ...] Archive 2010-02-01
  • Micky Steele-Bodger Barbarians' eminence and 85 early in September captained Cambridge in 1946 and won nine caps for England as a teaky bear‑hugging back-row barnstormer. Singing the blues for rugby's Major event and its men of Steele
  • With the assistance of such guides, nothing could remain impervious or inaccessible; resistance was fatal; flight was impracticable; and the patient submission of helpless innocence seldom found mercy from the Barbarian conqueror. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Cultural barbarians were clamoring at the gate, eager to corrupt a venerable institution that gave the world Ingmar Bergman, Jean-Luc Godard, and Citizen Kane—and, to be fair, two competing films about the lambada that famously pitted Golan against Globus. My Year of Flops
  • People who support capital punishment are often portrayed as barbarians or monsters, but in my opinion locking someone up for life is far more inhumane.
  • He was not the man to deny the Romans access to the wealth of the barbarians.
  • Barbarian King: This time, Ghost Sparta, I will have your head!
  • They usually portray American military personnel as barbarians with no respect for human life.
  • But the Barbarians were finally repulsed; the country became every day less favorable to the operations of cavalry; and when the Romans arrived at Macepracta, they perceived the ruins of the wall, which had been constructed by the ancient kings of Assyria, to secure their dominions from the incursions of the Medes. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The settlers, unperturbed, insisted that they need not take their ‘cue from barbarians!’
  • The misery of the times had reduced the nobles and matrons of Rome to accept, without a blush, the benevolence of the church: three thousand virgins received their food and raiment from the hand of their benefactor; and many bishops of Italy escaped from the Barbarians to the hospitable threshold of the Vatican. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The name rhubarb comes from the Latin rhabarbarum meaning (depending on your viewpoint!) "root of the barbarians". Cook sister!
  • The latter are chiefly an expression of the predatory impulse simply; the former are more specifically an expression of that heritage of clannishness which is so large a feature in the temperament of the predatory barbarian. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • Nor were its inhabitants ‘a wild and inhospitable people’, of whom it could be said ‘All their habits are the habits of barbarians’.
  • According to Pindar, there was a time when the Boeotian tribe was called “Syes. ” Moreover, the barbarian origin of some is indicated by their names †Cecrops, Codrus, Aïclus, Cothus, Drymas, and Crinacus†¦ Think Progress » Friedman Defends Repeated Prediction That ‘The Next Six Months Are Crucial’ In Iraq
  • They assumed the identities of barbarian lordlings, and united the Republic's enemies against them.
  • Only barbarians, he argued, would execute a man based upon this quality of testimony.
  • Hadrian, we are informed by his fourth-century biographer, built his wall to divide the Romans from the barbarians.
  • If the enemy was this barbarian from the backwoods, well and good! It would be foolish to take offence at this old bushwhacker.
  • When candles are brought into the tent at night, the servant wishes the company a good evening: he says "_M'sah elkhere_," the literal meaning of which is "_Good be with you this evening_;" which salutation it is courteous to return, even to a slave; and if any one, however great his rank, were not to return it, he would be considered a bad muselman, a disaffected and inhospitable barbarian. An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • Barbarian tribes threatened the borders and, when they could not be driven out by force, they were allowed in as "federates" and provided soldiers for an increasingly barbarized army that had no interest in preserving the system except to maintain its pay and perks. Philip Giraldi: Neocon Ancient History
  • Standing on the ramparts of the fort, there is a palpable sense of history: this is where civilisation once ended and the barbarians began. Times, Sunday Times
  • He understood what had driven the cavemen, and the barbarian, because the same passion was driving him.
  • Chair of Paris, and its various students, now looking for distinction as interpreters in the land of RAZZIAS or "butcheries," for the best derivation and historical progress of the term RAZZIA, as used by Christian and civilized nations, in relation to infidel and Mohammedan barbarians. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • It might be because purists realized they were a small group of Roman centurions and the barbarians were at the gates.
  • But that attaches all of the barbarian interlude to ancient history, which is counter to our usual notions.
  • Crunchy Frog says: libarbarian: I suppose this attitude explains why Conservatives react to the adoption of their ideas by liberals not by saying “thanks for coming around” but rather by abandoning and forswearing their own previous ideas. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • The council slowly and with much detail gave the barbarians information of the hellhound that the elves had accidentally summoned and what had befallen their tribe.
  • The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.
  • He has also been called a dunce, an ignoramus, a barbarian. Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
  • The point of low fantasy is to watch clean-limbed fighting men from Virginia clash flashing blades against surly yet brawny barbarians from Cimmeria during the last days of Rome on Mars or something, and maybe rescue a half-naked space princess from eldritch evil priests, eldritch chthonic demons, eldritch undead, eldritch pirates, eldritch highwaymen, eldritch encyclopedia salesmen of darkness. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • It was arrogant pretension of the ancient Greeks to imagine that barbarians were slaves by nature.
  • Contrariwise, people who defended the British treatment of the Boers justified it on the grounds that the Boers were a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians who would quickly re-enslave the Africans if they got the chance (which, in fact, happened). Matthew Yglesias » Israel Deserves Better Defenders Than Andrew Roberts
  • For the next five millennia McNeill observes a sharp spatial distinction between barbarians and civilized communities.
  • We lost several thousand to barbarian attacks.
  • He explains that, as the screws were tightened upon them, the mass of the population had little or no incentive to resist the barbarian invasions that came with increasing force.
  • Cæsar, Agatius, and others say, that of all the barbarians the Gauls were the most polished. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • a Power it could not see or comprehend was gradually debased into what is now known as Brahminism, and the most repugnant, revolting, cruel, obscene and vicious rites ever practiced by savages or barbarians. Modern India
  • With the decline of the Roman empire, barbarian attacks impoverished and depopulated the frontier provinces, and laid a burden of defense on the empire which overstrained the administrative machinery and its economic resources.
  • This period of barbarian rule is poorly represented in the archaeological record.
  • Las Casas, however, turned the term barbarian against the civilizers. Bloodlust
  • Because we were suppose to be barbarians running wild in the wilderness?
  • Without them society would be swamped by new barbarians, both from inside and outside the civilization.
  • The Barbarians dashed into it in order to overtake the velites; quite at the bottom other Carthaginians were running tumultuously amid galloping oxen. Salammbo
  • Democratic processes can do nothing to assuage the homicidal needs of barbarian madmen.
  • Stade: old travellers attribute the cannibalism of the Brazilian races to “gulosity” rather than superstition; moreover, these barbarians had certain abominable practices, supposed to be known only to the most advanced races. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • What distinguishes civilized man from a barbarian must be acquired by every individual anew.
  • War is the business of barbarians

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