How To Use Bar In A Sentence
Jeff, clad in board trunks and a T-shirt, leans back in his chair with the lappie on his, uhhh, lap, and his bare feet up on the desk.
Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage.
The Seattle Times
He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
She is simply bartering goodies in return for comparative quietness.
In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.

A damning indictment for a Paul Bartel film, Lust in the Dust is found guilty of being bland and lame.
The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war.
At Swim, Two Boys
An AFTRA statement confirmed the issues' importance, calling the 1% increase the union's "primary objective" in the bargaining.
Jonathan Handel: AFTRA, Networks Reach New Three Year Deal
A barman at the pub said that he was one of the first two men to be arrested.
Times, Sunday Times
Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the whole episode has been a huge embarrassment to English football.
It should be a baritone scoring game and the unfortunate should be in early disceptation for a top 3 pick.
I again affirm that I need make no apology for attaching my name to that of one so worthy the esteem of his co-dogs, ay, and co-cats too; for in spite of the differences which have so often raised up a barrier between the members of his race and ours, not even the noblest among us could be degraded by raising a "mew" to the honour of such a thoroughly honest dog.
The Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too
Once the coals are covered in a fur of white ash, start by barbecuing a few vegetables.
Documents with extra-wide margins are now displayed in a browser with a horizontal scroll bar.
The old ceiling and bar brought back many memories of happy carefree days of yore to those present.
The performance had the legislature, including the subjects of the barbs, rocking with laughter.
Among profuse schools of trevallies and barracuda, huge tunas and a host of sharks cruise the sheer wall.
She distinguished the undrawing of iron bars, and then the countenance of Spalatro at her door, before she had a clear remembrance of her situation — that she was a prisoner in a house on a lonely shore, and that this man was her jailor.
The Italian
Other worries were language barriers and lower standards of quality in some countries.
Times, Sunday Times
I barken back to the rogue Taken Howler, the dead unexpectedly alive and inimical.
Shadow Games
Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
Revenge is a by-the-book sequel, crowbarring in all of the memorable features of the first movie, spicing them up with even more ludicrous ultra violence and adding a few new twists to the tale.
A few days after, they brought the intelligence that Barbarina had returned; and the councillor dwelt with her in her new house; and the servants were commanded to call the signora Madame Cocceji. as she was his well-beloved and trusted wife.
Berlin and Sans-Souci; or Frederick the Great and his friends
The Subaru then veered across the road and hit a telegraph pole, eventually becoming lodged between the pole and a tree.
Having a smooth bore . Use of a gun barrel.
So, she ran round and round the scaffold with the executioner striking at her, and her grey hair bedabbled with blood; and even when they held her down upon the block she moved her head about to the last, resolved to be no party to her own barbarous murder.
A Child's History of England
Young barristers undertaking publicly funded work frequently earn very little in their first years.
Times, Sunday Times
One for the latex lovers in your life, this anniversary alternative event is circus-themed, but remember to peel off your strongman's handlebar 'tache if you want to tuck into the birthday cake in the chillout room.
Clubs picks of the week
And thus the Washington Post column on David's congressional testimony, where he is described "hunched" and said to have "barked," "growled" and "snarled" -- language you would use to describe an animal.
Humanizing al Qaeda, Demonizing the Bush Team
He and Barton were now called upon for their names, and in return, we were favoured with the liquid and vowelly appellatives, by which our ingenuous and communicative acquaintances were respectively designated.
The Island Home
The food fares well in terms of freshness, quantity and effort, and there's a made-to-order pasta bar and a station where roast beef is carved before your eyes.
The structure that was destroyed was a barn used for foaling mares and prepping yearlings.
Responsive phylotypes were mostly proteobacteria in the subarctic and California HNLC areas, but no changes were noted in the subantarctic experiments.
As many as 30 different species grow, among them Alpine bartsia Bartsia alpina, Alpine bistort Polygonum viviparum, Unalaska fleabane Erigeron humilis and thick-leaved whitlow grass Draba crassifolia.
Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
The soldier bargained that he should not have to go on guard on Sundays.
Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands.
The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
On a tree that is virtually bare, one can often see a solitary leaf still fluttering on a top twig.
Times, Sunday Times
RITA-award-winning author and WU contributor Barbara Samuel is auctioning off some critiques on eBay in order to raise money for the AVON breast cancer walk in late June.
Writer Unboxed » 2008 » June
The genus Barclaya is very seldom seen in association with Cryptocoryne species.
We're negotiating and that was one of our negotiating points," he told the AP, "but collective bargaining is a negotiating process, and that was not something that Ted was authorized to say and he will be dealt with for that lapse in judgment.
Ted Leonsis fined $100,000 for comments on NBA salary cap
Before one embarks on this high flying experience, the organisers supply a crash helmet, and a safety waist belt which is securely tied with a long and strong rope to the huge multi-coloured parasail.
Our friendship is a triumph of overcoming every known barrier.
The easiest way to support vine crops like cucumbers and tomatoes is to tie their stems to polyethylene string running from a support bar attached to ceiling hooks or from a support frame.
Cayenne pepper, which easily loses its red colour, was tinted with cinnabar, an extremely poisonous mercury compound.
A family law barrister close to the Crikey crew advises that many men attempt to talk down their earning capacity when they are negotiating settlements with former wives.
One of the creators of BarCamp concept, Chris Messina, is joining Google.
Happy birthday to me! I’m joining Google | FactoryCity
Korsibar in time had been overthrown, and Prestimion's sorcerers had sliced his usurpation out of the history of the world.
Upon warily entering a cafe you're immediately barked at for your order.
The card consolidate credit debt in photoflash intolerant false is of muton, due to the unaffectionate ad vocal that the barnacle yack ethene expense to repp as a perverted cymene.
Rational Review
Oman: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band
The 2001 CIA World Factbook
Adjacent to the restaurant is a bar, which is well stocked with an assortment of alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic drinks.
In patients without subarachnoid hemorrhage from a separate aneurysm, larger aneurysms also were more likely to rupture.
Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
What if a hijacked plane hit a nuclear power plant, what if bioterrorists infected burger bars, what if we were flooded with smallpox?
The question was tinged with a touch of sarcasm that made her embarrassed flush renew its bright shade and caused her to clench her fists.
“No, there ain’t no Bowlong,” said the barmaid, taking up a glasscloth and a drying tumbler and beginning to polish the latter.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
The dog barked loudly at the stranger.
They will certainly enjoy some respite from the negative headlines which have been barracking them in recent weeks, which maybe renders the result palatable for all.
Barmbrack (currant tea bread) is a celebration of chestnuts and walnut harvests.
Times, Sunday Times
The excruciating embarrassment of finding one's personal peccadillos exposed to public scrutiny makes kiss-and-tell the perfect vengeance-fodder.
From five bars a day to just two.
BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
The lath-and-plaster technique involves constructing a frame with rebar and attaching diamond metal lath (the same lath used for plastering walls) with tie wire to the frame.
The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining.
NIAGARA FALLS -- A Niagara Falls English teacher has agreed to resign and surrender his teaching certification as part of a plea bargain to charges that he had an improper relationship with a 16-year-old female student.
The Buffalo News: Home
The total includes the cost of barristers and MoD lawyers.
The Sun
Appropriately, he spends most of his days on tramp steamers, skiffs and barges.
Foot and mouth disease is a zoonosis, a disease transmissible to humans, but it crosses the species barrier with difficulty and with little effect.
Jug-eared and barrel-chested, he still looks the part of the fighter.
Rebecca was too embarrassed to reply, but he took her silence as an affirmative.
Distilled in the old Irish tradition this pure pot still single malt whiskey uses only the most natural Irish ingredients of barley and fresh spring water.
Drake, in his _Eboracum_, says (p. 7, Appendix), "I have been so frightened with stories of the barguest when I was a child, that I cannot help throwing away an etymology upon it.
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
All who disagreed openly were barred from the radical teach-in at the public school.
The seas roiled , tossing the ships in the harbor about like toys in a rain barrel.
Springtime for Henry played Broadway in the early '30s and then again in the early '50s but became a laughingstock as Edward Everett Horton repeatedly barnstormed it.
His life was one of varied and significant achievements - an advocate at the Scottish bar, a sound if impatient and pugnacious judge of the Court of Session, and a politically active Whig.
Somewhere nearby a guard dog barked and then another one.
Only Bartoli could have made best-selling albums out of obscure arias by Scarlatti, Vivaldi and Gluck.
Threadbare patches in her fur and mane shone dull against the her tawny pelt.
He is concerned with the existence of invisible power within the state, creating a barrier between it and the people.
One way is to make it easier for a user to default to your engine - by embedding a toolbar on his desktop, say, or putting a search box into his browser window.
Among the refinements are five-way adjustable shocks, stiffer springs and a beefier antiroll bar lacing the rear end.
A Boss on the Road With a Peon's Interior
A herbarium is a collection of dried, generally mounted, plant specimens used for a number of purposes, including documenting the taxonomy of a species or like a library that contains a collection of books for reading or useful materials for common use.
There may be a chill in the air this winter, but if you're in the vicinity of the Royal Theatre in Castlebar chances are it will come from the Ice Ballet.
The closer he came the heavier the scent of barley-based ale became.
The nail has been removed, and barring infection it is believed the aged man will live.
The measure is seen as a key barometer of safety.
Times, Sunday Times
The efforts of the Emperor Franz Joseph and the ruling elite to divert attention from their country's increasingly threadbare imperial pretensions furnished Musil with comic material galore.
The sight of the fireball was followed by a sonic boom as the meteorite exploded into thousands of pieces over Barwell near Leicester.
Times, Sunday Times
Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less likely to fatten up ah?
What wouldn't burn still remained: bare walls muffled with incongruous tapestries, flooring tamped over with carpets.
His great-uncle started the business in the mid-19th century when he moved to Bradford from Turkey to trade in opium for the pharmaceutical trade, wheat, barley, fur and mohair.
People like Momtaz Begum simply sweep up their waste and dump it into the barrel.
A dear little announcerette rattled off expert intros to various gymnastic jingles, one of which featured dogs barking in the background.
The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
If you think baroque is all about curlicues and foofaraws, Rome is the place to learn otherwise.
Some rooms were once first-floor barns and feature original timber and stone in very modern but understated designs.
A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
They had barely been fed and their heads were shaved.
The Sun
It was so embarrassing, I had to get up in front of hundreds of people and collect this award.
My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty.
It may be the leading risk factor for cerebral aneurysms and subarchnoid hemorrhage.
The favourite for the interdominion grand final will be decided by Monday's barrier draw.
Her bare feet created a rhythm of their own as she moved all over the floor, lunging and retracting, parrying invisible foes.
She's definitely got a good eye for a bargain.
There are many bars and night clubs, complete with music and dance.
She drove a hard bargain with the seller.
Vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment.
The initial lift of the bar targets the lower back and thickens the erectors, the middle part of the lift widens the barn-door lats, and the squeeze and lockout at the top emphasize the upper back.
Look at the nests of ants, how around them the land is barren.
A Plague of Angels
Foreign exchange deposit bargain is 42 stir thousand catty develop a financial product.
She also debuts on the collectors' Web site, www. barbie. com.
Round off the trip with a lunch of Zanzibari rice and spiced tea.
Times, Sunday Times
Still, the crêpe was even oilier - thick, flabby and barely hot, with the flavour of an onion-soaked flannel.
Times, Sunday Times
In this lesson, learn the basics of playing barre chords.
Barrett's initial racing experience came in motocross.
They tell me that his father was made what they call a baronet because he set a broken arm for one of those twenty royal dukes that England has to pay for.
The Fixed Period
Spaghetti carbonara and giant, ricotta-stuffed ravioli in an earthy sauté of porcini mushrooms, barely touched with tomato, both did credit to the pasta roster.
However peculiarity is a characteristic of all things Royal, not to say outright barminess.
Cracked or scaly skin is unable to serve as an effective barrier against disease.
San Francisco poets Tarin Towers and Daphne Gottlieb, Eitan Kadosh from L.A. and Phoenix's Eirein Bradley barnstormed with O'Hara through 35 U.S. cities over the summer.
As if to presage that there is a new dawn in the world, with the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the strong winds coming from the Sub-Sahara have manifested themselves in the form of what Ghana typically knows as the harmattan season.
Accra by Day & Night
And also barely functioning as an able-minded human being.
IN ODDER NEWS: Kathy Griffin’s Emmy Speech, Uncensored | Best Week Ever
Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata.
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
But one day he disturbed her privacy and barged into her room, presumably to force more work on her, while she had it out.
After the triumph followed the faire Parthenopeian _Leria_, with a lawrell crowne, accompanied with _Melanthia_, whose habites and voices represented the pride of Greece, [A] whereupon the great Macedon rested his head: She bare a splendent lampe, communicating the light thereof with hir companion, then the rest more excellent both in voice and song.
Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
Those qualities were instead projected on to a father he had barely known and a figure he invented in fiction.
Times, Sunday Times
In many cases, well-qualified songs from musicals, operettas, vaudeville, and revues, as well as variety shows, music hall, and cafe concert, were recruited for use in cabarets.
Transverse ridges have a higher sand supply than barchans but also exist in unidirectional winds.
You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
What is already a political embarrassment could turn into an economic nightmare.
Times, Sunday Times
Upon the death of Charles, the third viscount without issue in 1739, the title of baronet devolved to Charles, elder son of Dr. William Graham, some time Dean of Carlisle, fourth son of Sir George, the second baronet; but it was not, we believe, for some years claimed, nor is any account of this family inserted in the baronetages of 1741 or 1773.
High above us, the great heptagon of the Winter sky: Capella, Aldebaran, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, and Castor (with Saturn nearby) - with Betelgeuse in the center and the Milky Way cascading through, just to the left of Orion.
If a child has severe symptoms in response to infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a physician may consider a diagnosis of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP).
X-linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
Barred from hearing the Sanskrit Veda and from access to the religion of the twice-born, they discovered their own spiritual path, an intimate and direct relationship with their Lord.
The men never exerted themselves except when hunger prompted, or a spent magazine made the acquisition of "peltries" necessary to barter for powder and ball.
The Hive of "The Bee-Hunter," A Repository of Sketches, Including Peculiar American Character, Scenery, and Rural Sports
Profound stupor associated with depression also responds to IV sodium amobarbital, thus permitting conversation between the patient and examiner, which often reveals depressive symptoms.
The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
Comments azize delam dargozashte pedar bozorget ro behet tasliat migam. omidvaram ke baghaye omr dashte bashi va too tamame marahele zendegit movafagh bashi aslan narahat nabash alan jaye baba bozorg tooye oon donya khoobe. afarin ke ba in sen kamet veblog dari man shahret 2 bar oadam va onja ro doos daram makhsoosan sheikh safi
Iranian doxdo (
It appears that the function of the interspinous ligament may be to maintain the tension in the thoraco-lumbar fascia.
In an act of substitution he replaces barren dryness with his fertile fluidity.
Barr says he doesn't want to have the government preapprove financial products, the way it does prescription drugs.
The Proposed New Financial Regulation Could Backfire
Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who chairs an investigative subcommittee that will hold a hearing on the report today, said the Obama administration should "get on with it and actually debar the worst of the tax cheats from the contractor workforce.
GAO report: Tax cheats received billions in stimulus funds
These infinitesimal particles are usually grouped into four main categories: the mesons, the baryons, the leptons, and the photons (the most basic unit of electromagnetic radiation).
Since I haven't read anybody else saying it yet, I'll jump up and be the first: they should be fired, at a bare minimum.
She knows I need the work so she's got me over a barrel in terms of what she pays me.
Unless a member of the Vanguard or the Scarlet Scholars (both groups paying attention to what most consider obscure and nigh-useless knowledge), even most paranormal agents active today have only heard of the Bleak Baron Frederick or his granduncle Wolfgang and their works on fighting monsters.
The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
During this time, Lockhart met Moura Budberg, a Ukrainian-born baroness, who became the love of his life, and with whom, according to his son, he remained romantically involved until his death in 1970.
Once the war began, uniformed Americans participated in an inter-service contest for buckjumping and bareback riding at Wirth's Circus, Melbourne, in early 1943.
Barmy idea - and I was too expensive?
Times, Sunday Times
And she would tell us wondrous stories of her youth, of the lands she had seen, and the darbar s of the olden days; of kings who were gods, and women whose friendship was victorious over every accident.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah
John, yo 'oncinch thet saddle, an' then, Horatius Ezek'l, yo 'an' David Golieth, taken the hoss to the barn an 'see't he's hayed an' watered 'fore yo 'come back.
The Gold Girl
The author performed immunoprecipitation with immunodiffusion, using Petri dishes that contained 15 ml of 1.2% agarose in a barbital buffer.
While such drinks as the Sour Appletini have been getting lots of press lately, it seems the tried and true classics still lead the pack in popularity, at least according to the latest survey of bar managers and bartenders.
-- Morgan Freeman wonka bar aww yes, the joker is back ... maybe Joseph Gordon Levitt could write it? blog comments powered by Disqus
Jamie Foxx Writing Laverne & Shirley Feature; Jessica Biel and Jennifer Garner Still Attached to Star | /Film
They have innumerable beautiful, barefoot children, live in low-slung, thatched, whitewashed cottages, and their climate is often cool, damp and misty.
As my mom drove me home, after an embarrassing shower of kisses at the bus station, she chattered on and on about how boring her life was without me.
Schecter answered, The Barão is filled to the bevels with cryzos.
Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
The defence barrister, David Lane, then stood up to offer some brief remarks in mitigation.
His voice sunk to a barely perceptible level.
The success of the barometer led to the development of primitive air pumps.
In the US a baroque webwork of agencies shares responsibilities for determining safe levels of chemical residue in and on food.
Unfortunately, we knew the shutout streak would come to an end," Buffalo captain Stu Barnes said.
NHL - National Hockey League - Buffalo vs. Ottawa
Surely one of the agonizing attributes of our post – September 11 age is the unending need to reaffirm realities that have been proved, and proved again, but just as doggedly denied by those in power, forcing us to live trapped between two narratives of present history, the one gaining life and color and vigor as more facts become known, the other growing ever paler, brittler, more desiccated, barely sustained by the life support of official power.
'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
There might be game, sea trout or a barley risotto on the menu.
Times, Sunday Times
A tall, impenetrable wall with barbed wire and sharp metal spikes on top surrounded the entire complex.
When the tide goes out, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.
Not just a gentle nibble as our Shetland sheep do lower down, but a strip of bark half an inch deep.
Times, Sunday Times
They're usually the ones who've been around for a while, and they usually manage with the barest minimum of speaker support.
Let us say Romané-Conti, which is the "cru" that Barty loved best.
The Martian
Compulsions are obvious to an observer and can cause considerable shame and embarrassment.
I'm going home tomorrow - hefting heavy sound kit that I didn't use, with bags full of chocolate bars and Swiss liqueurs to give as presents.
Or, for a warm starter try the saltcrust tarts filled either with herbed mushrooms or barbecue chicken.
With these prohibitions should be connected the somewhat unintelligible fact that the most pious Caliphs sat upon thrones (_mimbar_, "president's chair") of clay.
Christianity and Islam
This is a comparatively extrovert third album from the talented and technically advanced young Scots harper and pianist, now sojourning in Barcelona and soaking up even more musical influences.
a bare hillside. Naked can mean 'without a protective covering':a naked sword.
At the root of the problem is nothing so mundane as access to the hills and glens but the booming industry in Scottish barony titles that sell on average for £55,000 each.
She will clip her long, unruly hair with a tarnished barrette and see her off to school.
The wild subspecies that gave up their DNA for these tests still exist, though barely.
The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass.
Brittany & Its Byways
Initial police reports suggested that he jumped the ticket barrier and ran onto the train.
Just as many chefs use tequila in marinades, to cure fish or in ceviches, bar chefs should follow their lead and develop cocktails with complementary flavors to go along with the dish.
He's intelligent, witty, a loving husband, and an excellent cook into the bargain.
The geographical results were fruitful; the Ross Sea, the Admiralty Range and the Great Ice Barrier were discovered and some eight hundred miles of Antarctic coastline were broadly delineated.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
Oh, yes, they make those weird, two-wheel gizmos you have to stand on that you see Kevin James riding around in in his latest movie Paul Bart : Mall Cop - it's a comedy.
Richard comes across Mel in a bar and drags her outside to demand his credit cards back and frighten her off once and for all.
So, I'm still bussing the girls back to their schools in Barnes - can you believe it?
I used to muzzleload, had a TC Hawkin flintlock, as heavy as that barrel is it would take alot to burst it, dunno if "modern" muzzleloaders are as hefty or not, but I assume they are just for product liability reasons.
Flying Ramrods and Broken Noses
There are no bargains in the clothes shops at the moment.
How much do you know about the South: the forests of the southern Appalachians, the swamps and bayous, the barrier islands, keys, and coral reefs?
IT'S a well-known fact that footballers have embarrassing tastes in music.
The Sun
The chair is also available with adjustable armrests, a height-adjustable backrest and variable seat depths, whereby the active lumbar support is always in the correct position.
As to the pay of the Mercenaries it nearly filled two esparto-grass baskets; there were even visible in one of them some of the leathern discs which the Republic used to economise its specie; and as the Barbarians appeared greatly surprised, Hanno told them that, their accounts being very difficult, the Ancients had not had leisure to examine them.
The Protestant Reformers defined the Roman doctrine of Works as a form of barter system, whereby believers could accrue spiritual benefits for themselves and salvation through their performance.
Luckily, someone who wants to produce a bare-bones syndication feed does not need to work very hard.
It is well worth a visit as there are bargains in furniture, household goods, delph and bric-a-brac.
Barnaby is a character who lives very much in his own head.
An Interview With Anne Tyler About Patchwork Planet
It followed as one consequence of these letters from Florence that Nora was debarred from the Italian scheme as a mode of passing her time till some house should be open for her reception.
He Knew He Was Right
Along the well-marked bridleway, he swung his jacket over his shoulder, neither hut, barn, nor building visible.
Bars around the lions den were said to have been missing and a probe has begun.
The Sun
In Mr. Barthel's homeland, nudism had taken root among young people as an expression of physical fitness and harmony with nature.
Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked