
How To Use Baptism In A Sentence

  • My daughter fixed the ceremony with the Vicar some weeks ago and we have arranged a baptismal party. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.
  • Further, with this requirement Japanese Baptists had to loosen the requirement of believer's baptism by immersion and tolerate various other baptismal traditions.
  • The development of a ball made out of celluloid was a breakthrough, and led to the onomatopoeic baptism of the game. Play Ball!
  • The Church wishes to be certain that all its children are baptized; so when there is any doubt about the first Baptism, it baptizes again conditionally, that is, the priest says in giving the Baptism over again: If you are not baptized already, I baptize you now. Baltimore Catechism No. 4 (of 4) An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine
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  • From whichsoever of these motives it might be, true it is, that many of them came over to our religion, and were initiated into it by baptism.
  • They wouldn't mind doing sick calls and being with the dying or even doing some marriage preparation, some weddings, some baptisms.
  • Corvey, preached the gospel in Jutland (Jylland) and the Danish isles, and soon won the confidence of the young ruler, although he did not succeed in persuading him to receive baptism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Griots entertain at ceremonies such as baptisms and marriages.
  • Its second task, in short, is to make activists of baptismal initiates.
  • A young woman was accepted as being in a stage of preparation for receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
  • The bishop, as spiritual elder, officiates at baptisms, weddings, communions, funerals, ordinations, and membership meetings.
  • We may note on the other hand that a rubric in the official "Rituale Romanum" enjoins that the priest ought to see that unbecoming or ridiculous names of deities or of godless pagans are not given in baptism (curet ne obscoena, fabulosa aut ridicula vel inanium deorum vel impiorum ethnicorum hominum nomina imponantur). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Baptism implies full membership of the Church and must never be separated from that understanding.
  • It is said to depict a chrisom child, i.e., a chrisom is a child's white robe worn at baptism, used as a shroud if the infant dies within a month.
  • After the baptismal ceremony, the parents, godparents, child, and guests returned to a family home for a celebratory meal.
  • The baptism is being conducted by an adult, a robed figure with a halo and a maniple, presumably John the Baptist.
  • Again royalty gathered in grandeur, with trumpets blaring, to witness the baptism of Henry's daughter, Elizabeth.
  • He sang in choirs, played at balls and weddings and baptisms, made "arrangements" for anybody who would employ him, and in short drudged very much as Wagner did at the outset of his tempestuous career. Joseph Haydn
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • In our baptisms, we put on Christ and Christ lives in us.
  • Pacino is led into it for his baptism, and the dunking is a violent spasm, as if the attendants want to drown him instead. 'Merchant of Venice': Al Pacino's Shylock is a moving take on an immovable man
  • Every instance of so-called household baptism has a phrase magnifying the idea of personal, conscious faith in the person baptized. Once a Methodist; Now a Baptist. Why?
  • When I first learned of that correlation in college, I at once associated the idea of theophany with that of vocation and that of baptism with both. Theophany and vocation
  • Innocent's interdict forbade all ceremonies save baptism of infants and confessions for the dying: it operated from 1208 and John was excommunicated in 1209.
  • We remember that John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance for the remission of sin.
  • This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
  • At the baptism, the Christian godparent would answer the questions that imply Christian belief.
  • The baptism begins at the narthex of the church, where the godparents speak for the child, renouncing Satan, blowing three times in the air, and spitting three times on the floor.
  • This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
  • Baptisms are performed out of a horse trough, and ‘Happy Trails To You ‘constitutes the sung benediction.’
  • It was within the community of the parish that ordinary people received Christian teaching and the sacraments of the church; baptism, confirmation, marriage, and burial.
  • In the synods held under St. Cyprian, to deal with the lapsed, and in the synod of 256, which considered the question of re-baptism, there were present not only the bishops, but many priests and deacons, and even a very large representation of the laity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • She entered the novitiate soon after her baptism and pronounced her final vows on September 19, 1699.
  • I hope thou hast also undergone that true baphometic fire-baptism, whereof the worthy Diogenes Teufelsdröckh hath discoursed so appetizingly, causing us to long after it, none the less that he hath scrupulously refrained from expounding whatever it is. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • The text of the Mass itself is not changed; the same collect and the same Easter Hanc igitur are still said, although the baptismal rituals to which they refer are suppressed. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings
  • If it weren't for paedobaptism, I could put up with Presbyterian ecclesiology--but my eyeballs still pop when someone starts talkin' 'bout sprinkin'. The grace of forgetfulness - BatesLine
  • For a first Mass it had certainly been a tough baptism.
  • Placed against the church's altar below the triptych with its fixed panels of the baptism, Lord's supper, and confession, the predella participates in the change from altar to table and shared meal of minister and people.
  • Yes Fr Guy's leaving his up until the Baptism of Our Lord..ours are half up..half down! Epiphany...
  • For those of us who fulfill our baptismal call to follow Jesus in and through the sacrament of matrimony, kenosis is the call to a self-emptying or dying to our needs, hopes, and expectations.
  • Finally, one must ask what specific ideas about God and man were accepted by Augustine in consequence of his baptism and confession of faith.
  • By baptism we be regenerate, and when we shall have passed the time of this exile, he shall clothe us of double vesture, that is to wit of body and soul in glory. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • The original baptismal basin was incorporated into the installation and water flows continually among the pieces of the new baptistery.
  • Within 18 months, he had fallen in love with a pretty, quick-witted copygirl, Barbara Stone, and after a terrifying, if occasionally thrilling, baptism of snootiness by her family — New Year’s at Arturo Toscanini’s house, a frightening experience with a finger bowl — he married her. The Gelb Family
  • So Christ proposes baptism, as the token of that lustration, which is to purify such as become citizens in the kingdom of heaven. Christian Nurture.
  • Although the ritual is a bit more extensive, those are the most necessary words to be used (especially in cases of emergency baptisms). Leavetaking of the Feast of the Theophany
  • The pope continued: It can be seen that the Christian, even before acting, already has a rich and fecund interiority bestowed by the sacraments of baptism and confirmation, interiority established in an objective and unique relationship of sonhood with God. General Audience: Spirit pushes Christians towards love, communion and hope
  • Ladies at the baptism watch the festivities from the sidelines. Ladies at the baptism watch the festivities from the sidelines.© Norma Hawthorne 2008
  • The rite of baptism is the sacramental entry into Christian life, and communion is a memorial of Christ's death and resurrection.
  • And just after Pastor Hanna's sermon a member of the congregation presented herself for a believer's baptism by full immersion.
  • Non-violent action was called a baptismal service. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2008
  • But shortly after the baptism she felt she was living a lie.
  • James Conor Coleman, Cross, Edmondstown recently celebrated the sacrament of Baptism in Monasteraden.
  • When they are related by blood their relationship is called consanguinity; when they are related by marriage it is called affinity; when they are related by being god-parents in Baptism or Confirmation, it is called spiritual affinity; when they are related by adoption, it is called legal affinity. Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4)
  • Baptism is full immersion, and confession involves physical contact in the laying on of the hand.
  • Wheeler Robinson did more than anyone else in twentieth-century Britain to help Baptists rediscover the sacramental understanding of baptism, and the key to his sacramentalism is the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
  • In the Baptism liturgy, there is clear involvement of the whole congregation as a baptizing community.
  • Apparently, the creepy entourage accompanying the star were not his flunkies but church elders ready to perform an instant baptism there and then.
  • Mark, Gospel of apocalyptic language inapostles inbaptism of Jesus inbrothers and sisters of Jesus incarpenter story inillegitimacy implied inJesus and money-changers inJohn the Baptizer inJudaism of Jesus inlast supper inpreaching campaign of Jesus inRoman soldiers inSidon trip insightings of Jesus added toSon of Man revelation intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus inMark Antony The Jesus Dynasty
  • The oratories tended to have permanent officers under the direction of the rector of the local baptismal church.
  • We then proceeded to learn chant for the reformed Roman rite and in the evening, we gathered for first Vespers of the Baptism of the Lord, using the new antiphons from the Solesmes antiphonal and the responsory, 'Hodie in Iordane'. Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge's Winter Weekend
  • All churches have structures of ministry that they identify, in various ways, as arising from baptism and conferred through ordination and other forms of blessing and appointment.
  • As one pundit told me, marble follows the locals from the baptismal font to the tombstone.
  • And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized: but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. Mark 10.
  • i only got, baptismal certificate, birthcertificate, Transcript of record at cedulla and also school ID. is that enough po bah? salamat po. additional question po pala, ilang days po bah ang e allow ng bureau of immigration in taking vacation inside asia? from philippines po ako and im planning to visit my girlfriend in malaysia. kaya po bang 1month? ma'am/Sir Intiendes
  • For the inexperienced in the team, the campaign has been a baptism of fire.
  • Chinese baptismal class begins on April. Please contact Pastor Shu for details.
  • Other attractions around the town will include a display at Keighley Shared Church of the town's original register of weddings, baptisms and funerals, and a letter from John Wesley.
  • When a child is ready for baptism, the parents first select the godparents.
  • Pastors weary of authoritative pronouncements by liturgiologists will be grateful for his pastoral experience and firsthand knowledge of the knotty problems involved in an awkward request for baptism.
  • Carl Erikson has a series of photos that portrays a number of baptisteries used for adult baptism.
  • Preachers may choose to continue the Lenten theme of baptism by examining the Epistle reading.
  • After the baptism of fire that was the Border, Christy found the pace of policing in Westport a little more sedate.
  • Forty days: time for catechumens to prepare for baptism.
  • The nature of each is spelled out in baptism and ordination.
  • His churches celebrate seven sacraments: baptism, chrismation (confirmation), Holy Communion, marriage, holy orders, reconciliation and anointing of the sick. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Placed against the church's altar below the triptych with its fixed panels of the baptism, Lord's supper, and confession, the predella participates in the change from altar to table and shared meal of minister and people.
  • It has been a tough baptism in the top flight for the majority of the squad. The Sun
  • He presents the documents of his baptism, confirmation and four minor orders and his dimissory letters from the prelate of his native country.
  • While this nuptial dimension belongs to the entire Church by reason of our baptism, the cloistered nun is consecrated to be an icon of this reality.
  • A revival of cultural traditions includes Christian holidays, days of remembrance, and church weddings, baptisms, and funerals.
  • I have shaped the structure of these reflections in accord with the creedal affirmation and the five promises made by those who wish to renew their commitment to Christ in the baptismal covenant.
  • Yet, in so far as it constituted his baptism as a politician, it is crucial to an understanding of his political career.
  • The ceremony of baptism celebrates an individual's entrance into Christianity.
  • A five-tonne font (a stone bowl in a church that holds water for baptism) in granite that was used by the prior is also on display.
  • By reason of its transparency, it is susceptive of light; hence its adaptability to Baptism as the "sacrament of Faith. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • As expressed in the baptismal theology of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, the mission of the Church is given in its life as the body of Christ.
  • Funerals vie with baptisms, as though two sides of the same rite.
  • baptism” here in its authorized acceptation, which is the immersion of the body of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by a properly authorized administrator of the ordinance. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline the Martyr Missionary
  • Cappadocian, Jewish, Persian and even Christian influences modified the old rites of Pessinus and filled them with ideas of spiritual purification and {198} eternal redemption by the bloody baptism of the taurobolium. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • Constantinople's patronage of the metropolitanate of Kiev for example for the first 500 years of its existence was based on the fact that Grand Duke Vladimir specifically requested baptism for his people by Byzantine bishops and clergy. Orrologion
  • John's baptismal water may put out some of the fires we have kindled ourselves.
  • Christian baptismal formulation, preserved in Paul's epistle to the Galatians, is a radical declaration. Who Do Men Say That I Am?
  • Thus baptism became one of the seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic church.
  • That was my baptism into weather wisdom.
  • I fancy, that, when he sat at the laird's table, (Sir Walter's,) and called the laird's lady by her baptismal name, and -- not abashed in any presence -- uttered his Gaelic gibes for the wonderment of London guests, -- that he thought far more of himself than the world has ever been inclined to think of him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • The communal nature of this endeavor is based in baptism, because all who are baptized belong to Christ and are committed to follow him as disciples.
  • Fountains leap up into the light, the spray struck through with rainbows falling in crystalline baptism upon flowering shrubs -- then rolling down through channels of marble, and widening out here and there into pools swirling with the finny tribes of foreign aquariums, bordered with scarlet anemones, hypericums, and many-colored ranunculi. New Tabernacle Sermons
  • It has an effective outreach to adults, and you see many more adult baptisms there than you're likely to find in any Lutheran church in the States or Europe.
  • The video also shows McCovery, eyes tightly closed, singing hymns in church or dripping wet after her baptism last August.
  • Every day we live in the power of our baptism and in its dying-and-rising rhythm by confessing our sins and hearing the words of forgiveness.
  • Ministry does not begin at ordination, but at baptism.
  • After the fight baptism, Luke already became an outstanding freedom fighter.
  • In the south wall there is a beautiful piscina, and in the north wall an ambry with a small stone penthouse; an octagonal baptismal font of remarkable design stands against the east wall of the aisle. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • She was also known to mock the holy sacrament of baptism by sprinkling water on her mother's head and reciting the appropriate words.
  • So, baptism establishes the lay status of a believer by ordaining that person into the lay order.
  • One witnesses the fasting and the solemn rite of baptism, preferably, by immersion in flowing water.
  • After the baptism a piece of white linen cloth was placed on the head of the child, and remained there until the mother had been "churched" or purified; it was called the "chrisom cloth" and, if the infant died within a month, was used as a shroud. Excerpt: Shakespeare by Peter Ackroyd
  • If the sincere reception of the sacraments actually secures pardon or justification _per se, immediately_, without the intervening instrumentality of a living faith, then faith is not the only condition of justification as the scriptures teach, but we are justified either by faith, or by the sacraments, and then there will be _three conditions of justification_, faith, baptism, and the Lord's Supper! American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • There are three very old images, one at the front, and two on the side; the baptismal fount is surrounded by turned wood, and the choral section has a 20th Century organ. The Meseta Purepecha
  • He did not approve of rebaptism, for he insisted that the all-important matter was not how or when water was applied, {81} but the reception of _Christ's real baptism_, an inner baptism, a baptism of spirit and power, by which the believing soul, the inner man, is clarified, strengthened, and made pure. [ Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real baptism of fire.
  • If the child died within a month of baptism, the chrisom-cloth was used as a burial shroud.
  • Such were, apparently, the synods held in Asia Minor at Iconium and Synnada in the third century, concerning the re-baptism of heretics; such were, certainly, the councils held later in the northern part of Latin The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Elijah was a man of great austerity and mortification, zealous for God, bold in reproving sin, and active to reduce an apostate people to God and their duty; John Baptist was animated by the same spirit and power, and preached repentance and reformation, as Elias had done; and all held him for a prophet, as they did Elijah in his day, and that his baptism was from heaven, and not of men. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • They exchanged the litany of technical gen and letters from home and awaited their baptism. Bomber
  • (A.D. 494) appointed the confession of faith to be made immediately before baptism, _though the renunciations were made some hours before_. The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • Another group named Keithians held many Baptist ideas including baptism by immersion but merged those ideas with some Quaker beliefs.
  • The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.
  • He had to be born of water - that is, new life after the burial of baptism - and of the Spirit.
  • Put on condole to take unlined upper garment and athletic pants to shop for instance, run ran, let ferial and very few bare and outer skin accepts the 30 sunshine that come 60 minutes " baptism " .
  • In the early church, baptism immediately made newcomers a part of the whole community.
  • I decided to baptize Deborah Jane first, in the hope that perhaps someone would take the noisy infant out once her baptism was completed. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Moreover, the language was changed in LBW from a benedictory bestowal formula to an epicletic prayer formula as in Baptism where the Spirit's gifts are also named: ‘the spirit of wisdom and understanding…’.
  • Baptism is both a confession of faith and the sign and seal of the covenant of grace into which the Lord has brought us.
  • A further reference to the baptisms done in the first part of the rite is found in the Canon of the Mass, in which the proper Hanc igitur of Easter is said. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings
  • All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild.
  • Among English-speakers, "godsibb" originally referred to those who had a spiritual kinship through baptism "god" as in godparent; "sibb" as in sibling. NYT > Home Page
  • It seems premature, because the paedobaptism is not matching up chronologically with the faith of the believer, and the two are meant to correspond. The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
  • The huipil was the one that she chose to wear in the longed—for ceremony of baptism. MALINCHE
  • Unlike Blessed Maria Gabriella dell'Unità who did this without leaving her cloister, Father Lev Gillet did it as an idiorhythmic monk by serving within Orthodoxy without ever leaving the Church of his baptism and priestly ordination. Roger of Taize
  • And so they proceding to degrade him of hys small orders of Benet and Collet, he sayd with a loud voyce, take from me not onely your owne orders, but also your owne baptisme, meaning thereby, whatsoeuer is besides that which Christ hymselfe instituted, whereof there is a great rablement in Baptisme. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • She was baptized as a Roman Catholic and even was an altar boy at the Parish of St. Mark's Church, a copy of the baptism certificate is enclosed.
  • Around 20 churches, including all the main Christian denominations, have agreed a standard baptism certificate.
  • People want priests to competently carry out funerals, weddings, baptisms.
  • I decided to baptize Deborah Jane first, in the hope that perhaps someone would take the noisy infant out once her baptism was completed. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of wis-dom, that handbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse, he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacra-ment of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of water. Finnegans Wake
  • One witnesses the fasting and the solemn rite of baptism, preferably, by immersion in flowing water.
  • most churches baptize infants but some insist on adult baptism
  • The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven.
  • Although the majority of them have converted to Christianity, there are still some "gentile" groups who have refused baptism. Ojo Del Lago - The Tarahumaras: And Endangered Species
  • According to legend, the act of riding the horses through the bonfires is meant to "purify" them, much like a traditional baptism. Saint Anthony's Day (PHOTOS): Baptism By Fire For Horses At Spanish Festival
  • The sacrament of Confirmation sometimes called chrismation is vital to the perfecting and strengthening of the Christian walk and has always been historically connected with Baptism. All Saints' episcopal visitation
  • From the moment of baptism or rebaptism, according to LDS belief, the sins of the past are literally washed away and can no longer be acknowledged. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • That thei also should haue in euery parisshe a faire sounde stone, made holowe and fitte to holde water: in the whiche the water consecrate for baptisme, may be kept for the christening of children. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Peter the Venerable pointed to the ancient tradition of baptizing infants when he ridiculed the Petrobrusian claim that only adult baptism was legitimate. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • The parish statistics show that 18 parishioners died during the year and there were 49 baptisms with the girls outnumbering the boys by almost 25 per cent.
  • Saxons were heathens at that time, or at least heretics, and made a positive point with her husband that the bondswoman and girl who were to attend on her person and that of her daughter, should be qualified for the office by being anew admitted into the Christian Church by baptism. Count Robert of Paris
  • That is the 'one baptism' mentioned in Eph. 4: 5 without which water baptism has no meaning. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The sacraments can communicate blessings apart from faith, and baptism appears to be a converting ordinance.
  • Have on hand the baptismal font, pitcher of water, the Advent wreath and matches.
  • Marriage and baptism set out a framework for the nourishing and fulfilment of family life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Second Helvetic Confession (1561/1566; ch. 20) specifically condemned the denial of paedobaptism. Heidelblog
  • Its baptismal font (in which many of my ancestors' noggins were wetted) now reposes in a side-chapel of the nearby Johanneskirche.
  • Allusion is here made to the rite of exsufflation which formed a part of the early baptismal service.
  • That nothing might be wanting to these outrages against nature, they were escribed as jests, and called "Noyades, water parties," and "civic baptisms"! A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Firste let him sorowe, not with a lighte forthinckinge, but with a moste earneste and bittre repentaunce in the botome of his conscience: for the puritie and innocencie that he had gotten eyther by baptisme or the benefite of former repentaunce, and nowe hathe eftsones loste, and forgone throughe sinne. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • baptism" here in its authorized acceptation, which is the immersion of the body of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by a properly authorized administrator of the ordinance. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk
  • This, called the praenomen, was conferred on the child when a babe with a ceremony not unlike that of our baptism. The Life of Cicero
  • In about 1426 Binchois joined the Burgundian court of Philip the Good, and one of his few datable works is the motet Nove cantum melodie for the baptism of the Burgundian Prince Anthoine in January 1431.
  • It enabled both an entry into the Christian faith and a healing of the spiritual wound of original sin, both actions being necessary for access to heaven. 3 However, the baptism of children effected major changes in baptismal practice and theology. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • And in the canons of 1603, after alluding to the foregoing constitution, and observing that it was too much neglected in many places, it is appointed “That there shall be a font of stone in every church and chapel where baptism is to be ministered; the same to be set in the _ancient usual places_.” The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • Mention is made of a fire both in the Ebionite Gospel and in another publication called Pauli praedicatio, the readers and users of which denied that the rite of baptism had been duly performed, unless quam mox in aquam descenderunt, statim super aquam ignis appareat. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • BCP were chiefly trying to counteract when they insisted that "Holy Baptism" was "FULL initiation" into Christ's Body and when the formula that they settled on to accompany the newly restored chrismation in baptism stressed emphatically that the Spirit was given in baptism and not just in some later confirmation rite. Stand Firm
  • A convert, whose baptism is considered valid, or who, at most, on his reception into the Church is rebaptized conditionally, is required to make a profession of faith, which contains an abjuration of heresy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • On the whole there is a sincerity and heartiness of interest in his long account of this sect, which persuades one that he was moved by a genuine sympathy with a religion that could enjoin the humane and peaceful and spiritual precepts of Christ, while putting away baptism, ceremonial communion, and hierophantic orders. Voltaire
  • Her first day in the job was a real baptism of fire because she had to deal with a very difficult case immediately.
  • Robinson tried to bring the baptism of the Spirit and water baptism together though he continued to speak of the external act as subordinate and secondary to the baptism of the Spirit.
  • Before the renewal of baptismal promises begins, the priest imposes incense in the thurible again, and incenses the Paschal candle. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.2 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the Font, Litany of the Saints, Mass and Vespers
  • Their worship is spontaneous, with emphasis on extempore prayer, believer's baptism, and the Lord's supper.
  • This step took them much farther than the repudiation of paedobaptism. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • A number of these revisions allow a presbyter to administer some rites of renewal, particularly the renewal of baptismal vows at the Easter Vigil.
  • Her ordination will allow her to officiate at weddings, baptisms, communions and funerals and is taking place on June 27 at 10 am.
  • Were they newly-discovered planets, nicknamed whilst awaiting baptism, or strange fossils, contemporaries of the Megatherium, or Magyar dissyllables from Dr Bowring's vocabulary? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
  • I was brought up in and around non-conformist places of worship like this, gaslit Evangelical mausolea in terraced city backstreets, bare-boarded Strict Baptism in hidden Chiltern villages. Sunday Talk
  • Sanctification and the baptism with the Spirit are therefore coetaneous -- they take place at the same time. The Heart-Cry of Jesus
  • They would also be able to dress without robes for weddings, funerals and baptisms if the family involved wanted a less formal service. Times, Sunday Times
  • They rejected the sacrament of baptism and denied the presence of Christ in the Eucharist - the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.
  • In today's baptismal service, all who are present are invited to participate in the creedal affirmation of faith.
  • We learn also from St. Siricius that, after annulling the Council of Rimini, Liberius issued a decree forbidding the re-baptism of those baptized by Arians, which was being practiced by the Luciferian schismatics. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • He also very frequently filled the post of head godfather in baptisms of the subtly - jovial kind.
  • Eunomian heresy; the African voyage was consecrated by the baptism and auspicious name of the first soldier who embarked; and the proselyte was adopted into the family of his spiritual parents, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He admitted a church outside his own sect and rejected the re-baptism of Catholics. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The entire sanctification of the heart and the Holy Ghost baptism are coetaneous experiences, and must not be divorced. The Theology of Holiness
  • It is not, however, only a matter of when the Spirit is invoked, but how the action of the Spirit is understood in baptism and in confirmation.
  • Therefore, Robinson's is an ethical sacramentalism, standing apart from other interpretations of the rite because it is ‘the only baptism which is strictly and primarily an ethical act on the part of the baptized.’
  • Private baptisms tended to make baptisms a biological family affair rather than a congregational act.
  • When water baptism precedes salvation it becomes a religious practice, a ritual without substance.
  • We were discussing the rite of Christian baptism.
  • Is it wise for the Church of England to offer a combined marriage and baptism service? Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, in so far as it constituted his baptism as a politician, it is crucial to an understanding of his political career.
  • Edith responded immediately by buying a missal and a catechism and preparing for baptism.
  • Given that the church was a state church, the view was that one could not make a purely religious act such as baptism a requirement for church membership.
  • Deora started writing a column in a Mumbai publication in preparation for his political baptism.
  • Matthew, Gospel of apostles inbaptism of Jesus inbirth story inbrothers and sisters of Jesus incoming of “Son of Man” inethical teachings of Jesus ingenealogy inHebrew version ofJohn the Baptizer inlast supper inSidon trip insightings of Jesus insocial status of Jesus intomb of Jesus intrial of Jesus ihnMatthew the Apostle The Jesus Dynasty
  • The court, they argued, should not allow the Scott team to use any information on Frank Curtis prior to his rebaptism. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • In a separate appendix on "Thonga" names, Junod used the cases of two of his male informants to illustrate men's acquisition of new first names not only at puberty but with Christian baptism and entry to a new occupation, whether traditional (e.g. divination) or in the service of whites. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Even in a ‘private’ baptism, the godparents represent the community of faith.
  • A tough baptism and harsh lesson. Times, Sunday Times

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