How To Use Banter In A Sentence

  • Too often, they were simply bantered around as high-sounding slogans.
  • It was 20 minutes into the game when any prospect of good-natured banter disappeared.
  • I didn't get any banter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eh, Brother, don't you mean any and all capitalist running dogs are smelly, of which the Noble House and the House of Chen are chief and dung heavy?" he said banteringly. Noble House
  • There is some queeny banter going on around us.
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  • You usually get banter over stuff like this. The Sun
  • This is as dark and downbeat as they come, the occasional lighter moments of banter notwithstanding.
  • Their light-hearted banter takes away the miseries of daily life. The Sun
  • But, frankly, I'd rather point out that having Spitzer and Parker sit so close together and trade sly banter is just plain creepy. Parker Spitzer: no snap or crackle, and not pop
  • You usually get banter over stuff like this. The Sun
  • Not a lot of people have banter with the audience. The Sun
  • This time the duo's usual shtick of public school banter will not be enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • The banter was an excellent sign that the crew were very willing to establish solid cooperation and friendship based on mutual tolerance.
  • The art of banter, which is both a workplace and television writer's art, the true insider's patois (there's a special rhythm to the banter in the show, a staccato syllabification), may be at the heart of The West Wing's success.
  • They exchanged banter over their desks, argued about clients and enlivened their team meetings with fierce exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • And will be lonelier to do, than when we could banter as we worked, making the work go faster as the sweat fell, seeming to be easier as we took on the task together.
  • Presented by a large cast of colourful characters, The Quare Fellow paints a portrait of life inside an Irish prison, in which songs, humour and compassion evoke the banter between inmates and wardens.
  • What you think is friendly banter could offend and you might find it hard to get back in their good books. The Sun
  • But many who live here love the hustle, bustle and banter. The Sun
  • So… after a few quiet sundowners and pleasant advertising industry banter in the foyer, we padded into the concert hall for the show.
  • The staff bantered with a couple guys down the bar from us and occasionally yelled out order numbers. Korean-Fried-Chicken-Palooza: Kyochon vs. Bon Chon vs. Mad For Chicken | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • We just continued with a bit of banter and somebody kicked the machine. The Sun
  • They kept my morale up and had a bit of banter when they found out I was an army reservist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course the usual banter and the slagging started, with challenges being thrown down left, right and centre.
  • This was not good-natured banter, it was mockery. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we walk past the High Court in Glasgow, passers-by call out affectionately to him and he returns the banter.
  • Not a lot of people have banter with the audience. The Sun
  • They bantered him on the subject of marriage.
  • light banter
  • We are going to hear the term affordable healthcare bantered around a lot. Progressive Democrats of America Blog
  • If we've come to the point where the banterers are having to explain and apologise for their jokes, then presumably the joy of the thing – the roaring of rape humour across a crowded internet, that beery, leery, Friday-night amour – has been lost? The joke's on them
  • Still, we endure stoically, because the etiquette books - written, no doubt, by extroverts - regard declining to banter as rude and gaps in conversation as awkward.
  • We joked, bantered, argued, gushed over some latest literary masterpieces.
  • The term ‘triple bottom line’ * is a phrase bantered around in business circles. Triple Bottom Line = Full Spectrum Economy
  • What would have been considered light office banter in the 1970s is now grounds for a lawsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Welcome to the BT studio, where the banter of the dressing room meets live broadcasting. The Sun
  • Few of us sit down every day, as they do across much of Europe, for a relaxing family meal that could take up to three hours of fun-filled banter and merrymaking to consume.
  • He can be sarcastic and severe without becoming offensive; his reproof often takes the form of humorous banter.
  • The game commentators also made the telegenic 20-year-old and his hometown the main topic of their banter between plays.
  • No room for small talk or banter, then. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, in modern usage, ‘scoundrel’ can be a playful term referring to a prankster or banterer.
  • By the end of the programme, all the jovial banter has ceased. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a good bit of banter,' he says. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was just a bit of friendly banter! The Sun
  • We bantered with the audience and cracked jokes.
  • But when the two get a chance to banter with one another the film really impresses. The Sun
  • Mostly we just engage in light political banter, but a month or so ago he sought my advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • She engages in friendly banter with her customers.
  • Old warhorses with many caps to their name were always allowed to engage in a running banter with the ref.
  • Petty criminals and gamblers muse, bicker and banter. Times, Sunday Times
  • They exchanged banter over their desks, argued about clients and enlivened their team meetings with fierce exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used it to exchange light-hearted banter with his students. The Sun
  • They take a pride and pleasure in bantering all mankind; they are pests of the country, for they neither fear God nor regard man. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The clatter of cutlery and banter filled the hall.
  • Young people were engrossed in light-hearted banter, and seemed determined to stay till the end and enjoy the entire variety show.
  • The players were surprisingly down-to-earth away from the table and it was interesting that a couple of the loudest banterers at the table actually were very friendly and pretty quiet in real life.
  • Also the merits of the different makes of computer processor were being bantered around.
  • It is very nice that they love each other and all, but their banter did get a bit saccharine at times.
  • Tonight, he's back with a new series of topical banter and gags. The Sun
  • His glittering eyes rested for a moment in bantering triumph on CHAPTER XV
  • They exchanged banter over their desks, argued about clients and enlivened their team meetings with fierce exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reading through the obnoxious comments and childish banter of a seeming pro-drug company to anything which suggests control of dangerous substances - illegal because they are dangerous - as a parent of a young person addicted for 17 years, my first reaction to the evident "huffed" attitude and pure polemic is that I am glad that there exists an anti-drug group in this country. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • What would have been considered light office banter in the 1970s is now grounds for a lawsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The banter took an interesting turn in the pub when one of my mates claimed that a player-manager at Carlisle once placed himself on the transfer list, then sold himself to another club. Which club has put the most final nails in managerial coffins? | The Knowledge
  • There will always be comments and banter. The Sun
  • Read McAlister's Fortune by Alissa Johnson, very good, part road romance with just the two together and the witty bantering. Friday Book Club
  • It was in a light banter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many expect audience banter to be a bit of light relief from more scripted material.
  • Above all it is the seriousness, the consistent refusal to engage in light banter or jollity, the unflinching Puritanism (as of Elders of the Kirk), indeed the crippling shyness that strike one most forcefully nearly fifty years on. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Initially he was brought in to exchange bar room banter in Cheers.
  • Through their humour, wit and banter, they made significant observations and remarks on social issues.
  • I think maybe I wasn't sexy enough," the still sensuous Horne told Carson, with a sarcasm so deft, it could pass for airy banter.
  • By the mid-1520s Wyatt was one of Henry's "Esquires of the Body" – part servant, part playmate, part bodyguard – and a keen participant in the Henrician craze for chivalric games and tourneys, as well as the endless round of amorous banter and titillation which went under the guise of "courtly love". The Many Lives of Thomas Wyatt by Nicola Shulman - review
  • She tried to pretend she didn't know what he meant, but his bantering tone had been deceptive.
  • She watched as Ludmilla exchanged banter with the outcaste veteran.
  • They'll all come on as themselves and will get a slagging and have a bit of banter with the audience.
  • Their light-hearted banter takes away the miseries of daily life. The Sun
  • Mostly we just engage in light political banter, but a month or so ago he sought my advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between songs, Patti bantered with the audience, joked around and made us laugh (it turns out that she has quite a gift for comic timing).
  • I loved Logan and Veronica's friendship and their bantering was always perfect. Win VERONICA MARS Season 3 on DVD | the TV addict
  • They bantered a few minutes more before everyone quieted down and simply enjoyed the ambience and the lullaby being sung for them.
  • I will miss the banter, noise and chatter. Times, Sunday Times
  • His banter with newsmen Walter Cronkite and Roger Mudd and his unmistakable "raspy" voice made him famous throughout the country and the world. - Financial News
  • I came here tonight in an attempt to further our relationship," Drake bantered early in Saturday night's set -- his first in a two-night stand at DAR Constitution Hall. In Concert: Drake at DAR Constitution Hall
  • On the face of it, the ad for Belvita breakfast biscuits seems pretty elementary, with two vaguely faded celebs – Lisa Snowdon and Johnny Vaughan, palpably wondering where those halcyon Big Breakfast days went – bantering about the product, in this case an oaty, grainy biscuitty thing. The Hard Sell: Belvita Breakfast Biscuits
  • It was in a light banter. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, she can deliver the kind of gossipy banter that feels authentic. Emma MMF: Flashback review
  • That evening we had a fantastic time, drinking dem pints, bantering away and swapping experiences.
  • He loves the banter of a dressing room but as a manager is meticulous in his preparation. Times, Sunday Times
  • A gorgeous-looking Zeta-Jones banters with aplomb and a gallery of grotesques shine as some of the supporting characters.
  • There's plenty of room for banter or what we call sledging. The Sun
  • But many who live here love the hustle, bustle and banter. The Sun
  • Their easiness with each other was evident, as they danced together, slapped each other on the back and casually bantered throughout the show.
  • “Ah! my dear, I am afraid you and your monk are wasting your powder,” said Prince Andrew banteringly yet tenderly. War and Peace
  • Now there is a phrase bantered about by the Repugs and Bush Adminstration, but ever so hypocritical they do the bait and switch. Hillary And Obama To Vote Against Cloture On FISA
  • He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.
  • He spoke in the bantering tone which had become the habitual expression of his tenderness; but his eyes softened as they absorbed in a last glance the glimmering submarine light of the ancient grove, through which Undine's figure wavered nereid-like above him. The Custom of the Country
  • The first is while bantering with Princess: "Nay then, two treys, and if you grow so nice, Metheglin, wort, and malmsey: well run, dice! Archive 2008-03-01
  • The scene was typical of any New York or Los Angeles opening: wine, cheese, and a crowd of fashionable art enthusiasts engaged in banter about the recent fairs and exhibitions they've seen. Rebecca Taylor: Los Angeles and Berlin: Sister Cities
  • After our harmonic humiliation at the feet of the Lord we'd follow her to the diner across the street and eat a piece of coconut cream pie as Helga engaged in a kind of codified, small-town banter notable for its reliance upon exclamations, nods and the subtle inflection of the eyebrows to emphasize a point. Bootstraps
  • Or, as GOP members of the US House Commerce and Energy and their Big Coal-bankrolled colleagues continue their wildly misinformed banter this week on the economic impact of the EPA's enforcement of the Clean Water Act, coalfield residents from Alaska to Appalachia are turning to Rory McIlmoil, the "Tesla of the coalfields," for another question: Jeff Biggers: Roadmaps to New Power: Interview With Rory McIlmoil, 'Tesla of the Coalfields' on Green Jobs
  • He has banter with us but you know he will give you a rollocking if he has to. The Sun
  • On April 20 whilst waiting in the town hall with dignitaries and other councillors prior to the induction some banter and badinage took place.
  • He enjoyed the conversation and banter around the table and his absence now is sorely felt.
  • As most people give me banter, Norfolk like to keep it tight. Times, Sunday Times
  • But many who live here love the hustle, bustle and banter. The Sun
  • If he prayed, or gave them good counsel, they would banter it, and call it canting; if he kept silence from good, when the wicked were before him, they would say that he had forgotten his religion now that he was sick. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Ivey's gradual meltdown from confident banterer to disheveled mutterer is valiantly limned, layered with dozens of revealing looks signaling fear and frustration.
  • The tone is set by banter and laddishness, in which crudeness and vulgarity often tends to be a substitute for real wit rather than an organic component of it.
  • There was a bit of banter flying there and it is tough. The Sun
  • On stage, the duo really shine, with heartfelt songs delivered with evident passion, while the between song banter shows a wry sense of humour, which also infuses their music.
  • Lidia Verrecchia banters amiably as she ferries cappuccinos to her customers, who sit at Formica tables backed by art deco wood panels.
  • We just continued with a bit of banter and somebody kicked the machine. The Sun
  • The word is "badinage" and, as defined on AWAD, means "Light, playful remarks; banter. Naughty and Nice
  • He used it to exchange light-hearted banter with his students. The Sun
  • Across swathes of the radio spectrum, there are programmes in which presenters do little more than engage in light-hearted banter with the listeners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not a lot of people have banter with the audience. The Sun
  • There's banter about the choice of music, some light-hearted joshing.
  • The accusatorial “banter” I have to wade through on this site for good discussion like yours is what makes it worth it. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • He may know how to pen witty banter and put hip twists on soapy situations, but he'd better give his characters some depth.
  • One at a time," replied the banterer; "the Chevalier first, and if he leaves anything worth fighting, I; as for you, my poet, your chances are nil. The Grey Cloak
  • There she sat — laughing — relaxed — engaged in a kind of banter he was old enough to label as adultly worldly. The Grass Crown
  • Maybe then what we refer to as cocktail party banter, what we see as obvious and unchangable, would be more widely understood and appreciated. Archive 2005-01-01
  • The long looks and teasing banter was a thin barrier of what really lay between them.
  • Five minutes later I'd sort of forgotten about it, bantering in the staffroom and discussing someone's speech therapy needs, but there it sat.
  • Francis thought of John, generous, bantering, good-hearted to a fault. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • It was a good bit of banter,' he says. Times, Sunday Times
  • The works are known and celebrated for their witty banter and deft socio-political critiques.
  • Everyone knows each other, so there's friendly banter between Wayne the instructor and his group of out of shape ladies and one incredibly buff young man.
  • I remember those occasions, half a lifetime ago, when our children played together in the sandpit, we fought badminton matches in the garden and enjoyed open, easy banter between the two families.
  • What you think is friendly banter could offend and you might find it hard to get back in their good books. The Sun
  • In contrast to Attenborough, the boyishly eager Irwin bounded into the frame like Tigger, leaping after the crocs and bantering at full volume: “Crikey!” Unfair Dinkum
  • That most of the Hill's leading Republican voices, and their bastions of the airways, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, spew distortions and mendacities by the hour is the constant banter of this publication, the Jon Stewart show, and Stephen Colbert's Fox-mockery. Brian Ross: The Steep Distortion Curve of Republican Populism
  • I am 25 years old, and I think that this elementary school bantering is childish, (this is going to get me flamed) and better left for the playgrounds. Supernatural Season Premiere Spoiler Pics : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • It's decent banter and people always come for me. The Sun
  • The soldiers bantered with him as though he was a kid brother.
  • I will miss the banter, noise and chatter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently Morgan and Mrs. Spaulding were constantly together during the ensuing ten days, and so skilfully did I behave that the innocent pair regarded the flirtation which I was carrying on as a superb joke -- a case of a banterer caught in the toils, and Mrs. Spinney's manners suggested that she was agreeably flattered. The Law-Breakers and Other Stories
  • He was banteringly urged by the meeting's Thai moderator to encourage the US sportswear maker Nike to start marketing its own contraceptive to help promote anti-HIV practices among the young. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He also had to drop some street lingo into his banter. The Sun
  • It's decent banter and people always come for me. The Sun
  • Almost a third of people questioned said managers had cracked down on banter and jokes. The Sun
  • They kept my morale up and had a bit of banter when they found out I was an army reservist. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is no longer responsible for the day-to-day running of the chain, but he still makes time for jolly banter with the staff.
  • All of the name calling diminishes your image though and you’re no sort of expert to banter in that way. Think Progress » Bush Administration Has Pressured Half Of Gov’t Scientists To Downplay Global Warming
  • Early attempts, including Cool for Cats and Six-Five Special, combined performances with bantering compères to mixed effect.
  • The audience was given respite between numbers with each member taking a turn to introduce himself and engage in slightly painful, flirtatious banter with the crowd. The Sun
  • Midway through the charming, inebriated song, in which two "swellegant" party pals swap banter, dish on guests and form a dipsomaniacal camaraderie, Crosby croons to Sinatra with his distinctive "ba ba ba boom" and Sinatra jokes, "Don't dig that kind of crooning, chum. Kim Morgan: Christmas With Crosby, Bing
  • Writing and ranting that is neither clever nor funny hardly qualifies as banter.
  • We've already shared a bit of banter but for that 90 minutes we will be very serious about what we have to do for our respective countries.
  • There is very little banter back and forth between comic and crowd; indeed, Gottfried is just there to deliver his compendium of crudity and accept the accolades of his adoring - and roaring - fans.
  • But the jokes, slang and heavy irony that make up the established banter of the building trade could be heading for extinction.
  • The team trains twice a day, and we meet in the changing room for a bit of banter beforehand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hanahoe is a great wit and began the banter that day when congratulating Kerry on their 5-11 to 0-9 win.
  • It's just hard to envision these characters living the plentiful backstory that's bantered around.
  • You bring good diversity to the BombCast because your opinions are varied and present a good contrast to what can sometimes be predictable banter from the guys. No More Sparks On Podcasts
  • As well as exchanging witty banter with Candyman Baker, David knows how to save money on clothes, eating out and pet food.
  • His team-mates opened hotel windows, shouting "Jump!" and somewhat less printable banter.
  • I vividly recall my first year of law school, being instructed to familiarize myself with it: none of us know jack-s*** about law yet, but when you could sling around bluebook rules and banter about the “reasonable person,” you could spin it enough to sound like a lawyer – or, at least, like you knew more than other law students, or failing that more than laymen. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for Abolishing the Bluebook
  • For the crack and banter and meeting old acquaintances, no journey was too far for the inimitable Tom.
  • There is so much banter flying about and we are taking that on to the pitch. The Sun
  • Endless banter was part of his game, but not the truculence and obscenities of the modern sledger.
  • The appearance of Graves, hinting at decadence, reinforces the notion that he wasted too much time playing toffee-nosed twits in Waughesque nostalgia flicks, when his range as an actor stretches far beyond billiard room banter.
  • They love his light-hearted banter. The Sun
  • There are no punters, just about a dozen staff circulating amiably: spraying, wiping, tightening, bantering.
  • This was not good-natured banter, it was mockery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choreographers, who are directing from the stage apron, banter with the teachers.
  • They exchanged banter over their desks, argued about clients and enlivened their team meetings with fierce exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus he makes a jest of the everlasting gospel, that great truth which the chief priests hated and persecuted, and which Christ was now witnessing to and suffering for; and like men of no religion, who take a pleasure in bantering all religions, he ridicules both sides; and therefore Christ made him no reply. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Sometimes this ironical verbiage brings the blood to my face, and I am tempted to seize this cynical banterer by the throat and choke the life out of him. Facing the Flag
  • I thought his hilarious banter was all ad-libbed.
  • ‘It was all witticisms and banter,’ said Mark Fine.
  • During a commercial break, we met another lovely and somebody who plays defensive back engaged in witty banter.
  • Where they "bantered," cajoled, and sneered, arousing a very mild irritation, Swift's scornful invective, and biting satire silenced into fear the enemies of the Queen's chosen ministers. The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 09 Contributions to The Tatler, The Examiner, The Spectator, and The Intelligencer
  • What truly grates is the painful banter.
  • Mostly we just engage in light political banter, but a month or so ago he sought my advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firstly, Carroll is an unreliable waste-of-space who never turns up for things, is always surrounded by mates, and only engages in banter or is monosyllabic and unforthcoming in his one-to-ones with Allen.
  • This was not good-natured banter, it was mockery. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love being on a PSU, the banter is the best bit and getting petrol bombed once a year is sooo much fun. A New Pair Of Brown Trousers Please « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • We get brief vignettes of Janie and Sport being Janie and Sport (sort of) and a few more of Harriet spying (and I have to say the one with the painter is very creepy because it is about him preying on women, but of course it is totally unsexual as this is Disney), Marion rolling eyes, some bantering with the cook/trainer about tomato sandwiches, and various other similar badly-done references to the original book. Review of Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars « educating alice
  • They bantered him on the subject of marriage.
  • With McEwan in full flow, Watson sticks his head round the door and instigates some friendly banter.
  • Their light-hearted banter takes away the miseries of daily life. The Sun
  • Most of their affectionate banter borders on the painful humiliating putdown, with Jamie loving to imitate Paul's manic mannerisms behind his back.
  • This kind of banter, needless to say, is not acceptable flirting behavior.
  • In New York, Fitzgerald has the reputation of a tough, no-nonsense prosecutor who doesn't relish bantering with reporters.
  • He regained his health, as thorough a banterer as before, thinking life beautiful, and not seeing why it should not last for ever. L'Assommoir
  • Mr Bercow's banter with Mr Grayling looked to me very much like 'chuntering' - if we can use the word the Speaker himself threw at Keith Simpson. Home | Mail Online
  • I'm at home, in my Hampstead flat and... "Her voice had altered, lost its bantering tone and become serious. A MATTER OF CONSCIENCE
  • Andrei teases and banters with just about every word, although his humor isn't odd and deadpan like Anikei's - it's lighter and brighter and more relaxed.
  • So there is my ground I stand on in the debate- if you can call your bantering debate- TheSeixon. Think Progress » With Latest Budget, Iraq Costs Top Vietnam War
  • Yet with Simon Kinberg's sharp script to guide them, the banter comes as thick and fast as the bullets - and is equally explosive.
  • “It was your mistake, but I had to suffer for it,” Chris threw back banteringly. The Women’s Room
  • Immediately, the room banterers snidely remarked on my effort to be appear intelligent, of having way too much time on my hands, etc.
  • This involves bantering, oftentimes between two people who good-heartedly tease each other.
  • A programme that posits the notion of leonine alpha-male big beasts of the suburban conservatory sharing tobacco-smooth post-snifter badinage - not even behind a desk, but right out in front on the crotch-fanning plinth of the low-slung sofa - suddenly became noticeably stiff‑backed and taut, its banter infused with fresh levels of glazed menace. The Guardian World News
  • Instead of witty banter, lines are delivered blandly, leaving little room for laughs or sexual tension.
  • At first, their banter is friendly, until Heston realizes Moore is not on his side.
  • You're always going to have good-natured banter. The Sun
  • Anyway enough of this tiresome banter; I didn't drop out of high school to waste my precious time to exchange clever unpleasantries with the likes of you.

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