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How To Use Banning In A Sentence

  • I can see banning books that illustrate these nasty looking teste bags. They Had Me At ‘Scrotum’ | Her Bad Mother
  • He noted that there is currently no democratic way of allowing the release of synbio technology, to which Dr. Gutmann retorted that there is no democratic way of banning it either. Michael Rugnetta: The Presidential Commission and Synthetic Biology
  • Trying to stop shops opening at the weekend is rather like banning cafés from opening for lunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Standard procedure also includes banning low-altitude flights over public places where a president or president-elect is located, including along train routes. Need a Parking Space in Washington? Fly - The Caucus Blog -
  • Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
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  • Banning all cutlery except the spork! Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, he adds, he believes that the government does not have a sufficiently compelling interest in banning discrimination against various groups to overcome that presumption. The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • The signed petition was sent to the capital and voted through the legislature into a bill banning motorized vehicles on small ponds and lakes.
  • The dialogue between pub communities will be of huge help to police enforcement of any banning orders.
  • To date, 35 state legislatures have drafted bills addressing offshoring and 161 state laws restricting or banning offshoring have been proposed.
  • Banning drugs mainly promotes crime, so it would be better to legalise, control, tax and discourage them.
  • Banning gene patents and chimeras won't save a single human life.
  • I was turning pro then anyway but I came home and there was talk about the pro game banning me as well.
  • In addition, government policies need to be believable; banning cigarette advertising would almost certainly cut consumption.
  • After her speech, the education secretary said she was not in favour of banning unpaid internships of more than four weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • No reason was given for the banning of the magazine.
  • She also comments on the amount of pornographic material that was pinned up on inmate's walls, despite the prison having a policy banning it.
  • The Conference on Disarmament is seeking to start formal negotiations on banning production of fissile materials such as weapons-grade plutonium and uranium.
  • Traders must display a notice banning sales to under 16 year olds.
  • I still will not respond to comments here, nor will I allow a flamewar to brew, but I will not be banning people, and I've in fact lifted all the bans from the last go-round on this topic. Cease fire.
  • His proposals include fitting cars with smaller engines and banning power steering and automatic gearboxes.
  • Yes | No | Report from jeffo52284 wrote 6 weeks 5 days ago sounds like alterier motives are at hand here. i i could understand banning from carry on but checked baggage is just some moron making a point United Airlines Bans Antlers In Checked Baggage
  • The community is willing to support things like container deposits, banning lightweight plastic bags and the removal of plastic micro beads from soaps and shampoos.
  • Another reason for banning lead in gasoline is that the lead can ruin the catalytic converter.
  • He said a recent audit had confirmed the company was compliant with regulations banning the payment of referral fees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of indulging in something horrendous like book-banning, it should be seen as an opportunity to shore up our level of scholarship as well as articulateness which is pathetically abysmal at present. The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs, screenplay for a future Spielberg movie!
  • Russia and Gabon are blatantly banning all imports of the other white meat, while Egypt has ordered the mass-execution of all of their unhallowed hoggies (although this could merely be a convenient excuse to settle an age-old Islamic grudge -- why must unsanctified flesh taste so delicious!). Warren Holstein: Preparing for the Swine Flu Apocalypse
  • Round here, we are not very keen on the notion of banning words of any kind.
  • As to rifles in Va, I heard some years back that the commonwealth was considering banning them as there were concerns about slobs road hunting and sniping turkeys out of open fields beside the road. Rifle hunting turkeys
  • The first is the banning of organochlorine pesticides such as dieldrin and aldrin, which caused blindness, immune-system collapse and mass-breeding failure. The Guardian World News
  • Thomas Gandow, criticized what he called the frequent belittlement of Scientology in the media and the indecision of politicians to work towards banning the organization in Germany. Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE
  • In 1963 Aysgarth had commissioned her to produce the now notorious sculpture which I had succeeded in banning from the Cathedral churchyard. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Simply banning downers will not fix the problem.
  • He was jailed three times for repeatedly flouting a court order banning him from the estate.
  • If we are going to insist on banning people from fighting, it should be done on the basis of individual health, not group prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Publishers of The Lone Ranger comic were nonplussed when, enquiring about the banning of the squeaky clean defender of justice, it was explained that it was illegal to wear a mask in New Zealand.
  • Bradford Council came under fire in 1997 after banning musclemen dance troupe The Chippendales from its venues for being too raunchy - despite the show having no full-frontal nudity.
  • The state legislature passed an act banning the sale of automatic weapons.
  • The blood lab said they were banning me unless I come back with some new veins.
  • Schwank was nominated by State Rep. Tomas Caltaglirone and seconded by Rita Banning, a committeewoman and former Commissioner of Montgomery County. Dems Pick Schwank; Berks County Now at Center of PA Politics
  • This is not the fault of the blogger - even banning all robots will not help, since the spammers' bots ignore this preference setting.
  • Banning cigarette advertising would be unconstitutional, since selling cigarettes is legal.
  • Rules banning divorced people from remarrying in church were revoked yesterday by the Church of England.
  • Adding a custom station for the first time took forever, and so did refreshing stations that I listened to often, favoriting and banning many songs.
  • The thugs will then be issued with a civil summons to attend magistrates court where police will apply to the bench for banning orders.
  • Banning smoking in public is the very essence of illiberality.
  • Banning the sale and harvest of bluefin tuna and other in-demand species may be a necessary step to insure the future of the multi-million dollar sportfishing and tourism industry and to support efforts at ocean conservation. Overfishing in the Sea of Cortez: Are sustainable fish farms the solution?
  • Ironically, the one transformational issue that has caused him the most grief is the banning of fox hunting, something that has been on the wish list of the hardiest Labourites in Britain for decades.
  • The Senate gave President Clinton a victory Thursday when lawmakers sustained his veto of a bill banning certain late-term abortions.
  • D-San Jose, will have better luck banning "alcopop" in California than funding programs aimed at cleaning up some of the wreckage induced by alcohol, caffeine-spiked or not. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • “You would simply re-form at your memento mori, true, but we have no desire for your honeymoon to end in such despair, so instead we are banning you from—” Crossed
  • They want what they want -- banning abortion, prayer in schools, marginalizing gays and lesbians -- and if they don't get it, the tantrum is going to be terrific. July 2005
  • The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
  • It proposes that hospitals be given the right to retain children they suspected were being abused, and the banning of harmful cultural practices such as unhygienic circumcision. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.
  • After the unbanning of our movement, he was elected as our Deputy Provincial Secretary in the then PWV Region (now known as Gauteng Province) in 1992. ANC-GAUTENG PROVINCE TRIBUTE TO HIGH COMMISSIONER BAVUMILE VILAKAZI
  • Doctors called yesterday for the nationwide adoption of bylaws banning people from drinking in the streets, as new statistics highlighted the damage to health caused by alcohol. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.
  • And if you would allow wearing of crosses, but ban burkas … Or, maybe support the banning of both (as is the inclination (if not the legal situation …?) in secularist France …? Anglican Diocese of Montreal supports the burka « Anglican Samizdat
  • Banning hunting is Aristotle's tyranny of democracy and parliamentary dictatorship.
  • But she probably does believe in banning books, as most libs hate freedom of speech when such speech attacks liberal ideologies. The Volokh Conspiracy » Preliminary Reflections on the Kagan Nomination
  • after that, he can get rid of fast food eating, fast food banning jan "baldy" perry. Mid-Day Briefs for Lunch Time Contemplation
  • A council has waged war on mischievous Halloween youngsters by banning children from buying eggs, it emerged today.
  • A further provision would have the effect of banning electoral alliances and coalitions.
  • The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.
  • Mike Leavitt has signed into law a bill banning public schools from granting recognition or access to gay or lesbian student groups.
  • Certainly the unbanning of the ANC was not anticipated.
  • He wants to take it a step further, by banning all gifts from any nonrelative who has business directly or indirectly before a government agency.
  • An international agency could monitor compliance with international arms regulations, such as those banning the military use of chemicals and bacteria.
  • Corporations should respond, argued Luntz, not by curtailing bonuses but by banning the word "bonus. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Incredibly, while householders can be fined for not sorting out recycled rubbish, there are no bylaws banning garden bonfires. Times, Sunday Times
  • The banning of tobacco advertising would be a great contribution to achieving what the United States has already achieved.
  • I heard a deferent reason as well to the banning of pork. Think Progress » Maryland Foster Agency Won’t Allow Muslim Mother To Foster A Child
  • THE Government are disgracefully dragging their feet over banning the deadly drug meow meow. The Sun
  • Changes in the personnel might see a partial reversal of that, allowing up to 30 states to introduce legislation banning or limiting abortion.
  • Many observers argue that banning political parties is counter-productive because it forces moderates into more extreme positions.
  • The statute cited as banning cockfighting is quite clear that it is illegal for spectators and vendors to appear.
  • We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.
  • Scottish football chiefs imposed the banning system in 2011 and claim it has helped dramatically reduce diving and other dark arts. The Sun
  • The 1964 act went farther than anyone would have deemed possible a few months earlier, banning employment discrimination and ending segregation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to relieve congestion.
  • Lawmakers may still say how money is budgeted generally for activities such as dredging, but by banning earmarks — specific projects funded as a result of lawmakers ' requests — they won ' t be able to direct cash to individual districts or states. GOP Earmark Ban Shifts Clout
  • The Senate must keep its moral priorities firmly in mind as the vote on banning therapeutic cloning draws close.
  • Incredibly, while householders can be fined for not sorting out recycled rubbish, there are no bylaws banning garden bonfires. Times, Sunday Times
  • He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
  • He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
  • And why the kerfuffle over canine vectorship when you're infinitely more likely to catch something life-threatening from the food itself, or something noxious from the kid at the next table (who is "quite naturally" a better vector than any dog) — and no one's banning food or children. Should we be more like the French and invite dogs to dinner?
  • It seems to happen often enough that knee-jerk reactions that involving banning things tend to have the opposite effect of what those calling for the ban expect.
  • So if you have a treaty professing to require the recognition of freedom of expression, and the legislature abridges this by, say, banning denial of the holocaust, the court is bound to apply the law, rather than resolve these issues for the benefit of people wondering what future courts will do. The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • But his bid backfired when Anne got a court order banning Bill, 70, from living within 20 miles of her.
  • The President signed legislation banning discrimination against the disabled on June 26.
  • We would have to give serious consideration to banning it altogether.
  • This is not about banning listening to music but about careful consideration of the risks of listening to loud music for too long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Visitors to Huntington Cemetery have been upset after a new sign went up banning ornaments, artificial flowers, jam jars and vases by gravesides.
  • Doctors called yesterday for the nationwide adoption of bylaws banning people from drinking in the streets, as new statistics highlighted the damage to health caused by alcohol. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
  • Currency crisis A government order banning the sale of luxury items was extended on Nov. 18.
  • In recent weeks, he has sneered and jeered and delighted in telling pro-hunting country people to submit to the will of the townies in banning the hunt and sentencing tens of thousands of hounds to death.
  • An honest reading of the document shows that the Vatican is simply banning gays.
  • Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
  • The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
  • Scottish football chiefs imposed the banning system in 2011 and claim it has helped dramatically reduce diving and other dark arts. The Sun
  • THE Government are disgracefully dragging their feet over banning the deadly drug meow meow. The Sun
  • There is no justification for banning a drug which has a beneficial therapeutic use.
  • If few of the tackles will be X-certificate after the banning of the shoulder charge this week, there will be no shortage of legitimate big hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the desire for all this ephemeral and disposable tat could be avoided, claim the critics, by curtailing or even banning advertising aimed directly at children.
  • Indeed, I pointed this out to a rep of one of the industry lobby groups I met at WIPO and he agreed, but proposed a simple solution: ISPs could cripple their customers 'Internet connections, throttling their bandwidth, banning certain protocols and spying on file-transfers and terminating anything that might be an infringement. Boing Boing: July 9, 2006 - July 15, 2006 Archives
  • Nowadays, strict regulations are enforced, banning any type of fishing in the immediate area.
  • The assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 by an Islamic extremist led to a crackdown and the banning of Islamic political parties across the Arab world.
  • Todos Santos lost one of its best customers when -- sparked in part by a Jesuit edict banning the local Indians' traditional practice of polygamy -- the natives booted out the bringers of Christianity to La Paz. Bob Schulman: Todos Santos: A Sweet Story
  • We have seen, countless times, that banning a book will, in no way, prevent its being read.
  • Olney, who was instrumental in banning the use of cyclamates, warned that aspartame had brain damaging properties.
  • Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
  • THE Government are disgracefully dragging their feet over banning the deadly drug meow meow. The Sun
  • Now this is a row of suspects that were outside that are with the Sheriff's office, so the suspects have to try to go through a maze of the prebooking, search and then eventually cleared for housing to be transferred later in the day to Indio or Banning or if they were parolees they were herded on the bus and taken back to Chino. Ron's Log
  • Banning junk food from school dinners is sensible, but objecting to the contents of a packed lunch that may have been provided by a hard-pressed single mother with limited domestic skills is trespassing on sensitive territory.
  • So they want to make a new rule banning what they call obtrusive advertising in space. CNN Transcript May 20, 2005
  • In successfully arguing Cunningham's case for asylum, Weinberg also said Jamaica's sodomy laws banning sex between men and "dancehall" music - whose lyrics often advocate violence against gays - made life for Cunningham unbearable. Undefined
  • Boyd has his reasons for banning me from this room and now I have my own. CHAMELEON
  • Essex motorists are widely ignoring new rules banning the use of hand held mobiles in cars, figures released by police reveal.
  • As traditional Western bankers count the cost of a reckless lending spree, Islamic banking -- which complies with Islam's law banning the receipt of interest -- is surging.
  • They said Congress' recent legislation banning federal funds for doctor-assisted suicide will make passage of any new state law more difficult.
  • Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
  • Mike Leavitt has signed into law a bill banning public schools from granting recognition or access to gay or lesbian student groups.
  • Banning lead in petrol is responsible for declining crime rates in Britain, the United States and other countries, startling new research suggests. Ban On Leaded Petrol ‘Has Cut Crime Rates Around The World’ | Impact Lab
  • In March, the Duma passed in a first reading a bill banning rallies in virtually all public places.
  • It stipulated that neutrality should be guaranteed by banning them from accepting party political positions or speaking publicly on behalf of political parties.
  • Blaming terracing alone for the tragedy is rather like banning cars after a fatal accident.
  • Sean Pierce of Fort Smith, Arkansas, was charged with violating a law banning the public display of obscene material.
  • Public outcry resulted in the banning of the organochlorines DDT, BHC and lindane in 1978.
  • Banning smoking would save needless deaths.
  • Regular Exercise, eating healthily, no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking, no stress related to work or family, the folks who get this right are called bushmen, and they live in the Kalahari desert ... banning smoking in SA is like taking 1 bullet out of gun 's magazine. Undefined
  • If we are going to insist on banning people from fighting, it should be done on the basis of individual health, not group prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clinton would support language banning the abortion technique as an elective procedure, another White House aide said.
  • Teachers in Bangladesh often resort to physical punishment, such as caning and slapping, to discipline pupils despite a 1995 government order banning it. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • At least they can prove was small plastic baggies can be used for, but this is the floppiest reasons for banning ice cream trucks. ILLINOIZE
  • We call on the Scottish Parliament to enact a law banning precocious, gobby, wee, nyaff, pre-pubescents from embarrassing Scotland by singing on any form of medium which is publicly broadcast.
  • The outright banning of newspapers now is an indication that the government's crisis is deepening further.
  • C Powell: I can't speak for others but if you consult this blog's previous entries you'll find that I was wholly * against* banning Geert Wilders (even, no especially, because I disagree with him) and wholly * for* publishing those cartoons once it became a freedom of expression issue. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • That'd be like banning people from keeping a dog if they park in a disabled parking bay. The Sun
  • A notice of motion banning the discharge of firearms was passed in Castlebar.
  • Such discrimination is unacceptable, and there seems to be a case for banning such books. SAMSON SUPERSLUG
  • It is akin to the banning of alcohol in the U.S.A. during the time of Prohibition, and is totally unenforceable.
  • He was non-committal about the bylaw banning windscreen washers.
  • Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre?
  • Many observers argue that banning political parties is counter-productive because it forces moderates into more extreme positions.
  • Here, over at Kevin Drum's site, he gives us the lowdown, which is that, no, she never managed to get the local librarian to actually cooperate cause, you know, most librarians are tough cookies about issues like banning books, if you have ever actually met a librarian but that doesn't mean Sarah Barracuda didn't try. What About That Book Banning?
  • The President signed legislation banning discrimination against the disabled on June 26.
  • Another solution has been to designate specific areas for jet ski use while banning them elsewhere.
  • Since then, South Korea's defence ministry has brought out new orders banning beating, cruelty, humiliation and bullying within the armed forces, to tackle what it calls a "distorted military culture". BBC News - Home
  • The accord also authorized the creation of a mechanism to monitor the observance of conventions banning biological weapons.
  • It called for measures including dearer tobacco, taking cigarettes off display in shops and banning smoking in cars. The Sun
  • The purpose of the antimask laws, as the paragraph suggests, is to prevent crime: Anonymity can make it easier for people to get away with crimes; masks facilitate anonymity; so therefore banning masks should at least in some circumstances help prevent crime. The Volokh Conspiracy » Writing exercise:
  • March 10, 2010, 1:13 pm gasman says: ...said the commission would examine closely the possibility of banning outright “purely speculative” trading of theswaps... The Volokh Conspiracy » Two Views of Credit Default Swaps
  • While offices and shops are smoke-free already, banning smoking immediately in pubs would serve only to put many landlords out of business and many punters unhappy.
  • Or better still, removed, as the banning of football was probably a reflex by some embittered council hack who always got picked last at breaktime. Your cooperation in reading this blog post is requested
  • But that doesn't mean we should pass laws banning soup kitchens, toupees, or jeans above a size eight.
  • It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
  • And it would be a setback for efforts just getting underway in the United Nations to draft a global convention banning reproductive cloning.
  • The project will help that state implement its new law banning lead sinkers weighing less than one ounce from fresh waters.
  • Fidelity National's practices, the lawsuit contends, run afoul of bankruptcy-court rules requiring the disclosure of fees and ethics rules banning fee-splitting by lawyers, a practice in which law firms pay for client referrals. Fidelity National Is Sued Over Fees
  • Doctors called yesterday for the nationwide adoption of bylaws banning people from drinking in the streets, as new statistics highlighted the damage to health caused by alcohol. Times, Sunday Times
  • We don't want politicians banning bullfighting. Times, Sunday Times
  • French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated this past week that he is interested in banning the “burqa,” Sarkozy Wants to Ban the “Burqa” : Law is Cool
  • If you fools think decreasing hunting activity by banning x-bows is a good thing you are idiots ... there are millions and millions of people in America that have never seen an animal die and eat meat every day! NRA Pushes PA Crossbows
  • Presently there is a prior city bylaw banning smoking in all municipal buildings.
  • They were affected by talk that the Government is considering banning vending machines and cigarette displays in stores. The Sun
  • One of the ways the law aims to achieve these consequences is by banning certain actions.
  • It introduced a code of conduct for political parties, banning the use of language likely to incite violence or hatred.
  • I feel (a bit) sorry for the gay-bashing, drug-warrioring, morning after pill-banning, no-knock search-loving, Patriot Act-hugging folks who considered this site their ideological home for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Results of VC Reader Poll
  • Globe reports that Partners HealthCare is finally banning many of those practices, including the "ghostwriting" that I detailed in my article. Boston Phoenix -
  • For example the banning of mah-jong, a popular card game played with hard polyurethane tiles, only resulted in the development of a noiseless paper-based version.
  • The banning of the annual sea dump brought the issue of nuclear waste disposal into even sharper focus.
  • Forbes said he disapproves of abortion, but he has refused to endorsed a constitutional amendment banning the procedure.
  • He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
  • They refused to sign a 1980 UN treaty banning the napalming of civilian targets and are one of the few countries still using such concoctions.
  • The group also complained about what they termed the unlawful arrest of their leader and Museveni's main rival Kizza Besigye, the banning of political gatherings, interference with the judiciary, and harassment of opposition political representatives and supporters. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The nation's 14 million smokers braced Friday for a new law which comes into force Monday banning them from smoking in public places including bars, restaurants, discotheques and offices.
  • Administrators can avoid criticism by the time-honoured tactic of shooting the messengers - labelling them trolls, then banning them.
  • Consumer advocate attorney Jim Turner, who was instrumental in the 1969 banning of cyclamate in the U.S. for its link to various forms of cancer, met with representatives of aspartame approval petitioner Searle in 1974. Aspartame and Rumsfeld's Disease- A Politically-Induced Biochemical Disaster of Global Proportions
  • We would have to give serious consideration to banning it altogether.
  • This should be followed by banning power stations, which spew out fumes and greenhouse gases.
  • Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates are also banning U.S. pork.
  • This announcement followed the European Commission banning phthalate plasticisers in PVC teething toys for children under three years old.
  • They said their governments would commit to a moratorium on nuclear-weapons testing and seek to put in place a global treaty banning the production of weapons-grade nuclear fuel.
  • He has never bored of it, messing around apparently endlessly with tyres, rejigging qualification over and over again, fiddling on with aerodynamics and banning everything from launch controls to automatic gearboxes all with the express intention of making the sport more exciting and getting people like myself to chunter: Bloody typical: just when I finally worked out what data downlink telemetry does, they get rid of it. Introducing Bernie the mogul's next blockbuster: Star Wars F1? | Harry Pearson
  • The group brought in a code of ethics explicitly banning such attacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The club declined to say how many banning letters have been sent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It stipulated that neutrality should be guaranteed by banning them from accepting party political positions or speaking publicly on behalf of political parties.
  • Banning cigarette advertising would be unconstitutional, since selling cigarettes is legal.
  • Advocates for banning foxhunting in England argue that hunting and killing animals with packs of dogs is cruel and unnecessary.
  • Banning the word Zionist by brisa on Wednesday, Aug 29, 2007 at 3: 04: 35 PM Banning some words HERE on This Website
  • Banning admission fees would mean introducing legislation to prohibit charging by independent deans and chapters of cathedrals.
  • A dress code had been in operation at the pub for eight years banning tracksuits, runners and football jerseys specifically.
  • An interim interdict banning the newspaper from describing the behaviour of the prince and other royals was awarded at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.
  • In recent weeks, he has sneered and jeered and delighted in telling pro-hunting country people to submit to the will of the townies in banning the hunt and sentencing tens of thousands of hounds to death.
  • In an attempt to tame the fraternities, the college is banning strong alcohol. Times, Sunday Times
  • Banning things is usually a pretty ineffectual way of stopping people from doing what they want.
  • frangible" ammunition;, sponsored by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135), would outlaw gun shows on public property;, sponsored by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135), would allow the State Police to ban any firearm they deem "unsafe" at any time;, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (D-3), would prohibit the sale use or possession of .50 caliber firearms;, sponsored by State Assemblyman Clifford Crouch (R-107), provides for banning certain Latest Articles
  • And if there had recently been a bunch of crimes committed against religious fundamentalists by atheists, would that justify banning books by people like Dawkins and Hitchens (who do argue that religious fundamentalism is a significant cause of problems in modern society)? Matthew Yglesias » Free Speech

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