How To Use Bankrupt In A Sentence
This, coupled with a lack of accounting controls, led the district into bankruptcy.
Mum has been a lot more cheerful since Quigley was declared bankrupt, insane and guilty of fraud.
The healthy but lazy who claim incapacity benefit are just as morally bankrupt as those benefiting from offshore tax havens.
Times, Sunday Times
His bankruptcy or winding-up usually abrogates the agreement, and may restore to the bank its right to combine the accounts without notice.
What a truly American story, as Elizabeth went on to become a Harvard Law Professor and expert on finance and bankruptcy law, writing and coauthoring 4 books on finance.
Pearl Korn: Lessons Learned From The Appointment Of Elizabeth Warren

There is increased speculation this could be done through bankruptcy or a reorganization under bankruptcy protection.
Credit-carddebt. com provides insight on the future of bankruptcy and a popular bankruptcy alternative.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
One day our political parties may demand public money to rescue them from bankruptcy.
The Sun
He told us point - blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
Does she buy into the idea that those born with a silver spoon are morally bankrupt?
Times, Sunday Times
Its author believes that Border's bankruptcy and massive store shutdown is a result of the dummying down of books and America's ultimate good taste.
Laura Munson: Books Without Borders
Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses.
Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
November 28th, 2008 at 3: 07 am an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization says: an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization … burrow individualizes restatement linoleum sunk …
Think Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
Oil production has all but halted and the once rich nation is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
Seeing that China's construction of market economy has its elementary scale, we should enact law of bankruptcy so as to bring the law into full effect.
And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
Trying to determine where the bulk of investors' money has gone is the primary goal of the bankruptcy court.
He knew nothing of the elaborate machinery of ingenious chicane, - such as feigning bankruptcy - fraudulent conveyances - making over to his wife - running property - and had never heard of such tricks of trade as sending out coffins to the graveyard, with negroes inside, carried off by sudden spells of imaginary disease, to be "resurrected," in due time, grinning, on the banks of the Brazos.
The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
Can the Commonwealth detain bankrupts for the purpose of examining them, on the basis that some bankrupts are likely to flee before examination?
Two circulars of our state council about bankruptcy penetrate the precedency of legal effect, come into conflict with several upper laws, and violate the fair compensable principle of bankrupt system.
In the greater monetary scheme of things, of course, the dollar is still what investor Doug Casey calls ‘the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.’
A fellow investor in my scheme, this is going to bankrupt him.
Times, Sunday Times
At the same time, we can also find some helpful revelation for implementing the reorganization system of the new law of bankruptcy from Zheng Baiwen s realignment.
A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages.
Sneak Attack
And it is that the administration says it will work with Congress to allow bankruptcy judges to remodify loans, to actually change of the value of a loan if you have a mortgage that is much bigger than the value of your house.
CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2009
Creditor committees and managers of bankrupt companies often are too optimistic.
In 2012 it filed for bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
A few have performed better than expected—e.g., the auto bailouts, although a rapid private bankruptcy was preferable and GM and Chrysler are not yet denationalized successes.
The Obama Presidency by the Numbers
Mr Steel has been declared bankrupt .
How now to recover our financial and moral bankruptcy?
Times, Sunday Times
Critics claimed the company moved to take advantage of easy bankruptcy laws.
Times, Sunday Times
When the travel company went bankrupt, many holidaymakers were left high and dry abroad or waiting at the airport.
The airline is pushing ahead with its own restructuring plan in an attempt to stave off bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
No. 844/General Motors/U.S./Consumer durables In June 2009 old GM filed for bankruptcy and sold substantially all of its assets to a new independent company (the new GM), which currently doesnt trade.
Global 2000 Drop-Offs
Spectrum has been operating for the past year under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
They have exposed the economic, political and moral bankruptcy of American society.
The abundant supply of credit is not matched by an abundance of personal responsibility in current bankruptcy law.
Are audiences so undiscriminating that they will plunk down $9 to see something this creatively bankrupt?
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is ruler of a bankrupt Emirate.
Poor man’s boat | My[confined]Space
The rapid expansion in 90-92, combined with the recession, did a lot of harm financially, and the company finally went bankrupt.
A new provision provides that the regulations do not apply where the outgoing employer is subject to proceedings whereby he may be adjudicated bankrupt or wound up for reasons of insolvency by order of the High Court.
On 3 February 1992 he was adjudicated bankrupt on his own petition.
Dublin finally bowed to the inevitable yesterday and said it DOES need a rescue package to stave off bankruptcy.
The Sun
He was estimated to have won £100,000 in his career but his love of a flutter on greyhounds bankrupted him.
His nonprofit corporation, Working Arts, took over responsibility for the center when the symphony board filed for bankruptcy last year.
He said that players could well band together and try to buy back the world at the company's bankruptcy hearing - and then run it themselves as a breakaway republic.
Many personal bankruptcies are related to small business failures because business loans are often secured over personal assets.
It all comes down to ignorance though, fundamentally, if a substantial minority of the population is unable to even attempt an informed debate without resorting to pachydermal vitriol, then you will unfortunately be left with a corrupt, morally bankrupt set of lunatics.
McCain's Lying Has Gone Too Far, According To ... Karl Rove!
But there will be tough new measures for the minority of bankrupts who take advantage of their creditors.
Now they are exploiting the UK's more lenient bankruptcy regime to rid themselves of their debts.
Times, Sunday Times
When it was obvious the company was going bankrupt, the government ordered all their assets to be frozen.
The AbitibiBowater paper mill near Liverpool is expected to reopen as planned next week, though the community is on "tenterhooks" as the company seeks bankruptcy protection, the mayor of the region says.
CBC | Top Stories News
If you could humor me for a sec I'd like to talk about credit repair and bad credit repair mortgage loan fix repair credit FICO bankruptcy foreclosure equity equifax experian TU dispute not to mention low interest rates on a mortgage and saving someone from foreclosure or bankruptcy.
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He had three offshore companies registered in the Isle of Man for legitimate tax avoidance purposes prior to his bankruptcy.
Rosenthal said Barneys has received no domestic goods shipments since it filed for bankruptcy protection last Wednesday night.
People who buy stock in these companies under American law wind up at the bottom of the totem pole in the bankruptcy proceeding.
After reaching its zenith in the mid-16th century, the Fugger banking empire was undermined by wars and the repeated bankruptcies of the Spanish state.
In This Picturesque Village, the Rent Hasn't Been Raised Since 1520
West Coast liberals need to admit that their ideas are too expensive to sustain, which is why California is bankrupt.
MGM's creditors are currently holding talks with Spyglass Entertainment and Summit Entertainment about running the studio, should they gain control under what is known as a prearranged bankruptcy, according to a person briefed on the matter.
Trying to determine where the bulk of investors' money has gone is the primary goal of the bankruptcy court.
Without a well-educated populace we are a poor and intellectually bankrupt society.
Criticism of Hume's empiricism, direct destruction of the traditional religion, theology, all reasonable evidence, camel, led to drastic moves to the bankruptcy of its theoretical foundation.
It's the highest number of bankrupts for a three-month period since 1993.
In 1987, while the FDIC and FSLIC were busy closing every Bank and S&L in Texas, I of necessity made the conversion to Commercial Bankruptcy.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Modest Proposal for Bar Exam Reform:
However, bankruptcies, which are associated with larger debts or sudden financial shocks, also rose.
Times, Sunday Times
Bankruptcy is a distinct possibility if sales don't improve.
Things became even more difficult when one of his principal backers went bankrupt.
Viviana has been shocked by her country's bankruptcy, devaluation, rocketing inflation and unemployment, all combined with a bout of rioting, looting and street violence.
The company went bankrupt, and it burst up completely.
The massacre laid bare the moral bankruptcy of the regime.
When it ended, the field was a mess and two nations were virtually bankrupt.
Times, Sunday Times
The doctor said that he had been left nearly bankrupt and that his career had slipped back because of lost time.
Times, Sunday Times
Alternately, the Democratic leadership could add in key Democratic priorities, such as toughened financial regulations, bankruptcy law reforms helping homeowners prevent foreclosure, direct government aid to mortgagees, a tax on the financial industry to pay for the bailout, and the job-creating $60 billion economic stimulus / infrastructure spending package the House passed a few days ago.
Suburban Guerrilla
While you say we can't afford to reform health insurance, more than fifty million Americans (at the latest count) live without it, go hungry or heatless or bankrupt without it, and in thousands of cases literally die without it.
James Heffernan: Roadblocking the Ambulance of Health Care Reform
A whole new tragic category of bankrupts are in the making.
It was also the fifth consecutive month in which both the number and value of bankruptcies was above the prior year level.
I think they said it was $500 or $600 we were all paying because people were gaming in the bankruptcy system.
A combination of circumstances landed the company ire bankruptcy.
Skilling's arrogance, belligerence and lack of contriteness under questioning made him a lightning rod for the rage generated after Enron sought bankruptcy protection in 2001.
He invested 2.5m of his own money to stave off bankruptcy three years ago.
Times, Sunday Times
By 1760, France was nearing bankruptcy and its sole option was to sue for peace.
All this illustrates is the moral bankruptcy of the mainstream environmental movement.
Think Progress » Treasury Secretary Nominee Says Failure To Ratify Kyoto Undermines U.S. Competitiveness
In a news release yesterday, Lingle said the state will ask federal Bankruptcy Judge Lloyd King not to approve the shutdown of Aloha's interisland and transpacific flight operations.
Aloha Air halting passenger service after 62 years
More than a dozen nonbank-subprime lenders went bankrupt in the late 1990s after they had overvalued their loans.
Johns had been nearly bankrupted through a failed business venture.
If you are one of the resort's pool of bankrupt songwriters but still have grave interests and tendencies, think about turning to writing dirges for funerals.
Yet back home firms were left counting the cost, with some left bankrupt and one firm of solicitors alone stung for 2.2million.
The Sun
The legislation, however, does not place a flat cap on the value of the homestead exemption that an individual can exempt in bankruptcy.
Ironically, Mike Griffin possesses the knowledge required, but with an arrogance and lack political savvy that has left us equally bankrupt from a leadership point of view.
Major General Jonathan Scott Gration Emerges as Possible Obama Choice for NASA Administrator - NASA Watch
The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.
To raise money for his bankrupt treasury, Juárez sold off lands that had been expropriated from the Church to hacendados (big landowners) who had supported the Liberal cause.
Mexico's Lincoln: The ecstasy and agony of Benito Juarez
The British East India Tea Company was overextended and faced bankruptcy.
The other are a bunch of stadium-hogging egocentrics whose lead singer has almost bankrupt the band on two separate occasions due to ill-advised property investments.
Were this blanket ban to continue, it would certainly mean bankruptcy for some airlines.
Times, Sunday Times
The company - till their bankruptcy in 1993-was the world leader and was in the possession of all world records concerning heavy cable-laid slings and grommets.
The statute defines "a notour bankrupt" to be any debtor who, being under diligence by horning or caption, at the instance of his creditors, shall be either imprisoned, or retire to the abbey or any other privileged place, or flee or abscond for his personal security, or defend his person by force, and who shall afterwards be found, by sentence of the lords of session, to be insolvent.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Am afraid we will be left bankrupt and destitute but at least Josie will have perfect N American teeth.
In December, after 128 years, the retailer announced that it was filing for bankruptcy.
Nevertheless, he set about the seemingly hopeless task of making a bankrupt Command a going concern.
Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve.
Yet he does see politically engaged art as a partial corrective to the bankrupt aestheticism of much mainstream art.
This would affect a lot of people because many bankrupts, shall we say, are not entirely pure as the driven snow.
Instead of taking its aging kegs home, they decided to rent the brewhouse from the bankruptcy administrators.
Cancellation of debt income is not includable in income if the taxpayer is in bankruptcy, or to the extent the taxpayer is insolvent.
The sudden outbreak of the epidemic SARS produced much influence and impact on the travel agencies in China, making a lot of them close down, reduce their staff and even become bankrupt.
The law should make it as illegal as hiding assets in bankruptcy.
The Sun
For many, his indispensable contribution is to have lightened the gloom and moral bankruptcy of those years.
The bankruptcy order does not act as an automatic stay of all proceedings against the bankrupt.
This country was in unneeded war, recession, poor health care, greed, foreclosure, bankrupt and joblessness.
First on the Ticker: RNC Web video targets 'White House in denial'
Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
The last Quebec Supermarket chain which displayed a similar ignorance and arrogance about Ontario that was called "Maxi Plus", bankrupted itself seeking to "colonize" Toronto.
Metro Inc. plans to cancel Dominion Name in Ontario at the prospective expense of shareholders
The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor
The rules of bankruptcy allow such deals to discharge a bankrupt, no matter how large the unpaid debt.
This may be preferable to an alternative, such as filing for bankruptcy protection or simply ceasing operations altogether.
Christianity Today
The company that owns the label filed for bankruptcy at the end of February.
Bankruptcy cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's courts in the of the debtor.
The recent relaxation of the bankruptcy laws is thought to be one reason so many indebted people are using this escape route.
Times, Sunday Times
Which is convenient given two of its group made themselves bankrupt in May this year.
The Sun
He quoted Lord Denning that in the dictionary for example the word barrister comes directly after bankrupt and just before bastard.
Chinalyst - China blogs in English
It could turn out to be a free-flow of local bankruptcies.
And there is no reason for the perpetration of these crimes, except in the pitiable case of the mendicant journals, at the sanctum door of 'which the wolf of bankruptcy is always growling.
Hauliers are expecting 5,000 bankruptcies this year, 50,000 lost jobs.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the house nearly bankrupted him and it was bought in 1707 by the Dalrymple family, who dominated Scottish law in the 18th century.
They included unemployed architects and managers as much as bankrupt shopkeepers or workers laid off.
What's worse, many firms just don't pay, especially where poor bankruptcy laws and corruptible courts prevent the seizure of debtors' assets.
The company has just filed for bankruptcy with debts of over £169.7 million.
He was once a bankrupt junior public official.
The Sun
Others had pointed to the moral bankruptcy of capitalism.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
Which amanuensis is a drunken, bankrupt village grocer, of whom my son-in-law is one of the defrauded creditors – Mr. L — having intrusted him with about forty pounds 'worth of the plantation rice, to sell on commission for him, which rice, indeed, was sold, but was never accounted for, and as the man is a bankrupt, never will be.
Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
The existing company, which declared bankruptcy two years ago, would struggle to survive.
Times, Sunday Times
Any regulation that could potentially bankrupt the media and make investigative journalism too costly to publish should be fiercely resisted.
Times, Sunday Times
A person may be able to live with one or two instances of such crimes, but if the ranch is astride a major conduit the problem becomes serious and can lead to bankruptcy of the ranch owner if not something worse.
Anti aliens measures...
His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy.
Its legitimacy is based on its capacity to deliver economically, not on bankrupt communist ideology.
History will see these cuts as one of the great acts of political folly
The company was on the verge of bankruptcy and needed investors.
The Sun
Creditors of Hollywood's legendary MGM studio have voted in favour of a bankruptcy plan offered by US firm Spyglass Entertainment.
His brickworks went bankrupt, he could not pay his fine and he began to feel thoroughly depressed.
This rough-around-the-edges high school dropout's profligate ways led to personal bankruptcy and, ultimately, some very dubious dealings with shady characters.
He realized that it would bankrupt the company if he continued the expansion.
Then only 25, Early borrowed on his home rather than declare bankruptcy.
At least we'll beable to secure the voting public that understands without accurate HCR this country will go bankrupted.
WH may push through health care reform without Republicans
He said the Government had shown a lack of concern and understanding for farmers who faced bankruptcy.
He was averse to the consumerist craze of the middle class, which has led to the bankruptcy of capitalist mores.
The notional $1.14 quadrillion (as reported by the Bank for International Settlements, which is in Switzerland) only becomes real (and frightfully dangerous) if either counterparty to a derivative goes bankrupt and if the defaulter is a major institution.
So, as McLean wrote later, he ‘bought a bankrupt biweekly from a bankrupt bank in the middle of a depression.’
There are no easy answers here, but the guiding principle left by the Founders that bankruptcy be used to quickly and finally resolve insolvency is instructive.
Matthew Yglesias » Obama Comes Out Swinging in Weekly Address
It does not appeal to the workingman who has had his head broken by a policeman's club, his union treasury bankrupted by a court decision, or his job taken away from him by a labor-saving invention.
The dispute is due to be settled by the bankruptcy court.
Times, Sunday Times
But if it can't meet its liabilities for example, because of bankruptcy other OPOL signatories step in to guarantee the payment of costs of as much as $120 million.
Oil-Spill Liability To Rise in U.K.
We must recover our losses immediately,or we shall be bankrupt.
The American government took a majority stake in the carmaker as it emerged from bankruptcy protection.
The bank rescued the company from bankruptcy.
Arizona has been in the news a lot these days, and so for this week's job we are calling all senior bankruptcy attorneys who may be looking to "immigrate" there.
Above the Law
The larger carrier painted a picture of its glorious future as a stand-alone airline once it emerged from bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite being one of the best paid sportsmen of a generation, he was declared bankrupt just one year after playing his last professional match.
Not, go here martini it metabolite it andrei a angeles but roustabout in betony in resignation in anxiety, dreamboat and progress may conspire on offsetting a khan the reptile see petrify in forsake it grizzly not monkeyflower! choral it algonquin some selves it elmsford see lew not anastasia be coequal some bankrupt in ethnic a purgative not bridal on chimera and ammonia be cliffhang! began or kickback be amalgam or tycoon!
Archive 2006-01-01
Then there were the immeasurably proud nouveau landowners, to say nothing of former bankrupts turned CIPs (Commercially Important People, don't you know!).
The bank loan saved her company from bankruptcy.
But a private company faces a much more punishing feedback mechanism - namely, bankruptcy - to ensure accountability than any public enterprise.
The empirical model for explaining delinquencies is similar to the one for explaining bankruptcies.
The unraveling of Christian Lacroix began long before the label filed for bankruptcy in France in May.
I want - I got
What a lesson to the West, where we are often materially rich and spiritually bankrupt!
She had to sell her flat and constantly teetered on the edge of bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
The Tax Day Tea Party protests began earlier this year when Rick Santelli, on-air editor for CNBC, ranted against what he called the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House and Congress, a flawed stimulus bill and a pork-filled budget, according to the Tax Day Tea Party Web site.
The bankrupt corporations and banks will be wiped out and their debts repaid by taxpayers.
Hopefully it will be before he makes me bankrupt.
The Sun
When Quaker tea merchant Joseph Fry went bankrupt in 1828 his monthly meeting disowned him.
Spectrum has been operating for the past year under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
on the brink of bankruptcy
If they didn't buy all those fancy things, they wouldn't find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy.
Car-parts maker Federal-Mogul recently secured Dollars 550m in extra credit to avoid bankruptcy and fight its asbestos lawsuits.
After the 1982 recession virtually bankrupted them, many states adopted the practice.
Instead, as Samuelson notes, much of the increase was due to layoffs, bankruptcies and cutbacks.
A widespread bankruptcy, default, and repudiation of bonds would necessarily ensue.
But he is no good with figures and the staff are cheating him; bankruptcy is surely beckoning.
Times, Sunday Times
While the Saints built their first temple, neighbors made life miserable and the Mormons neared bankruptcy.
Earlier this year, First National's ownership, a New York group known as FN Building that had defaulted on a roughly $27 million mortgage, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Downtown Detroit Dream
We do not know what the sum of direct and indirect costs of bankruptcy amounts to.
Principles of Corporate Finance
Say, if a lawyer is bankrupt, that can be a reason for striking off.
Bankrupting a city and interfering with its commercial activities can have big impacts, you know.
The truth is that the whole system will be bankrupt if we pay for any medication for the elderly.
Article 205 The debt repayment of a bankrupt legal person enterprise shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the legal person enterprise is located.
The deal will help the troubled company to avoid bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
He is a self-employed carpet layer and was recently declared bankrupt.
Times, Sunday Times
The delisted company has defaulted on its pricey bonds and filed for protection under Chapter 11, becoming one of the largest high-tech bankruptcies ever.
A decade of misgovernment has bankrupted the country.
We would have gone bankrupt.
Times, Sunday Times
Unions need to agree to billions more in cost cuts if the group is to avoid bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
I think GM is eminently re-organizable," said Durc Savini, managing director at Miller Buckfire & Co., a New York investment banking firm that advised on the bankruptcies at auto suppliers Dana Corp. and Dura Automotive Inc.
Big Three Seek $34 Billion Aid
When his last business failed he became bankrupt.
The Sun
You scuzzballs steal $122 million out of your air ambulance system, bankrupting it.
The mortgage debt was included in the bankruptcy discharge.
So rapacious were some accountant trustees, in contradistinction to legal practitioner trustees, that bankruptcy trusteeships were referred to in parliament and in the press as ‘legalised robbery’.
The prospect of bankruptcy of his company beetled over the general manager.
I don't know many lawyers in the bankruptcy practice who take the idea of zealous representation of their client as seriously as he does," says Richard Chesley, a Chicago bankruptcy lawyer who has worked with Mr. Lauria on a couple of cases.
Lawyer Who Slowed Chrysler Deal May Take On GM
We have taken it back from the brink of bankruptcy.
Times, Sunday Times
We reject all your "passkey" piffle, point to the bankruptcy of your "moral value," and contend that the presence of even the most basic skills of ethical evaluation is vastly preferable to your line of crap.
An Open Letter to John C. Wright
The standard reply to the Work at Tescos” jibe is “Well if you were a manager at Tescos you would have bankrupted them years ago” on January 1, 2010 at 3: 17 pm Sherriff Roscoe.
If Carlsberg Made Justice Secretaries………… « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Yeah, nothin 'says "looney" like pointing out that we don't have the money to police the world, that we should return to constitutional government and protect individual liberty, and that our entitlement programs are going bankrupt.
Paul No. 1 on
The defendant then has the unmitigated gall to blame his recent bankruptcy on these court proceedings.