
How To Use Bank In A Sentence

  • Within five years, a unified currency in 1933 the "central" issue of "legal tender" currency has been relatively stable, so Donglai Bank has to resume business.
  • Moreover, Mr Webb's point about what he calls disinterested management -- that is to say, the management of banks by officers whose remuneration bears no relation to the profit made on each piece of business transacted -- is one of the matters in which English banking seems likely at least to be modified. War-Time Financial Problems
  • Forbes: In terms of scale, the size of a bank for lending, is there a point where being bigger does not make you more efficient in lending? Transcript: Richard Bove
  • Mr Smith said the department's own funds, which have bankrolled major improvements in the naval service, had been well tapped and it was now time to explore new ways of funding.
  • This, coupled with a lack of accounting controls, led the district into bankruptcy.
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  • But for the watermark, the thickness of the paper and the missing security thread, the note, reportedly obtained from a private bank, looked like genuine currency for all practical purposes.
  • Once you got into the stadium, there were no seats, only grassy banks.
  • Bounties were paid right across a banking sector whose incompetence threw thousands of innocents into jeopardy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stated income loans only deserve the moniker "liar loans" because they were abused by banks and given to borrowers who lacked the income to qualify full doc. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He was, when he chose to lay aside his mountebankery, an excellent and inspiring conductor. Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • That provides a powerful financial incentive for banks to supply more credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has full-size trees, sand banks leading down to a stony beach, and water cascading down a rock outcrop.
  • I passed plunging gorges, streams in spate, riverbanks ripped open, fields flooded, a brown soup drowning the track.
  • All of them, appropriately for a bank, contributed their pennyworth.
  • The path from Billy's cottage wound down towards the river bank.
  • Fourthly, pay more attention to databank construction, take communication and cooperation seriously.
  • The money is commonly laundered via cash deposits to friends or family members' bank accounts and is quickly withdrawn to be paid to the gang leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hand, Schryhart, Arneel, and Merrill, weighted with this inpouring flood of stock, which they had to take at two-twenty, hurried to their favorite banks, hypothecating vast quantities at one-fifty and over, and using the money so obtained to take care of the additional shares which they were compelled to buy. The Titan
  • The healthy but lazy who claim incapacity benefit are just as morally bankrupt as those benefiting from offshore tax havens. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man won his year-long battle to clear his name only after a bank worker was arrested for fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a reason for this: unbeknown to the Reserve Bank, the major banks were working secretly and cooperatively to develop an alternative payment system that would substitute for direct debits.
  • It checks bank account numbers before accepting them and will detect many common transcription errors, including incorrectly entered and transposed characters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conseco has no investment bankers, legal counsel, commercial bankers, or consultants doing business with the company on its board, nor are there any interlocking directorates.
  • Already the banks of the St. Lawrence below Quebec were laid out in seigniories, and the farms were tolerably well cultivated. The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • Apart from intense competition in the retail savings market, banks and building societies also compete strongly in the market for house finance.
  • I'd chase along the street nearest the river, dodging out side streets to the riverbank.
  • Burbank worked out in his mind and by actual experiments _distinctive methods_ of development -- _development and changes along particular, definite lines. Certain Success
  • You can bank by phone in the USA, punching in account numbers on the phone.
  • The admission comes in the form of internal Bank documents prepared earlier in 1992 by its operations evaluation department.
  • As the family mourns and close relatives shave their heads, the body is transported to the funeral ghat (bank along a river), where prayers are recited.
  • Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-20 advanced and developing nations are meeting in South Korea Friday and Saturday to prepare for a summit of G-20 leaders next month. Japan Calls for Currency-Market Cooperation
  • He had a bank balance that a senior merchant banker would not be ashamed of.
  • His bankruptcy or winding-up usually abrogates the agreement, and may restore to the bank its right to combine the accounts without notice.
  • And the 21m he banked off the course is certain to rocket as new sponsors clamber on board the gravy train. The Sun
  • Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
  • Lisa has two daughters, 12 and 16, and works as an administrative assistant in a bank.
  • The chairman of the bank believes in the personal touch and always sends a signed letter to each customer.
  • We're on a misty riverbank, with lush, flowering trees and towering storybook castles in the background.
  • Walking for any distance along shingle bank is punishing on the legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, this is a river bank and it is not unusual to see rats on a river bank.
  •  Thin capitalisation - offshore jurisdictions tend not to impose \ "thin capitalisation\" rules on companies (except for regulated entities such as banks and insurance companies), allowing them to be formed with a purely nominal equity investment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • They watched in wonder as bankers, industrialists and assorted spivs piled up more and more riches.
  • "It is expected that commercial banks will respond by lowering their lending base rates, " he explained.
  • And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies.
  • One of the main sources of short-term funds is the unsecured bank loan. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • What seems obvious though is the complexity of the process by which the banks will actually merge. Times, Sunday Times
  • That'sbad for consumers, and it's bad for the vast majority of bankers andfinancial service professionals who do the right thing. State of the union 2012: full transcript of President Obama's speech
  • He pulled out a big fat wallet stuffed with bank notes.
  • The commercial bank is willing to lend money to these customers.
  • Heave out the sails, let's row to the bank.
  • What a truly American story, as Elizabeth went on to become a Harvard Law Professor and expert on finance and bankruptcy law, writing and coauthoring 4 books on finance. Pearl Korn: Lessons Learned From The Appointment Of Elizabeth Warren
  • *** Pharmaceuticals Sigma Pharmaceuticals said that it is likely to breach loan conditions with bankers after taking a charge of as much as 270 million Australian dollars ($253.4 million) from the A$900 million fire sale of its pharmaceutical division to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare. Business Watch
  • Shy bushbuck, kudu, eland, impala, and elephant all take their turn whilst buffalo and waterbuck make their way to the sandy banks of the Zambesi.
  • We're all victims of the same policy to dispossess us, " says Muhammad Korshan, a West Bank Bedou activist.
  • The fun was over, and I slowed and banked up to a safer altitude.
  • The central bank has put up interest rates.
  • Onward they sailed along the south bank of the estuary, past the great sea-carved stone arches of “Île Percée” that made it an important seamark. Champlain's Dream
  • The note in question is a Japanese 1,000 yen bill that was probably a prototype of a new high-tech banknote.
  • Arriving at the confluence with the Columbia, of the river whose banks they were following, they perceived that it was the same which had been called _Lewis river_, by the American captain of that name, in Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America in the years 1811, 1812, 1813, and 1814 or the First American Settlement on the Pacific
  • What they have "incentivized" executives to do, in countless cases, is not to perform, but to game the system, to smooth the numbers, to take insane risks with other people's money, to do whatever had to be done to ring the bell and send the dollars coursing their way into the designated bank account. Let's Move Their Cheese
  • He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
  • This so-called "truncation" of the collection process calls for a redefinition of the duties incumbent on the holder and collecting and drawee banks and have been specifically addressed in the proposed legislation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We highlight those likely to get a green bank boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bejewelled visitor to the Metropolitan Opera, facing a bank of paparazzi at the entrance.
  • In the event, Gabriel got work with a road crew, digging up the streets of north London for cable companies; Andrea, again unable to persuade a bank to give her an interview, took up house- cleaning.
  • This appears to have led to his death after he lost control of a scooter on a bridleway above the Wharfe's steep banks near his home. Jimi Heselden obituary
  • It is found that the government bond is in low proportion. This will weaken the Central Banks currency control in depression and capital disposal.
  • C.N), the largest U.S. bank and a major casualty of the crisis, could fall below $10 a share, less than a third of its 150-day moving average price of $32.82, as the credit crisis unravels further.
  • So much for postcrisis efforts to whittle banks down to a more-manageable size. J.P. Morgan Plays a $20 Billion Hand
  • ALLAHABAD - As the country marked the first anniversary of 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks, hundreds of people in Uttar Pradesh's Allahabad district turned up at the bank of the Ganga Thursday to witness the "hanging" of terrorist Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The congested, hypertense crossing point of the River Jordan, between Jordan "proper" and the Israeli-held West Bank, is to this day known as the Allenby Bridge, after T.E. Lawrence's commander. The Perils of Partition
  • There is increased speculation this could be done through bankruptcy or a reorganization under bankruptcy protection.
  • Credit-carddebt. com provides insight on the future of bankruptcy and a popular bankruptcy alternative. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • We are particularly interested in the potential of specialisation and disaggregation, nowadays increasingly utilised by better banks worldwide.
  • He is a government affairs consultant, and a past president and COO of a banking software consulting firm.
  • The recovery is on track, the current-account surplus is healthy, capital flows are strong, companies are restructuring and the recapitalization of banks is almost complete.
  • But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. '' A Black Hole
  • He later went on to design the moderne iconography in the Bank of Nova Scotia building at 44 King W.
  • Here was a man seemingly prepared to bankroll them on the sweetest of terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933
  • The piggybank is set to hit Japanese shops on September 6 with a price tag of 4, 935 yen ($45.76), said Bandai.
  • It is time to reappoint the bank as sole regulator of its sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • During further analysis of these cosmids, high throughput sequence databanks were periodically screened for homology to the unique sequences until unannotated files containing exact matches appeared.
  • 'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.' The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
  • One day our political parties may demand public money to rescue them from bankruptcy. The Sun
  • Island on the L.S. is one of the worst quick or moveing sand bars Which I have Seen, notwithstanding all our precaustons to Clear the Sands and pass between them (which was the way we were compd. to pass, from the immence Current & falling banks on the S. S.) the Boat Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Phoning the bank is top of my list of priorities today.
  • Any increase or decrease in the money stock is thus directly attributable to the activities of the central bank.
  • He told us point - blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • My husband is a banker with a very demanding schedule.
  • Does she buy into the idea that those born with a silver spoon are morally bankrupt? Times, Sunday Times
  • The international investment bank has warned investors of the potential risk exposure arising from equities.
  • Yet, the banking system remains on life-support. Times, Sunday Times
  • The money had been secreted in a Swiss Bank account.
  • Shortly after leaving the outskirts of Adonis the car slithered down a sloping piece of ground, teetered over a low bank, and splashed logily into water. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Take this to the bank for me, would you?
  • Bankrolled by an allowance from a rich uncle, she finds all of those as she takes small acting roles and moves from cafés and nightclubs in Montparnasse to a villa near Biarritz. 2009 December 07 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Small-business owner Frank Sheftel is saying no to one of the biggest trends in banking: higher fees.
  • Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance.
  • We had planned to spend the Bank Holiday weekend in Italy paying the next tranche of money and finalising the layout of sanitary ware in the bath room.
  • Its author believes that Border's bankruptcy and massive store shutdown is a result of the dummying down of books and America's ultimate good taste. Laura Munson: Books Without Borders
  • You need £100 in your account to qualify for free banking.
  • At the end, I swoop up again and bank left, taking the aircraft in a steep climb over the surrounding hills.
  • Criticisms were made that the decision to honour or dishonour cheques was no longer made by experienced bankers with the necessary skills, but passed on to less experienced bank staff to cut costs and save time.
  • To the front and rear of the house are lawns and shrubberies, but the grounds also contain two acres of young trees, a wildlife pond, mature woodland and banks of rhododendrons.
  • Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses. Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
  • Teams often protect the yellow jersey like a queen bee, but he briefly dropped back on his own for a seat adjustment from a Saxo Bank mechanic before catching up. Cavendish ices Tour de France stage victory; Cancellara leads
  • The bank kept its benchmark rate unchanged at 9%, where it has been since November, and the rediscount rate at 12%, after raising it from 7% last month. Vietnam Raises Rates
  • November 28th, 2008 at 3: 07 am an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization says: an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization … burrow individualizes restatement linoleum sunk … Think Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
  • But still bankers in brokerage firms with giant bonus options think they can prop it back up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Julia smiled with delight. she was enjoying her walk down the quiet country lane towards the riverbank.
  • MONTGOMERY: A group of crooks in Montgomery stole a forklift, used it to steal an ATM from a bank, and a surveillance camera caught the whole thing! News for
  • Oil production has all but halted and the once rich nation is on the verge of bankruptcy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ci-devant banker, then a widower with an only daughter, Esther, had journeyed to England.
  • In practical terms, it becomes akin to the line about owing a bank a billion dollars, though recent events may have given the lie to that apothegm. Matthew Yglesias » Climate Migration
  • Your bank balance depends entirely on your salary but your happiness balance depends solely on you.
  • Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
  • Putting it all together yields a compelling story: European banks are shifting their cash assets out of European banks and putting much of them into US banks.
  • Now it looks like some of these banks may have been technically insolvent for quite some time before they actually collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government has been under pressure to increase competition in banking after a highly criticised review from the competition watchdog. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big banks argue that the advisers are walking a fine line. Times, Sunday Times
  • The $1.65 million penalty is piddling to the huge banks.
  • how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank
  • Critics warn that the new hedges were often overvalued, allowing banks to minimise how much the redress scheme costs them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Kensington High Street rag reckons chuggers—paid workers who stop you in the street and persuade you to give over your bank details for charity—are well on their way out.
  • The investment banking arm has delivered strong profits growth in recent years by pushing both its clients' and its own capital into commodities and currency speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since I clearly am still unable to accomplish the feat of bilocation, the bank was most cooperative. Ripped off Prevention Tactics
  • Everything was going fine, had a nice girl, money in the bank and whammo!
  • And now some of the biggest banks on Britain's high street were under pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Savers looking to cash in on higher Isa allowances which come into effect today are being warned to read the small print to avoid being "fleeced" by banks and building societies. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • Seeing that China's construction of market economy has its elementary scale, we should enact law of bankruptcy so as to bring the law into full effect.
  • A typical railway line is mainly characterized by two main types of scenario: viaduct and embankment.
  • The bank will bring pressure to bear on you if you don't pay.
  • If you are defending your business to your banker "after" filing the S-1, you had a clear sequencing problem.
  • It is the usual practice for a bank to confirm only an Irrevocable L / C.
  • But it is a tricky lesson to teach when the banks and building societies are paying barely any interest to savers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe merchant banking is the ultimate microcosm for life after all.
  • And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
  • There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
  • It said the flood walls and embankments being proposed would vary in height between one and 1.8 metres and protect most of the village, including the A166, against a one in 100-year flooding event.
  • The soldiers were dispersed along a bank.
  • I'm tired of being messed around by my bank.
  • It was an impressive performance, especially when its two largest components, Allied Irish Banks and Bank of Ireland, both had a torpid year. The performance put the Irish market ahead of many of its peers.
  • Local cable and satellite affiliates will distribute the food donations to local food banks.
  • The taxman is seeking the power to plunder the bank accounts of both individuals and companies to recover unpaid taxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corporation is guaranteed this amount, and the investment banker takes the risk of selling issue.
  • Since markets are interconnected and some banks occupy quasi - monopolistic positions, we must consider breaking them up.
  • However it has not been plain sailing for the American since his arrival at Meadowbank last month in wake of the Scots' ignominious start to the BBL season.
  • With this caveat, he endorsed the Fifth Army proposal for resuming the offensive on the Right Bank.
  • Kane sits on the group's bancassurance committee, representing insurance and investments, and he works alongside executive director Peter Ayliffe, who is responsible for retail banking.
  • At the height of the craze, I stood on the North Bank at Highbury in a forest of bananas, watching awestruck as they celebrated another goal going in by either bopping your neighbour over the head, or simply chucking the thing in the air.
  • The bank has been discussing a possible sale of the platform to local wealth manager IOOF Holdings Ltd. and a newspaper report Wednesday claimed that NAB has lodged an updated version of its bid with the ACCC, including a plan to sell North to IOOF for less than A$50 million. AXA Asia Profit Falls 19%
  • Huntington welterweight Glenn Banks is set to grace the international stage when he flies to Copenhagen at the end of the month.
  • Working at the Australian central bank as a trainee economist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bank dishonoured a number of cheques drawn by its client and sent a fax contending that his debit balance was in excess of his facility.
  • He said it had also been agreed to have a book bank at the site.
  • Honestly, is there no end to the brazen behaviour of banks? Times, Sunday Times
  • We will not be reduced to subsistence farming and exporting fish and chips if the banks leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • We arrived home to the revelations about how disgusting York's public conveniences had been allowed to become over the Bank Holiday.
  • The bank offered to lend us £1,000 but that's chicken feed compared to what we need.
  • His wife hails from Hamburg, Germany, and he had a spell working as a commodity broker for a bank.
  • Trying to determine where the bulk of investors' money has gone is the primary goal of the bankruptcy court.
  • By ‘real’ stress I mean when the bank heavies are actually knocking on your door and it's pay up time on the arrears on the house payments.
  • His 10-point information policy stresses free access, establishment of information resource centres and public access to data banks.
  • The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
  • Washington dreamed his way along the street, his fancy flitting from grain to hogs, from hogs to banks, from banks to eyewater, from eye-water to Tennessee Land, and lingering but a feverish moment upon each of these fascinations. The Gilded Age, Part 1.
  • Living on an irrigation property on the banks of the Murray River, Ray's childhood was spent on the farm helping with flood irrigation, fencing, harvesting lucerne, shearing and crutching.
  • If you feel uncomfortable about it, though, you can opt out by contacting your bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Banker or not, the villas provide a sumptuous holiday complete with giant four-poster beds swathed in billowing muslin. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is not predicting the demise of banks, but thinks their job will be different. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of that growth is attributable to increases in mortgage banking and recent acquisitions.
  • The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market.
  • The unbanked tend to be poor.
  • A plain-clothes police officer (P) sees a man he believes to be the same man (D) he saw rob a bank earlier. The Volokh Conspiracy » Indiana Appellate Case on the Right to Resist a Police Officer’s Unlawful Entry
  • My boyhood heroes in baseball were Ernie Banks, Billy Williams and Willie Mays.
  • Now the WWW has become the preferred environment for a multitude of e-services: e-commerce, e-banking, e-voting, e-government, etc.
  • Central bank leaders from throughout Africa met in Senegal to discuss ideas about how they better integrate economies across this landmass, which is home to more countries than any other continent. West Africa's Central Bank Governor Promotes Single Currency
  • This analysis suggests that, from a practical point of view, it is not easy to draw a clear-cut distinction between a collecting bank and a discounting bank.
  • He moonlights as a nightwatchman at the Meadowbank leisure centre in Edinburgh.
  • Mainland authorities are banking on consumer spending to provide a bulwark against weaker capital investment and to broaden the economy's base of growth.
  • China's Eximbank acts as an investor (providing) loans," Magauov said. "Sinopec Engineering is a contractor.
  • He knew nothing of the elaborate machinery of ingenious chicane, - such as feigning bankruptcy - fraudulent conveyances - making over to his wife - running property - and had never heard of such tricks of trade as sending out coffins to the graveyard, with negroes inside, carried off by sudden spells of imaginary disease, to be "resurrected," in due time, grinning, on the banks of the Brazos. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • He was also set to buy a castle until a bank clerk spotted an error in a mortgage application and alerted cops. The Sun
  • Can the Commonwealth detain bankrupts for the purpose of examining them, on the basis that some bankrupts are likely to flee before examination?
  • As anyone with a son or daughter working for a City investment bank will tell you, the salaries and annual bonuses that go with such deals are mouth-watering.
  • It is certain that Byron had begun the fourth canto, and written some thirty or more stanzas, before Hobhouse rejoined him at his villa of La Mira on the banks of the Brenta, in July, 1817; and it would seem that, although he had begun by saying "that he was too short a time in Rome for it," he speedily overcame his misgivings, and accomplished, as he believed, the last "fytte" of his pilgrimage. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • He was a red-blooded assistant bank manager.
  • Close by the riverbank are the historic garden and house of Carl Linnaeus. The Constant Gardener
  • My mother has never paid a bill, written a cheque or drawn money from the bank in her life.
  • The same is the case with automated teller machines installed by nationalised banks.
  • Two circulars of our state council about bankruptcy penetrate the precedency of legal effect, come into conflict with several upper laws, and violate the fair compensable principle of bankrupt system.
  • Magazine writers are mining the territory of their day jobs to write bankable novels that bring readers inside the worlds of music and fashion glitterati.
  • Concerns about the clinical implications, the cost of routine medication, and the possible excessive wastage resulting from the return of units to the blood bank have led us to question our practice.
  • Bernice lay contentedly at the edge of a sand embankment white as driven snow, her chin cupped in her hands, watching half a dozen or more mullets drift and swing in the limpid clear water below. The Mystery at Number Six
  • It said yesterday it continued to make good progress in its three-way talks with banks and bondholders.
  • The amount of money protected if your bank or building society collapses drops sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has become easy to obtain information about our bank and insurance accounts, train and airline reservations through computerized systems.
  • The company ended last year with a small amount of cash in the bank, which is an inefficient use of capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Believing that my wallet was gone forever, I started calling my bank and credit card companies, but the front desk clerk called my room, saying, “A cabdriver is in the lobby with your wallet.” A wayward wallet returns
  • Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.

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