How To Use Bank of england In A Sentence
'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.'
The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
With the expectations of Bank of England hiking rates next week the sterling will see some weakening.
The shares were underwritten by the Bank of England.
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
Throughout that month, the Bank of England spent billions ensuring the pound stayed within its ERM band.

For example, the Bank of England has published an annex to the Global Master Repurchase Agreement for London to cater for government securities, enabling a netting of obligations under gilt repos with non-gilt repos.
It will also reassure policy makers at the Bank of England, who contend that inflation is poised to slow precipitously this year and risks undershooting its 2% target by the fourth quarter.
U.K. Inflation Slows Sharply
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
He had directorial responsibility for three major new Bank of England buildings, including the New Change office block at the top of Cheapside.
Although the term "currency board" is somewhat contemporary, the Bank of England used this mechanism to manage its gold standard system in the 18th century.
A Currency Board Linked To Gold
Unlike the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, the ECB has pussyfooted around quantitative easing, or using its balance sheet to buy government bonds or other securities outright, because it's so fraught with problems in the euro zone.
Spanish Fly in ECB Ointment
This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates.
The Bank of England has had to pull in more gold.
The ECB has been criticized in many quarters for not cutting interest rates as fast as the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, even though inflation is well below the «close to but below» 2 percent target and the economies in the euro zone are contracting sharply.
The man who came up with the answer was a financial adventurer called William Paterson, a Scot who had made his name down south as one of the founding directors of the Bank of England.
The Bank of England website contains a treasure trove of banknote trivia.
On 3 June 1992 it was wound up by the High Court on a petition presented by the Bank of England.
The assumption is that the Bank of England is intent on tightening policy over the coming months, but its decisions will depend on the data.
This is by no means strange and alien terrain for the Bank of England.
Bank of England was flocci nauci to the voluptuous spendthrift, Gabriel
Lucretia — Volume 06
Northern Rock also got a glowing testimonial from the Governor of the Bank of England, who is quoted at some length.
Solid as a Nothern Rock?
The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market.
The Bank of England has had to pull in more gold.
Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England, yesterday warned that any improvement in the economy would be "anaemic".
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Such steps are usually very successful - for example, making the Bank of England institutionally independent of political influence was able to remove interest rate manipulations from the policy toolbox of governments seeking re-election - and has been credited with helping the UK's very significant economic recovery.
The Symbolic Value of Abolishing the Minimum Wage, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Bank of England bosses will snub pressure to raise them when they meet this week.
The Sun
But this gradual shift downwards may put pressure on inflation as the cost of imports rise, forcing the Bank of England to consider upping interest rates.
The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England.
The governor of the Bank of England used to talk of the economy needing escape velocity before policy is tightened.
Times, Sunday Times
The Bank of England was ‘clearly ready to move’ on rates if necessary, said the governor, Sir Eddie George.
Governors of the Bank of England are expected to maintain a strict code of political neutrality.
Times, Sunday Times
The Bank of England's announcement gave the stock market a lift today.
Adam Posen is a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, an adviser to the Congressional Budget Office, a senior economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and a leading expert on Japan's lost decade.
'Hysteresis': An ugly word for an increasingly ugly economic situation
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
Channels were changed by turning a dial with all the care of a master cracksman opening the safe of the Bank of England.
Interest rates are the elixir of life for the economy, and last week the Bank of England's monetary policy committee opted to keep them at 4% for the seventh month running.
The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market.
This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates.
But yesterday, Paul Tucker, the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, warned that any signs of growth would be "anaemic".
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He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.
In this respect, Britain is better placed than most, since base rates of 4.75% give the Bank of England ample leeway to loosen monetary policy.
It gained a licence to operate as a bank from the Bank of England in 1981.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said in its semi-annual Economic Outlook that the Bank of England should raise its key rate to 5.5% next year to head off inflation.
The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market.
This week's interest-rate decision by the Bank of England's monetary policy committee is on a knife-edge, amid further evidence that the economy is weakening.
The Bank of England should put itself at the forefront of this movement.
Times, Sunday Times
The Bank of England thinks it is pretty close and has said so; the Treasury evidently disagrees.
As resident surgeon to the Bank of England and the son of the accountant general, Smee was able to state with authority concerning some tallies preserved as relics that "curiously enough, I have ascertained that no gentleman in the Bank of England recollects the mode of reading them."
Debt, the Bank of England, the East India Company were the only examples of really large and safe investments at the opening of the eighteenth century.
The Evolution of Modern Capitalism A Study of Machine Production
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said in its semi-annual Economic Outlook that the Bank of England should raise its key rate to 5.5% next year to head off inflation.
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
Mervyn King vs eurozone: A tale of two banks Bank of England Governor Mervyn King coined the term "inflation nutter", but his euro-zone counterparts are the ones living up to the label...
Evening Standard - Home
This cannot be left to the Bank of England and monetary policy.
Times, Sunday Times
LONDON—The Bank of England kept its key interest rate at a record low for the 30th straight month Thursday against a backdrop of slackening growth in the U.K. and gloomier prospects for the global economy.
Bank of England Keeps Rates Steady
The so-called bonds that will be used to “repay” Northern Rock's £25 billion in borrowing from the Bank of England will be guaranteed by the Treasury and will therefore be indistinguishable from any other government borrowing.
Archive 2008-01-01
As long as it's run like the Bank of England currently runs the pound, which is to say, apolitically, and pretty predictably, then it should be all right.
Observers reckon the Bank of England will hold fire until nearer the Budget.
Vast values for international banking developed, including the "titan" - a £100million individual note used by the Bank of England for accounting purposes. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Often they don't bother to announce rises at all, and when they do the result rarely matches the hike to the base rate the Bank of England has announced.
The pound posted more losses against the euro after a speech by Bank of England Governor Mervyn King was interpreted as relatively "dovish," or more concerned about stimulating economic growth than inflation.
Pound Skids on GDP Data
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
The Bank of England's announcement gave the stock market a lift today.
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
It was precisely that virile habiliment to which a well-known gallant captain alludes in his conversation with the posthumous appearance of Miss Bailey, as containing a Bank of England 5 pound note.
Tales of all countries
According to the White Paper, a Tory government would scrap this third wing of the tri-partite system - passing many of its functions over the the Bank of England, and putting in its place a new, beefed-up Consumer Protection Agency, which would "take responsibilities to protect the consumer that are currently and confusingly divided between the FSA and Office of Fair Trading".
Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
In normal operation CHAPS payments are settled in real time across settlement accounts, maintained by Members at the Bank of England.
He bore his poverty with the same dignity which characterized him in his prosperity, and when the Trustees resolved to depart from the old plan of devolving the bursarship on a Professor, it fell by universal consent to him, with whom millions of dollars would have been as safe as in the Bank of England.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
Despite the architect's reputed denial, the commission from the Prime Minister must have helped to secure, two years later, what was to be the most important commission of his career - the rebuilding of the Bank of England.
He remains unbothered by the signs of slowdown in the economy, believing that if it proves to be more than a blip the Bank of England has plenty of scope to cut interest rates.
The Bank of England will also provide guidance on its interest-rate strategy when the governor, Mervyn King, presents its quarterly inflation report.
He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.
Just as the Bank of England has a target for inflation and has to write a letter to the chancellor if it misses it by a wide margin, the new rule seeks to establish credibility.
The Bank of England has given big lenders two extra years to beef up their protections against a taxpayer bailout.
Times, Sunday Times
Sign of the times: The Bank of England announced Friday it would introduce a new £50 note in November featuring engineer James Watt, who designed the efficient steam engines that helped power the Industrial Revolution, and his backer Matthew Boulton.
Overheard: Chargeback
Most importantly he was a vigorous opponent of giving the Bank of England independence.
In Great Britain he orchestrated the shakedown of the Bank of England in the fall of 1992, while pocketing profits of well over a billion dollars.
On the other side of the ocean. 18, a crisis of Britain's largest mortgage bank Halifax Bank of England was the acquisition of Lloyds TSB Bank.
MPC's Adam Posen tells Bank of England not to 'overreact' to high inflation - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The numbers come after Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker warned any recovery was likely to be "anaemic" and the true picture of the economy's health would not become apparent until next spring or summer.
The Guardian World News
Investment skyrocketed and London surged back to world financial leadership as Thatcher broke up the little log-rolling, back-scratching association of accepting houses merchant banks at the feet of the governor of the Bank of England.
Notable & Quotable
The Bank of England's announcement gave the stock market a lift today.
The other dampener would be an increase in interest rates, but the Bank of England has shown no signs it wants to raise them.
So far, the Bank of England's attempts to slow the consumer boom here look to have been as feeble as placing matchsticks in the path of an oncoming train.
What the governor of the Bank of England calls the "sober decade" began with unsuppressed smirks of satisfaction.
The Bank of England tried to rally the pound.
The Bank of England started to lift the rate in November last year and it has since gone up by 1.25 percentage points.
There is one particularly striking image of a city gent walking with the Bank of England on one side and a coalman on the other, lifting a bag of coal from his truck.
_pay offices_ I would have imprested in future to the _Bank of England_.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12)
For example, the Bank of England is constituted a body corporate by its 1694 charter.
The Bank of England tried to rally the pound.
The expense of this recoinage I am sure we can find maintained by the stockholders of the Bank of England, and for their pay we shall propose
The Mississippi Bubble
The governor of the Bank of England would have to write to the chancellor to explain why inflation had overshot its target.
The ‘paper pound’ refers to the restriction placed on the convertibility of Bank of England notes into gold bullion or coin.
Bank of England governor Sir Eddie George added his voice to the growing chorus of optimism.
Some senior regulators have chafed at the growing clout that Bank of England officials already wield, according to recently departed officials.
UBS to Test U.K. Regulator
Thus, the Bank of England's suspension, known as the English Bank Restriction, set the pernicious example that inconvertible bank notes were as ‘good as gold,’ and furnished an abundant sea on which to float bonds.
Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
Bank of England bosses will snub pressure to raise them when they meet this week.
The Sun
Metro Bank is what Bank of England Governor Mervyn King would describe as your archetypal narrow bank," says Thomson. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Policymakers at the Bank of England were split three ways for the second consecutive month when they held interest rates at 5% two weeks ago.
The Bank of England governor attempted to syndicate a rescue throughout the weekend.
The interest rates on most regular savings accounts will vary depending on the levels set by the Bank of England every three months.
European shares failed to follow the strong gains in Asian bourses that saw the region's shares rise over 3 percent, back towards a six-month high with investors cautious ahead of the Bank of England's interest rate decision later in the day. News
The Bank of England's announcement gave the stock market a lift today.
The Bank of England has raised interest rates four times since last November.
Sir Lewis snapped the light out, drew on the cigarette, and strode on down the street, swinging a blue plastex brief case which contained a thousand pounds in United Nations Bank of England notes.
The Penal Cluster
The interest of 6,000 pounds invested in the Bank of England was flocci nauci to the voluptuous spendthrift, Gabriel Varney.
Lucretia — Complete
The Bank of England is poised to warn of the dangers of a collapse in house prices.
This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates.