

  1. a loose fitting jacket; originally worn in India
  2. East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks

How To Use banian In A Sentence

  • It is for logistical rather than symbolic reasons that we are meeting at Old Albanian rugby club in Hertfordshire rather than Twickenham, but it allows Steele to make the point that he hopes to nurture the grassroots as well as the elite game, especially the enthusiastic volunteers that sustain it. England can win 2015 World Cup, says RFU chief executive John Steele
  • Meals for guests or for ceremonial occasions such as weddings usually involve copious amounts of meat, washed down with Albanian raki, an alcoholic beverage.
  • The fact that anyone bothers to even argue with this post depresses me, but if you really need to think about it, substitute the word "Black" for the word "Albanian" ... ill lich replied to comment from nutbastard Is Sony legally required to make its games accessible to disabled people? - Boing Boing
  • The U . N. administrator faulted ethnic Albanian politicians for not doing enough to reassure the Serb minority.
  • The fustanella, or Albanian kilt, was common dress for men until the 1400s. Common villagers and rural people wore a fustanella made from coarse linen or wool; more affluent men wore silk.
  • From that moment forward it is not the Englishman, it is the black banian, that is the master. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 09 (of 12)
  • The road on the Albanian side is very good from Shkodër down to Tirana, which is basically the southern two thirds of the route. Podgorica and Tirana
  • But "they are so devoid of both originality and unity," says Sir Charles Eliot, [81] that acutest of observers, "that it is vain to seek for anything in politics, art, religion, literature or customs to which the name Albanian can be properly applied as denoting something common to the Albanian race. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
  • Hence many Ottoman viziers were of non-Turkish ethnic origin, including Greeks, Albanians, and even Italians.
  • And I learnt that the only emetic known to the Albanian pharmacopoeia is human excrement and water – given in all cases of supposed poisoning; and that the remedy for dipsomania is the same, mixed with rakia. High Albania
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