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bandy leg

  1. a leg bowed outward at the knee (or below the knee)

How To Use bandy leg In A Sentence

  • A few mums and grannies in leather skirts go up to the stage to try dancing around the pole - bending bandy legs, flicking ankles and pouting.
  • With his peroxide head bowed, eyes closed, the old man feels his way forward, bandy legs shuffling, shoulders stooped, senses bat sharp, as keen as razor wire.
  • He's a skinny little hillbilly Jesus with bandy legs and close-set eyes and a clever, foxy face.
  • White Mason was a quiet, comfortable - looking person in a loose tweed suit, with a clean-shaved, ruddy face, a stoutish body, and powerful bandy legs adorned with gaiters, looking like a small farmer, a retired gamekeeper, or anything upon earth except a very favourable specimen of the provincial criminal officer. Chennai
  • It might be their posture, a cocksure expression, bandy legs and butter-hued dentition, or nothing at all.
  • The shark is circling Farnsworth, you of the bandy legs and discombobulated dance maneuverings.
  • Takeshi is small, thick set, with bandy legs and a disconcerting twitch to his cheek.
  • His bandy legs are pulled up under the distended moon of his swollen stomach.
  • In other words, he was a wee slip of a thing, a flyweight who sometimes had the additional curse of bandy legs caused by childhood rickets, a dreadful disease usually caused by a lack of vitamin D.
  • With his cane, his downcast eyes, and bandy legged gait, he is the antithesis of Hollywood muscle-bound steroid cases.
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