banded krait

  1. sluggish krait banded with black and yellow

How To Use banded krait In A Sentence

  • Divided into sections (the Americas, Australasia, Asia, Africa, Europe), it provides natural history images painstakingly rendered by artists over centuries, which depict new forms of flora and fauna that the European world was just discovering - from the banded krait (a snake) to the white-tailed gnu. 3 books for giving
  • Reptiles include water snakes, Indian python Python molurus (V), banded krait Bungarus fasciatus, green rat snake Zaocys nigromarginatus, turtles (Lissemys punctatus, Trionyx gangeticus, Kachuga tectum and Hardella thurgi) and monitor lizard Varanus sp. Keoladeo (Bharatpur) National Park, India
  • Snakes are common in Cuc Phuong; some, such as the banded krait, are deadly poisonous.
  • The toxins of certain snakes (e.g. the banded krait) and of bacteria also block neuromuscular transmission and paralyse their victim.
  • Other animals include snakes, such as the cobra, king cobra, and banded krait and countless insects and spiders.
  • In the Temburong District there is an outdoor zoo where some of the fauna - from various Bornean primates to banded kraits and other unfriendly vipers to argus pheasants can be inspected close up.
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