How To Use Baltic In A Sentence

  • In Russia, the ethnic and geographic diversity of the population ensured its transition would be more difficult than that in the more homogeneous and smaller Baltic states or eastern European countries.
  • Cranmer does not intend to delve into the divisive arguments which confronted the Early Church on the nature of Christ's divinity and his humanity, but to focus on the controversy which has been caused by a statue of Jesus with an erect penis, which is on display at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead. Cranmer
  • As we crossed the Baltic in a shared ship's cabin, my mother watched to make sure I brushed my hair and teeth morning and night and chastised me for wearing clothes that were too creased or skirts that were too short.
  • The Pacific Squadron was maintained with ships sent out on rotation from the Baltic.
  • The common factor between Ireland and the three Baltic States is that they embarked on austerity programs earlier than other EU members. Ireland, Baltic States Took Biggest Consumption Hit
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  • There is no doubt that Hammarskj6ld's northern sense of propriety was deeply shaken by the roughness of the outburst, and ironically, since the Russian code of what is socially permissible comes largely across the Baltic from Sweden, it was precisely this rowdy behavior of Khrushchev's, dubbed Ne-Kulturny (uncultured), which eventually proved his undoing at home. An Autobiography
  • They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
  • The cobaltic folk may be indigenes, but I think they come from still a third place, and are strangers on these shores as well. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States.
  • The son of Lithuanian immigrants, his moustacheless beard gives him air of a Baltic pastor.
  • The Baltic republics were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940.
  • Yes, zany classicalism was our keynote this time; also snatched up like precious gems was Ralph Ellis' K2: Quest of the Gods y'see, Alexander the Great was looking for the Pyramid Treasure in the Himalayas and Felice Vinci's The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales, which title strikes me rather as a subtitle in search of a lurid phrase, but has the virtue of clarity. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • An opportunity might have been lost for guiding mining operations to the working of any payable cobaltic vein.
  • It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States.
  • Denmarkcontrols Danish Straits (Skagerrak and Kattegat) linking Baltic and North Seas; about one-quarter of the population lives in greater Copenhagen Geography-note
  • This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics.
  • Similarly, in eastern Europe and the Baltic, crusaders constructed a range of fortresses from wooden blockhouses to the great monastery castles of the military orders.
  • Moscow and the Baltic republics are re-opening channels of communication.
  • Next, send them out on to the ice floes of the frozen Baltic and get them to shout - in choral unison - at a stranded 10,000-ton ice breaking vessel, and you have got something called Mieskuoro Huutaja (Men's Choir Shouters) ... a new art form, and it is taking parts of the world by arctic storm. Boing Boing: February 1, 2004 - February 7, 2004 Archives
  • The Baltic clam achieves highest densities in mesohaline habitats of the bay where it ranks first in benthic infaunal biomass.
  • Yesterday Mr Green also made some contentious comments about the Crown Prosecution Service's decision that the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead has "no case to answer" after it exhibited a 1ft high statue of Jesus with an erection. Pink News
  • The author cites an absence of Baltic military capability as another NATO obstacle.
  • While full dissolution is unlikely at this point I can see the Baltic States not making their final qualifications needed to adopt the Euro and I could see someone like Greece, Spain or Portugal reverting to their old domestic currencies. Archive 2009-12-27
  • His dominions included all the lands from the Baltic to the country beyond the Carpathians, and from the River Oder to the provinces beyond the Vistula.
  • What appears here, is larely what can be referred to as the untied front, i.e. it only discusses the united front against axis powers, and moreless ignores the Soviet invasions of Poland, Finland, the Baltic States, etc. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • But Baltic States and Washington have long expressed reservations about the sale. French Sale of Warships to Russia Sparks Controversy
  • The NSS was commenting on an attempt to bring a prosecution against the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art because of its inclusion in an exhibition last year of a statue by the Chinese artist Terence Koh, which portrays Jesus with an erection. NSS News
  • The flounder is common in estuaries and the tidal waters of rivers, and especially abundant in the Baltic Sea.
  • The short steep waves for which the Baltic is renowned build quickly and we soon agree that it's too rough to dive.
  • Swedish Vikings were active in the Baltic area, and also ventured into Russia and the Arab caliphate of Baghdad.
  • For a large power like Russia, which has always more or less rejected NATO and observed the expansion of the EU with suspicion, taking a slight detour through the Baltic States was the perfect way to reach into the heart of Brussels with a reasonably low level of risk. Signs of the Times
  • The old tub, carrying a load of oil pregnant with toxins and separated from the sea by a single layer of metal, should never have been allowed to leave the Baltic Sea.
  • Roman Paszke hails from the Polish shores of the Baltic Sea, where he started plying the waters at 11.
  • The President said that the Baltic should be free to all nations for merchant shipping.
  • Because earthly magnetic field has the character that attracts iron, cobaltic , nickel, human body contains this 3 elements likewise.
  • Latvia will demand compensation from the NATO if the helicopter carriers bought by Russia occupy the Baltic Sea, Inga Salenietse, ...
  • Hydrated cobalt oxide or cobaltic hydroxide is produced by adding sodium hydroxide to this solution.
  • The leaders of two Baltic countries aren't coming, in part because the Soviet Union's World War II victory marked the beginning of what they call "an occupation," a term repugnant to Moscow. How to Handle Russia?
  • It turned out those two bodies of water weren't really the North Sea and the Baltic, as the German travel magazine had promised — they were the "Skagerrak" and "Kattegat," two subordinate straits. Pilgrimage to the Tip of Denmark
  • No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.
  • And in the summer the otherwise icy Baltic Sea warms up nicely to allow even the most timid to have a paddle.
  • Other German divisions entered Poland across its northern border, from East Prussia, while still more marched in from the west, cutting through the Polish Corridor created by the Peace Settlement to give Poland access to the Baltic. 'The Third Reich At War'
  • The Estonian language is a branch of the Baltic-Finnish group of the Finno-Ugric family, related to Finnish.
  • They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
  • The vocalise extends through all four sections, to be taken up by the entire Kremerata Baltica (with crunching organ chords!) in the finale.
  • Mazheikiu operates the only refinery in the Baltics and owns an oil terminal and pipelines.
  • The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States.
  • Instead of shaking a "mailed fist" at the world, young William of Hohenzollern might have been a mediatized princelet on the lookout for an American heiress; there might never have been a Leipzig or a Waterloo, as there certainly would not have been a Sedan, and the heirs of Napoleon might now have been ruling over an empire covering all Central Europe, from the Tiber to the Baltic. Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers
  • These thrust sheets were considered until recently to represent segments of the late Ncoproterozoic rifted margin of Baltica, the opposing rift margin to East Greenland in conventional palaeocontinental reconstructions.
  • The Red Army retook the Baltics in 1944, and reincorporated them into the Soviet Union.
  • Baltic with storm-lashed guns, on which the sea-salt cakes! Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The new Greek island ferry - retired from the Baltic only last year - eases her stern against the pier.
  • He warned that Moscow would deploy short-range Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad, a Baltic Sea region bordering Poland, and place weapons in other areas in Russia's west and south to target US missile defence sites. Medvedev threatens US over missile shield
  • Westphalia, Hanover, Mecklenburg, and Pomerania, and all the French troops cantoned between Berlin and Hamburg, including those who occupied the coast of the Baltic, fell back upon Hamburg. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • It really must be sensible to protect outdoor flocks from this huge reservoir of the lethal avian flu disease around the Baltic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Nordstream project had been beset with its own issues, most pressing of which is that fact that the Baltic Sea has been the site of many military exercises over the years and the chance of hitting a live bomb left over from those exercises is very real. Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE
  • The Kvarken Archipelago is on an important migratory route and offers excellent breeding habitats for birds: There are important Baltic populations of black guillemot Cepphus grille (6,000 pairs, a quarter of the Baltic population) and razorbill Alca torda (1,000 pairs); also Caspian and Arctic terns Sterna caspia and S. paradisea, whitetailed eagle Haliaetus albicilla (35 pairs), osprey Pandion haliaetus andgreat scaup Aythya marila. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • These totals do not count foreign nationals, i.e., citizens of the Baltic States, Poland, and ethnic Germans and Finns, or prisoners of war. Deathride
  • This is a huge advantage of fishing the Baltic: there are so many bays and inlets and fjords that many, many of them have never seen an angler in recent history.
  • If the French were cantoned along and to the east of that great river, the corps would be in a good position to cover the operations already in progress against the remaining Silesian fortresses and at the same time protect the planned sieges of the important ports of Danzig, Köslin and Strälsund on the Baltic coast. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Geography—note: controls Danish Straits (Skagerrak and Kattegat) linking Baltic and North Seas; about one-quarter of the population lives in greater Copenhagen Denmark
  • It has also sold its stake in Latvian airline airBaltic. SAS announces massive overhaul after Q4 loss
  • The Baltic Sea, which is at the foot of the snow-covered lawn, is filled with floating ice. The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912
  • This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics.
  • Sweden announced on Friday that it is seeking restrictions on workers from the incoming members, including its Baltic neighbours, following about-turns from the Dutch, Danes and Greeks.
  • I was a chambermaid in a German hotel on the Baltic Sea.
  • Such moonshine, which is commonly purchased in the countryside across the Baltic states, is much less expensive than anything sold in Latvian stores.
  • The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States.
  • When the Vistula line was stormed in January 1945, there were no fewer than 6.7 million men in the Soviet forces between the Baltic and the Adriatic.
  • So it may be that the relative positions of Ireland and the Baltic States strengthen again as others endure the strictures they have already suffered from. Ireland, Baltic States Took Biggest Consumption Hit
  • Earlier Wednesday, fierce winds snapped the mast of a Polish sailboat in the Baltic Sea off the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.
  • No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.
  • The cobaltic complex has also been synthesized by metal exchange from previously obtained sodium ascorbate and cobaltic dichloride hexahydrate in aqueous medium.
  • The Baltics, the Czech Republic and Slovenia have no big far-right parties.
  • Natalia Drgas, a oceanologist with the Baltica crew, said the rescue was difficult and at one point it seemed the dog had drowned. rss feed
  • We helped to fit him out for a trip to the Baltic.
  • Sweden attempted to take advantage of this by blocking Russia's attempted westward expansion towards the Baltic.
  • Relying particularly on using the Baltic route, he succeeded, after considerable difficulty, in chartering some of the ships which Germany was to deliver to England under the terms of the peace treaty4. The Nobel Peace Prize 1922 - Presentation Speech
  • He has just been elected, having spent years as commander of the Baltic Fleet, and seems to have a can-do military attitude.
  • Nineteen organisations from eight Baltic Sea countries participate in the project Best Agers, which is part of the so-called Baltic Sea Region Programme. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The Baltics' own democratic traditions would help them to regain their rightful place in Europe.
  • The Baltic Sea is a continuation of the North Sea.
  • The oldest phasmid fossils they go back in Baltic amber to the Tertiary—i.e., about 50 million years ago look identical to present-day species, showing that no gradations have occurred. Behe and bugs: Genesis of a Creationist canard? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The richer they became, the more the inhabitants of the Baltic capitals spent on their houses, churches, and guildhalls.
  • The fest kicks off with a visit from Vancouver's Zeellia, a sextet whose home base is Ukrainian traditional music, from which point they venture out to sounds from the Balkans, the Baltic region and the Canadian prairies.
  • Russia firmly rejected that information and stated that its naval forces follow their obligations to keep the Baltics a nuclear-free zone.
  • Anger over that unacknowledged history remains potent in the Baltic nations of Latvia, Lithunia and Estonia, annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 and given independence 14 years ago.
  • Unlike in the Baltic States and Poland, for example, Russia had no alternative elites with the determination and vision to move the country toward a more successful path of development. Can Russia Ever Change?
  • Mineral wealth has been harvested from this region since ancient times, and amber from the Baltic area was a trade staple in ancient Europe.
  • Traditionally, marriage in the Baltic provinces was virilocal (meaning women moved away from their families to live in the husband's farmstead), and descent was traced patrilineally.
  • We show in the eelpout, Zoarces viviparus, a bioindicator fish species for environmental monitoring from North and Baltic Seas Helcom, that thermally limited oxygen delivery closely matches environmental temperatures beyond which growth performance and abundance decrease. Unthreaded « Climate Audit
  • Politics in the Baltic states was a blood sport based on thousands of years of grudges. AMBERBEACH
  • This is a huge advantage of fishing the Baltic: there are so many bays and inlets and fjords that many, many of them have never seen an angler in recent history.
  • The flounder is common in estuaries and the tidal waters of rivers, and especially abundant in the Baltic Sea.
  • Private spaceflight took one giant step forward this week when the Tycho Brahe craft lifted off atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine Friday (pictured) from a platform in the Baltic Sea.
  • Even when the Baltic lands became outlying provinces of Sweden and later of Tsarist Russia, Germanic merchants and seigneurs continued to dominate Baltic towns and commerce and the manors where Estonians and Latvians were enserfed.
  • The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries
  • It was merchants such as Nicolas Roxcox, wrapped in Baltic furs, who encouraged Rubens to repopulate parish churches with altarpieces of exceptional quality.
  • The next year there were small Russian victories, and these crept nearer and nearer to the Baltic, until at last the river upon which the great Nevski won his surname was reached -- and the Neva was his! A Short History of Russia
  • The cobaltic had brought a basket and opened it to reveal covered dishes of the puree of grains and legumes that the Batinites favored on their picnic outings and which the Earthlings called batin-hummus. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • We show in the eelpout, Zoarces viviparus, a bioindicator fish species for environmental monitoring from North and Baltic Seas Helcom, that thermally limited oxygen delivery closely matches environmental temperatures beyond which growth performance and abundance decrease. Unthreaded « Climate Audit
  • Founded in the 12th century, the city exudes an independent air, likely a product of its maritime heritage as a major Baltic port and its centuries-long status as a free city-state governed not by royalty but by wealthy merchants who helped found the powerful economic alliance known as the Hanseatic League. - Home Page
  • The council of syndics of the Kaliningrad naval assembly is actively cooperating with the Military Council, the commanders of the Baltic Fleet, organizations of war veterans.
  • All who have followed later developments know that last year-I believe it was on the twenty-third of April - a so-called "entente" was concluded among the North Sea Powers and among the Baltic Sea Powers, whereby they guaranteed each other's coastal areas20. Fredrik Bajer - Nobel Lecture
  • The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States.
  • But by the time revanchist nationalism peaked in the late 1990s, the troops were already out of the Baltics, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, and the potential for troublemaking was correspondingly smaller. The Return
  • Sweden announced on Friday that it is seeking restrictions on workers from the incoming members, including its Baltic neighbours, following about-turns from the Dutch, Danes and Greeks.
  • The poised "presidium" of the 1980 interfactory committee — the directing summit of the workers 'confrontation with the state — was but a formal surfacing of a community of Baltic oppositionists populated by many worker activists who had labored in concert before KOR was ever formed. Solidarity's Sources
  • The predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi has extended its range over the past decade from the Ponto-Caspian basin into the Baltic Sea and the Laurentian Great Lakes.
  • The freezing of Baltic ports hindered shipborne traffic. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The frigate was berthed next to Sandown-class minehunters HM ships Grimsby and Bangor, forming the centrepiece of British Week, which promoted British interests in the Baltic state.
  • The Baltic, as the map will tell you, is virtually an inland sea, the main entrances and exits being furnished by the Sound, the Great and Little Belts. Denmark and the War
  • Recent palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Neoproterozoic North Atlantic tract relate formation of the Baltoscandian margin to the fragmentation of the supercontinent Rodinia into Baltica, Laurentia and Siberia.
  • Unfortunately, the ship was torpedoed while still in the Baltic Sea and sank.
  • Wismar, in northern Germany, is situated on an inlet of the Baltic Sea.
  • On Wednesday, Mr Green also made some contentious comments about the Crown Prosecution Service's decision that the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead has "no case to answer" after it exhibited a 1ft high statue of Jesus with an erection. Of course, I could be wrong...
  • The historic data of the Baltic Freight Index standing for the level of international dry-bulk shipping price takes on the feature of long-term rise, cyclical punctuation and casual fluctuation.
  • The ancient meaning of "ale" can be corroborated by the Baltic "alus" and Finnic "olut", both meaning simply "beer", both still apparently retaining a reflex of the lost *-θ. Never judge a book by its nom de plume
  • We helped to fit him out for a trip to the Baltic.
  • Until now, Russia has completed the troop withdrawal work from the three countries of Baltic Sea.
  • This protected bird species had nested at the Baltic for many years and had to be moved to specially built nesting areas further down the river.
  • They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
  • a ship or ships to the Baltic; and I believe that my father, whose energy soon began to outtop that of all the very large family, went in one of these ships at a very early age as a supercargo, an appointment then, I think, common. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) 1809-1859
  • The audience could imagine the various routes leading to the edge of the Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean seas, as though we stood on a contour model with rivers and mountains.
  • He was smuggled across the Baltic to Sweden then flown on to the United States for a lengthy debriefing. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • It borders on Norway in the west, on Finland in the northeast, on the Gulf of Bothnia in the east, on the Baltic Sea in the south, and on the Øresund (The Sound), the Kattegat, and the Skagerrak in the southwest. Sweden
  • No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.
  • These constraints envision a similar tectonic evolution with that of eastern Laurentia, which support models of a pre-Grenvillian supercontinent with a long-lived, active margin that reached western Baltica.
  • Baltic; they must have perished miserably but for the discovery of a new source of protium. City of Endless Night
  • These include the isopod Saduria entomon, the amphipod Monoporeia affinis, the Baltic mussel Macoma bathica, a few semi-pelagic opossum shrimp species (Mysidae) and the common sea snail Liparis liparis. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • On Thursday he will take the seven first ladies to the Schlitz castle near the Baltic port of Rostock, for a conference on demographic development.
  • It was merchants such as Nicolas Roxcox, wrapped in Baltic furs, who encouraged Rubens to repopulate parish churches with altarpieces of exceptional quality.
  • The Baltic republics
  • In the Baltic provinces old settlers could remain but no Jews could enter as new settlers.
  • Just as Cologne traded Rhine and Mosel wines to the Baltic and the Low Countries in exchange for herrings and stockfish, Frankfurt did the same with Alsace wines.
  • Piece No 1 introduces the oldest Estonian string instrument, the kannel, which is a traditional instrument common to the 10 cultures residing on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. WeLove-music
  • Wisconsin Brewery Tour altbier aran madden barriques brewery profile brewfarm cellar series chris staples craft distilled spirits fauerbach fresh hops industry lost abbey monroe st bistro old fashioned pairings point brewery prices rowland's calumet saison sand creek style study thanksgiving thermo refur underage drinking wine badger porter baltic porter beer games best of 2008 Audience Participation: Excitement Builds
  • The 30 bottles of pre-French Revolution champagne recently recovered from the bottom of the Baltic Sea were a pretty awesome find. Baltic Sea Algae Bloom The Size Of Germany Spreading, Potentially Toxic
  • Chief among the many gifts the husband and wife writing team of Michael G Jacob and Daniela De Gregorio bring to this atmospheric thriller is the ability to deliver the environment of Prussia's Baltic Coast in 1808 as a living, breathing, odiferous locale. A Visible Darkness: Summary and book reviews of A Visible Darkness by Michael Gregorio.
  • Not even the Baltic provinces, where Germans hold almost the same position as the Swedes in Finland, form an object for the German desire of conquest, but her wish is to make them, as also _Finland_, an independent State. New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • It also has leaked into the Baltic languages - zvaigzne in Latvian, žvaigždė in Lithuanian. И сонцето е ѕвезда
  • The fleet is manoeuvring in the Baltic.
  • For all the insensitivity of this mistake, it represents the abysmal lack of knowledge about the Baltics in the minds of many a Westerner.
  • ozeki" status, the first wrestler from the Baltic country to reach the top echelon of Japan's ancient sport. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The main species caught were cod, sprat, Baltic sprat, plaice , turbot, salmon, and smelt.
  • We didn't venture as far as the naval base, but found a beautiful spot to camp right by the edge of the Baltic Sea.
  • The yacht will be taken to her destination via the Kiel Canal and a number of Baltic ports.
  • The Baltics' own democratic traditions would help them to regain their rightful place in Europe.
  • Marinated Baltic sprats were delicate, their sharp briny taste balanced by an accompanying vinaigrette of potatoes, beetroot, onions, dill pickles, eggs, and mayonnaise.
  • The Baltic people have a right to determine their own future.
  • Hitler took the Baltic Republics
  • Dmowski -- may strike up a friendly accord with Russia, abandoning definitely and formally all claims to so-called historic Poland, disinteresting themselves in all the Baltic problems which concern The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • Private spaceflight took one giant step forward this week when the Tycho Brahe craft lifted off atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine Friday (pictured) from a platform in the Baltic Sea.
  • She did not sustain any serious damage in the Baltic Sea where the water is too cold for ship worms (teredos) to survive.
  • This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics.
  • I awakened before dawn aboard a cruise ship in Warnamunde, Germany, an unheralded port along the Baltic Sea.
  • With the Baltics aboil and the world disgusted over the bloody suppression of independence in Lithuania, Gorbachev agreed to negotiate a new union treaty with Boris Yeltsin and other republic leaders. The People Vs. The Plotters
  • Also significant were initiatives related to the Baltic Sea, which is intended to serve as a starter project for other macro-regions in the EU such as the Danube region. SofiaEcho RSS feed
  • Populations from Scandinavia, the former Baltic States and north-west Russia head south-westwards towards this country.
  • Using its large middle hands, the soldier took the cobaltic by the torso and pushed gently until the other had disengaged and the two pulled away from each other. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Expect Greece and Serbia to start gravitating towards Russia and form stronger ties with Israel as a way of containing a common threat from a resurgent Turkey, while the Baltic States may look towards Poland for support against an aggressive Russia. Leon T. Hadar: Multipolarism sans the EU Pole? The Geopolitics of Europe's Economic Mess
  • The countries bordering the Baltic Sea, for example, were in the front line during the Cold War.
  • The basins are connected, forming a system of natural waterways that link the Baltic and Black Seas.
  • Now what climate conditions would the world have had to have, in the year 1100AD, in order for the South Western Baltic sea to be several degrees warmer than it is today, so that this Diatom, Pseudosolenia calcar-avis, could survive there. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Then the cobaltic reached directly into the cerulean's mouth orifice. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • France is on the point of recognizing the independence of the Baltic States.
  • TALLINN - The Baltic republic of Estonia announced the first public share offer in its post-Soviet history, putting up for sale a 49 percent stake in a department store in its capital Tallinn. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Historically, the region has always been known as the borderlands, a sort of no man's land of some 65 million people stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea, people whose identities have been confused and sometimes willfully distorted by the ebb and flow of competing empires. Trouble Next Door
  • All trees, both including and excluding gapped regions, found reciprocally monophyletic lineages for M. edulis and M. trossulus, with Baltic alleles falling unambiguously in both the M. edulis and M. trossulus clades.
  • Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.
  • It jibbed at invading England in 1940, though it did undertake a number of amphibious operations in the Baltic Sea in June 1941, and later in the Black Sea.
  • They also invaded Finland, the Baltics, Bessarabia, and Northern Bukovina. Five People Born on December 18th | myFiveBest
  • He now offered full co-operation to Bonaparte, and began by organizing an ‘armed neutrality’ of Baltic powers to deny the tyrant of the seas access to the ports of northern Europe.
  • The historic data of the Baltic Freight Index standing for the level of international dry-bulk shipping price takes on the feature of long-term rise, cyclical punctuation and casual fluctuation.
  • The first track seeks to strengthen Baltic sovereignty and promote internal reforms by integrating the three republics into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions.
  • Denmark, geographically, sits astride 2 similarly narrow straits – Skagerrak and Kattegat that are important international waterways connecting the Baltic with the North Sea (and the Atlantic). Matthew Yglesias » Danish Middle East Policy Blogging
  • It was designed to be a dockyard, where some of the first ships of Russia's Baltic fleet were built, and also fortified to be an extra defense for the newly obtained Neva delta.
  • The quayside has the Live Theatre, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art and the Sage Gateshead, a live music venue designed by Sir Norman Foster. BBC News - Home
  • Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.
  • We went off quickly to the beach to look at the Baltic - walked through the forest from the car park, and then on to the very fine sand on an almost totally deserted beach, with heavy breakers rolling onto the shore.
  • Situated on the hydrological divide between the Baltic and Black Seas, and lies in the drainage basin of the River Narewka, a tributary of the Narew. Bialowieza Forest, Poland
  • Ultimately, it was unable to prevent the Soviet invasion of the Baltic states in 1940.
  • His great object this year was to intercept the Baltic trade, which was under the convoy of Captain Pearson, in the ship "Serapis," of forty guns, and The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • The bullion then entered the money stock of other countries, as with the British sovereign made of Brazilian gold, or was shipped eastwards to pay for Asian or Baltic imports.
  • Emily Mapfuwa brought her private prosecution against Gateshead's Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art for "outraging public decency" after it exhibited work by controversial artists Terence Koh, including the highly controversial statue of Jesus. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • AMA Waterways sails along the Volga-Baltic from Moscow to St. Petersburg, with stops in the golden ring cities of Uglich, Kostroma and Yaroslavl. Rolling on the River
  • Ocean, and at Degerhamm on the Baltic, where the water is only one-seventh as salt as the North Sea, while the concrete blocks were built up in the form of a breakwater or groyne at Thyboron on the west coast of Jutland. The Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns
  • Other drumbeats answered and a second Batinite, a tall slim cobaltic, emerged from the grove of six-cedar and poplar. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • The Spirit of Yalta is haunting Eastern Europe and could bring about the "Finlandization" of Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, the Baltic states. Leon T. Hadar: With Missile Shield Change, National Interests Get a Leg Up on the Military-Industrial Complex
  • The word "rune," in Baltic Runes, indicates a magical incantation -- an apt image for such an enchanting album. On CD: Baltic Runes
  • Parallel rivers fall to the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Bothnia) in rapids and falls, many of which have hydroelectric power stations.
  • The arctic wind blustering over the Baltic Sea is biting, teeth-chattering cold.
  • GATESHEAD, UK - Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art presents an exhibition of new work by Scottish based artist David Shrigley from Wednesday 10 September until Sunday 9 November 2008. Art Knowledge News
  • When a small bald man, famed for his insane drive and frightening monomania in pursuit of his goals, was found floating dead in the Baltic, Chechen separatists were quick to claim responsibility, not realising that, instead of Russia's latterday tsar, they'd taken the life of one of snooker's favourite sons. Look away, Simon Cowell and John Humphrys. 2012 won't be your year | David Mitchell
  • This was a crusading order that conquered the Baltic and subjugated the people of Brandenburg-Prussia.
  • In the Baltic Sea, similar dumps have started to discharge mustard gas, forming a jelly on contact with water.
  • The Soviet Union extended all the way from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
  • When he learnt of a valuable Baltic convoy carrying timber and tar for shipbuilding due into port, he waited to ambush it off Scarborough.
  • While devaluation would increase the exportability of Baltic products, it would also cause defaults among local borrowers with euro-denominated mortgages. BONJOUR L'ESTONIE

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