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[ UK /bˈɔːlsəm/ ]
[ US /ˈbɔɫsəm/ ]
  1. any of various fragrant oleoresins used in medicines and perfumes
  2. an ointment containing a fragrant resin
  3. any seed plant yielding balsam

How To Use balsam In A Sentence

  • Season of the Inundation: Sweet, black silt mingled with holy myrrh, melilot, hyssop, spikenard, balsam, cedar, and a hint of melting snow from the Abyssinian hills. Thor's Day
  • He's a guy when he puts his mind to it, he's going to win balsams for us. '' - Basketball - Orlando vs. Cleveland
  • These included balsam, musk, benzoin, aloeswood, ginger, muslin, thoroughbred Arabian horses, and Chinese porcelain.
  • The balsam impatiens usually grows as a two- or three-stemmed plant to a height of 2 1/2 feet, with white to dark red flowers tucked into the leaf axils, where they tend to be overshadowed by leaves.
  • Has arbores seu arbusta Balsami fecit quondam quidam de Caliphis Aegypti de loco Engaddi inter mare mortuum, et Ierico, vbi Domino volente excreuerat, eradicari, et in argo pr鎑icto plantari: est tamen hoc mirandum, quod vbicuncque alibi siue prope, siue remote plantantur, quamuis fort� virent, et exurgant, non tamen fructificant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Himalayan balsam's pink flowers are an attractive sight on the river's edge but it is a menace that needs to be stopped in its tracks.
  • Its surface had become heavily crazed, making it impossible to examine the specimen, so the balsam was removed with xylene.
  • Ingredient: Agallochum leaves , wormwood , Herb of Balsamiferou Blumea , wooden powder, bond etc.
  • He liked homemade carrot juice, nutty sunflower pate, roast jicama with a little balsamic vinegar, organic multigrain bread, and cholesterol-free egg substitute.
  • The forests include such conifers as red spruce, black spruce, white spruce, balsam fir, red pine, jack pine, eastern white pine, tamarack, eastern white cedar, and eastern hemlock.
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