How To Use Ballot box In A Sentence
In the end, despite these tight controls, the US-backed generals failed to win a majority of the vote, securing a plurality only through frenzied last minute stuffing of the ballot boxes.
The people make their wishes known through the ballot box.
I should also note that he did a fine job of stuffing the ballot box with phony phone calls to Smith to make him look he supported the draft.
The arrogation of such power to the judges would usurp those functions of government, which are controlled and distributed by powers whose authority is derived from the ballot box.
The major focus of reform bills would require supermajorities of two-thirds or even three-fifths of voters to approve a constitutional amendment at the ballot box before it would become law.

Except in the case of conviction for a criminal offence, there is no mechanism for removing them except at the ballot box.
Times, Sunday Times
When they step into the ballot box come election time.
The Sun
No society which believes in democratic values can allow the ballot box to be overridden by the bomb and the bullet.
She went to the ballot box touching her hat.
Or the fact that even in ultraliberal California, a majority of voters opposed same sex marriage laws at the ballot box.
Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
As long as you are not actually caught publicly stuffing the ballot box, how could Google possibly suggest that you are doing so?
Given the increasing sophistication that leaders like Uganda's Yoweri Museveni, Rwanda's Paul Kagame, and Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi have shown in precooking elections before polling day, the result is a policy that effectively prevents presidents from being ousted either militarily or through the ballot box, no matter how unpopular they become.
Is There Such Thing As A Good Coup?
She also displays a number of interesting artefacts, notably an early ballot box, with discs for voting on the guilt or innocence of an accused.
Times, Sunday Times
Come to receive vote, but cannot importune others to poll for a certain person, but it is to want communal circumstance to establish ballot box commonly.
And the people here have changed several governments through the ballot box.
The people have expressed their views through the ballot box.
Apart from the corruptibility of the ballot box itself, if they have enough terrorist alerts they can keep us all away from them anyway.
Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
In previous elections voters could reasonably expect to know what kind of government they were selecting at the ballot box.
Times, Sunday Times
In Kandy, in the central hills area, the election commissioner annulled the results from 23 polling centres on the basis of reports of ballot box stuffing and the use of violence to influence voting.
In the same vein, there are a number of non-partisan groups that observe the election to insure that there is no hanky-panky with any of the ballot boxes.
Each respondent then dropped the questionnaire into the store's ballot box.
The people have expressed their views through the ballot box.
All you are talking about changing is in the region of five to ten votes per ballot box and that's what it will come down to.
The people make their wishes known through the ballot box.
Millions of Italian voters will go to the ballot boxes today and tomorrow to decide who leads the next Italian government.
In the meantime, the Polytechnic will still use old-fashioned ballot boxes.
A Government which is not accountable through the ballot box is not a democratic Government.
He said that too many people stuffed the ballot boxes.
Ballot boxes will be left to gather dust in the June elections, as every vote will be cast by post.
The demand to reopen the ballot box was sparked by a statement made by three councillors who witnessed the ballot counting.
All I did was put pencil crosses on pieces of paper and put them in a ballot box.
Whereas it has become apparent to the citizens of San Francisco that there is no security for life or property either under the regulations of society, as it at present exists, or under the laws as now administered, and that by the association of bad characters our ballot boxes have been stolen and others substituted, or stuffed with votes that were never polled, and thereby our elections nullified; our dearest rights violated; and no other method left by which the will of the people can be manifested; therefore, the citizens whose names are hereunto attached, do unite themselves into an association for maintenance of the peace and good order of society; the prevention and punishment of crime; the preservation of our lives and property; and to insure that our ballot boxes shall hereafter express the actual and unforged will of the majority of our citizens; and we do bind ourselves each to the other by a solemn oath to do and perform every just and lawful act for the maintenance of law and order, and to sustain the laws when properly and faithfully administered.
A Sketch of the Causes, Operations and Results of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee of 1856
I'm not normally one to encourage people to stuff the ballot box, but you might want to vote in this poll twice.
Come to receive vote, but cannot importune others to poll for a certain person, but it is to want communal circumstance to establish ballot box commonly.
In manually counted elections, people can observe the votes from each ballot box being counted.
Another ballot box was available at the central library.
Observers, however, revealed some irregularities, including the use of wooden and thus non-transparent ballot boxes and a weakened solution of phosphoric ink.
Sarah Palin kicked off the Tea Party Express '"Liberty at the Ballot Box" tour on Monday night, headlining an event in Reno.
Democratic outside group launches Washington, West Virginia ads
No society which believes in democratic values can allow the ballot box to be overridden by the bomb and the bullet.
The way to resolve political differences is through debate, dialogue and the ballot box, not on the streets.
The organization needs to be punished both in the courts and at the ballot box and if this happens then there will be no lasting damage to the peace process.
These elections will be a signal of whether he can match oratorial style with ballot box substance.
If it does not, these huge constituencies will seek radical change at the ballot box.
Times, Sunday Times
And thank goodness the poll worker had functioning knees and could stay down there for the half an hour it took to "unstuff" the ballot box.
Even the freaking electronic ballot boxes didn't work!
H.. Doing traffic engineering at the ballot box is fools' work.
That drive was undone by the ballot box, but it is unfortunately the case that bureaucratic ordinances are usually more permanent than ministerial fiats.
In previous elections voters could reasonably expect to know what kind of government they were selecting at the ballot box.
Times, Sunday Times
Like everyone else, they will be able to pass judgment by means of the ballot box.
Staff resealed the ballot box, witnessed by others.
Why all this fuss with paper and pens and ballot boxes when machines can simplify the whole task?
Accordingly, that liberty need not seek refuge at the ballot box.
They were accused of a whitewash, and the voters expressed their contempt at the ballot box.
A Government which is not accountable through the ballot box is not a democratic Government.
Like everyone else, they will be able to pass judgment by means of the ballot box.
Would our leaders feel guilty about stuffing ballot boxes to stay in power?
Times, Sunday Times
Would our leaders feel guilty about stuffing ballot boxes to stay in power?
Times, Sunday Times
The ballot boxes may not open until 5 May, but the postal votes on which many of Labour's most marginal seats will be decided began dropping on to doormats last weekend.
Tit for tat is to score cheap political point, is wrong game especially with our troops in mission without leadership is bad move for republicans senetors, will see you in ballot box next time
Senate leaves for break without finalizing Army leadership
Most notably from the perspective of an inter-Sunni breakdown in Anbar Province, which had the potential to flare into violence: after election overseers nullified several fraudulent ballot boxes, the party of the Awakening Councils racked up a narrow victory.
But her constituents will decide at the ballot box.
The Sun
Nor could labour interests be effectively pursued through the ballot box.
It means that a victory at the ballot box isn't a blank cheque for five years, but the beginning of an unending process of returning power to that electorate time and time again.
The opposition claims the Movement for Multiparty Democracy stuffed ballot boxes and tampered with the count.
For as long as there has been voting, there have been arguments about how to do it, with the Marquis de Condorcet identifying the paradoxical possibility of the majority contradicting itself at the ballot box over 200 years ago.
AV referendum: Voting about voting | Editorial
I would like my vote to be 100 percent secret between me and the ballot box.
But is the Government as green as it claims and will the environment count at the ballot box?
Judges were checking ballot boxes from 9 per cent of the 130,000 polling places where evidence of irregularities was discovered.
Times, Sunday Times
Forced to submit to a vote of the people under the newly enacted seventeenth amendment, Henry's forces were noted for "stuffing ballot boxes, shipping repeats, and intimidating voters".
Widespread ballot box stuffing was reported, and election observers noted how pro-government forces gathered outside polling stations intimidating voters.
You don't need to stuff ballot boxes here; you don't need to put dead people on the voter rolls.
Professor Lightbody would tell you that indifference ensures that no one stuffs the ballot box.
Am I bothered by the results of a popularity contest where it would be oh-so-easy to stuff the ballot box?
When they step into the ballot box come election time.
The Sun
Ballot boxes will be left to gather dust in the June elections, as every vote will be cast by post.
People are so sick of the Punch and Judy knockabout which passes for political debate that they are voting with their backsides and refusing to make the trip to the ballot box.
He is likely to secure some votes in almost every ballot box in the county and could be over 3,000 when the tallies are done.
I am pleased to learn that we are back to the traditional method of voting this year, namely the ballot box.
Martinez expressed confidence of victory at the ballot box.
If he does not listen, the only other way to be heard is at the ballot box in November.
The Government, with one eye on the ballot box, is paralysed into inaction.
He tries to make sure that the ballot box isn't stuffed by chefs and restaurateurs eager for a high rating.
They reckoned on getting an extra 150,000 people to the ballot box - and won the state by just over 146,000 votes.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner says Gbagbo's continued efforts to force a result that he could not obtain at the ballot box show what he calls a "callous disregard for the welfare of the Ivorian people, who will again suffer amid renewed heavy fighting in Abidjan.
Gbagbo Forces Deny Attacking UN, Ouattara Compound
Judges were checking ballot boxes from 9 per cent of the 130,000 polling places where evidence of irregularities was discovered.
Times, Sunday Times
In Ugaraspitiya, residents said armed men poured motor oil into ballot boxes.
When a journalist misinforms readers on their way to the ballot box democracy is sacrificed.
The level of organisation is very impressive, though I'm not sure about the symbolism of the count supervisors using an empty ballot box as a rubbish bin.
Finally, the man told the woman to express her opinion where it counts, at the ballot box.
I doubt that Gillian Duffy deserved to be called a bigot, even privately, but I feel some sympathy for any politician who, toward the end of a toilsome campaign, snaps back a bit at the public he thinks is about to bite him at the ballot box.
The Two Faces Of Gordon Brown
Voters in Scotland, indeed in Britain, have rarely been offered a full-blooded socialist alternative at the ballot box.
Martinez expressed confidence of victory at the ballot box.
The one thing politicians care about more than anything else is the ballot box.
As you can see, the team came in fourth even without stuffing the ballot box and telling relatives to vote for our team.
In reality, my word "powerful" does not do justice to the influence of Scots-Irish culture at the ballot box.
Dave "Mudcat" Saunders: Born Fighting Reveals the Invisible Ink on the Pages of American History
To begrudge them the right to choose their own government via the ballot box is hypocritical in the extreme.
What if others from the ruling party defected to his side at the ballot box.
Times, Sunday Times
The murders, kidnapping, dumping of bodies, the seclusion of mortal remains, extortion and bank robberies by the Provisional Movement will be described as 'justified' by the perpetrators if their movement is given any level of support in the ballot box.
Jean McConville's family campaign against Gerry Adams
She also displays a number of interesting artefacts, notably an early ballot box, with discs for voting on the guilt or innocence of an accused.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout the nation, ballot box scrutinizers have received specialized training in advance and are directly involved with the government.
But democracy is a set of mechanisms to guarantee freedom of thought and assembly and peaceful competition for governmental authority through ballot boxes.
The power that older people might have collectively through the ballot box is not exercised.
Most of us, I believe, have other things to do with our time and leave our part in the democratic process to the next time the ballot boxes are dusted down.
There is a copious supply of comment forms for residents of Bingley to write their thoughts on and a ballot box into which to deposit the forms.
Nevertheless, quite a few non-voters have so far registered their reasons for avoiding the ballot box.
The ballot boxes remained unstuffed and un-tampered-with.
People were so eager to vote that we had to bring in extra ballot boxes and thousands of ballot papers to meet the demand.
Supporters held my opponents at gunpoint while they stuffed the ballot boxes.
As numbers added up they were inputted into computer databases - spewing out vote by ballot box after ballot box and available for all to see on the wall behind the tally centre through a projector aid.
As for the money, the people of Tasmania are entitled to be outraged and need to vent their spleen at the ballot box.
This kind of outrageous dishonesty should not be rewarded at the ballot box.
I visited one babushka's home to monitor the use of mobile ballot boxes.
Maybe a whole lot of people just discovered the contest, and maybe someone stuffed the ballot box.
With politics focused on interregional struggles, industrial workers fought out class issues in the workplace rather than at the ballot box.
Mr. Brown told reporters that the government's antirecession measures would affect Labour's fortunes at the ballot box, which will be tested in a national election due no later than June.
Retail Sales Jump in U.K.
Drum argues that “In the marketplace we are competitive, selfish, meanspirited, and xenophobic” but that we can lift ourselves up as a society by behaving better in the ballot box.
Answering Jason Furman, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
For the first time since the introduction of political plurality in the mid- 1970s there was an issue over which political parties and independent forces could adopt a unified stand and test their strength through the ballot box.
The ballot boxes have been switched.
The issue will be decided at the ballot box.
There will be two ballot boxes-one for yesses and one for noes.
On that occasion the ballot boxes had been locked in a huge official steel and concrete vault.
I asked for your votes to christen the small, flightless bird formerly known as Moderately Evil Penguin, and you stuffed the ballot box in your droves.
The representative democracy of our Constitution is not confined to a ceremonial visit of electors to the ballot box each triennium.
Much of the verdict is now left up to the public, with the sale of tickets acting much like a ballot box.
It is time to exercise our horticultural husbandry skills and do a little "hewing" at the ballot box in November.
The Freedom Fighter's Journal
What if others from the ruling party defected to his side at the ballot box.
Times, Sunday Times
It should galvanise people to participate, to make their views known through the ballot box.
They are determined to win power through the ballot box, not by violence.
Accordingly, that liberty need not seek refuge at the ballot box.
At left, trishaw drivers transport ballot boxes to polling stations in Yogyakarta Tuesday.
Presidential Poll
The far Right is notching up astonishing ballot box victories across Europe.
Nor could labour interests be effectively pursued through the ballot box.
If we are to have a figurehead as the leader of the nation, let it be the people's choice via the ballot box and not someone's birthright.
If he was guilty of mismanagement, miscalculation or mere mistakes then the proper place to hold him to account would be the ballot box.
No society which believes in democratic values can allow the ballot box to be overridden by the bomb and the bullet.
Haider and his followers have been gradually building their support at the ballot box for the past decade.
Only the last two ballot boxes overturned his lead.
The place to express your distain was the ballot box.
Alex Jones' Prison
The people make their wishes known through the ballot box.
They equally fear losing power through the ballot box.
It is time to register to vote and at all levels hold our elected officials accountable at the ballot box.
There, one thousand miles from Moscow, in a Russia still cut off from the West, he had invented the elements of the electoral campaign from scratch, long before the ballot box became anything more than a wastepaper receptacle.
The Return
A team of journalists also saw ballot boxes being stuffed with ‘yes’ votes by an official at one polling station.
H.. Doing traffic engineering at the ballot box is fools' work.
EU observers say they also saw incidents of his supporters tampering with voter lists and stuffing ballot boxes.
In the elections nowadays, after the polls close, the ballot boxes are opened and ballots counted openly in front of any interested citizen who wants to attend.
But her constituents will decide at the ballot box.
The Sun
Haider and his followers have been gradually building their support at the ballot box for the past decade.
Allegations of vote rigging and stuffing of the stuffing the ballot boxes ensued.
Well don't bother annihilating them at the ballot box, just ban them instead.
If the government wants to introduce identity cards let it be through open and transparent discussion and ultimately through the ballot box.
In the meantime, the Polytechnic will still use old-fashioned ballot boxes.
Come to receive vote, but cannot importune others to poll for a certain person, but it is to want communal circumstance to establish ballot box commonly.
Will the Prime Minister now put it to the test through the ballot box and let the people decide on his record?
In the meantime, the Polytechnic will still use old-fashioned ballot boxes.
Under what criteria is it acceptable for a political minority to take by force what it cannot win at the ballot box?
The voters have expressed their views at the ballot box.
So roll up for your tax cut, folks, and pencil in a trip to the ballot box this year.
The unsigned ballet papers must be returned to returning officer along with ballot box duly mentioning polled and unpolled votes.