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How To Use Ballistic In A Sentence

  • One could argue that such a missile defence system would bring about the abandonment of ballistic missiles as strategic weapons.
  • Prosecutors say he is tied to the crime by witnesses, blood spatters, ballistics and DNA analysis.
  • The XFR features the exclusive Ballistic Armor Protection System featuring PR-481, which Dell says leverages a "high-strength substance" used for applications such as cryogenics, aircraft components, military equipment and medical devices. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • If you mean the moon race, sure VB was central to that ... if you are referring to ballistic missiles, the Redstone, although first, was quickly obsoleted by solid fuel missiles that he had little to do with. What Would Wernher Do? - NASA Watch
  • Ballistics of spore discharge in seven basidiomycete species. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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  • Comparing with normal ballistic missile, the lateral dynamical property analysis for cruise missile is more complex.
  • This was a writer who used words as weapons, as salves, as balms and ballistic missiles.
  • Another was submarine-launched ballistic missiles as a part of the nuclear deterrent of the superpowers.
  • We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
  • He will identify those two automatic pistols as weapons he test-fired at the Ballistics Lab in order to obtain exemplary rounds.
  • The proposed system is supposed to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles minutes after launch, while their rocket boosters are still burning.
  • A year after China's antisatellite test, the U.S. demonstrated its own capabilities by blowing up a dead spy satellite with a modified ballistic-missile interceptor. China Takes Aim at U.S. Naval Might
  • Like the TNT, Winchester's 34 gr. bullet expands with explosive effect, breaking into almost sand-sized particles when fired into tissue simulants such as ballistic gelatin or even water.
  • During the 1950s further work on marine guidance was adapted for use in ballistic missiles.
  • By the mid-nineteenth century, advances in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and ballistics were influencing the manufacture of weapons.
  • So the question is an empirical one - and reports such as this one suggest that, at least given current technology, investing in a nationwide ballistics imaging database would be a serious misallocation of resources.
  • But you can't build that kind of functionality into a music device because the record industry will go ballistic.
  • A British ballistic missile submarine has fired torpedoes at an American destroyer - all for the sake of research.
  • A pathologist may analyze the organs and brain, an entomologist the insects, an odontologist the teeth and dental records, a molecular biologist the DNA, and a ballistics expert the bullets and casings, while the forensic anthropologist pores over the bones. Break No Bones
  • The reduction in ballistic performance was a different kind of improvement in my mind. I have a lever action, Winchester 88 in 284 caliber.
  • But the walls aren't just a protective cocoon for far-flung outposts; ballistic windows offer protection while giving Marines a line of sight and the ability to fire downrange, meaning McCurdy's Armor can be deployed as both a defensive stronghold as well as a tactical firing position. Neatorama
  • Even in short-barreled rifles, the SOST provides impressive ballistics - achieving 2925 fps in a 14″ barrel. Latest Articles
  • The drag coefficient combines several ballistic properties of typical projectiles.
  • Last month Putin decided to retire silo-housed intercontinental ballistic missiles as their service lives expire.
  • A senior defense official called the antiship ballistic missile a "great concern" but added: "They still have a long way to go. U.S. Sounds Alarm at China's Military Buildup
  • The singer went ballistic after one member of his band failed to show for a sound check.
  • The only area in which I would be investing in stocks in the defense sector would be in missile defense, like the antiballistic missile technology out of Raytheon McChrystal's Departure Is No Big Deal
  • Bliss worked on ballistics during World War I and designed new firing tables for artillery.
  • Go with at least a .277 dia with a 150+ grain projectile with good terminal ballistics characteristics: mass retention and expansion (see Barnes or Nosler) I am looking for a good elk rifle, and possible moose rifle. I have a .243 so I am hoping for something larger.
  • Because many weapon systems, such as aircraft carrier battle group, ballistic missile, cruise missile, long-range fighter-bomber, etc. , are various kinds of moving targets.
  • The non-ballistic flight path of the missile via waypoints assists in preventing location of the launch platforms from the flight trajectory.
  • forensic ballistics
  • The mathematical ballistics of 1918 was neither as refined as axiomatic geometry nor as theoretical as algebraic topology.
  • We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
  • The Ballistic Cube is a violently reactive target that jumps, bucks and boogaloos with each hit, then lands showing you a four-inch surface every time.
  • This type of magnetoresistance is called ballistic because the electrons' paths are so short that the particles don't collide with atoms as they zip through the nanocontact.
  • During this trip, he started to shift his attention from ballistics back to mathematics.
  • ballistic missile
  • In this case, I know for a fact the shooting happened; I debriefed the officer who did most of the ballistic damage, and his supervisor.
  • Internal ballistics modeled the forces inside of a gun barrel while external ballistics modeled the flight of a projectile.
  • (Source; Voice of America news; issued May 29, 2007) Russia has successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile and a tactical shorter range cruise missile.
  • The US Navy (USN) has conducted the 120th consecutive test launch of a Lockheed Martin Trident II D5 Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM).
  • Ballistics was used in the criminal case to determine the gun's firing capacity.
  • Ballistic bags will be provided at Bradford police stations during the month-long amnesty which is aimed at stemming Britain's growing illegal gun culture.
  • This year, the PLA said it successfully tested an antiballistic-missile interceptor. China Slows Increase in Defense Spending
  • An intercontinental ballistic missile has a range of more than 5,500 km.
  • With a nuclear ballistic missile against a drone, a near miss was counted as a hit.
  • $4,299 and more information is available at Designed for the military, first responders, oil & gas environments, manufacturing floors, field technicians and homeland security, the Latitude E6400 XFR features the Dell-exclusive Ballistic Armor Protection System featuring PR-481, which leverages a high-strength substance used for applications such as cryogenics, aircraft components, military equipment and medical devices. Nachrichten Ticker -
  • Most of a spacecraft's flight is ballistic, that is, it is not powered but is pulled by gravity, with engines needed for course corrections.
  • An existing satellite system designed to detect and track ballistic missile launches is currently being upgraded.
  • The characteristics of spider silk could have applications in areas ranging from medicine to ballistics.
  • He will identify those two automatic pistols as weapons he test-fired at the Ballistics Lab in order to obtain exemplary rounds.
  • Overall, it's a very readable interpretation of the intensive research being done on shotgun ballistics and performance in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
  • That Speer RN plinker may have the ballistic coefficient of a schoolbus but it shoots like a house on fire in 30 cals. Has anyone ever tried 130 Grain Hornady Soft Points in their 30-06? AWESOME on Coyotes and Monster Mule Deer!
  • The White House site states, in part: "A combined limit of 800 deployed and non-deployed ICBM [inter-continental ballistic missile] launchers, SLBM [sea-launched ballistic missile] launchers, and heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments; a separate limit of 700 deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments. The New Start Treaty Ignores Most Nuclear Weapons
  • With the advent of affordable and reliable chronographs, the cumbersome ballistic pendulum was relegated to the scrap heap of history.
  • It has been building large numbers of relatively inexpensive but highly accurate non-nuclear ballistic missiles, as well as sea- and air-launched cruise missiles.
  • It's a Trident ballistic missile submarine that's home ported in Farmington, Washington.
  • Starting in the late 1960s, it figured in the public debate over antimissile defenses and the survivability of the Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile.
  • Early warning radar in Turkey belongs to NATO plans to deploy anti-missile systems as part of NATO's aim is to resist the Iranian ballistic missile threat.
  • The principle of star patterns matching for celestial guidance to correct the initial localization and orientation errors occurred in mobile launching of ballistic missile is described.
  • In addition, there were other equally profound developments in areas such as firearms and ballistics, mechanics, shipbuilding, mining, distillation, and anatomy, to name but a few.
  • I thought of how adroitly, almost balletically, he had controlled that disintegrating machine, until there was nothing left of it but ballistics and velocity, the inevitable collapse of order into chaos. Spin
  • U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 ABM treaty, which has inhibited development of ballistic-missile defenses, caused the usual cries that this would "re-escalate" (Jimmy Carter) and "reignite" (Sen. John Kerry) the arms race. Whirl Is King All Around Us
  • The premise of the .45 Glock Automatic Pistol is to provide the ballistics of the.45 Automatic Colt Pistol in a smaller platform.
  • The influence of structure axial vibration on the internal ballistics of solid rocket motor was investigated.
  • It bans the private sale of all firearms, creates a Federal ballistics database, and much more.
  • The army had offered him a reserve officer's commission and the command of the office of experimental ballistics at its new Aberdeen proving ground.
  • Tokyo certainly should not abandon the abductee issue, but it also should be willing to work on that problem in tandem with other security concerns that present an opportunity for Japan to make common cause with South Korea and the U.S. One such are would be the North's ongoing ballistic missile development program, which constitutes a far greater threat to Japan. Japan Needs a North Korea Reset
  • He would scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and permit defensive systems to guard against accidental firings or small-scale attacks by outlaw nations.
  • The Air Force wanted fast-moving ballistic missiles and new generations of heavy bombers to carry its multimegaton nuclear warheads. The Mind Of A Missile
  • During investigations over the past few days police seized 26 claymore mines from a house in Pretoria along with 14 rifle grenades, 162 explosive-head rounds, 34 40mm detonating rounds of a type generally used to arm aircraft, 800 7,62mm rounds, three containers of pentolite explosive, two white phosporus hand-grenades, seven hand-grenades, 1488 ballistic rounds generally used for target shooting, and several mechanical explosive caps. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Ballistic evidence suggested that, in the shoot-out, the policeman may have died from a police bullet.
  • Case head expansion and dropped primers occurred long before ballistics got interesting.
  • Boron carbide is one of the two most commonly used materials in the manufacture of the ceramic ballistic-protective plates used today by America’s frontline troops. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1122
  • I use the win ballistic silver tip, i think 95 gr. Hog hunting good or bad for us?
  • Towards the end of the war, Goldie was transferred to London, where he worked on ballistics at the Woolwich Arsenal.
  • Nominal velocity in feet per second and muzzle energy in foot-pounds are drawn from the amino-makers' catalogs and from the pages of Bob Forker's excellent text, ‘Ammo and Ballistics.’
  • When the youth group interrupted the webcast to deliver the message that real Americans want clean energy and a fair climate treaty, Monckton went ballistic, calling the students \ "crazed Hitler youth\" and \ "Nazis. Brendan DeMelle: Climate Denier Calls U.S. Activists "Hitler Youth" at Americans For Prosperity Protest
  • (Hint: The reason that you can do ballistic shelling with artillery is that the round is much heavier and is operated on by air resistance and aerodynamic forces much less than the much lighter rifle round and the even lighter pistol round.) Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • He would scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and permit defensive systems to guard against accidental firings or small-scale attacks by outlaw nations.
  • During the 1950s further work on marine guidance was adapted for use in ballistic missiles.
  • Of course, this also means affordable, private intercontinental ballistic missiles.
  • A mounted ballistic food processor, maybe I can blend them to death.
  • The objective was to provide .270 ballistics in a cartridge short enough to function in the Winchester M88 lever-action and M100 semiautomatic rifles.
  • It was the clearest possible demonstration that they had mastered the problems of the Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile.
  • TanDEM-X was carried into space atop a converted intercontinental ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
  • Storm in a provincial tea-cup as British 'bobbies' go extra-judicially ballistic over alleged 'kiddie porn' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Storm in a provincial tea-cup as British \'bobbies\' go extra-judicially ballistic over alleged \'kiddie porn\ ''; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The challenge, which is presently under review by the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire (England) has its origins in a claim by a community administrator in a rural riverside community on the border between Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire that a local photo-journalist had "pandered to pedophilia" by taking a photograph during an award ceremony at the local community center to which the "press" had been invited ...' Storm in a provincial tea-cup as British 'bobbies' go extra-judicially ballistic over alleged 'kiddie porn'
  • It was an unguided ballistic missile and the forerunner of today's intercontinental ballistic missiles and tactical ballistic missiles (the Scud is a direct descendent).
  • Early warning radar in Turkey belongs to NATO plans to deploy anti-missile systems as part of NATO's aim is to resist the Iranian ballistic missile threat.
  • His name figures on the U.N's Iran sanctions list as someone "involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Melba's initial trill possessed the ballistic force of a cannonade.
  • This complete loss of memory after 0.1 ps reduces the amount of ballistic motion of atoms inside a void.
  • RONALD KADISH, BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE ORGANIZATION: The early indications we have is that everything worked in what we call a nominal mode, which is what is expected. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2001
  • That Speer RN plinker has the ballistic coefficient of a schoolbus! Has anyone ever tried 130 Grain Hornady Soft Points in their 30-06? AWESOME on Coyotes and Monster Mule Deer!
  • Further, ballistic missiles may not be the preferred delivery method for biological weapons.
  • Russia is in a political bind of its own creation, specifically over the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.
  • If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic.
  • If you could forgive the ends, the means was actually a neat project in puerile ballistics.
  • A knowledge of ballistics involved a grasp of mathematics, and that too became a factor in changing military education.
  • Many data centers and telecom building exteriors and lobbies, for instance, are blast-proof with ballistic glazing up to 30 feet high.
  • They will run it with the ballistics of bullets used in other crimes, in case you used the gun earlier.
  • The effect, which we term ballistic spin resonance, is driven by the free motion of electrons that bounce at frequencies of tens of gigahertz in micrometre-scale channels of a two-dimensional electron gas. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Counterproliferation operations will need to focus on ballistic and cruise missiles and on conventional WMDs.
  • In a variety of ballistic media, including common barricade materials, hollowpoint pistol rounds have demonstrated greater penetrative qualities than most .223 rifle bullets.
  • Last month Pakistan tested ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads deep into India.
  • And they have connected the gun that was found in the dumpster through ballistics to the bullets found in the victim.
  • Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century writers 116, 418, 554 richly described patients with such hyperkinetic phenomena as rocking; twisting truncal movements; ballistic arm movements; athetoid finger and hand movements; forehead wrinkling; grimacing and pouting movements; stereotyped biting and chewing; flicking and licking of the tongue; and rubbing, picking, kneading, tapping, grasping, and pulling behaviors. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The 6000-tonne nuclear submarine, known as boomer in popular parlance and named Arihant (destroyer of enemy), will carry 'Sagarika' ballistic missile and will come in handy in for retaliation in case of an enemy nuclear strike. India News Digest: Mahindra Satyam Loses Railways' Tech Contract
  • By 1960 it was clear that the advent of nuclear weapons, in particular thermonuclear weapons, and ballistic missiles to deliver them, created the potential for a completely new kind of warfare: push-button, nuclear-missile war.
  • A British ballistic missile submarine has fired torpedoes at an American destroyer - all for the sake of research.
  • The goal of this and other testing was to perfect the use of nuclear explosions in space to neutralize the ballistic missiles of a supposed opponent.
  • August registrations have gone ballistic, accounting now for a quarter of the annual total.
  • Ballistics influences many fields of study ranging from analyzing a curve ball to developing missile guidance systems.
  • So the same Opposition that's assailing the Government for not dealing with crime would go ballistic if they found out that the Minister and his men were using unorthodox methods to rid us of the devils in the society.
  • The White House says the new antiballistic missile systems should cover all of Europe by 2018. U.S. Use of Radar Data Risks a Turkish Backlash
  • Vidocq may not, as his admirers claim, have invented fingerprinting and the science of ballistics, but he did show the importance of keeping detailed criminal records.
  • The Bush administration withdrew from the Antiballistic Missile Treaty with Russia in 2002.
  • The Basic Space Law changed that interpretation to nonaggressive, meaning the MSDF now can manufacture, possess, and operate its own satellites to support military operations such as ballistic missile defense. Web Edition | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
  • A mounted ballistic food processor, maybe I can blend them to death.
  • Fabric covered steel plating provides increased ballistic protection in the cockpit and cabin.
  • He said the confiscated rifles have been sent to Australia to check ballistics to see if a link can be established with Wednesday's attack.
  • Currently, the only commercially-available rifle in this chambering is the single-shot Barrett Model 99. [edit] PerformanceThe use of a lighter, narrower bullet results in a significantly higher muzzle velocity and superior ballistic performance to the .50 BMG, and is claimed to be even more powerful than the .50 BMG at 1,000 yards (though its power deteriorates below the BMG's after that). [ Odds and Ends
  • He had a real understanding of fortification, ballistics and shipping, and could discuss mathematics and astronomy on equal terms with experts.
  • The war that followed saw them employing chemical weapons and both sides firing ballistic missiles at major cities.
  • My bed is um, kind of unmade at the moment, which some people will go ballistic about, but I don't really care - mainly because I've been at home the whole day and I really ever only make my bed when I go out. News
  • The Ohio class submarine is equipped with the Trident strategic ballistic missile.
  • The term explicitly excludes ballistic missiles used as weapons, in part because the space segment is incidental to the mission of the missile, which is hitting a target on earth. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • You can go from ballistic nylon, which is a commodity that everyone needs to have, to our heritage lines of tweed and belting leather.
  • A pneumatically powered ballistic chiseling system also may be used to help remove a cementless prostheses or remove the cement from a primary cemented prosthesis.
  • One way this could occur is with the development of intercontinental ballistic travel.
  • Mortars are ballistic weapons that have projectile trajectories undistorted by rocket engine or guidance system.
  • In 1998, North Korea lobbed a ballistic missile over Japan into the Pacific Ocean, claiming it was a satellite launch.
  • Transitional ballistics is a complex science that involves a number of variables that are not fully understood; therefore, it is not an exact science.
  • Several suspected efforts to build or adapt prohibited long-range ballistic missiles.
  • The ballistics of a bullet lodged in the sidewalk indicated that the man missed, from five paces away.
  • Similar ballistics in a rifle that fit Simone seemed to be the answer.
  • The most recent of this genre is from Nosler — a lead-free Ballistic Tip for varmint hunters. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Ten percent of the facilities are within the range of non-strategic ballistic missiles.
  • When either cemented or cementless prostheses are to be removed, endoscopic visualization and pneumatically powered ballistic chisels can be valuable.
  • The UH-1N fleet is used by the Air Force to patrol intercontinental ballistic missile fields in the United States and to transport VIPs throughout the Washington region.
  • A platoon of sci-fi marines are dropped into hostile territory, seething with aliens, and they go ballistic.
  • Then, as now, many handgun carriers were perfectly happy with mousegun ballistics.
  • Gen. Chen insisted that China's newly developed weaponry—including a "carrier-killing" antiship ballistic missile and an aircraft carrier expected to begin sea trials in August—was only for defensive purposes, but offered no new information on either. China and U.S. Spar Over South China Sea
  • We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
  • China regrets the abrogation of the Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty.
  • Attached is a document setting out the basics for Curled Ballistic thermionics.
  • Most dramatically, Israel has developed an ultra-advanced antiballistic system that recently succeeded in intercepting eight missiles fired by Hamas. The Lessons of the Second Lebanon War
  • Russia: Country Outlook While hailing the moment, Mr. Medvedev tempered his praise with a warning that any "qualitative and quantitative increase in [antiballistic missile] capability" could render the treaty inoperative. After Arms Pact, a Push to Ratify
  • The Western hemisphere would soon be in range of and vulnerable to Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles, carrying megaton warheads.
  • (Dated Sept. 1943, I must add.) “The sight computes the range and automatically compensates for ballistics and prediction … data input is transmitted to the computing mechanism … After the complete solution, the line of sight is offset the proper amounts from the line of bore, in lateral and vertical planes, to compensate in all deflections.” The Mystery of the Lost Computer « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • All the math in exterior ballistics is realistic and proven so the numbers really are relevant, at least that's my opinion. Best caliber for 600+ yard shots
  • That proposal, which would have installed antiballistic missiles in Poland and a forward radar system in the Czech Republic, triggered a fierce backlash from Moscow. Turkey in Dilemma Over NATO Shield
  • He would scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and permit defensive systems to guard against accidental firings or small-scale attacks by outlaw nations.
  • The singer went ballistic after one member of his band failed to show for a sound check.
  • You should have done the ballistic research before asking the question and have ruled out certain calibers and provided your preferences and experience with other calibers at long ranges from 400 to 600 yards. Best caliber for 600+ yard shots
  • SSBN is the United States Navy's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine.
  • U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 ABM treaty, which has inhibited development of ballistic-missile defenses, caused the usual cries that this would "re-escalate" (Jimmy Carter) and "reignite" (Sen. John Kerry) the arms race. Whirl Is King All Around Us
  • Ballistics were confirming the make of weapon, but had already suggested they were automatics; in other words, hand-held weapons. Deadly Intent
  • I couldn't believe it! She went ballistic just because there were peas in her pasta.
  • The agreement also limited the range of any Iraqi ballistic missile to 150 kilometers or less.
  • Our watcher is using a Ballistic 7. 6-meter monohull tender," Nicholas told Kelby when he came back to the ship that night. Fatal Tide
  • By the mid-nineteenth century, advances in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and ballistics were influencing the manufacture of weapons.
  • Robins also invented the ballistic pendulum which allowed precise measurements of the velocity of projectiles fired from guns.
  • The commission was expected to recommend the on-site destruction of ballistic missiles.
  • It will explain, in painstaking detail, both why I tend to go ballistic on people who are a little pushy with their advice, and also why so many people were very very upset about the OSBP proposal. The real offence, as she ultimately perceived, was her having a mind of her own at all.
  • Once the rifle is properly zeroed, the ballistic data for the round used, along with weather data is simply entered into the hand-held computer.
  • Aiming at geosynchronous orbit infrared detection system, the infrared detection performance of the ballistic missile plume is analyzed.
  • No one intended to besmirch your handguns, but just to keep things straight, we checked with Winchester on our ballistics.
  • It is possible to argue, and indeed it has been argued, that ballistic missiles such as IRBM's and ICBM's are not really "space" weapons, that they are simply an extension of the traditional art of artillery. The Practical Values of Space Exploration Report of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Eighty-Sixth Congress, Second Session
  • ‘Is a forensic firearm specialist the same as a ballistics expert? ‘asked the judge.
  • It's just as accurate, it provides somewhat better ballistics, and the choice of ammunition and rifles is excellent.
  • He will identify those two automatic pistols as weapons he test-fired at the Ballistics Lab in order to obtain exemplary rounds.
  • August registrations have gone ballistic, accounting now for a quarter of the annual total.
  • She wasn't trained extensively in weaponry and ballistics, but it never really was hard to place the sound of a thermal explosive going off.
  • Sobrero's substance also found use as a key ingredient in two smokeless powders, ballistic and cordite, from which all modern bullets derive their construction.
  • While salamanders with ballistic tongue projection rarely miss their target, frogs that use ballistic projection can be highly inaccurate.
  • The ballistics model is First World War ballistics mathematics.
  • What has the Reichwhiners going ballistic is that President Obama jumped to immediate, decisive, action. Think Progress » Fox News: Guantanamo Bay may open its doors to Haitian refugees.
  • He never really understood it emotionally; it was too wildly improbable; but as an intellectual concept he was able to accept it and use it, much later, in his first vague glimmerings of the science of ballistics: and the art of astrogation and ship maneuvering. Destiny Narrowly Avoided
  • August registrations have gone ballistic, accounting now for a quarter of the annual total.
  • The term explicitly excludes [[ballistic missile]] s used as weapons, in part because the space segment is incidental to the mission of the missile, which is hitting a target on earth. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • A space launch vehicle to launch satellites is different than a ballistic missile.
  • But an “aimable cluster” with superior ballistics, usually containing thirty-eight M69s in a finned casing, provided reasonable accuracy. Whirlwind
  • Burris clearly states in the instructions that when sighting in or when hunting, if the ballistic plex is to be used you must turn power ring up to 9x. What's Right About Scopes? Not Much.
  • Iran test-fired what it calls a supersonic ballistic surface-to-sea missile today in a dramatic ceremony that saw the missile crash into a ship that went up in smoke.
  • One monster was hooked from Neptune, it was a huge fish of approx 1000 lb; they had the gaff in its mouth, but it went ballistic and got off.
  • Last year, India showed the world how Prithvi anti - ballistic missile interceptor achieved all the mission objectives.
  • With the birth of civil and military aviation in the early 1900s, the focus of weather intelligence shifted from ballistics studies to aviation support.
  • The utilization of many large costly and rare implements needed in the test of high-angle fire, such as the photograph theodolite, ballistic camera etc, are avoided by using the method.
  • Third, Obama should work with the Japanese government to display the capabilities of US-made Japanese ballistic missile defenses, and Japan's willingness to use them if a North Korea missile overflies its territory. Peter Henne: A Progressive Strategy for US-North Korea Relations
  • Mortars are ballistic weapons that have projectile trajectories undistorted by rocket engine or guidance system.
  • With the development of missile defense system, the penetration of ballistic missile will faces with a greater menace, and the midcourse of ballistic missile is the focus of countermine.
  • Designed for the military, first responders, oil and gas environments, manufacturing floors, field technicians and homeland security, the Latitude E6400 XFR features the Dell-exclusive "Ballistic Armor Protection System" which leverages a high-strength substance used for applications such as cryogenics, aircraft components, military equipment and medical devices. - The Webs Best Source For Laptop Notebook Info
  • To equal black powder ballistics and pressures in the .45 Colt requires tiny little charges of most smokeless propellants.
  • Ballistics was used in the criminal case to determine the gun's firing capacity.
  • When my mother found out I smoked spliffs she went ballistic.
  • In 1940 Wilkinson began war work which involved mathematical and numerical work on ballistics.
  • China's disapproval was justified, since anintercept ballistic missiles would deprive it of its nuclear retaliatory capability.
  • In this regard, U.S. ballistic-missile defense programs should not even appear to undermine the viability of Russia's or China's nuclear deterrents.

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