

[ US /ˈbɔɫkəˌnaɪz/ ]
  1. divide a territory into small, hostile states

How To Use Balkanize In A Sentence

  • -- Afghanistan and Pakistan "to stabilize the security situation;" in fact, a major effort may be undertaken to destabilize it as part of a broader agenda to stoke violence, increase Washington's presence in the region, double US forces in Afghanistan to 60,000 or more according to recent reports, and "Balkanize" each country, Iraq and possibly Syria into separate autonomous states; and Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine
  • Critics fear it would Balkanize the public into warring factions, but that is what happens under our current one-size-fits-all approach. Andrew Coulson: A "Winn" for Education and Freedom of Conscience
  • Now compare things with the movie industry, in which "progress" too often counts as finding some new way to Balkanize the market a little further -- in the process, disabling features in people's homes. Notes on the digital-music business: Things could be worse
  • By arbitrarily using RST packets in a manner at odds with TCP/IP standards, Comcast threatens to Balkanize the open standards that are the foundation of the Internet. Boing Boing
  • The proxy forces that they have created to "Balkanize" Pakistan just as they have done in Iraq must be stopped. Information Liberation
  • The proxy forces that they have created to "Balkanize" Pakistan just as they have done in Iraq must by stopped. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can balkanize Wikipedia's uppity, insipid lynch mob into an etiolated and sapless agglomeration. Historical Christian Hairstyles
  • Put more concretely, a voucher system would make the educationally well-off better off, would make the poorly-off worse off, would Balkanize society, and would create an educational under-class. Teacher Pay, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Key then (and now) was to balkanize the Middle East along tribal and religious lines - a simple divide and conquer strategy that worked in the 1990s Balkan wars. F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II
  • The innate love of country, and the cohesiveness and self-identification as Americans that used to be taught in our schools and churches and homes is largely gone too, and ethnic/national identity, race and class warfare and envy has been promoted to Balkanize us and to weaken us. The Slaughter solution, constitutionality, and precedent
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