How To Use Bali In A Sentence
Mass culture is supposedly a leveler and globalizer - by definition, we all share mass cultural references.
'The earthquake, centred on Alor in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province, about 1000 km east of Bali, measured 7.4 on the Richter scale and was followed by multiple after-shocks.
Rapid Australian Response Helps Indonesia's Earthquake Victims
Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
The Bantustans represented an imposed tribalism, with indigenous Africans forcibly displaced onto reservations carved out of the country's poorest land.
For the past decade they have travelled the world, haranguing its leaders about the effects of globalisation, campaigning for ‘fair trade’ and chanting about the dangers of climate change.

The airport runway is lined with the rusted wrecks of other planes cannibalized for parts.
For one thing, it is still "AAU" (All About Us) as if what happens in the US economy in a globalized world is somehow separate and disconnected to what happens to people "out there.
Danny Schechter: The Economic Debate Has Yet to Target Key Issues
It is not surprising that the mortality due to feather pecking, cannibalism and parasitic diseases can be disturbingly high.
Irresistible, her lone Motown LP, the label cannibalized some of the solo songs and remixed them into duets.
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It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science.
David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
It is less practised among those Gikuyu who have been Europeanised or detribalised.
Of the many known kinds of cannibalism, five are now attested in archaeological remains.
What needs to be globalised is knowledge and understanding.
And it broadly defines these extremists as including people who embrace some components of "anticapitalist" or "antiglobalization" ideas.
Us Too
The forum gives anti-globalization activists and civil society leaders a chance promote progressive causes.
At Close of World Social Forum, Activists Draw Inspiration from Uprisings
Many herbalists prescribe hawthorne as a cardiotonic to keep healthy hearts healthy.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
Unless we are to believe naively that leisure and luxury crystallize out of thin air, we must recognize and acknowledge that the comforts of globalization are reaped from the labour and toil of others.
Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.
The singular aim of elite globalization is to maximize profits for international corporations.
He will attend the ongoing U . N . climate talks in Bali next week.
Illuminati may have learnt something of "venefic magic" and the use of certain natural substances from Jewish Cabalists; at the same time Jews appear to have been only in rare cases admitted to the Order.
Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
And there was an unverbalized message somewhere in her eyes.
Killing Time
While sociologists do not fully understand these processes, they do know that they are in large part a result of globalization.
The event is held the day after Balinese Hindus celebrate Silence Day.
For some cynics, it is merely the foreign junkets and chance to travel on per diem expenses that draws the attraction of our globalised political classes.
So, will the morally dubious Sinbad high-tail it off to the safety of Bali, or will he keep his word, risk life and limb to find the book, and repay the loyalty his good friend has shown him?
But that doesn't excuse the tribalism from the people with my skin color who want to deprive honest and hardworking people of the chance to make it in a free society because they don't happen to have a high-IQ.
A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement.
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
Strong painkillers, such as gabapentin and pregabalin, might ease the pain better.
The Sun
In the minor arcana, Mars is assigned on cabbalistic grounds to the fives.
But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
Why has the era of globalization been characterized by an intensification of tribalism and ethnic conflict?
Our workers are being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.
(Also) I think we need to be careful about the use of the word 'cannibalise' which brings with it an imputation of bad behaviour.
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And it's wonderful because the gamelan is like a microcosm of how the Balinese live.
American Stars With An Indonesian Sound
The Balinese tourism industry would be destroyed and the island, now poor but developing, would be plunged into primitive semi-starvation.
Guests can lend a hand with ranch chores if they like, baling hay and moving cows to new pastures, all the while swapping stories with Brad McCarthy, the engaging, knowledgeable head wrangler.
And to the west, across the Lombok Strait, a faint outline of Bali's Mount Agung becomes visible through the morning mist.
The Next Bali
Mr. Husain articulates a clear, unambivalent and positive assessment of the likely effects of globalization and liberalization on poverty.
Traditional Javanese Islam, a blend of Sufism mixed with animist and Hindu concepts predating Islam, shares common heritage with Bali.
The EWP event will run until Saturday, and is set to discuss such topics as the cultural commoditisation of books and literature tailored for mass consumption, as well as how globalisation, the digital era and multiculturalism have affected the conventional boundaries of literature.
VS Naipaul withdraws from Turkish event after row over Islam comments
Freedom, democracy and fraternity are people's slogans and globalization and liberalization are the slogans of imperialism.
In what ways has economic globalization affected the U. S. stratification system?
With increasing globalisation we have become familiar with a range of names from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Times, Sunday Times
I remember with still-swelling pride what special people we were, and the bond—unverbalized, but not untested—that held us together; what a mighty oath we swore to one another, but never said a word.
Life Lit by Some Large Vision
Much of the world's ills have little to do with the process of globalisation itself.
In addition to such verbalized utterances there will be a number of sighs, suspirations, and ritual gestures: rapid and repeated finger tapping, holding of the head in one hand, or two hands, and so forth.
Instead this episode will confirm the worst fears of globalists: that multinationals are becoming too powerful for governments to control.
The proper response to the globalization of greed and gluttony, and to the rise of violence in this world, is solidarity, which must manifest itself in practical actions, not just rhetorical flourishes.
Pharmaca's stores are staffed with naturopathic doctors, nurses, nutritionists, herbalists, homeopaths and aestheticians.
Smith's collage imagery in this film more directly alludes to his particular interests, drawing as they do on ‘Cabalistic symbolism, Indian chiromancy […] dancing, Buddhist mandalas, and Renaissance alchemy’.
One favorite treatment for sciatica used by Cherokee herbalist David Winston is a combined extract of sweet melilot (Melilotus alba), dodder (Cuscuta americana), and sweet or black birth (Betula lenta).
After 11 years of Margaret Thatcher, it proved necessary to cannibalise the entire armoured resources of the Rhine Army to deploy a weak division for the First Gulf War.
The Tory defence policy will be simple: cut, brutally
Fundamentalism is a cultural backlash to globalization; the alienated and angry young men of colonized societies and cultures react to the erosion of their identity and security.
We find ourselves in a world system of globalization willing to sacrifice millions of human beings.
Christianity Today
The golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes frequently cannibalizes males both before and during copulation.
'Not altogether,' said the old man; 'besides being a viper-hunter, I am what they call a herbalist, one who knows the virtue of particular herbs; I gather them at the proper season, to make medicines with for the sick.'
Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
Pg 354: arbalaster is probably a variation of arbalester or arbalister: a cross-bowman.
The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Vol. 1 With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by George Gilfillan
This is a paean to the power and value of globalisation as a force for good.
In concert with its European partners the British Government can use this meeting to shift its public stance on the question of ‘globalisation’.
Bali Hai point was suggested as the welcoming area and plans need to be firmed up as to the decorations and formalities.
The world is finite and globalism is now being met by a global people's initiative.
He has long argued that globalisation and free trade are benign forces that help to lift people out of hardship.
Times, Sunday Times
Most, if not all, of the leading fixed-income underwriters have or are developing their own software to conduct online auctions, but few are yet prepared to use it for fear of cannibalizing their existing underwriting business.
Ruffs and britches disappeared long ago, and there isn't much to distinguish a Balinese from a Siamese today except a wispy fringe on the underbelly and a meek plume of a tail.
The cannibalism is a little harder to stomach, as it were — but I'm sure that's exactly why Wells put it in.
Robson, Enge, Sturges, Lloyd and even Yours Truly
It's worthless to parade my BA in politics if I can't even verbalise my own opinions.
Kenya continues to suffer from tribalism and corruption, as well as high population growth, unemployment, political instability, and the AIDS epidemic.
Israeli infantry and armor rolled away from the town of Beit Hanoun and the nearby Jabaliya refugee camp shortly after daybreak, witnesses said.
The onrushing process of globalization—loosely defined as worldwide networks of interdependence—served as a major propellant of integration.
Between War and Peace
When the members of these teams had never met before, interpersonal trust had to be replaced by trust in the organisation, meaning tribalism occasionally got in the way.
The problem isn't having so many religions or countries, or denominations; the problem is being afraid of and not being able to embrace our differences, and when our differences are played out in tribalism.
Last year, Alipay President Shao Xiaofeng said the company needs to "globalize" its operations.
Bali painting unique, mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the theme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits, with rich local color.
We investigate the adaptive value of cannibalism in this orb-web spider, where 60 percent of males do not survive copulation.
This sort of cannibalism is an activity that scientists have long imagined and conjectured and in fact predicted but had never seen before.
The tone and tactics of globalisation critics may need some adaptation, but debating on who makes and manages global policies remains vital.
In the era of consume culture and cultural globalization, the multi - culture views are respected unprecedentedly.
Bob Koke, who was just back from Singapore, took the opportunity to ask about the notorious Bali hotel proprietress turned radio propagandist Surabaya Sue, who seemed to be working as a spokesperson for his administration.
A Covert Affair
Most experienced herbalists take a base formula and customize it for the individual.
It was also realised that globalisation is not a homogeneous process, but contains a striking paradox in that it brings about both convergence and divergence.
Members of dysfunctional families tend to either withhold or not verbalize their feelings, wants, likes, and dislikes with each other.
Most groups now also suggest localization and subsidiarity as key principles opposed to globalization.
The "massive" rainstorms were brought about by Tropical Cyclone Iggy in the Indian Ocean, south of Bali and the nearby Nusa Tenggara islands, he added. | Top Stories
bisected" structures, globalization and: "What was the last blockbuster that left you smiling?
GreenCine Daily
The classic lie about globalization is its recency.
The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about.
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Network operators have been notoriously reluctant to allow Skype services on their mobile handsets, fearing it will cannibalise revenue earned from traditional voice calls.
One of the most caustic comments on the present-day globalisation has come from Robert Samuelson in the Newsweek of February 24.
JK justru sebaliknya, ia seperti tidak paham konsep-konsep bernegara, tetapi juara ketika membahas isu-isu yang dekat dengan keseharian kita.
Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Disappointing Election Debate
In the blue world we need more understanding of the economic plight of those left behind by globalisation and bewildered by a new multicultural world.
Times, Sunday Times
Costs have continued to come down on account of location, technology and globalisation.
Economic globalism and military globalism are not just distinct; they represent opposing forces in the world today.
When Billy Dalton, military special ops and star surfer, is disqualified from the pro-surfing tour, he takes off for the coast of Bali looking for the perfect wave.
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Regional differences need the idiom of globalisation to articulate themselves.
If they want to get their message across, antiglobalization forces must unite and search for leaders currently lost in the sea of a violent, amorphous mob.
Tanjung Benoa, on the southeast coast of Bali, is the centre of a deadly illegal trade in tortoiseshell and meat that is threatening to exterminate one of the world's most ancient species.
The film is a statement against globalisation and its corrupting influence on the indigenous cultures and even native languages.
Não é possível que num País pobre como o Brasil, não exista entre os membros da Câmara, um consenso e uma visão de valor que esbarre num conceito de ética e, até porque não dizer, de culpabilidade social, em saber que tal atitude com o dinheiro público - mesmo que não haja irregularidade legal - fere os princípios básicos que balizam a moralidade exigida nos homens públicos.
Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
Lay practitioners of ancient skills such as bone setting, herbalism, and a range of physical therapies lost place to a medical profession fortified by accumulating scientific techniques of diagnosis and safer interventions.
The challenge for economic geographers is to engage globalization on the ground by socializing these abstract mechanisms.
Preparations made from this herb have become hugely popular as a treatment for mild forms of depression, as St John's wort has found its way out of specialist herbalists and onto the shelves of high street chemists.
Globalisation in its classic sense means the historical process by which the world moves ever closer together.
Maybe it's time for both the globalists and anti-globalists to consider what the poorer and disenfranchised have already worked out.
He stopped short of suggesting that the iPad has started to cannibalize the notebook market.
We know, of course, that historically the Kabbalists were wedded to traditional Jewish practice, even as they added to it by way of innovation.
Look up cristobalite in the textbook and describe a likely environment for the formation of this sample.
He added that there was little use in railing against globalisation or "discoursing" at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Hm, in retrospect PITA is probably a label that is a little bit too strong verbality wise, because the mass storage support nowadays seem to work more or less as expected, so thanks for reminding me of that.
In what follows, I explore the ambivalent nature of cannibalistic images in the Pitjantjatjara and other Australian Aboriginal life-worlds in light of its significance for the psychogenesis of the self.
However, there are both conflicts and congruences of interest between the sexes when cannibalism occurs after the male has inseminated the female.
But the fact remains that there are still some vulnerable sections of society that need handholding, even to enjoy the fruits of globalisation.
It was not long ago that critics of globalisation and unrestricted free trade were limited to left-wing economists and trade unions.
Times, Sunday Times
These details support the theory that the two stars are close enough for accretion to take place and that the companion star is being cannibalised.
Clinton offered no new measures to restore confidence in globalization and open trade.
I dreamed about Bali last night though as usual it was not the real Bali, more some sandy, watery oceanic island with elements of the South of France about it.
The changes during the Nixon administration unintentionally paved the way for the uneven rise of globalisation.
As a student and protégé of the beloved Dr. Christopher, I began my career as an herbalist using iridology as the sole diagnostic method.
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I will disarm him with smiles and pleasant words," she every day resolved; yet every day was she pierced anew with his arrowy verbality.
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If the first male was cannibalized and thus could not guard the female, the second male always reached the female and was significantly more likely to mate.
Fortune tellers are known for using basic principles and techniques such as math, numerology and Cabalistic symbolism.
The tracing of likenesses quickly becomes rabbinism, almost cabalism.
A Book of Prefaces
The main harm from classical homeopathy is not likely to come from its remedies, which are probably safe but ineffective, though this is changing as homeopathy becomes indiscernible from herbalism in some places.
Moreover in the double demise of an earlier capitalism and colonialism, the rise of transnational globalism had made this cultural space even more paradoxical.
It showed a slightly worrying, secret cannibalistic streak.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet in his second return to government he has considered the conflict between party tribalism and economic judgment, and chosen badly.
Times, Sunday Times
Neoliberal triumphalism, globalism, a widespread discourse: what were OGXers supposed to do aboutthem?
Archive 2009-11-01
According to her, the most critical issue facing Bali is ‘the potential for social conflict and disintegration stemming from a lack of human security’.
Regarding globalism as an alien and godless ideology engulfing their country, they fear that transnational forces are relentlessly eroding the traditional American way of life.
Photo taken in Fall 2006. Taiwan Bali overlook Tamsui night view.
Rooms: Room are decorated in an eclectic blend of Balinese and Italian styles, with attractive features such as thatched roofs, handcrafted antiques and terrazzo bathrooms. - Articles related to Don't fry in the sun
Often, we use the term globalisation without dissecting its meaning and in many ways we have seen those who have political and economic power in the world using the term to justify actions that benefit this small section of humanity, thus engendering strong opposition from the oppressed and the marginalised.
Globalisation must benefit all humanity
These psychogenetic affinities and ambiguities between carnal desires, cannibalism, death, and rebirth form the core symbolism of the mythopoeic imagery.
It was certainly true that the globalization consensus seemed firmest in places where the international political and business elite gathered, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Zero-Sum Future
'catenary,' a line very simple in shape, but endowed with an algebraic symbol that has to resort to a kind of cabalistic number at variance with any sort of numeration, so much so that the unit refuses to express it, however much we subdivide the unit.
The Life of the Spider
He accused the Canadian anti-globalisation movement of being racist and insensitive to Native and Québecois history for using a maple leaf as its symbol.
The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.
As a fruit of the Pombaline vision, Goa is today the only State in India to have a uniform civil code, which ensures women equal rights of succession, property and inheritance.
And thanks to the globalisation ofwww. international ‘human rights’ law, Israel is now being persecuted through legal action for defending its own citizens against mass murder.
The western front of the jihad against the Jews
When this happens, the help of a diviner or herbalist is sought.
In a globalized economy, it imposes penury on trading partners, especially the poorest countries.
Another way to help you get to the root of the problem is to find a qualified homeopath or medical herbalist.
And then there's the "Get Today's Puzzles" button, a simple but indispensible tool that makes being a lunatic cruciverbalist that much easier.
Six Letters, Magical Device
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference A party held together with spit, chewing gum, baling wire, and duct tape:
A party held together with spit, chewing gum, baling wire, and duct tape
The "No" campaign has been vigorous, comprising a motley crew of aging Marxists, anti-globalisation protesters, traditional Eurosceptics, and obsessive " sovereigntists ".
Globalisation accelerates both the economic and military impact of imperialist intervention.
Artists are a not-negligible factor in the globalization of culture that is, solipsistically, such a big theme in contemporary art.
The names of specific diseases were not so well recognized at that time and so Hall reports cases in a complexity of signs and symptoms characteristic of the highest level of traditional herbalism.
Adventurous herbalists like to experiment with basil, oregano and rosemary, also including the more exotic plants like sweet woodruff, lemon grass and borage.
Israel failed to win firm pledge that Moscow Halt Advanced Weapons sales to Syria. obaid karki an outcast underdog libertarian diogenesist kabbalist spinoziste qutbist pantheon hexalingual automath former uae under secretary independent street-knowledge urban talking-head. unaffiliated to a state, an organized religion group, a sect or a kin and an anti tribal gentile. administration plans to revamp rescue plan american arrested near pakistani border americans face wide spectrum of money problems apparently drown in hawaii's 3 tourists high surf apple aims to defy gravity asia markets: tokyo stocks surge over 12%; financials on fire asia markets: tokyo takes off as trading resumes, nikkei up 13% asian stocks soar after us rally asia-pacific extends world market rebound assailants attack us consulate in mexico at indian call centers, another view of us australia plans $7.4 billion to boost economy australia plans us$7. 4 billion to boost economy australia unveils $7.4 billion fiscal stimulus plan austria: 'horror dad' trial likely delayed until 2009 bailout sit-down: treasury, fed and major wall street players meet bailout, part two ballmer's luck in yahoo failure gives microsoft nice miss 'as stock slips banco santander to take over sovereign bancorp in $1. 9-billion deal boeing talks with striking machinists break down boeing, machinists halt talks on ending 5-week strike boeing: contract talks with machinists off again budget cuts force rhode island to scrimp on services bush to announce $250b bank share buy-up bush to announce expanded bank bailout - Business News
According to the kabbalist concept, the dybbuk is a soul - in most cases of a sinner - that has not found a home (it is in a liminal state) either in heaven or in hell.
San Francisco Sentinel
Today, many Canadians outside of your industrialist and financier circles are suffering again from globalization.
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Hindi bibihirang nasasaksihan mo sa tuwi-tuwina, ang sumasalamin sa dahop na buhay at pagkabalisa hindi minsan lamang na masusulyapan ang pagdaralita, at nakalulunos na tanawing minsan doon ka nagmula.
Sa Pangarap nila
The guys broke open about 5 big round bales and then pitchforked the straw up into our old square baling machine.
Archive 2009-02-01
BALIKISRI (_Balukiser_), a town of Asia Minor, capital of the Karasi sanjak in the vilayet of Brusa, altitude 575 ft., situated on rising ground above
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Its people are the Jebali, hardy, semi-nomadic camel-herders whose mother tongue is not Arabic but an ancient South Arabian language related to that once spoken by the Queen of Sheba.
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The author states with a grand rhetorical flourish: ‘Rome broke the tribalism of Celtic Britain with the iron claw of its uniformity’.
If there was a problem with a hypersympathetic nervous system, Western herbalists have tended use sedatives, nervines and perhaps anti-inflammatories.
Globalisation, he admits, does mean 'the importation of Western culture' into poor countries.
We show that the inclusion of our partial alignment columns, as anchor points, improve on the whole the accuracy of the aligner ClustalW on the benchmark BAliBASE 3.
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During the last quarter century, partly as a result of economic globalization, there has been a growing gap between rich and poor.
The process of globalization has certainly been amongst the most significant developments of the past few decades.
Everything in football, from tribalism to prawn sandwiches, comes because football can serve up such moments as a matter of routine.
Times, Sunday Times
globalize" - make available to all document types - metadata fields that are selection lists; and the addition of a faxed-document report to Administrative Tools.
Information Technology News
After three years as cembalist and conductor at the Italian opera in London, he set out upon a tour as virtuoso.
A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
Egg-laying hens are housed in 18-by - 24-inch cages with wire bottoms, often with their beaks removed, because mad chickens have been known to cannibalize each other.
The same trouble is reflected in discussion of globalism: most people find it strange to be against protectionism, for global trade, but against war.
It speaks of globalisation, political power and the sweep of modern commercialism.
Times, Sunday Times
A little unverbalized sound answered that, and Mrs. Somers said good evening and walked on.
Say and Seal, Volume I
We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
Whereas the Soviet Union and America built separate economic spheres, globalisation has bound the American and Chinese economies intimately together, to mutual advantage.
Supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government, the world will experience peace.
Actually, the decrease is also harmful if capital is mobile internationally, as it is today under globalization.
The overall beer market has been shrinking for the last 20 years, making it extremely difficult for brewers to create sustainable growth without cannibalising their existing UK brands.
Military and police have complained they are underfunded and had to resort to cannibalizing parts from other aircraft to keep their aging fleets in the air.
In fact the ancient herbalists believed that fennel gave strength to the constitution and made fat people grow lean.
They have abandoned their cannibalism and heathen ways.
He would have to engage young people, address issues of ecclesial organization, commit himself to ecumenism, and confront the challenges of globalization.
A swather is a piece of equipment that cuts hay or small grain crops into windrows before baling.
Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
The argument of the book seems to run thus: Globalisation, like it or lump it, is an unstoppable force.
It has been sustained by tribalism, the adaptiveness of the two parties and the electoral system.
Times, Sunday Times
The recessive 1930s brought the reversal of this globalism while a new one was later formed during the Cold War.
Basically he has bought in so completely to the denialist/cabalist camp, he will believe any of their lies.
Matthew Yglesias » Arctic Seabed Methane Stores Destabilizing
The few remaining humans have gathered into cannibalistic 'bloodcults' or survive as solitary scavengers.
Times, Sunday Times
Material geographies facilitate the construction and mobilization of spatial metaphors that, in turn, legitimize globalization tendencies.
In the female present experiment, males might disappear if they left the web or if they mated and were cannibalized, but male disappearance in the female absent experiment could only represent male abandonment of the female web.
The capitalist response to this has been the process known as globalisation.
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However, one can appreciate the importance of globalization without slipping into such globalism.
The task must be to destabalise and desacralise gender, and this cannot be done whilst upholding a belief in the ability to “match” bodily organs to gendered behaviour.
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Far in the innermost corner of the outlying sheepcote at Bali, to which the sun's rays never reach, Arni built himself a little cupboard.
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In fact, the cabbalistic and/or hermetic connections made between the tarot and its sources were little more than a series of free associations, usually based on personal surmise.
It is the western condition of globalisation, and its paradox of intimacy and intolerance suggests that the western reaction to the remorseless rise of the non-west will be far from benign.
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The world is too globalized, too interconnected, too interdependent to allow for that.
Globalization is not a phenomenon of the last decade - trade flows, human migration and the interpenetration of cultures are as old as human experience.
Central to many of the protests against it is a trilogy of discontents about the idea of capitalism, the process of globalization, and the behavior of corporations.