How To Use Baleen In A Sentence
In its mouth, this whale has unusually few of the baleen plates that such whales use to filter food from the water.
When we saw its huge teeth, we knew it couldn't be a baleen whale.
Baleen whales often appear in this region. Be careful!
It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or baleen; and the oil specially known as "whale oil," an inferior article in commerce.
Moby Dick, or, the whale
In answer, it may be asked, why should not the early progenitors of the whales with baleen have possessed a mouth constructed something like the lamellated beak of a duck?
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
Different species have different density and coarseness of baleen due to their different food sources.
The whales were commercially hunted for their oil and baleen beginning in the 1800s - the baleen being popular for making corsets, umbrellas, and fishing rods.
The ‘whalebone’ whales have hundreds of baleen plates, up to twelve feet long, hanging down from their upper jaw.
Their baleen plates have bristly inner edges that intertwine to form a strainer or filter.
Many modern whale species use hair-like structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater.
National Geographic News
The baleen whales feed on swarms of shrimp-like crustaceans called krill, by straining the sea water through long, fringed baleen plates that hang down from the roof of a cavernous mouth.
The right and left baleen rows are separated in the front of the mouth.
Baleen whales like bowhead (Balaena mysticetus), minke, fin, grey (Eschrichtius robustus), pilot (Globicephala melaena), and other larger whales are also a valued source of food.
Indigenous peoples, animals, and climate in the Arctic
It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or baleen; and the oil specially known as 'whale oil', an inferior article in commerce.
Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
In the previous post I discussed the basic anatomy and behaviour involved in lunge-feeding, a style of predation practiced by rorquals, the biggest, fastest and most dynamic of baleen-bearing cetaceans.
Archive 2006-10-01
One species of whales developed baleen, rows of keratin plates similar to hair that filter out food from the sea.
Evoking the poster for the original summer blockbuster, a new species of killer sperm whale attacks a baleen whale in an illustration.
But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.
Krill are the principal food of the baleen whales, such as the blue whale and minke.
The bowhead is a single species - closely related to the right whale - and is remarkable for being the only baleen whale to spend all its time in Arctic waters.
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And the behemoths contain tremendous amounts of oil and baleen, once commercially lucrative products.
The baleen is a horny material on the upper jaws of some whales. Top Stories
Mirrored projections face each other, pulsing like an underwater shot of baleen, white tissue-like net moving in and out.
We do know that its baleen is particularly fine, allowing it to filter the comparatively small copepods [adjacent photo, also from the Right Whale Aerial Surveys site, shows a feeding sei.
Lunging is expensive, jaws can be noisy, and what’s with the asymmetry? Rorquals part III
To the left is an upside down picture of a beached right whale showing the long baleen plates that hang from the upper jaw.
Their baleen consists of 260-400 black, coarse, broad, overlapping plates hanging from each side of the upper jaw.
The fact that the krill are strained out of the water by the baleen is a matter of processing - it comes after the whale has taken a bite.
Archive 2006-10-01
Kazue Ohishi of the University of Tokyo and his colleagues discovered pathological and seriological evidence of Brucella infection in baleen whales taken in the Northwestern Pacific.
Hardy Jones: What Next for Japanese Whaling?
It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or baleen; and the oil specially known as “whale oil,” an inferior article in commerce.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
Although baleen is commonly called whalebone, it is not bone but keratin, the same material as your nails and hair.
These whales are distinguished from the toothed whales by having baleen, or whalebone, as part of the mouth structure.
The microstructure of these long filaments of papillary horn is very similar in its dermal-epidermal interdigitation to that of baleen in whales.
Most placental mammals have teeth that are capped with enamel, but there are also lineages without teeth, such as anteaters, pangolins and baleen whales, or with enamelless teeth, such as armadillos, sloths, aardvarks and pygmy and sperm whales.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
The baleen whales feed primarily on plankton and krill.
Its front edge was bordered by a sort of storage box of stone, which contained a small vessel made of sewn baleen and wood.
The lower jaw of this form may have been edentulous and supported a gular sac, like that of a giant pelican or baleen whale.
Interestingly, the late Oligocene whale Aetiocetus, from Oregon, has skull and jaw features typical of baleen whales, and is considered to be the earliest mysticete - yet it also bore a full set of teeth.
But even modern baleen whales which are here probably a better comparison as they lack the melons of modern toothed whales have bulbous nostrils which have cartilaginous and musculous parts, what leads to a different external profile and postion of the nostrils than the bare bone would show.
Maiacetus, Part 2
The water is strained through a series of bony plates that trap the small creatures making up the baleen whale's main diet.
Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways.
Different species have different density and coarseness of baleen due to their different food sources.
baleen" or "whalebone" -- each plank being as much as eight or in rare cases twelve feet long.
More Science From an Easy Chair
In Greenland, Japan and Norway whale meat is sold in supermarkets, in Russia it has been sold to feed fur-bearers, and in Alaska baleen handicrafts from bowheads are sold to tourists.
In Greenland, Japan and Norway whale meat is sold in supermarkets, in Russia it has been sold to feed fur-bearers, and in Alaska baleen handicrafts from bowheads are sold to tourists.
They are baleen whales; rather than hunt, they filter their prey, krill and small sea organisms, through the sieve-like baleen screen in their mouths.
Its snouty head, patchy grey body and small pedal fins make the dwarf look more like a large dolphin than a baleen whale.
Its calls do not match those of any known species, although they are clearly those of a baleen whale, a group that includes blue, fin and humpback whales.
Once a mass of prey is engulfed, a rorqual then has to squeeze the water out through its baleen plates while at the same time retaining the prey.
From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
Most commonly, humpbacks are solitary diners, eating a diet of krill - a shrimp-like crustacean - and plankton, which they filter through hundreds of sieve-like plates called a baleen.
In the second place, the horny matter on the palates of the dugong and manatee has not, even initially, that "strainer" action, which is the characteristic function of the Cetacean "baleen.
On the Genesis of Species
These whales force seawater through baleen plates (combs of bony material that form in the place of teeth) to filter out the tiny sea creatures.
To achieve greater power, massive ‘composite’ laths made from sinew, horn or baleen, and wood came into use; these were shorter and much stiffer than earlier wood laths.
They feed by straining small marine organisms out of the water using plates of baleen, a hornlike substance that forms filaments that hang down from the roof of the mouth.
I need to use the word "baleen" in a sentence today.
Wired Campus
I examined microscopically and compared with the hair of fair and blue-eyed persons, the hair of negroes, and as a matter of curiosity with the reindeer hair and the hair-like appendage found on the fringy extremity of the baleen plates in the mouth of a "bowhead" whale.
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Through the comb-like bristles of its baleen filters, it squirts out the seawater, entrapping krill by the bushel.
Baleen is made of keratin, the same protein that makes up hair and fingernails, and is strong, yet elastic.
Laboratory tests suggest that gray whale baleen, and possibly skin, may be resistant to damage by oil.
Right whales are large baleen whales, meaning that instead of teeth they have bonelike plates, which they use to strain food from large gulps of water.