How To Use Baldpate In A Sentence
The plumages of hand-reared mallards, baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.
In the Hand The male's white crown patch, which gives the bird the nickname "baldpate," is impossible to miss, but it can be indistinct until November.
Field Guide: Know Your Waterfowl
The local Atollers are about to put Costner to death, thinking he's a spy, when they're attacked by the movie's piratical villains, the Smokers, led by the scurvy, baldpated Dennis Hopper.
'Waterworld': It Floats
Arctic terns, Mew gulls, scaup, shoveler, buffleheads, baldpates, yellow legs and various passerines were observed.
He was thin with a fringe of white hair around his ears and nothing on top but baldpate.
I Am Not A Psychic!
Standing about four inches shorter than Stefàn, but more solidly built, he sported a shiny baldpate and his skin was the color of creamy peanut butter.
Who Said It Would Be Easy
A winter census of a lake in Arizona may include a thousand coots, a thousand gadwalls, a thousand baldpates, and assorted other species in lesser numbers.
Recent changes in the distribution of waterfowl species have been noted, such as a decrease of baldpates and swans, and a concomitant rapid increase of pintails.
Examples of dabbling ducks are the mallards, cinnamon teals, shovellers, green and blue-winged teals, pintails, black ducks, baldpates and gadwalls.
A paunchy fifty-four years old, he habitually wore a suit and bow tie, which went well with his toothbrush mustache and baldpate.
They arrived in Omaha last night from Bancroft, where they had a remarkable three days’ shoot on widgeon and baldpates.
This is a baldpated ruse to cripple me still worse.
Ensign Flandry
American Wigeons dominate the marsh this season; their creamy-white crowns are suggestive of their nickname: baldpates.
There is every probability that these missiles land on parked cars and windows, if not on baldpates.