How To Use Baldness In A Sentence
A pill that appears to cure baldness caused by alopecia has fully restored the hair of three patients.
Times, Sunday Times
Applicable when possession is normative. e.g., blindness and sight, toothlessness and toothedness, hairiness and baldness.
Archive 2009-04-01
Or, “100% of male pattern baldness is caused by men”?
Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
Despite this, secrecy and shame continue to shroud hair transplants and premature male baldness in general.
Times, Sunday Times
Jill couldn't resist making jokes about his baldness.

But for most men, a head shave is a white flag in the battle against male-pattern baldness.
The Shorn Identity
I have heard some people call these conditions 'diseases' while others do not: addiction, shortness, baldness, impotence, crooked teeth, deafness, all mental illness, etc.
Pecharromán admitted to taking a medicine called "Proscar" (marketed as Propecia in the United States) under advice from his doctor to treat apolecia, a form of spot baldness.
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Modern science has shown they reduce the chemical that causes male pattern baldness.
The Sun
Many a case of premature baldness could be attributed to (and consoled by?
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In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
Walking ahead of me was a tall, bulky man - the sort who shaves his head in a self-delusional attempt to hide his baldness.
Amyra said with a cold monotone voice to a young general with stubble hair that was near baldness and a nametag that read Kerns.
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In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
Men also have hair dryers and, if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
Male pattern baldness is not due to the shampoo one uses or because of wearing a helmet, or hat, or because a person brushes or rubs his hair very often.
It didn't help that he blamed his behaviour on anxiety over premature baldness.
Times, Sunday Times
It seems that human baldness is attractive everywhere except on the head.
Hairloss described as "male pattern baldness" will be referred to as androgenic alopecia. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
From the rest of his well-groomed, showy appearance, it was evident his baldness was a chagrin to him.
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Baldness is not only sexy, it is aerodynamic. Hot wax your head for maximum performance.
Doctors have finally reached the medical conclusion that the easiest way to cure baldness is via hair donors.
However, he pointed out that androgen-related baldness was not strictly a male problem, and could also occur in women with high levels of male sex hormones, a condition called adrenal virilism.
The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide, DHT promotes both the proliferation of prostate cells and hair loss, and that men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer were more likely to have had bald spots on the tops of their heads, which is referred to as vertex baldness, as opposed to those men who did not have bald spots.
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Every time I button and unbutton the front pocket for no reason, I think of that woman with the ectopic pregnancy scare, and forgive her for the male pattern baldness she may have advanced on my scalp.
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Then there was the popular microbe theory, wherein a living microbe or bacillus caused baldness.
Male Arians often suffer from baldness or thinning of the hair.
This sounds like male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia).
The Sun
A definition is not sound if it only applies in cases where the difference is glaring: the essential purpose of a definition is to provide a mark which is applicable even in marginal cases -- except, of course, when we are dealing with a conception, like, e.g. baldness, which is one of degree and has no sharp boundaries.
The Analysis of Mind
Del in KS is 59 with no grey hair, no baldness, and no glasses.
What is your age?
= -- Baldness is commonly caused by seborrhea of the scalp, an affection probably due to a microbe, and consisting of an inflammation of the skin, with great increase of dandruff of a thick, greasy variety.
The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
Only that one word, with a sorrowful shake of the graceful head, covered with feathery ringlets in the dainty fashion of that day, so becoming in youth, so inappropriate to advancing years, when the rich profusion of curls came straight from Chedreux, or some of his imitators, and baldness was hidden by the spoils of the dead.
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For the thousands of women who use wigs to cover their baldness, the options can be deeply unsatisfying.
Times, Sunday Times
I noticed that he was rather bald, and in the middle of his baldness was a kind of little knob.
On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
One formula to prevent baldness included a mixture of wine, saffron, pepper, vinegar and rat dung.
Are we still discussing baldness or are you angry about something?
Times, Sunday Times
Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia AGA, which affects as many as two-thirds of U.S. men by the age of 50, has previously been linked to testosterone and other factors.
Getting Closer to the Root of What Causes Baldness
He wore a hat to hide his baldness.
“The river-nymphs, as daughters of Oceanus, and thus of immortal parentage, are bound to possess organs of more than mortal keenness; but, as you say, the song was not so bad — erudite, as well as prettily conceived — and, saving for a certain rustical simplicity and monosyllabic baldness, smacks rather of the forests of Castaly than those of Torridge.”
Westward Ho!
The pressures associated with his baldness finally wore down the poor devil.
In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
However, baldness is another X - linked recessive trait; you inherit it from your mother.
Various conditions are linked to the use of hair extensions: traction alopecia and folliculitis (baldness and inflammation ound the follicles).
Times, Sunday Times
Hair Premature graying, baldness, dandruff, seborrhea (excessive secretion oily material by glands of skin called sebaceous glands.
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Male Arians often suffer from baldness or thinning of the hair.
Hair has stopped growing on most of her skull, and she wears a wig to cover her baldness.
Of course we’re still left with the question of why the women in this society are more competitive than the men, but at least we can hope that genetics will explain it (e.g sort of like how baldness is more common in men then women, but women can still be bald, etc.).
Are Men Really More Competitive Than Women? - Freakonomics Blog -
By the end, you will yearn for the elegant simplicity of baldness.
Times, Sunday Times
And it's not just teachers that are spoiling the fun: hairdressers, too, are warning potential copycats that such a style could cause finer, blond hair to break, and might even result in baldness.
I suspect some people would welcome other ways to say and think of fat, diet, weight loss, baldness, graying, potbelly, and dandruff.
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Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia, if you're feeling technical) affects two-thirds of all men in the UK, and can happen at any time after puberty.
In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
Are older people likely to demand cures for wrinkles, baldness, yellow teeth, and relief from symptoms of the menopause and andropause?
Despite world pube supplies being at a perilous low, one singular offending hair survived current genital fashions for waxed baldness, provoking inter-landlandy armageddon on Three In A Bed Thu, 8pm, Channel 4.
Grace Dent's TV OD: Three In A Bed
In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
More procedures may be required for advanced baldness or for individuals with very dark hair and fair complexion.
He gets really upset if you mention his baldness.
A Woody Allen-type nebbish, Lenny is a kvetcher ( "My mind was full of sickening Jewish worry, the pogrom within and the pogrom without"); he frets about his age, his baldness and, in a major way, his parents.
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The periwig, adopted from French fashion after the Restoration, not only concealed baldness or reduced head-lice (since the natural hair was close-cropped or shaved) but was worn to enhance dignity.
High testosterone levels inhibit hair growth in human males and leads to male pattern baldness.
To the right and left the barren mountains reared their enormous baldness to the sun, deserts raised up broadside, as it were, and set on end, that their bareness might be the better seen and known to the world around.
A cure for baldness has moved a step closer after scientists successfully regrew the cells that make human hair follicles.
Times, Sunday Times
The same happened to men whose doctors had said that there was nothing that could be done for their receding hairlines and baldness, as hereditary factors were to blame.
How many of you have scratched your head into baldness trying to come up with something new and interesting to say on the Feast of the Transfiguration?
Early baldness can be linked to early onset heart disease so he needs to look after his heart and circulation now.
The Sun
In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
For the thousands of women who use wigs to cover their baldness, the options can be deeply unsatisfying.
Times, Sunday Times
KJ knows I secretly dread the day I start going bald (when this "pig fur" will be gone from the world forever), so the other day she said that she read somewhere that male baldness is caused by an abundance of hormones that usually indicated health in ... ahem ... other areas.
And One to Grow On
While the discovery could lead to new treatments for baldness and conditions like alopecia, the researchers believe it may also help burn victims.
Still trying to wrap my hairless head around the idea that baldness is an illness that needs curing. serial catowner Says:
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They also saw a mutation in the gene dubbed "hairless," previously seen to cause baldness in mice and humans, which could explain how they lost their fur.
In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
Modern science has shown they reduce the chemical that causes male pattern baldness.
The Sun
The latest rage in baldness nostrums was the drug minoxidil, sold under the label Rogaine.
She stared at the back of the cabbie's head, at the lame comb-over attempt to hide a textbook case of male pattern baldness.
Are we still discussing baldness or are you angry about something?
Times, Sunday Times
He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.
OK, just in case you were wondering, 'prorogue' is not the name of a new X-Men character or some newfangled baldness prevention cream.
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And I know that after menopause, estrogen levels decrease, which allows testosterone to take over, increasing the likelihood of baldness, "unfeminine" hair growth, etc.
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Willoughby Maule: indeed, she argued favourably from the baldness of
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A drug used to fight baldness and enlarged prostates also protects against prostate cancer, offering the first way men can cut their risk for a major cancer killer, researchers reported yesterday.
Also, how many males will want their offspring to suffer male pattern baldness?
Then have someone else suggest that the manuscript is a forgery, a major clue being the reference to baldness, which is too close to your own lack of hair to be coincidental.
Archive 2009-08-01
With his trademark lollipop and “who loves you, babe?” catchphrase, Telly Savalas put the boldness in baldness.
10 Men That Made Bald Sexy | Fandomania
Author: Ryan EnglishReplacement of hair is one of the procedures followed by hair expert to cure the hair loss problem Baldness of, men and women can be cured by replacement of hair The replacement of hair is done through two methods surgical and non surgical hair replacement A surgical replacement involves the transplantation of hair from one area of the scalp to the bald area The strip from donor area is operated out carefully and that strip is a follicle unit which is grafted further according to the hair of the affected person The follicle units are implanted in the hair line where the re growth of hair is not possible This surgical replacement takes five to six hours to complete Based on the type of the hair problem this time limit may vary to less than this or more During this surgical treatment doctors use to give anesthesia to the affected person to over come the discomfort while transplanting the hair After five or six months duration from the date of hair transplantation the affected person can comb and style his hair like the other Hair replacement is the technique which proved to attain the redistribution of hair, here by let aware about the non surgical hair replacement treatment The polyurethane layer is attached on the scalp which tends to be an outer layer of skin because it is very thin transparent layer The human hair is implanted in the layer before the attachment The perfect match of hair is identified by checking the hair density, hair color, and hair waves The injecting of these matched hairs in to the base membrane would take eight weeks Polyurethane membrane is very thin layer as the scalp skin is visible through the layer; it's like a cover of the epidermis So it's known as liquid skin Many celebrities and sports man highly prefer this non surgical hair replacement because no restriction to get involve in water activities and other sports activities which is an major advantage of non surgical hair replacement treatment The first step in non surgical hair replacement is to create the mould of the patient scalp which is used to structure the polyurethane membrane of thin layer So it accurately fit on the scalp of the person The membrane can be customized to fit only to the area of hair loss It's a porous membrane attached with the use of medical adhesive namely hypoallergenic, sweat and water activities will not affect this adhesive This procedure is completely painless A usual hair wash can be taken; hence it is porous layer the scalp will also get cleaned during the hair bath The monofilament and lace are the other two membranes available to use as a thin layer It all allows the skin to get clean and breathe Hence non surgical hair replacement is very beneficial than other treatments Related Articles: Hair Loss Treatment Products Hair Loss in WomenSyndication Source:
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The drugs — prescribed to treat a common urological condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH and baldness — work by blocking androgen.
Sexual side effects from Propecia, Avodart may be irreversible
Young man, urticaria is hives, rubeola is measles, and alopecia is baldness!" she thundered.
The Bat
He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.
Early treatment of seborrhea is the best preventive of baldness.
The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
Other side-effects include high blood pressure, infertility, erectile disfunction and baldness.
The Sun