
How To Use Balder In A Sentence

  • This innocent rhetoric, from the realm of religious-ethical balderdash, appears _a good deal less innocent_ when one reflects upon the tendency that it conceals beneath sublime words: the tendency to _destroy life_. The Antichrist
  • His remarks are utter balderdash from start to finish and illustrate the truly lamentable decline of science into ideological propaganda.
  • This is the agreeable potation, extolled by the Londoners, as the finest water in the universe — As to the intoxicating potion, sold for wine, it is a vile, unpalatable, and pernicious sophistication, balderdashed with cyder, corn-spirit, and the juice of sloes. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Lovage's old name of bladder seed owes less to its diuretic properties than to confusion with its Scottish cousin, spignel or baldmoney, corrupted from Balder, the Apollo of northern myths.
  • And all this talk of it being a man's world is pure balderdash, poppycock and gibberish.
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  • Chances are that they already know it's balderdash but are enjoying the idea too much to give it up.
  • The Base Balder Formation unconformity forms a highly undulating, structured seismic reflector.
  • From behind the dock's bulletproof glass, well groomed and no balder, greyer or paunchier than most 62-year-olds, he has mostly gazed on empty press benches and a deserted public section. Carlos the Jackal plays to the gallery, but this time his courtroom audience has not turned up
  • From behind the dock's bulletproof glass, well groomed and no balder, greyer or paunchier than most 62-year-olds, he has mostly gazed on empty press benches and a deserted public section. Carlos the Jackal plays to the gallery, but this time his courtroom audience has not turned up
  • ‘What I have heard tonight is a bunch of balderdash,’ she said of council's concerns.
  • There's a diplomatic word for that: balderdash.
  • Neither was she one of your brazen-faced jilts, with nothing but flimsy balderdash in their talk, and a libertine forwardness in their manners.
  • Given that the paper printed tens of thousands of words of willful balderdash from 2001 to 2003, the admission leaves something to be desired, but that's scarcely surprising.
  • They sometimes meet heroes, as they met Helgi in the Eddic Lay (Helgi and Sigrun Lay), and help or begift them; they prepare the magic broth for Balder, are charmed with Hother's lute-playing, and bestow on him a belt of victory and a girdle of splendour, and prophesy things to come. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • But this is balderdash disguised as genuine debate.
  • So people are wondering if this person used the words 'cripes' or 'balderdash' much. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember the following Norse fable the next time you sneak a smooch under the mistletoe: Frigga, goddess of love and beauty, wanted to make the world safe for her son, Balder. Thanks!
  • Most of it is balderdash, and has very little, if anything, to do with the appalling rate of fatalities on our roads.
  • He claims that Burkean conservatives believe in a natural, immutable order of things - which is balderdash.
  • Zero-sum budgets bring out the worst mix of balderdash and partisanship among politicians.
  • Within a few days our definition dominated the first two pages of Google search results - taking Balderdash competition to the next level. News
  • On the margins of the basin the Upper Balder contains a high proportion of tuffs, tuffaceous muds and tuffaceous sands.
  • State Rep. Troy Balderson served as the honorary candlelighter at this first of three ceremonies. - Local News
  • Of course all of this "aboveboard" balderdash is accompanied by a right wing screed circulating on the internet. Top McCain Surrogates Questioning Obama's American-Ness
  • Clegg looks balder, greyer, more of his slaphead on display. Cameron gets all the best dividing lines in PMQs
  • As to Lu's performance, so much of what she has both done and said recently has been embarrassing balderdash.
  • “Umph!” said Mr. Lockhard; “and if I may inquire, Mr. Balderstone, pray do you find your people at the village yonder amenable? for I must needs say, that at Ravenswood Castle, now pertaining to my master the Lord Keeper, ye have not left behind ye the most compliant set of tenantry.” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • “Weel, sirs!” said Mrs. Lightbody, “wha wad hae thought o’ Caleb Balderstone playing an auld acquaintance sic a pliskie!” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Assuming Branaugh is as "immersed" in the comics as he claims, I figure the Warriors Three will be Thor's allies/comic relief for the film; Sif will be the love interest playing off of Enchantress; Loki will be the villain with the Executioner as his henchman and Balder will be a younger Asgardian looking up to Thor. Brian Blessed Cast as Odin in Thor | /Film
  • In the dark future of Earth X, Sandman is fatter, balder, and crumblier: True Grit: All About the Sandman
  • As last time, we were all a little fatter, balder and/or greyer, apart from the bastards who hadn't changed at all.
  • I don't know what trick question those 30 percent of respondents were asked, but the answer they are said to have given is balderdash.
  • Although it is all highfalutin balderdash, a semblance of sense does surface here and there - for example, in the scenery and the cast of characters.
  • Yes, there is the standard tawdry bedroom balderdash that sells most tell-all cinematic confessionals.
  • 'Brother Jonathan' as he had killed every journal in which he was permitted to pour out his vapid balderdash. Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, March 1844 Volume 23, Number 3
  • (Woden's last words to Balder are famous); the riding round the pyre; the eulogium; the piling of the barrow, which sometimes took whole days, as the size of many existing grass mounds assure us; the funeral feast, where an immense vat of ale or mead is drunk in honor of the dead; the epitaph, like an ogham, set up on a stone over the barrow. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • Hannah clearly possesses a unique quality which gives her a remarkable perspective of the very fabric of Baldersdale.
  • I don't know what trick question those 30 percent of respondents were asked, but the answer they are said to have given is balderdash.
  • Accordingly, Caleb Balderstone entered the apartment, little aware that so much of his by-play had been audible there. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Men här är det annorlunda: outsäglig längtan slår 8 sina vingar kring min panna; som en drömmande jag går, kan ej glömma Balders hage, kan ej glömma eden än, som hon svor, -- _hon_ bröt den icke, grymma gudar bröto den. Fritiofs Saga
  • By no miracle, therefore, but simply by an acute mental process, associating together time, place, and description, was Balder enabled so to dumfounder old Idolatry A Romance
  • This is so much balderdash that you wonder how it can be repeated with a straight face.
  • On one occasion she held a mission at the Methodist chapel in Baldersdale which went on every night for two weeks.
  • The little tiddledywinks business that I've got to learn -- all the value there is in the mass of balderdash about manners and dress -- I can learn it in a few lessons. The Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig; a Novel
  • The characteristic tuffs of the Balder Formation originate from phreatic eruptions from the incipient continental rift zone between Eurasia and Greenland to the west.
  • Personally, I think that argument is a load of balderdash.
  • I've got to say that it's absolute balderdash and poppycock.
  • Perhaps more relevantly, he is also widely credited as being the first ‘spin-doctor’, a claim or accusation he robustly rebuts in this book as ‘all bunkum and balderdash’.
  • Some claim that this is balderdash and that the warming of the Atlantic waters this year is due to simple luck.
  • ‘Such self-improvement balderdash will do nothing but relegate you to a career in mediocrity,’ Eliot contends.
  • I recall a toothache that once aggravated me enough to consider pliers tempting, but there's no indication that Balderston was suffering from serious pain or acute symptoms. Lise Waring: Don't Try This at Home: A Self-Appendectomy in Telluride
  • And all this talk of it being a man's world is pure balderdash, poppycock and gibberish.
  • There was always a wild look lurking in Balder's eyes.
  • Oh dear, that was a black day in Baldersdale.
  • But in recent days the government has stepped up its defense of the plans, with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Tuesday describing criticism of the tax as "bunkum" and "balderdash. Canberra Doesn't Retreat on Profits Tax
  • Balderson's MO was creating competitive teams on low payrolls.
  • As to what Her Ladyship had to say about the proms I can sum up thus: codswallop, which is code for ‘balderdash’. Archive 2008-03-09
  • Eventually, he discovered a home for his talents in the world of frontier journalism, where balderdash in the cause of boosterism was rarely considered a vice.
  • Of course the poll was balderdash, out of date by three years, but Sir David had dredged it up for this particular occasion. CORMORANT
  • Somniloquy calls balderdash again, be in namelyMorpheusSpeak in or give out some kind of sound, it is clear sentence sometimes, toot Nang of mutter to oneself does not know what to saying sometimes.
  • Despite the operational success of the high-quality Australian personnel, that contribution was niggardly and certainly not reflective of the public relations balderdash that accompanied it.
  • Nanna" is the daughter of Gewar, and Balder sees her bathing and falls in love with her, as madly as Frey with Gertha in Skirnismal. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • I've got to say that it's absolute balderdash and poppycock.
  • In professional terms, this is referred to as our ‘mission statement,’ or a ‘statement of priorities,’ or perhaps ‘total balderdash.’
  • The seismic reflector at the base of the Balder Formation follows a regional unconformity surface, which records erosion of a major branching drainage network into the underlying Palaeocene section, following a major base level fall.
  • It's the tool I use to measure malarkey—also known as balderdash, hogwash and flimflammery—in politics.
  • There's so much balderdash associated with shutting down my office for a trip that I rarely manage to get much sleep on the night before.
  • Jean maun baith sing her psalms and busk her cockernony the gate the gudeman likes, and nae ither gate; for he’s maister and mair at hame, I can tell ye, Mr. Balderstone.” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Did you go to some estate agents ' college where they teach you that type of complete balderdash ? PROSPECT HILL

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