How To Use Balancing In A Sentence

  • He was not going to conduct his presidency through interest groups, by balancing one constituency against another and engaging in the customary horse-trading on the Hill. The Good Fight
  • I managed to wiggle underneath them all, dislodging those on the very top by unbalancing the unsteady column.
  • For the load balancer, scheduling modules implement iterators that are used to walk through all the tasks managed by that scheduling module to do load balancing.
  • The current test of justifiability is thus based on an objective balancing of reasonableness.
  • Further, women are often the primary care-givers at home, and face the additional challenge of balancing their home and family lives.
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  • One of our current realities is that the State of Florida is facing declining tax revenues, and is balancing its books on the backs of schoolchildren. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Still Doesn't Have Our Interests at Heart
  • If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
  • The government is committed to balancing the books over a sensible period of time. Times, Sunday Times
  • He balances imaginative contemplation of Christ's Passion with calls to ascetic efforts, regarding each as balancing and correcting the dangers of the other.
  • The designers have a tricky job balancing the editorial page elements around the fixed advertising positions. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, unbalancing her in one direction are forces of self-disgust and disillusion.
  • Since guanosine is not converted to adenine nucleotides in flies, guanosine must somehow act indirectly, perhaps through a mechanism for balancing nucleotide pools.
  • Concerning the imbalance of the data set used in image annotation, a new self-balancing model based on external database was proposed.
  • Jody stands as if her spine were fused, as if she were for ever balancing a large porcelain vase on her head.
  • There was to be no nonsense about balancing different tendencies. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • The roof's prism casts the light throughout the chapel, balancing the only other objects inside - a puritan aesthetic of elegantly austere seating, a simple organ and the barest suggestion of an altar.
  • Balancing his cup in one hand, he reached for his pocket watch and checked the lateness of the hour, before replacing it thoughtfully.
  • At a fish-and-chip shop called the Balancing Eel, a stone's throw from the quayside, cod, haddock, plaice and sole are the fish of choice with scampi and prawn fritters close behind.
  • We cross and recross the sheer drop, swinging on ropes and balancing on flimsy-feeling ladders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't lean in — you're unbalancing the horse.
  • Well, I dunno," said Grandpa Walker, facetiously, balancing a good-sized morsel of food carefully on the blade of his knife, "that depen's on wuther ye're willin 'to take pot-luck with us or not. The Flag
  • Sometimes the new orientation is portrayed as the balancing of rights with responsibilities.
  • The project was a balancing act of weighing options against the project's time.
  • There are ways of counterbalancing the body in relationship to the leg, and then working to correct the position from there, as a secondary idea.
  • The resin found its way into the trading estate's balancing pond, which catches rainwater from roofs and car parks.
  • The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.
  • All of them have found their own ways of balancing melodic invention with the dark arts of improvisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the materials of the house itself he draws unexpected resonances, candescent onyx balancing pellucid glass, and that glass itself shifting between aspects. The Glass Room by Simon Mawer
  • The autonomic nervous system is divided into interacting and balancing systems, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the visceral afferent system. SO STRESSED
  • The train shunted forward and back unbalancing the mouse and forcing him to grip my arm with his sharp claws to avoid falling to the floor.
  • The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions.
  • Colter's buildings are memorialized here for just this sort of delicate balancing act: They complement one of the most beautiful spots on earth, even as they momentarily distract from it.
  • The investment mandate and re - balancing instruction given below will supersede all those recorded previously.
  • He continued writing something in a ledger, balancing columns of pounds, shillings and pence.
  • Congress tried to write federal law by balancing needs of privacy advocates and the medical industry.
  • Hence the number of discarded lines after any bout - another very good reason for balancing cost against breaking strain and thickness!
  • Similarly, if a stock is performing well, you should let the stock ride without adding or reducing exposure until the quarterly rebalancing period. AHEAD OF THE MARKET
  • Natural, edible oil-soluble gums suitable for use in balancing natural and synthetic flavor oils and neutral edible oils include damar, colophony, Canada balsam, elemi, copaiba, galbanum, labdanum, myrrh, oliganum, opopanax, Peruvian balsam, sandarac, storax, tolu balsam and mastic.
  • Feng shui is the art of aligning complementary opposites to coexist, balancing the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
  • Hydrosol, extracted from Australian Tea Tree, with a herbal-spicy scent. It has a cleansing, purifying and balancing effect. For impure, oily skin and combination skin.
  • In the first instance, that will mean rebalancing the efforts to remake the ground and the air services.
  • It is committed to rebalancing the economy away from a dependence on mining. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence the number of discarded lines after any bout - another very good reason for balancing cost against breaking strain and thickness!
  • The other technique for balancing fluorescent lighting is to use photographic lamps. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • Balancing a flimsy umbrella on her shoulder, she began to walk as stately and imperially as ever, into a nearby inn and bar.
  • A greater range of motion is also important for overcoming or balancing the usually more developed pectoral muscles.
  • Here, the author is conscious of balancing between the anti-Spartan bias current in the speeches of contemporary Athenian rhetors and the detached tenor in the writings of democracy's elite critics.
  • It builds on the Government's ongoing reform of the criminal justice system, rebalancing the process in favour of victims and witnesses.
  • In a delicate balancing act, he will try in his closing speech to the Conservative party conference on Wednesday to re-energise the country by insisting that despite the pessimism over the economy, politics and society, "the country's best days are not behind us". David Cameron to urge households to pay off debts
  • In a balancing test, the thumb on the scales can overbalance anything. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does the Supposedly Superior Expertise of Regulators Justify Libertarian Paternalism?
  • I don't have an ultraviolet lamp with me," Jake said, balancing the brooch on his palm," but I suspect this will fluoresce white. AMBERBEACH
  • In that case the link in catenation, that is, the first of the associate train, is rendered torpid by defect of excitement of its usual quantity of the sensorial power of association, and from there being no accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation to increase its associability, and thus to contribute to actuate it by overbalancing the defect of the excitement of its association. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • He describes this as part of a global rebalancing process that's reorientating developing nations away from a high-savings, export-dependent economic model to one that incorporates a greater role for domestic demand. Emerging-Market Forex Rebound Tests Central Banks
  • Tall, trim and debonair, with rimless glasses and waves of silver hair, Hinton has a reputation for being level-headed and insightful, and has won praise for balancing out some of the stormier personalities within the Murdoch empire. Les Hinton: the rise and fall of Rupert Murdoch's most trusted lieutenant
  • It's a balancing act though because if the incentives are too generous, they could undermine the carrots being offered for GPs to work in the country.
  • The Obama administration faces a balancing act in pressing Beijing to stop the deals and limit Chinese investments in Iran's energy industry. Chinese firms bypass sanctions on Iran, U.S. says
  • For 15 years, Smith, 38, has been balancing a tricky double life.
  • These adult stabilisers will enable anyone of adult size to learn to ride a bicycle, they can also with help balancing problems but they are not intended to be used for people who are unable to balance.
  • The Tao's all about balancing the yin and the yang, and in this case, it's no surprise a woman saves the day.
  • Richness - oiliness and fattiness - is interesting because it's not technically one of the four tastes (sweet, salty, sour and bitter), but it has a balancing relationship with tartness, which is why we put pickles and ketchup on fatty burgers, eat pork with sauerkraut, and why it's always so surprising when someone points out that the main flavors in mayonnaise are oil and lemon. Politics
  • I'm not an advocate of external balancing, which puts a portion of the required counterweight on the flywheel and balancer.
  • The simple equation of balancing caloric intake and exercise is the key to fitness.
  • Raising the roof and adding a room for workspace above your existing garage can be a good solution to balancing time at home with earning a living.
  • Of the seven summer signings made by Billy Davies - balancing something of a mass exodus at the end of last season - David Kelly must be the widest travelled.
  • The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.
  • These concern balancing appropriate independence for individual family members with support available from the family when required.
  • Many will say, "Oh, let him bide,, because after all he is only a poor mad crazy fellow who spends his time in piling up apples in an apple cart and balancing them dexterously on the top of his nose. The Apple Cart and the British Empire
  • The strong performance renewed hopes that the economy is gradually rebalancing away from consumption and towards manufacturing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They sat through lectures, touched whalebone, poured over maps and even tried their hand at balancing a harpoon.
  • It would be a mistake for any multipartite approach to the economy to try and limit the counter-balancing affect of that reality. Ontario and the National Dream
  • But the system urgently needs rebalancing so those with minor injuries can access a GP out of hours. The Sun
  • More importantly, the teaching of non-Self without promulgating the counterbalancing revelation of the Tathagatagarbha is an act which will generate the most severe suffering.
  • Today – as it was generations ago – tuxedoed waiters flit around tables, precariously balancing countless Viennese coffee varieties and trademark yeast dumplings on silver trays. Leopold Hawelka, luminary of Viennese cafe culture, dies aged 100
  • But the system urgently needs rebalancing so those with minor injuries can access a GP out of hours. The Sun
  • Colors come across full and balanced, with blues and greens balancing nicely.
  • But it has refused to budge without balancing pledges from developing states to open their markets to industrial goods.
  • The process of colour balancing takes many hours and much concentration and needs to be carried out while the monitors are powered up.
  • The balancing act between self-loathing and self-assertion got her through the wild days and has landed her on her present plane of serene renunciation.
  • Shortly into the crisis there was therefore a balancing act between eradicating the disease and limiting the wider economic damage.
  • A report by the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts published today – Rebalancing the economy (nesta. – suggests that there are four possible courses for the UK: business as usual, a broad-based manufacturing renaissance, a hi-tech growth scenario and a case in which businesses invest heavily in innovation across the economy. Innovation will get the economy moving
  • Worst case: Lee polarizes the audience more than anyone left (except maybe Michael), and his balancing act could fall on the negative side with a stale song (possible, given this week's hoary movie-music theme) or a performance so lackluster that even the judges can hear it for what it is. Idol Meter final four: Which singer can out-sparkle Crystal?
  • One particular antioxidant currently under study, alpha lipoic acid, has been shown to help in the treatment of multiple sclerosis by balancing T-cell activity and has also been found to help lessen symptoms in those with diabetic neuropathy. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • What I find most difficult, as a fairly new father, is balancing the desire - atavistic, primitive, not altogether politically correct - to protect my son from the dangers of the world.
  • The students, most of whom were educational paraprofessionals, had difficulty balancing their professional and academic careers and could not risk losing the income their jobs provided.
  • Klipspringers and common jackals are also a regular sight on the plateau, and with luck you may even spot Walia ibex expertly balancing on the vertiginous rock ledges.
  • In the A minor she adroitly captures the profundities of the first movement with subtle tonal shadings, a seemingly perfect balancing of inner voices with the main line, and a fine sense for selecting her tempos.
  • What of the man balancing a four-foot-long flat of pita on his head as he swims through all these vibrant people?
  • It's a balancing act between the votes of environmentalists on the mainland and those of loggers and timber workers who fear job losses.
  • The sokaiya have operated with an eye toward balancing how much money they get versus the penalty they might get.
  • And the challenge to conductors of balancing orchestras in that confined space certainly helped us to sort out the sheep from the goats! Times, Sunday Times
  • In our experience, no balancing of fats, carbs, and proteins will overcome the simple mathematics of overeating and not exercising.
  • This week there's a similarly tricky balancing act as investigations continue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Somehow prosperity must spread outside the southeast as part of a rebalancing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The promised rebalancing towards exports and investment has not occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also likely to be measures to help the rebalancing of the economy by boosting exports and investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Growth in manufacturing would help to fill this gap as well as rebalancing the economy away from financial services and the public sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gilmore had to perform the difficult balancing act of attracting moderate voters without losing his conservative base.
  • The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions.
  • I unsnapped my chinstrap and removed my Kevlar helmet, balancing it on the muzzle of my rifle.
  • Coastal and seabird numbers have remained stable, with big increases in guillemot numbers balancing the decline in kittiwakes.
  • At the National Balancing Point in the U.K., one of the main gas-trading points in Europe, the Summer 11 NBP contract was trading at 65.9 pence a therm Tuesday, up from 59.4 pence on Friday, an 11% rise. Energy Merchants Hunt for LNG
  • The strong performance renewed hopes that the economy is gradually rebalancing away from consumption and towards manufacturing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then I couldn't open the window because of high heavy curtains and was balancing on the arms of a chair fighting the drapes.
  • But the question is how to build a strong and balancing opposition in the face of growing regionalism and absence of any political ideology, which has been replaced by caste and creed considerations.
  • Wearing felt-bottomed Orvis Henry's Fork wading shoes, I felt just a bit more stable, but balancing over these oversize ball-bearings was pretty athletic stuff.
  • Balancing proportions is probably trickiest with a parka coat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, simply being able to begin to express reactions as mathematical entities with a view to balancing the various reagents impelled chemistry forward.
  • In the programming for finding the eigenvalues of the companion matrix of the characteristic polynomial equation, a new balancing transformation technique is developed.
  • Or we can explore the tradition I have been trying to work with here and ask what an 'interactive' pluralism would look like, that had thought through what was involved in the state's arbitrative and balancing function in a way which allowed active partnership and exchange between communities themselves and between communities and state authority. David Nicholls Memorial Lecture: 'Law, Power and Peace: Christian Perspectives on Sovereignty'
  • The book is studded with similar examples of this authorial scale-balancing.
  • Maybe meeting a mortgage and balancing a checkbook doesn't make for good theater.
  • This works by strengthening the core postural muscles of the body, rebalancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment which leads to a longer, leaner body.
  • They held their peavies across their bodies as balancing-poles, and zig-zagged ashore with a calmness and lack of haste that were in reality only an indication of the keenness with which they fore-estimated each chance. Americans All Stories of American Life of To-Day
  • Certain muscles involved in mastication, such as the masseter, the digastric (anterior and posterior belly), the buccinators, the hypoglossal and the mylohyoid, play a part in the balancing of the muscles of the head, neck, shoulder and thorax.
  • There is no typical day, and this does make childcare a balancing act. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teddy stood on the tarmac, balancing on his cane, the rain dripping from the broad flat brim of his hat. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • He understands how the same passion and drive that are key to success as a teacher can lead to stress and burnout, and addresses a chapter to balancing the multiple demands on time and energy.
  • Big concerns get out what they call a balancing sheet every day yet, and we are lucky if we do it oncet a year already. Potash & Perlmutter Their Copartnership Ventures and Adventures
  • Among all voters, Fabrizio found that two-thirds supported balancing the budget over cutting taxes.
  • It is claimed that a larger proportion of sand can be used with selenitic lime than with ordinary, thus counterbalancing the extra expense occasioned by royalty under the patent and special care in mixing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
  • Her premera blue cross and child were unmarked, and a gag was amphiprostylar onshore her pervert and tantalising to a balancing. Rational Review
  • On the social level, the plays perform gender-balancing acts through an elaboration of the feminine.
  • Just seems to be so many holes in it, its not funny and I keep coming back to the grab being more about balancing the BUDGET LOOK than for truly sound economic purposes and with the benefit of the Australian gummite in mind. Cheeseburger Gothic » Today’s guest Instrumentalist… Mr Flinthart.
  • But it's a crucial balancing act where you have to prioritise on a daily basis.
  • An almost candified fruit compote overwhelms a handsomely prepared pork loin, but keen balancing of a pale, licorice-scented fennel crust against an earthy port glaze complements roast salmon.
  • During this time Hanover lost their influential midfielder Sean Kavanagh through injury and this had the effect of temporarily unbalancing their midfield sector.
  • At the time, it was assumed that the new world would be multipolar, with the U.S., the European Union, Japan, Russia and a rising China sharing power and balancing one another.
  • When this happens, ETFs can provide some short-term ballast for rebalancing, such as moving cash or selling one investment to move back toward another. Buying ETFs Like a Pro
  • During trial-and-error learning, the system uses the feedback to control the movement of the balancing platform.
  • SuperSkeptic: In practice, are express balancing tests always under-protective of the individual in the individual interest v. government interest context such that they should be avoided whenever possible because one will inhere in any courts analysis? The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • He was diabetic, and once when I was about eight I was stickybeaking around the house and walked in on him rolling up his sleeve, balancing his insulin needle between his fingers.
  • An alternative approach is to recognise the possibility of a more broadly-based balancing of the competing interests involved.
  • We believe in rebalancing the Trade Practices Act - giving small business a level playing field on which to bargain with big business.
  • Balancing on the vertex requires enormous training in concentration.
  • The firm has to pay 1050 in corporation tax on the balancing charge and 5340 in capital gains tax.
  • In particular greater attention needs to be given to the growing casualisation of the workforce, home based work, and dependent contractors, and the increasing demands on Australians in balancing work with personal and family life
  • Over - production is seriously unbalancing the EEC economy.
  • In the original film, the ending was a ‘cliffhanger’ when the gang's coach carrying the Minis and their gold bullion loot was left balancing on a precipice.
  • The dialogue is about balancing the budget and inward investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finish by dabbing on an elixir of ‘dry’ oils, including sandalwood and neroli - a precious bitter orange essential oil that, like sandalwood, boasts skin-balancing and mood-lifting properties.
  • The challenges included running, catching, balancing tennis balls on rackets and practising ground strokes and volleys.
  • An automatic balancing head is introduced, in which a PM frequency difference motor is used.
  • In cartoons she often appeared vulnerable to foreign threats, or as the daughter of John Bull, balancing a continuing filial duty to Britain with a growing independence.
  • For example, if I did the reading and got a few cards that related to balance and health, I might think about getting my emotions under control and balancing my energy a little better before I try to call a cutie. Where To Park Your Broomstick
  • Additionally, such an approach typically requires periodic reassessment and rebalancing of the storage resources - often accompanied by system down time.
  • Well, fortunately there's a wheel-balancing place nearby, and on a snap decision I headed straight there, just in case.
  • As such the final solution to this saga is a realignment of exchange rates and the rebalancing of trade. Western Governments' Addiction To Credit And The Rise Of China
  • HABITVRA = is a good instance of the future participle used to express what is inevitably destined to happen (with _Parca_ balancing in the pentameter); for the sense, see Tarrant on Sen _Ag_ 43 'daturus coniugi iugulum suae'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Learn to feel weightless in the water by balancing your body in the water.
  • Dole is expected to emphasize his economic plan, which calls for sweeping tax cuts as well as balancing the budget.
  • Onorato’s newest spots, which started airing late last week, reiterates the campaign’s long-running critiques of Republican rival Tom Corbett, seeking a contrast between Onorato’s record of balancing budgets in Allegheny County with the fact that Corbett has requested budget increases as state attorney general. Onorato starts TV effort to bring opponent down
  • It's a balancing act for the consumer and the bank," said BMO Chief Executive William Downe in an interview. Bank Of Montreal Net Climbs 18%
  • The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions.
  • When the Spanish speakers pick up the pace and the volume, it's an auditory cue to stop reading your newspaper, balancing your checking account or writing your article.
  • As early as 1932, before his arrival here, Gottfried Fraenkel clipped off the halteres of flies (the balancing organs behind the sole pair of wings) to see what would happen to their flight responses.
  • Variation is spread across a mean, and they show that variance depends on the natural cycling of environmental conditions, heritability, introgression, and balancing selection. Biomolecular Networks
  • Then she moved to the suburbs and finally the city, where there was a career and a kid and the usual balancing act.
  • My concern is that we are overbalancing into overregulation and setting the wrong tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moving on, the third sentence fuses the comprehensible and the strange, the old and the new, balancing the novelty of "chips in the head" against the traditionality of "broth"; but it also, in following on from the first two, develops the narrative. Strange Fiction 6
  • This is what happens when you combine profligate spending with a complete lack of interest in balancing your checkbook.
  • His balancing of minutiae and theme is unerring.
  • We come across bright ideas in books, like over-length lines passed through pulleys under floats and the excess taken up by counter-balancing weights.
  • A quick look at just the top of the League One table – Brighton, Southampton, Bournemouth – must be enough to bring out the book-balancing officials of the Cumbrian club in a cold sweat. Torquay United 1-0 Carlisle United | FA Cup third-round match report
  • The plan also calls for balancing the budget without deep cuts in Medicare, education and environmental protection.
  • Here were the somatic messages that fed the cauldron; cell reactions by the incredible billion, organic cries, the muted drone of muscletone, sensory sub-currents, blood-flow, the wavering superheterodyne of blood pH ... all whirling and churning in the balancing pattern that formed the girl's psyche. Wild Dreams of Reality, 5
  • You could shave or depilate the hair, pull the teeth, get the implant out and he might eventually come to look something like he did before, but the hair and teeth are the easy part; balancing the hormones would take weeks or months. Archive 2009-07-01
  • This can be appreciated by balancing the forces as an excess of one can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts and suffering.
  • The knowing humour of Shrek merely pushed the envelope a little further, balancing in-jokes and sly subversion for the adults with broader slapstick moments for the younger viewers.
  • There is no typical day, and this does make childcare a balancing act. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, you too may have received credit from your supplier, but balancing the debits and credits is surprisingly difficult to manage.
  • His thin arms waggled around in the air balancing himself on on his stool as he laughed with conviction at everything.
  • HE was; for he stood in a state of abstraction, mentally balancing the Doctor against the lawyers, and the lawyers against the Doctor, and their clients against both, and engaged in feeble attempts to make the thimble and nutmeg – grater (a new idea to him) square with anybody’s system of philosophy; and, in short, bewildering himself as much as ever his great namesake has done with theories and schools. The Battle of Life
  • Wahid, at the head of an unstable multi-party coalition, is attempting a precarious political balancing act.
  • It is known for its good connections to industry and its emphasis on balancing theory and practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then there was balancing estradiol with progestins and, in some users, with estriol.
  • By using soil nutrient state system study method, balancing soil fertilization have been adopted after the soil nutrient limitation factors had been made clear.
  • Politics is about balancing competing interests, not deciding between deserving and undeserving causes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regardless of how strong the testimony is in favour of a given miracle, it can never come close to counterbalancing the overwhelming experience of unvaried laws of nature.
  • Red Clover has an alkalizing affect, which is very beneficial in balancing the overly acidic conditions from a modern diet.
  • Balancing the car on the throttle and I eased myself around for a couple of laps to familiarise myself with the setup.
  • His attempt, aided by a walking-stick used as a balancing-pole, to keep his equilibrium on six inches of kerbing, might have been funny to a less sensitive soul than Oliva's. The Green Rust
  • It is a difficult balancing act, but, at the moment, Canadian politicians barely stand on two feet, let alone walk a tightrope of any kind.
  • They are nostalgic for the good old days of détente - superpower summits, arms control, and discussions about balancing American and Russian power in regional conflicts.
  • I see natural selection playing a significant role in purification, conservation, population balancing and fine tuning. Demarcation as Politics
  • An angel was balancing precariously on top of the Christmas tree.
  • But Depp upstages everyone, getting big laughs every time he comes on - funnier even than his excellent turn in Pirates of the Caribbean - and unbalancing the movie.
  • The film was, for me, the apex of that ‘frivolous’ part of his career, balancing the comedy with enough drama to tug at those heartstrings.
  • Load balancing and fault tolerance features.
  • The steward came in at that moment, balancing a tray on spread fingers. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • I started so badly that I nearly struck the banister when Michaela returned, balancing five tankards of doppel bock beer on a tray.
  • I can't speak for anyone else, but for me my bin is cyclically in various degrees of emptiness and fullness: perhaps balancing out to both the proverbial half empty of the pessimist and the half full of the optimist.
  • A deep, squelching beat suffused with vibes and marimba stutters behind her, balancing the simple innocence of her words with skin-prickling menace.
  • But balancing the proclaimed newly muscular liberalism with a new muscularity of reaction is not a recipe for coalitional harmony, but a recipe for incoherence. Prisons: Reaction resurgent | Editorial
  • The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.
  • Balancing basic food ingredients Grass is not perfectly balanced for all types of horses all year round either.
  • Hence, when the animal was running the tail could have stretched back horizontally and acted as a balancing organ.
  • I don't have an ultraviolet lamp with me," Jake said, balancing the brooch on his palm," but I suspect this will fluoresce white. AMBERBEACH
  • Creative Assembly has done a masterful job of balancing the various factions' capabilities while still retaining a significant measure of historical accuracy.
  • There is also another post covering the technical aspects on how you can run JEE (Glassfish) on Amazon while dealing with load-balancing affinity, session high availability, self healing etc. on Sun blog here Appistry Opens the Cloud to (Almost) All Apps
  • If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.

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