How To Use Bairn In A Sentence
Tammas, ma puir fallow, if it could avail, a 'tell ye a' wud lay doon this auld worn-oot ruckle o 'a body o' mine juist tae see ye baith sittin 'at the fireside, an' the bairns round ye, couthy an 'canty again; but it's nae tae be, Tammas, it's nae tae be.
Stories by English Authors: Scotland (Selected by Scribners)
D'ye mean to tell me that Mysie 'ill be dwanged trailin' throo a 'eternity wi' a bit bairnie aucht days auld, an 'it never gettin' even the lenth o 'bein' doakit, lat aleen growin 'up to be able to tak' care o'ts sel?
My Man Sandy
a stranger suld lack what we have, though we are jimply provided for in beds rather; for Jenny has sae mony bairns (God bless them and her) that troth I maun speak to Lord Evandale to gie us a bit eik, or outshot
Old Mortality
Twa bairnies, twa callans, that skelp o'er the leas,
The Modern Scottish Minstrel , Volume I. The Songs of Scotland of the past half century
` ` The bairn was a blessing --- that is, Jeanie, it wad hae been a blessing if it hadna been for my mother; but my mother's a queer woman.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian

I jist tuik the towie (string) into the bed wi 'me, and whan the bairnie grat, I waukit, an' rockit it till
Robert Falconer
I dinna consort wi 'shoplifters, an' idiots, an 'suckin' bairns -- wi 'long nose, an' short nose, an 'pug nose, an' seventeen Deuks o 'Wellington, let alone a baker's dizen
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
My hert was some sair at this, for ye see I was set upo 'winnin' intil the presence o 'him I couldna bide frae, an' at that time I hadna learnt to gang straucht to him wha's the express image o ''s person, but, aye soucht him throuw the philosophy -- eh, but it was bairnly philosophy!
Donal Grant, by George MacDonald
I remember checking a maid because she sang some bairnly kickshaw while my mind was thus engaged; and my asperity brought about my ears the enmity of all the petticoats about the house; of which I reeked very little, but it amused Mr. Henry, who rallied me much upon our joint unpopularity.
Persecutions Endured
Fairbairn entered the ministry of the Evangelical Union in Scotland.
For winters this war-gear Weohstan kept, breastplate and board, till his bairn had grown earlship to earn as the old sire did: then he gave him, mid Geats, the gear of battle, portion huge, when he passed from life, fared aged forth.
Troublemakers: scapegrace ` wild and unprincipled, 'rakehell ` lewd and dissolute,' scarebabe (- bairn in Scotland), drawblood, flingbrand, blowcoal, makebate (as in ` debate '), stirpassion and stirstrife (why the wildflower loosestrife is accused of this propensity I know not), spitfire and shitefire
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 1
Give bairn his will, and a whelp his fill , and none of these two will thrive.
We used to mix it with that Ministry of Food orange juice the bairns were issued around the 1950s.
Because Fairbairn thought that it is not possible for the child who needs others to withdraw completely from objects when deprived or thwarted, he viewed the child’s ego as coping with environmental failure by splitting its experiences with bad objects into the following different internal parts, the totality of which is referred to as the endopsychic structure.
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
Gryce, who could not bear to be fussed, and time proved her douce and not fashious, she became quite a favorite with her rough-grained hostess, who wondered more and more where Emmanuel had picked her up, and whose bairn she really was.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
'Tis the puir doited loonie -- the mitherless bairn!
The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume III The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
Nay doot ye'll thieve the winding claes from my corpse to make cloots for your snotty-nosed bairns, and where's my good brooch I said I wanted to be buried with?
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
She was brainish a 'the time, an' she follow'd her bairnie twa days efter.
My Man Sandy
Doobtless sic bairnies hae to suffer frae the prood jeedgment o 'their fellow-men and women, but they may get muckle guid and little ill frae that -- a guid naebody can reive them o'.
Salted with Fire
I accept at last the dreadful words of the divorce decree and agree to be as ‘one dead’ to you and the bairns.
We wad be laith a stranger suld lack what we have, though we are jimply provided for in beds rather; for Jenny has sae mony bairns (God bless them and her) that troth I maun speak to Lord
Old Mortality, Complete
Noo," he would say to some country bejan, "tak 'the buik i' yer han's no as gin 'twar a neip (turnip), but as gin' twar the sowl o 'a new-born bairn.
Alec Forbes of Howglen
-- But the poor simple bairn himsell, that had nae mair knowledge of the wickedness of human nature than a calf has of a flesher's gully, he threepit to see the auld hardened bloodshedder, and trysted wi 'him to meet wi' some of the gang at an hour certain that same day, and awa he gaed to keep tryst, but since that hour naebody ever has set een on him.
St. Ronan's Well
I like it far better than the town, for there isna a wheen duddie bairns to be crying after ane, as if ane were a warld's wonder, just because ane maybe is a thought bonnier and better put-on than their neighbours -- though, Jeanie, ye suld never be proud o 'braw claiths, or beauty neither -- wae's me! they're but a snare -- I ance thought better o'them, and what came o't?
The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
It is very true, said the blind man, that when I am tired of scraping thairm or singing ballants I whiles make a tale serve the turn among the country bodies; and I have some fearsome anes, that make the auld carlines shake on the settle, and the bits o bairns skirl on their minnies out frae their beds.
Wandering Willie’s Tale
But the bairns were reasonably weel cared for in the way of air and exercise, and a very responsible youth heard them their Carritch, and gied them lessons in
Chronicles of the Canongate
Margaret "didna like bairns -- menseless craturs -- aye wantin 'ither fowk to do for them!
Alec Forbes of Howglen
The bill and the burnie, till his bairn became able,
Beowulf An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem
I'll bet Tom was a barry gadgie as a bairn/teenager.
My Message to Tom Harris
It was terrible what happened to those bairns,’ she said.
I liked to come here instead of biding in Fordoun, with the old man glunching at me and my bairn.
Now gang your ways hame, like a gude bairn -- jouk and let the jaw gae by -- Keep out o 'sight o' Rashleigh, and
Rob Roy — Complete
One was to stand in the open at dinner-time and see the flitting forms of the healthy, rosy sonsie bairns in the wood, and from the door in the afternoon to watch the schule skail till each group was lost in the kindly shadow, and the merry shouts died away in this quiet place.
Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
She listened to Lisbeth's cheerful chatter as she bustled about the room, encouraging her "bairn" to try a piece of this, a "wee bit scrappie" of that, till Marjory told her that she simply couldn't eat any more.
Hunter's Marjory A Story for Girls
“An they come not back the sooner,” said Tibb, “they will fare the waur, for the meat will be roasted to a cinder — and there is poor Simmie that can turn the spit nae langer: the bairn is melting like an icicle in warm water — Gang awa, bairn, and take a mouthful of the caller air, and I will turn the broach till ye come back.”
The Monastery
An 'the noise fashed an' fretted the deein 'bairn.
St. Cuthbert's
Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing.
Merry Men
I used to think that oor lot couldna be harder, when the bairns were a 'wee, an' we were struggling frae haun 'to mooth, to see them fed an' cled.
The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
The leaders of the archaeobotany lab, Christine Hastorf, Andy Fairbairn, and Julie Near, all left for other projects and other pursuits.
The Goddess and the Bull
You will have a chopine of ale, Baldy," said he to the old wreck; "sometimes it's all the difference between hell-fire and content, and -- for God's sake buy the bairn a pair of boots!
Doom Castle
There's a puckle o 'the upland bairns pass oor wy frae schule, and whiles Lachlan' ill meet them when he's aifter his sheep, and as sure as a'm stannin 'here, he' ill lay aff stories aboot battles and fairies, till the laddies 'ill hardly gae hame.
Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
In India, of course, the problem is that they have too many bairns.
But eh! to see that puir negleckit bairn o 'his rin scoorin' aboot the toon yon gait -- wi 'little o' a jacket but the collar, an 'naething o' the breeks but the doup -- eh, wuman! it maks
Sir Gibbie
We had unyoked the horses and got astride, and when we came to the gate there was the bonny spaewife carrying a bairn in a tartan shawl.
The McBrides A Romance of Arran
Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing.
Merry Men
The letters, which told the bairns, in their Canadian home, that their dear friend was ill, and "wearying" for them, told them little of the terrible suffering of that time.
Janet's Love and Service
'We've mair tae dae in Drumtochty than attend tae every bairn that hes a sair stomach,' and a 'saw MacLure wes roosed.
Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
Margaret, in reflecting on her four Samuels, wonders, "Do a wee but of a name change the plans o 'God? .... be God a weak, shilly-shallyun creature thot ud alter the fate an' destiny o 'thungs because Margaret Heenan seen fut till name her bairn Samuel?
“Samuel! There was a rolling wonder in the sound. Ay, there was!”
It was a poor, rickety, unalluring bairn, but it was all that Lady
The Claverings
In Gippsland the aircraft fly out of airfields of Latrobe Valley, West Sale and Bairnsdale to assist during fires.
I think it a bairnly thing," I said, "not worthy in you to ask, or me to render.
David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
The bairn's a wee bit tired. Wabbit.
Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing.
Merry Men
Sae, Master Butler, as we were aye neebours 'bairns, forby onything else that may hae been spoken between us, I trust you winna skrimp yoursell for what is needfu' for your health, since it signifies not muckle whilk o 'us has the siller, if the other wants it.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
But there is a woman in Toddrick's Wynd wha lost her bairn yestreen: she is threatened wi 'a milk-fever, and by my troth this little stranger will cure her; but, besides the nourice-fee, there is my trouble.'
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
Next I tried to take off the castigatory appearance, by inserting the bristles in a kind of handle; but then it looked as if the poor woman had been engaged in the capacities of housemaid and child-keeper at once, and, fatigued with her double duty, had sat down on the wine-cooler, with the broom in one hand, and the bairn in the other.
Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume V (of 10)
I am a quiet settler, whose business only is to mak a hame for my wife and bairn; but, if you ask me to drink success to the Congress and confusion to the king's troops, I tell you I willna do it; not even if you are brutal enough, but this I canna believe possible, to carry your threats into execution.
True to the Old Flag A Tale of the American War of Independence
Bairnsdale reached the finals again in 1983 before enduring more than a decade of fallow seasons.
Think shame to yourself, said I. This is bairnly conduct.
The Journey in the Wilderness
He is joined by Peter Fairbairn, 54, who has been appointed an external information technology consultant.
They lived mostly on what they managed to raise and rear among themselves -- holding braxy mutton good enough for feast-days, and oatmeal porridge all the year round the finest food for men and bairns alike.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
The smith said that he wes thinkin 'o' Annie's tribble, but ony wy a 'ca' it rael bairnly.
A Doctor of the Old School — Volume 4
Here's your daddie, bairns," said the gudewife ganging till the door; but i 'place o' their daddie, a tall chiel wrappit i 'a big cloak, rushed like a fire flaught into the bield, and drappit doun on the sunkie ewest the ingle droghling and coghling.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 289, December 22, 1827
I wonder that you can indulge yourself in such bairnly whims.
I'm thinkin the bonny man maun hae a heap o 'tribble wi' siclike, be they bairns or mithers! '
Heather and Snow
Now gang your ways hame, like a gude bairn --- jouk and let the jaw gae by --- Keep out o 'sight o' Rashleigh, and Morris, and that MacVittie animal
Rob Roy
We've mair tae dae in Drumtochty than attend tae every bairn that hes a sair stomach, 'and a' saw MacLure wes roosed.
A Doctor of the Old School — Complete
Mr Fairbairn, 51, will take 27 days to journey from Bishop Rock on the Isles of Scilly in the South West, to the lighthouse at Muckle Flugga in Shetland, which is set on the most northerly rock in the British Isles.
Often she declared that he was an "auld farrant bairn, and could ask a blessing like ony minister.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
But I maun speak to this gabbling skyte too, for bairns and fules speak at the Cross what they hear at the ingle-side. —
Rob Roy
Ellangowan; that young man is the very lad-bairn that Dirk Hatteraick carried off from Warroch wood the day that he murdered the gager.
The Best of the World's Classics, Vol. V (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland III
Tammas, ma puir fallow, if it could avail, a 'tell ye a' wud lay doon this auld worn-oot ruckle o 'a body o' mine juist tae see ye baith sittin 'at the fireside, an' the bairns roond ye, couthy an 'canty again; but it's no tae be, Tammas, it's no tae be.
A Doctor of the Old School — Volume 2
At which I broke through my rule never to lift my fist to the bairn, and gave him such a yerk in the cheek with the loof of my hand, as made, I am sure, his lugs ring, and sent him dozing to the door like a peerie.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
Defending, Robert Fairbairn, said his client, a first offender, was very ashamed of what she had done.
Here's your daddie, bairns," said the gudewife ganging till the door; but i 'place o' their daddie, a tall chiel wrappit i 'a big cloak, rushed like a fire flaught into the bield, and drappit doun on the sunkie ewest the ingle droghling and coghling.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 289, December 22, 1827
“This love,” he said, “is but a bairnly matter for a brisk young fellow like yourself, Master Jenkin.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Wullie sits down at the fire, and awa 'wi' her yarn gaes the wife; but scarce had she steekit the door, and wan half-way down the close, when the bairn cocks up on its doup in the cradle, and rounds in Wullie's lug: 'Wullie
The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
I remember checking a maid because she sang some bairnly kickshaw while my mind was thus engaged; and my asperity brought about my ears the enmity of all the petticoats about the house; of which I reeked very little, but it amused Mr. Henry, who rallied me much upon our joint unpopularity.
Persecutions Endured
Willy has decided to send Mally and the bairns away from the farm, while he will sharpen his old "lea" (scythe) and remain behind to defend his homestead.
Yorkshire Dialect Poems (1673-1915) and traditional poems
Sae, Master Butler, as we were aye neebours’ bairns, forby onything else that may hae been spoken between us, I trust you winna skrimp yoursell for what is needfu’ for your health, since it signifies not muckle whilk o’ us has the siller, if the other wants it.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
He has ta'en and placed you here, for your ain gude I trust, – I'm sure it's for the gude of us a ', – and if ye haena a' things ye wad wish, Miss Ellen, ye hae Him; dinna forget that, my ain bairn.
The Wide, Wide World
And there was not one man of them but ran like hunted sheep back into the manse, and there, in the light, faced each other, forfeuchen and well-nigh greeting like terrified bairns, that did not know the face for that of Patrick
Stories of the Border Marches
Burnt bairns dread the fire.
He said that, as a barrister, he had once, along with the late Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, a celebrated toper, defended a man who had fired two shotgun cartridges into a crowded pub.
Weel-a-weel, we landit at Edinboro, an Meg was waitin's, an 'as mony bairns wi' her as wudda startit a raggit schule -- although they were a 'braw an' snod, I ashure ye.
My Man Sandy
The bairn is clean out of her senses!" cried Marg'ret almost with a scream.
Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
Well," said I, "this beats all that ever came to my knowledge; and I wonder that you can indulge yourself in such bairnly whims.
David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
After all, in Falkirk the town hall carries the inscription, ‘Better meddle with the deil than with the bairns of Falkirk’.
About the end o 'July there cam' a spell o 'weather, the like o't never was in that countryside; it was lown an' het an 'heartless; the herds couldnae win up the Black Hill, the bairns were ower weariet to play; an' yet it was gousty too, wi 'claps o' het wund that rummled in the glens, and bits o 'shouers that slockened naething.
Masterpieces of Mystery, Vol. 1 (of 4) Ghost Stories
i 'the "killing times," ye ken, preachin' till the puir hill folk, an 'baptizin' their bairns -- he baptized a forebear o 'my ain -- and it would likely be the annivairsary o' the day when he escaped frae the hans o 'the hunters through the "haar," when I chanced to come by here an' saw a bit tent pit up, an 'heard folk carousin' within.
Border Ghost Stories
In the 10 minutes before the doors hissed me back out into the cold I heard the word casually piped, murmured and drawled three dozen or more times, by smooth-cheeked young bairns and well-kempt old men. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
She'll maybe have had some inkling from the Lord that her bairn was coming.
Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
“In troth, not I,” said the patient drudge, “unless it may be when she is a wee fashious about washing her laces; but I have been her keeper since she was a bairn, neighbour Suddlechop, and that makes a difference.”
The Fortunes of Nigel
Sae, Master Butler, as we were aye neebours 'bairns, forby onything else that may hae been spoken between us, I trust you winna skrimp yoursell for what is needfu' for your health, since it signifies not muckle whilk
The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
But I maun speak to this gabbling skyte too, for bairns and fules speak at the Cross what they hear at the ingle-side.
Rob Roy
He's a lovely bairn.
An 'then I see Doctor Hall go away, wrunklun' hus eyebrows an 'shakun' hus head like the bairn was ailun '.
As far as my own garden is concerned, there is a saying that ‘the soutar's bairns are the worst shod’ and in gardening terms that could apply to me.
In they went in the Saturday crush, full of soldiers, bairns, folk from the country, and an eident wife with a big shopping bag buying up tins of plums.
But the poor simple bairn himsell, that had nae mair knowledge of the wickedness of human nature than a calf has of a flesher’s gully, he threepit to see the auld hardened bloodshedder, and trysted wi’ him to meet wi’ some of the gang at an hour certain that same day, and awa he gaed to keep tryst, but since that hour naebody ever has set een on him. —
Saint Ronan's Well
She heard herself remonstrating, "Sir, ye canna force your ain bairn, to make her meeserable," and the response, "What the deevil have you to do with it, if I make her meeserable or no?
Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
Dumfries hills, wi 'scarce eneuch to eat, wi' this man 'my Laird' an 'yon man' yir Grace 'an' oor ain bairns little mair nor slaves.
St. Cuthbert's
Do the world run by hut or muss, an’ be God a weak, shully-shallyun’ creature thot ud alter the fate an’ destiny o’ thungs because the worm Margaret Henan seen fut tull name her bairn Samuel?
An’ then I see Doctor Hall go away, wrunklun’ hus eyebrows an’ shakun’ hus head like the bairn was ailun’.
And comin intil the hoose, they saw the wee bairn, and his mither Mary; and loutin doon, worshipp't him.
01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003
‘It is very true,’ said the blind man, ‘that when I am tired of scraping thairm or singing ballants, I whiles mak a tale serve the turn among the country bodies; and I have some fearsome anes, that make the auld carlines shake on the settle, and the bits o’ bairns skirl on their minnies out frae their beds.
I needna tell ye I christened him Alick, and the bairn has been my joy and comfort ever since God gifted me with him.
Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
Many thanks to Harry Fairbairn BMW for the loan of the test car.
Margaret Henan seen fut tull name her bairn Samuel?
Essentially, she was merely doing what high-earning parents are doing throughout Britain's university towns, jumping on the property price express as a means of helping pay for the bairns ' education.
I dinna consort wi 'shoplifters, an' idiots, an 'suckin' bairns -- wi 'long nose, an' short nose, an 'pug nose, an' seventeen Deuks o 'Wellington, let alone a baker's dizen
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
'He was no his bairn,' I retorted, hastily finishing off my "parritch" with a gulp.
Border Ghost Stories
Here's your daddie, bairns," said the gudewife ganging till the door; but i 'place o' their daddie, a tall chiel wrappit i 'a big cloak, rushed like a fire flaught into the bield, and drappit doun on the sunkie ewest the ingle droghling and coghling.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 289, December 22, 1827
'It is very true,' said the blind man, 'that when I am tired of scraping thairm or singing ballants, I whiles mak a tale serve the turn among the country bodies; and I have some fearsome anes, that make the auld carlines shake on the settle, and the bits o' bairns skirl on their minnies out frae their beds.
I like it far better than the town, for there isna a wheen duddie bairns to be crying after ane, as if ane were a warld’s wonder, just because ane maybe is a thought bonnier and better put-on than their neighbours — though, Jeanie, ye suld never be proud o’ braw claiths, or beauty neither — wae’s me! they’re but a snare — I ance thought better o’them, and what came o’t?”
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
How the deil suld I ken onything of your bairn, huzzy?
The Heart of Mid-Lothian