
How To Use Bagpipe In A Sentence

  • The group, composed of four brilliant and accomplished musicians playing the guitar, mandolin, bagpipe, piccolo and violin, will bring their highly original sound to the stage.
  • The seven young musicians play an exciting assortment of instruments including bodhran, accordion, bouzouki, guitar, bass, fiddle, Asturian bagpipes and flute.
  • Competitors danced the Highland fling, the sword dance, the sean triubhais, the Highland reel, the sailors' hornpipe, the Irish Jig and other dances, preferably to the music of the bagpipe.
  • Symbols that evoke the past of the Highlands include the system of clan tartans and bagpipes.
  • Violins and clarinets were used in instrumental combinations in all areas, with the bagpipe (ubiquitous since the Middle Ages) prevalent in Bohemia, and the double bass and dulcimer in Moravia.
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  • As if in echo of national pride at his achievement, the magnificent sound of bagpipes swirled in honour of the Bulgarian champion.
  • To make matters worse, ‘musette’ was also given to the bagpipe musette de cour, amongst others.
  • Pickering's hyla, his little bagpipe blown almost to bursting as he tries to rally the scattered summer by his tiny, mighty "skirl. The Hills of Hingham
  • They stepped so high, the bagpipes sounded a dirge, they snapped their heads around at attention at their commanding officer.
  • The bagpipes, ‘squeezebox’ and fiddle were the main instruments and the band really got people in the mood.
  • Reading the literature, one can hear fiddles, wood flutes, bagpipes, guitar, mandolins and bodhráns.
  • And inspired once more, the great king strides forth to meet his destiny… Cue glorious sunset and skirl of bagpipes.
  • Three bagpipers led the way, filling the air with their haunting chords as family, friends and Sailors stretched out behind them along the winding, pebble-strewn path and across emerald-colored hills.
  • The bagpipe players will get a chance to learn from the best at a workshop tomorrow.
  • Then, in great precession we walked out to the field for commencement accompanied by bagpipes.
  • Traditional folk instruments include the bandura, a variety of flutes, various fiddles and basses, drums and rattles, the bagpipe, the hurdy-gurdy, the Jew's harp, and the hammered dulcimer.
  • I get lost among the cornucopias of chotkies and tat, and am somehow spilled back out to the main Jemaa El F'na Square, where one charmeurs de serpent pulls me under his black umbrella and wags his head at his Egyptian Cobra actually, Naja haje legionis, a sub-species found in southern Morocco as his associate blows his bagpipe-like melody in his ghaita. Richard Bangs: Why Would Anyone Bomb Jemaa El F'na Square in Marrakesh?
  • Four of their core Western classical-oriented members also play as Brooklyn Rider - longtime NPR Music staff favorites - and other master musicians in this adventurous band include the Galician gaita bagpipe dazzler Cristina Pato as well as pipa Wu Man. News
  • The bagpipes are warpipes and those who thrill to them today are the inheritors of a warrior tradition.
  • A peat fire burns all day and locals sometimes turn up with their bagpipes, accordions or mouth organs!
  • A late starter, I got through Tune a Day in three weeks flat - it must have sounded like the bagpipes!
  • In addition to square dancing and stepdancing, the Newfoundlanders will also be playing numerous instruments including fiddle, bagpipes, guitar, mandolin, banjo and button accordion. The Telegram: Local News
  • In his day, it was not unusual to find the likes of Elgar, Kipling, Lloyd George and a couple of Rockefellers gathered round the breakfast table, having been roused rudely from their slumbers by a bagpiper.
  • I played Bagpipes in two separate pipe bands in Dublin - anecdote: in school, a music teacher was evaluating our playing of the tin whistle, and when he came to me, he saw immediately from the way I was holding it that I had training in a "pipe" instrument (uillean pipes and bag pipes are fingered similarly). Irish Blogs
  • Through the summer, you'll barely turn a corner without seeing a Highland Games, with the skirl of the bagpipes, tug-o'-war, races and what they quaintly call heavy events’ - throwing lumps of metal and tossing the caber.
  • In a post called "le biniou et la bombarde" a play on words for bagpipe and "wog", commentators claimed that "an extra-European will never be a real Breton. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Keening vocals and flying fiddles mix with kora, bagpipe and drum in a dramatic melange of sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the bitterly cold morning of Sunday 13 November 1715 the two armies were woken respectively by bagpipes and trumpets.
  • On Labor Day, Heather and Ted were married aboard the Queen Mary in a lavish ceremony replete with Edwardian-era costumes, bagpipers and Scottish kilts for the groom and his friends.
  • And through all this floated the flutey cries of the bagpipe, muffled by the woods but sounding the way the moon would if it could call down to the earth. The Queen of Everything
  • skirling bagpipes
  • When our piper played a pibroch, the music of the waves drowned or softened down the harsh sound of the bagpipe, which discoursed most excellent music.
  • Such an enthusiast, it turns out, that he plays the bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We walked down the side isles of the auditorium, with the wonderful sound of bagpipes leading us in.
  • There was an intermediate instrument a third lower than the oboe, used by Bach, called the oboe d'amore, which was probably used with the cornemuse or bagpipe, and another, a third higher than the oboe, called musette (not the small bagpipe of that name). Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • At the more formal bashes, the haggis is piped in, but not every dinner party can find a fluent bagpiper at this short notice.
  • The memorial at the bomb site featured mournful bagpipes played Amazing Grace after Marine Capt.
  • The organ from "Saint-Roch, Paris IV" 2009 is shown in a 60-by-50-inch print that does justice to its grandeur, the steel pipes, the gilded putto with a viol, the bas-relief angel playing a bagpipe on one side of the supporting balcony and the angel with a keyboard on the other side, and the ornate clock keeping time high on top of it all. Where Man Has His Place
  • To add to the fun, he chucks in tapes sourced from recordings of street fairs, demonstrations, his own kids singing and even a spot of bagpipes.
  • Alan Donaldson Scottish woodcock, bread sauce and woodcock giblets on toast; When you tell a resident of Edinburgh that there are three one-star Michelin restaurants in the town's old port of Leith, you are usually met with the sort of astonished look reserved for someone who claims to adore the skirl of bagpipes last thing at night, or insists that he craves the Scottish chip-shop delicacy, the battered, deep-fried Mars Bar. From Ships to Michelin Stars
  • Follow Piffaro on an enchanting journey into the musical world of shawms, sackbuts, slide trumpets, dulcians, racketts, krummhorns, recorders, bagpipes, lutes, guitars, and all manner of percussion.
  • A bagpiper led the march. Globe and Mail
  • It is time the myth of the kilted, bagpipe-playing ambassador is put to rest.
  • Weird warlocks and witches are dancing to the sound of the bagpipes, played by Old Nick, the devil.
  • The result is a programme of genuine old fashioned carols, songs and dances, performed on shawms, sackbut, recorders, flutes, curtals, lutes, guitars, harp, bagpipes and the hurdy-gurdy.
  • The wail of the bagpipe could be heard in the distance.
  • Oldham's Bangladeshi community enjoyed traditional music of a different kind as Scottish bagpipes entertained crowds in Westwood.
  • There might have been an absence of Scots of the pitch but there were obviously some in the stands because the sound of bagpipes echoed around Jade Stadium.
  • Instead, with the skirl of the bagpipes and a thumping bass beat, on comes Flower of Scotland and we sing along as lustily as if we are at Murrayfield.
  • We need a cowcatcher to clear traffic! and a bagpipe and fiddle song playing in the background on repeat. Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » …she’s ba’-a-a-a-ck…
  • Shawms, sackbuts, dulcians, recorders, krummhorns, bagpipes, lutes, guitars and percussion provide the fascinating aural dimensions to an entertaining Piffaro performance.
  • But, as in the sixteenth century the harp went out and the bagpipes came into fashion, it may be surmised that it was brought in, with other French novelties, on the return of Queen Mary, perhaps by the Queen herself, or, maybe, some itinerant player of the cornemuse may have accidentally been in her train, and his music set a fashion which has now become national. Brittany & Its Byways
  • The 450 prisoners also tucked into ethnic banquets and watched Scottish guards play bagpipes. The Sun
  • Whistling was, however, an accomplishment of which we were rather proud, as we considered ourselves experts, and beguiled many a weary mile's march with quicksteps -- English, Scotch, Welsh, and Irish -- which we flattered ourselves sounded better amongst the hills of the Highlands of Scotland even than the sacred bagpipes of the most famous Scotch regiments. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • The biniou, cornemuse, or bagpipe, is the national instrument of western and southern France. Brittany & Its Byways
  • The bagpipers began to beat their drums to start the parade.
  • On the second part of the set of bagpipe jigs "The Pipe in the Hob/The Hag on the Churn," Ní Dhomhnaill plays a driving bass line on clavinet while Keenan crunches out the melody and Molloy and Burke produce some strident, outside-the-box harmonies. The Bothy Band
  • The Scots liken it to bagpipe music, other people call it yodelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proliferation of bagpipes suggests that drone accompaniment was popular, as does the depiction of fiddle and citole players plucking their lowest string with the left thumb while using a bow or plectrum in the other hand.
  • The sound of bagpipes resounded as Castle Park played host to Scotland in Colchester.
  • Climbing the rickety wooden stairs we were welcomed into the company of the pipe player, impressive in his traditional costume, his cheeks puffed from the playing of his bagpipes.
  • The bagpipe is a pluralistically singular instrument, the music of which is either liked or loathed.
  • It represents a bagpiper wearing a short doublet, full, knee-length breeches with a prominent codpiece, shoes with narrow rounded toes, and a hemispherical, skullcap-like hat with a very narrow brim.
  • He was forced to compete with didgeridoos, a 10-piece samba band, three bagpipes, cow bells, tambourines, guitars and the enthusiastic jingling of the White Horse Morris troupe celebrating their 50th anniversary.
  • A bloke in a kilt playing the bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The melancholy skirl of the bagpipes echoing down a misty glen made my spine tingle with a strong sense of déjà-vu.
  • Even so, the trippy collage of machine guns, guitar riffs and bagpipes remains a gas.
  • Suddenly, they heard the sound of bagpipes, and some thought they were dreaming.
  • They'd like a bagpipes player and can provide their own corsets.
  • He started to learn the bagpipes at the age of nine and won several junior prizes.
  • The result is a programme of genuine old fashioned carols, songs and dances, performed on shawms, sackbut, recorders, flutes, curtals, lutes, guitars, harp, bagpipes and the hurdy-gurdy.
  • He was talking about how a soldier was shot but kept walking up and down playing the bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The piccolo oboe or musette used to be a bagpipe chanter and was very popular at the time of Marie-Antoinette at the French Court in Versailles.
  • Experienced bagpipe players play in their stables regularly so that they will be used to the sound of Scotland's national instrument before the march past on January 1 next year.
  • There was an intermediate instrument a third lower than the oboe, used by Bach, called the oboe d'amore, which was probably used with the cornemuse or bagpipe, and another, a third higher than the oboe, called musette (not the small bagpipe of that name). Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • 'tibia utricularia;' Suetonius tells us that Nero promised to appear publicly as a bagpiper. The Broad Highway
  • They walked slowly, led by the bagpipers, past an honor guard of law enforcement officers standing stiffly at attention.
  • Scots like to compare it to far-off bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a piffero strolled through the street, the monotonous drone of his bagpipe was reproduced in most comical imitation; and anon there was a gush of bird-songs, as if a whole aviary were in the vicinity. A romance of the republic
  • An Egyptian chant singer was needed for one commercial, a cowboy yodeler for another, a bagpiper for a private party. As a Music Contractor, His Job Is the Pits
  • The other common cliché is the kilted bagpiper who eats haggis, neeps and tatties when he's not munching shortbread, and sips wee drams of whisky.
  • But there should be more to it than the skirl of the bagpipe and the swirl of the plaid.
  • The bagpipes were wailing and some Rotary types were trying to rumba to it.
  • Traditional folk instruments include the bandura, a variety of flutes, various fiddles and basses, drums and rattles, the bagpipe, the hurdy-gurdy, the Jew's harp, and the hammered dulcimer.
  • Spain's ancient musical heritage includes bagpipe music in Galicia and Asturias, sardanas (circle dances) in Catalonia, flamenco dancing accompanied by the guitar in Andalusia, and the lively Aragonese dance called the jota.
  • The memorial at the bomb site featured mournful bagpipes played Amazing Grace after Marine Capt.
  • The biniou is rather like a small bagpipe and produces a wild, shrill sound. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • The master of the gaita (the Galician version of the bagpipe), Nunez embraces a range of influences including the Celtic strains of Ireland, Scotland and Brittany.
  • The bagpipe-player in the centre dropped his melancholy eyes, filled with the reflections of the forests and the lakes, in profound inattention, while men were being exterminated around him, and seated on a drum, with his pibroch under his arm, played the Highland airs. Les Miserables
  • I remember him walking round and round the garden playing the bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clear tones of birdsong emerge from internal air sacs that can inflate and deflate, much like a bagpipe's bladder.
  • Increasing sophistication of construction allowed the development of complicated drum tunes, played in combination with tonal instruments such as fifes or bagpipes.
  • Because when the curtain went up, there were three men playing the bagpipes.
  • We must also place among double-reed instruments the various bagpipes, cornemuses, and musettes, which are shawm or oboe instruments with reservoirs of air, and furnished with drones inclosing single reeds. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • The problem was discovered when a 61-year-old bagpipe player died of the lung allergy hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The Sun
  • You want to be in good health to play the bagpipes. Three Men in a Boat
  • A "chanter" is the drone of a bagpipe, and a good supply of wind is required to fill it. The Proverbs of Scotland
  • AS THE drone of the bagpipes settles into a pleasing skirl, the piper enters and a hush falls over the crowd.
  • The biniou, cornemuse, or bagpipe, is the national instrument of western and southern France. Brittany & Its Byways
  • He has learnt to play the bagpipes and before Beijing taught himself Mandarin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gunga Din was climbing the tower to bugle a warning and the Scottish bagpipers were on the way.
  • I described to the alleged bagpipes man what I'd be wearing the next day, and said I'd tip him some money - but he had to make sure he said g'day to me.
  • They displayed a different virtuosity following the skirling entrance of director Ron C. Wallace playing the bagpipes.
  • To add to the fun, he chucks in tapes sourced from recordings of street fairs, demonstrations, his own kids singing and even a spot of bagpipes.
  • And he told how he once drunkenly sprained his ankle while dancing to bagpipes in Rome. The Sun
  • They walked slowly, led by the bagpipers, past an honor guard of law enforcement officers standing stiffly at attention.
  • The skirl of the bagpipes provided a stirring backdrop, and his skin tingled with excitement.
  • I play the piano, bagpipes, bodhran (a type of Irish drum), the tin whistle, the guitar, and the harp. YA BOOK CLUB PRESENTS: INTERVIEW WITH MAGGIE STIEFVATER | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The bride has a Scottish family, which blessed the occasion with bagpipers and haggis.
  • Again the group chose a rather fast tempo, which with the bagpipe-like drone in the bass parts, gave this movement the lilt of an improvised country dance.
  • He accompanied one of the dances, and his repertoire of bagpipe tunes is extensive.
  • Molly's Revenge, composed of four brilliant and accomplished musicians playing the guitar, mandolin, bagpipe, piccolo and violin, will bring their highly original sound to the stage.
  • I see you wake up to the sound of bagpipes at six a.m., pet show dogs at noon, and cough up Scotch eggs and mini donuts at five.
  • My favourites were the bagpipers in kilts and bonnets with green capes thrown over one shoulder.
  • Sweetened by distance, the melancholy tones of a shepherd's bagpipe drifted on the breeze.
  • South African dancers shimmied behind twirling American cheerleaders; pantomime dames cooled off in the shadow of giant stiltwalkers; and a New Orleans jazz band competed for people's ears with Scottish bagpipers from Oldham.
  • Oberlin's painting is now installed at the National Gallery, Washington, as the focal point of a miniature exhibition, "Larger Than Life," paired with the gallery's recently acquired ter Brugghen "Bagpipe Player" 1624, a robust half-length figure that exemplifies the secular side of the artist's practice as brilliantly as "Saint Sebastian" does the religious side. An Artist of Dual Allegiances
  • Marais's "Musette" rocked back and forth over two repeated chords, with the drone of the viol's low strings evoking the eponymous medieval bagpipe. PERFORMING ARTS
  • The party will have a Scottish theme: bagpipe players and quaich cups. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditional instruments are bagpipes, reed flutes, drums, and wind instruments.
  • And there is an inclusiveness and raw determination about them that is worth more than any number of caber-tossing kilties and bagpipe bands.
  • I have been playing the bagpipes from a really young age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sound of bagpipes, steel drums and the Beatles filled the air as 18 colourful floats and walking groups wound their way through the streets.
  • I play the bagpipes as a hobby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accompaniment is provided by the bagpipe-like Galician national instrument, the gaita, which reflects the Celtic origins of the Galician people.
  • The city has a Celtic past like parts of Britain and bagpipes are played locally. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other common cliché is the kilted bagpiper who eats haggis, neeps and tatties when he's not munching shortbread, and sips wee drams of whisky.
  • A spindly old man produced a bagpipe and blew it in competition with the flutist, beginning in wild, warlike tones and ending with an ignominious splutter and hiss.
  • Today, there is a lone bagpiper on the wharf to welcome us in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flutes, oboes, bagpipes, castanets, and other instruments hang with sheet music, a jester's staff, and a theatrical mask.
  • *Tunes up accompanying band: krummhorn, lute adn bagpipez* Ai ‘spoze ur wundrin why - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He smiles at a mention of the ring-tone, explaining how much he loves Scotland and how the sound of bagpipes makes the hairs on his arms and his neck stand on end.
  • I can still hear the bagpipes in my ears. The Sun
  • While the skirl of bagpipes gets his blood pumping, it is nothing compared to the roar of a football crowd.
  • Electric guitars, souped up accordions and samples of bagpipe music, the instruments were the only electrifying aspect of the assault to the senses.
  • She sent a photo of dad in full Scottish regalia playing the bagpipes on one of their two boats. Times, Sunday Times
  • He pulls out a Shruti Box - an odd-looking squeeze box which sounds a bit like bagpipes - and plays a little, to the delight of his beloved Cocker Spaniel Jake.
  • The Uilleann Pipe: a chanter bagpipe, blown by a bellows pumped under the arm.
  • What most people associate with ‘Scottishness’ - tartan kilts, whisky, bagpipes and tossing the caber - are traditions descended from the Gaelic Highlands.
  • It concludes with hands together, each playing doubled notes, creating an impressive, loud bagpipe sound.
  • Yu are uneek and irreplaysable and I hail yu wif a skirl of bagpipe mewsik! Was the dog who bled all - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I'll admit that if I sat on a rock in the Bill Williams Mountains, thinking myself the only two-legged critter around, and somebody come and kicked my bagpipes in the air and dog-rassled me down forty rod of hillside, afterwards fishing me out of the drink, my feelin's would be moved too, but not in that way. Red Saunders' Pets and Other Critters
  • wailful bagpipes
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  • The skirl of the bagpipes provided a stirring backdrop, and his skin tingled with excitement.
  • Bent on their revels, other peasants dance stoutly in a ring to the music of a fiddle and a bagpipe: the women with dogged concentration, the men with carefree high-kicks.
  • With a blast of bagpipes, the 78th Fraser Highlanders march out a side door, Scottish backswords raised, and solemnly lead His Royal Highness into the Winter Garden Show.
  • The traditional instruments are bagpipes, reed flutes, drums, and wind instruments.
  • Bagpipes, fiddle, pipes and clarsach are heard in pubs and hotels throughout the land.
  • And he told how he once drunkenly sprained his ankle while dancing to bagpipes in Rome. The Sun
  • The Scots liken it to bagpipe music, other people call it yodelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evening concluded with the ritual massacre of a durian, a Thai fruit which looks like a bagpipe.
  • In between the trumpet and the piano came various other efforts - fiddle, mandolin, even a bagpipe chanter.
  • The three instruments of Scotland's folk culture are the harp (clàrsach), bagpipe, and fiddle.
  • When fortunate, the dancers might be accompanied by a local brigade of bagpipes, fiddles and concertinas.
  • Her uncle played the bagpipes as she walked in. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music consists of the biniou or bagpipe, and the flageolet or hautboy, sometimes with the addition of a drum. Brittany & Its Byways
  • You don't have to walk far in Dunedin to come across a shop selling bagpipes or hiring kilts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maine coon cat with lungs like a set of bagpipes, I do not use the word "caterwauling" lightly. Hooray for long weekends
  • Disco balls, cowboys and bagpipes - is there something wrong with this picture?
  • Versions of the trippy "Birds," with Beatlesque backward guitar effects, "Fire" electronic bagpipes? and "Where You Are," with its sonic blips and burps, get special treatment in the studio, achieving the desired results with efficient enhancing. Michael Bialas: The Submarines Hit Their Target Audience by Sending Love Notes
  • Having the queen alien attacking the world with pixie sticks while riding a pogo stick and playing the bagpipes is quite inventive too.
  • Most bagpipes are solo instruments, though some are also associated with marching bands, notably the Highland pipe and the Galician gaita.
  • Flying over Edinburgh, they miraculously hear the sound of wafting bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • In July a chautauqua stopped in Canyon and filled the warm evening air with the sounds of Scottish bagpipes, Italian ballads, and a female Hungarian quartet. Portrait of An Artist
  • Another instrument very much used is the gaita (bagpipe), a goatskin bag filled with air by means of which a kind of pipe is made to produce a continuous, monotonous sound. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The memorial at the bomb site featured mournful bagpipes played Amazing Grace after Marine Capt.
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • Rothschild, made in the form of a bagpipe; the bag holds wine, and is supported on human feet; arms emerge from the sides and play on the chanter, which is elongated from the nose of a grotesque face, the hair Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
  • Flying over Edinburgh, they miraculously hear the sound of wafting bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had the keening of a bagpipe and the rhythmic thump of mediaeval music. THE QUEST FOR K
  • The Ensemble's dozen-plus virtuoso musicians play a range of traditional instruments spanning Europe and Asia, from the Chinese pipa of Wu Man (who's been featured on a Tiny Desk Concert) to the Galician gaita (bagpipe) of Cristina Pato. News
  • Raskin waltzes slowly with that bitter mistress, his mortality, to the threnodial sob of bagpipes? VQR
  • Resident bagpiper Lt Stewart McMichael piped HMS Endurance into Buenos Aires, as her sailors lined the deck in formal tropical uniform.
  • Call the number featured and a CD-rom will wing its way to you, no doubt with bagpipes skirling and free shortbread accompanying said disk.
  • Examples of bellows-blown bagpipes include the Northumbrian small-pipes, the Scottish Lowland or Border bagpipe, the Irish uillean bagpipe, the musette, and the dudy.
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • Gurkhas and Scots Highlanders have always had a close mutual affinity and the Gurkha bagpipe and diced bonnet are directly drawn from those of their comrades.
  • A peat fire burns all day and locals sometimes turn up with their bagpipes, accordions or mouth organs!
  • Hymns are accompanied by an ensemble that includes fiddle, acoustic guitar, wind chimes, pennywhistles, a Bodhran, and even bagpipes.
  • Yes, I remember, like bagpipes, they make a fine noise -- between consenting adults and a guid Scots mile away! CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Regular folk festivals are traditional in the villages, when the Gallegos, rigged out in national costume, dance the ‘muneira’ and the ‘pandeira’ to the music of the ‘gaita’ or bagpipes, timbrel and castanets.
  • He's wanted to learn to play the bagpipes forever, but would never have gone out and got his own chanter.
  • During their first gathering in the band's conference room, the volunteers received instruction books, were measured for uniforms and played their first notes on bagpipe chanters.
  • The laying of the wreathes was done by name and followed by ‘Amazing Grace ‘on the bagpipes, a drum roll and a salute on the trumpet.
  • The duo began calmly, the serpentine music seemingly focused on ushering listeners into a trance as Saeid Shanbehzadeh played pipe, flute or neyanban, a double-reed bagpipe. The Globalfest Melting Pot
  • In the third-story front room of the house of the shrine dwelt a Scotch artist named MacGuilp, who was a grand amateur of these pipes, and who declared that no sound in the world was so sweet to his ear as the bagpipes: they recalled the heather, haggis, and the Lothians, and the mountain dew, ye ken, and all those sorts of things. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 4, April, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Reading the literature, one can hear fiddles, wood flutes, bagpipes, guitar, mandolins and bodhráns.
  • The vine-growers draw the cart and, accompanied by the sounds of bagpipes and a drum, they make their way to the village or town.
  • Traditional Scottish Bagpipes, kilts, lamb on the spit, golf, flyfishing and drams of Bell's Extra Special Old Scotch Whisky - what more do you need?
  • She draws a klezmer band from Poland, a didgeridoo player from Australia, African dancers, and Scottish bagpipers, but the main competition comes from one family, all of whom have personal links to Her Ladyship.
  • I've just got nicely settled in when the bagpiper starts up. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I met a piper in the high street playing the bagpipes and arranged for him to come to my garden and entertain my friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the lonely bagpipe finally plays a somber song for either entity, its wraithlike warble filling the air with all manner of mixed emotions, it will not be a celebration.
  • 'Terpsichore' [1: 50] 03 - TRAINING - Two Bagpipes solos by David Munrow [2: 56] 04 - ON THE ROAD - Basse danse 'Dont vient cela' from Susato's 'Danserye' [4: 07] 05 - COMPLAINT - 'O death rock me asleep', anon. AvaxHome RSS:
  • It sounds like a saxophone, or maybe a harmonica, or even bagpipes.
  • There are two components other than the bag which set the Bagpipes from other instruments, the reed chanter and the drone pipes.
  • We had a live recording of Sonny Rollins playing Swing Low Sweet Chariot with a band that included bagpipes and it is incredible.
  • The result is a programme of genuine old fashioned carols, songs and dances, performed on shawms, sackbut, recorders, flutes, curtals, lutes, guitars, harp, bagpipes and the hurdy-gurdy.
  • Scots like to compare it to far-off bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times

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