How To Use Baghdad In A Sentence

  • Prior to the 19th century, the region's social structure - outside of a few major cities, including Baghdad - was organized primarily around relatively isolated tribal confederations.
  • A tribal leader urged Baghdad to support the uprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, a car bomb in Dura, Baghdad, killed 9 national guardsmen and wounded 20.
  • Süleyman the Magnificent in the sixteenth century extended his reach from the Sudan and the northern shore of Africa to Baghdad and far into Europe, where - twice - Turkish rams would batter at the gates of Vienna.
  • And it was not reported, it can be reported now that in the very beginning they had identified this very small area called the carbolic (ph) gap as their entranceway, basically, into Baghdad and into flanking and enveloping the Medina. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2003
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  • The demonstrations in the province northeast of Baghdad were sparked at the beginning of the week, when local authorities voted to seek semiautonomy status from the central Baghdad government. Disruptions Mount in Iraq
  • Given the success in calming down Baghdad's neighborhoods, it would seem unlikely that the Petraeus doctrine will be rolled back ... on the other hand, Casey reportedly has been among those pressing for a quicker withdrawal from Iraq and McChrystal's mission may be to send as many troops home as he can. Who Replaces Petraeus? - Swampland -
  • The audience at a women's meeting last Thursday in a Baghdad hotel wore all manner of clothes, from Western style to headscarves and long shawls.
  • Men kneel outside a mosque during Friday prayers in Sadr City, a mostly Shi'ite enclave in Baghdad.
  • The president has to be as vitally engaged there as he is in Baghdad.
  • One of the earliest and most distinguished of the Arabic mathematicians was the ninth century scholar Abu Ja'far Mohammed ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, who was an astronomer to the caliph at Baghdad.
  • The shamal blew when Bassam and his friend were about halfway to Baghdad. Peace Meals
  • A new government in Baghdad will have to do its utmost to meet popular expectations.
  • Given that the map on the right clearly says ‘Baghdad’ in the middle, I assume you're using that staple of British wit, to wit, ‘irony.’
  • The Baghdad-based artist, Laith al-Amari, said his fibreglass-and-copper work was a homage to the pride of the Iraqi people.
  • The explosion, outside Baghdad's police academy, was the second major terrorist attack in Iraq in three days.
  • KUWAIT _ Unarmed Iraqis in civilian clothes crossed into Kuwait for the second time in as many days Monday and removed equipment from a disputed naval base Baghdad considers within its own territory, a U.N. official said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Bicycles rig with explosives rip through an outdoor market South of Baghdad.
  • US troops took Baghdad, then stood by as marauding gangs looted the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of these days, you'll see me on the news, wandering around downtown Baghdad with a dazed, desperate look in my glinty eyes as I stumble down the streets stopping the passing terrorists as they prepare for a fun-filled day of setting off improvised explosive devices. Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • After months spent retraining the army Baghdad must show that it can turn back the tide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Army 1st Lt. Richard Warehime is pinned with the Bronze Star Medal, which is given for bravery, acts of merit, or meritorious service, just minutes before his team departs on its next route clearance mission in Baghdad, February 2009. Latest Articles
  • Indications are the weapons inspectors will be accepted but hardly welcomed when they arrive Monday in Baghdad.
  • Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'Six years later "The Uncrowned Queen of Iraq", as Bell was affectionately known died in Baghdad, and was buried in the British cemetery there.
  • With the democratic steamroller gaining speed, even United Nations officials in Baghdad are increasingly optimistic.
  • In Baghdad friends and foes wear identical uniforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Kelly broke his back in three places when falling through a roof while on a countersniper mission in Baghdad at the age of 22. Helping Soldiers Cope With Trauma
  • But he said he longs for his life before the fall of Saddam Hussein, when he would import fine fabrics from London's Wembley Market and was a card-carrying member of Baghdad's chamber of commerce. Iraqis still reliant on power generators as U.S. prepares to leave
  • Over the weekend U.S. forces were sent out to patrol Baghdad neighborhoods, helping the Iraqis to loosely enforce what one soldier called an "inshallah" (God willing) curfew that prevented large crowds from gathering until afternoon prayers. War of the Mosques
  • It has 106, enough to protect their headquarters in an Ottoman-era mansion on the eastern bank of the Tigris River in Baghdad and not much else.
  • Timur, or Tamerlane, modelled himself on Genghiz Khan, and miniatures on the wall depict his ferocious onslaught on Baghdad.
  • Our correspondent in Baghdad Jane Peel has been studying the report.
  • In western Baghdad, they are ready and prepared. Times, Sunday Times
  • An Iraqi official says pulling Blackwater out of Baghdad would create a security vacuum.
  • There were also in Baghdad numerous colleges of learning, hospitals, infirmaries for both sexes and lunatic asylums.
  • He also worried, given the response to Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, and an earlier agency scandal involving the shooting-down of a plane that turned out to be carrying Peruvian missionaries, that lower-level officers would take the fall if the videos became public, the former colleagues said. CIA Official in Tapes Case
  • However, a “roadside bomb and two suicide bombers targeting polling stations in Baghdad killed at least 12 people marring the first day of voting to elect the government that will rule as U.S. troops withdraw from Iraq.” Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 5, 2010
  • I've been an advocate of lifting the curfew for some time, and many of you probably know that it's been a matter of priority for the city council of the city of Baghdad as well as the district councils of Karkh and Karadah on either side of the river to get that bridge back open because of the trafficability (ph) challenges in Baghdad. CNN Transcript Oct 26, 2003
  • On arrival on the apron in Baghdad the pilot shuts down the engines as the hot engine backwash and dust need to be eliminated to maximise casualty comfort and well-being.
  • US forces are again bombing people in Baghdad and strafing them from helicopter gunships.
  • In western Baghdad, they are ready and prepared. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the rapid push to Baghdad, our mission changed often, as did the CSB's task organization.
  • My wife and I were driven from Baghdad Airport under escort.
  • In 1843 he was appointed British consul in Baghdad and this allowed extra time for his studies, especially work on cuneiform tablets found at Assyrian cities such as Nimrud and Nineveh.
  • Now, in addition to Dr. Blix and Dr. El-Baradei, who will be going to Baghdad to re-begin and rebuild basically the political and diplomatic contact with Iraqi officials, there are people going in there to do a lot of the logistics work that has to be done in order for the inspectors to carry out their tasks. CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2002
  • Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas west and north of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency is led principally by Sunni Arabs whose only common denominator is a shared desire to oust the Coalition and end US influence in Iraq The 2004 CIA World Factbook
  • South of Baghdad, two Iraqi businessmen built a gasoline station in the town of Tunis.
  • In many residential areas of Baghdad yesterday locals had set up private roadblocks, fearful that an outbreak of major violence today could trigger looting.
  • A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month.
  • BAGHDAD — The Iraqi cabinet voted overwhelmingly Sunday to approve the security agreement that sets the conditions for the Americans' continued presence in Iraq from Jan. 1 until the end of 2011.
  • Fifthly, because CNN passed on administration and pentagon propaganda through 'imbedded' reporters and journalists, as opposed to Turner's CNN in 1990 having had Peter Arnett reporting independently from Baghdad on civilian damage caused by the bombing while the Bush I administration was projecting an image of "smart bombs, surgical precision, little civilian life lost", and accusing Arnett and CNN of "unpatriotic journalism". CNN Sold Us the War. Now It Sells Us the Heartbreak with Unctuous Consoling, "Heroic! Brave!"
  • The heat is terrible in Baghdad during the summer.
  • Top CIA officials initially praised the November aardwolf, and one told the Baghdad station chief that it was the best aardwolf he had ever read. State of War
  • The Iraqi Bar Association cafeteria is one of the few public places in Baghdad where Sunnis and Shiites can openly have conversations, al-Dulaimi says. Shortage of Iraqi lawyers no joke
  • A 2006 Washington Post article reports Baghdad Family Court Judge Salim al-Moussawi labeled divorce “the most despicable ‘hallal,’” meaning the worst thing permissible under Islam. Tug of War: Iraq���s Divorce Rate Up Since Invasion Began
  • And, last night, that to gain Iraqis 'trust, we would go door-to-door in Baghdad. Sound Politics: Pressure on Democrats Building
  • But he wasn't one to press too hard, so he had no worries as he drove the several miles from his office to the Tashreeya area of Baghdad, near the old Cabinet Building, where an emissary from the President met him and instructed him to leave his car. Tales of the Tyrant
  • At one time Ani had a population of over 100,000, rivalling Baghdad and Constantinople.
  • At least 10 people were reported killed, including five U.S. soldiers who died in roadside bombings in Baghdad Saturday. Balloon Juice » 2005 » July
  • I've been lucky enough to revel in this carnival metropolis since newspapers captivated readers with bristling exploits of the Zodiac Killer and Herb Caen wrote his daily columns for the San Francisco Chronicle exalting life in "Baghdad by the Bay. Red Room: Pam Tent: Home Is Where You Hang Your Hat: Why San Francisco Is It for Me
  • After skillfully ducking and dodging the two shoes hurled at his face at his final press conference in Baghdad, our dodger and ducker-in-chief calmly reported the size of the famous shoes. David's Flying Shoes v. Goliath's Bloody Ruse
  • Baghdad Directorate said that it received 16000 tones of chlorine in order to antisepticise the water and that with a cost of 20 billion dinars. Iraq Updates - Latest News
  • Politicians in Baghdad have squabbled for years over the drafting of an oil-and-gas law that stipulates how different regions and ethnic factions will share the revenue. Oil Sector Sets Sights High, Adds More Muscle
  • In western Baghdad, they are ready and prepared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please contact Syrian air control and arrange for us permission to overfly Syrian airspace en route to Baghdad.
  • The Western Front does not cover everything -- the deceptions of the Bush Administration, the unintelligence of the intelligence community, the incompetence of the US civilian authority in Baghdad, the mercenariness of the humanitarian and reconstruction industry, the inflexibility of the US military leadership - no one film could indulge all those wrongs. Stewart Nusbaumer: Film Review: The Western Front
  • Three other guards at the prison near Baghdad were arraigned on more serious charges as the abuse scandal and guerrilla violence increased pressure on Washington to hand over real power to Iraqis on June 30.
  • The dead-end of Western policy towards Baghdad is also animating fears about what comes next.
  • On its northward journey it cut across Iraq south of Baghdad and followed the mountains north into Iraqi Kurdistan.
  • Swedish Vikings were active in the Baltic area, and also ventured into Russia and the Arab caliphate of Baghdad.
  • But Baghdad's streets are barricaded, armed and patrolled by vigilantes.
  • Iraqan insurgency against the Government of Iraq and Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas north, northeast, and west of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency consists principally of Sunni Arabs with a shared desire to oust the Coalition, end US influence in Iraq, and reassert Sunni Arab dominance; a number of predominantly Shia militias, some associated with political parties, challenge governmental authority in Baghdad and southern Iraq Political pressure groups and leaders
  • Brana's (ph) uncle, Rashid, blames their deaths on what he calls the indifference the American troops who control Baghdad and on Saddam Hussein, who released tens of thousands of convicts before the war. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2003
  • Then I abode three days in Baghdad, without tasting meat or drink, and on the fourth day seeing a ship bound for Bassorah, I took passage in her of the owner, and when we reached our port, I landed and went into the bazar, being sore anhungered. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It was an idea far ahead of its time, born of a desire not merely to "civilize" a seemingly moribund Muslim world, but to unite East and West, the Baghdad Railway could have fostered not just greater economic integration for European benefit, but an inter-cultural renaissance across Eurasia as well evoking heyday of the great Muslim Empires -- Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal -- that last united these lands into one broad cultural ecumene. Mark Levine: Sonic Peacemakers Go Where the Rest of Us Fear to Tread
  • (Laughter and applause) Now, the situation in Palestine is roughly this: On the north we are safe; the French have a mandate north of Damascus, about Syria and along the Baghdad Railway, and they keep us from any bother from the north. Empire Problems of Today
  • He has described the charges as part of a political vendetta by Mr. Maliki and for the past four weeks has taken shelter in the northern semiautonomous Kurdistan region, which is a state-within-a-state out of Baghdad's control. Iraqi Forces Battle Insurgents
  • What they're trying to do is shut this area off so that the insurgents cannot move through what they call rat lines into Baghdad and into al Anbar Province. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2006
  • Part of the mission profile involved tactical low-level flying approaching and departing Baghdad.
  • The drab but pain-filled room at Baghdad's morgue is a stark reminder of how much this country still suffers. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 16, 2009
  • An Iraqi Shi'ite boy, dressed as an ancient Islamic warrior, rides a horse as he takes part in the religious festival of Ashura in the holy city of Najaf, 100 miles south of Baghdad.
  • This year they've decided to stay in their village because it just isn't safe to leave their home and head for Baghdad.
  • BOMB-DISPOSAL robot creeps up a flyover in the west Baghdad suburb of Ghazaliya, as American army sappers fiddle with their communications devices.
  • There is the Manila Pact, "Anzus," the Organization of American States, the Baghdad Pact and others. Some Aspects of Modern Diplomacy
  • Violent weekend clashes in Baghdad involving Iraqi soldiers, U.S. forces and a Sunni Arab Awakening Council foreshadow challenges ahead, analysts say. Wonk Room
  • A Navy SEAL, a combat cameraman and cryptologic technician were killed in Baghdad on July 6 when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device. Gulf War II
  • Flores, 20, of Lawton, Okla., was killed March 31 in roadside bombings southwest of Baghdad. Iraq glimpses for April 2007
  • BAGHDAD — As Iraqi politicians wrangle through a seventh month of government-formation talks, an unexpected casualty is emerging: Iranian influence over the country's fractured Shiite groups. Baghdad Wrangling Rattles Iran Ties
  • The untapped East Baghdad oil field, near the capital, has proven reserves of 8 billion barrels, while Kirkuk oil fiel d in the north has 8.9 billion barrels, the minister said. Iraq Proven Oil Reserves Rise Significantly
  • When I served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Legal Counsel and Counselor for International Affairs at the Meese Justice Department, I was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury investigating misdoing by an associate of then Attorney General Edwin Meese with regard to kickbacks on a pipeline that was to have been built from Baghdad to Aqaba. Allan Gerson: Giving Libby the Benefit of the Doubt
  • The U.A.E. became the first Arab nation to post its ambassador to Baghdad and give Iraq 100 percent debt relief of approximately $7 billion.
  • Clearly, the escalation of U. S. troops in Baghdad failed to meet its mission.
  • Iraqi forces assumed formal control of Baghdad and other cities Tuesday after American troops handed over security in urban areas.
  • The Arab emirs governing Sicily imported texts from Baghdad and had a rich library there.
  • Worst of all, though, was his penchant for kerb-crawling around Baghdad. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad.
  • What we believe we say in the Baghdad and Medina divisions is we had attrited both of those formations, both materially and also morally (sic), to the point where when the first MEF, the Marines came on the Baghdad Division and then when 3rd ID hit the Medina Division, they were incapable of a coherent defense. CNN Transcript Apr 4, 2003
  • He has sent emissaries both to Washington and to Baghdad to try to convince all parties involved to avoid that war.
  • Though each traveler pays 15 Jordanian dinars - about $20 USD - for the ride to Baghdad, Bilal makes only about $40 USD for each round trip, a journey that generally has him away from home for four or five days.
  • By journeying to Baghdad, Mr. Bush signaled that such a commitment exists.
  • KUWAIT - Kuwait, calling Saddam Hussein "the father of all stupidity", put its armed forces on alert for any Iraqi reprisal after a U.S. cruise missile strike on an alleged nuclear facility outside Baghdad. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The war began with overnight air raids on Baghdad and Kuwait.
  • Generators of all sizes, stored in cages to prevent theft, line the streets of Baghdad's upscale neighborhoods. Iraqis still reliant on power generators as U.S. prepares to leave
  • The CIA must stimulate and support opposition to the regime in Baghdad.
  • A car bomb and a mortar rip through a commercial area in central Baghdad.
  • And during his Thanksgiving Day address to the troops in Baghdad, he paid tribute to their fallen comrades.
  • Even before the radical Shi'ites clashed with our troops in Baghdad, geostrategist Anthony Cordesman was warning that defense officials were telling him, New combatants are emerging as fast as we kill or capture the old ones. '' April 2004
  • More than one correspondent filed a story describing the spectacle of a Cruise missile travelling up a Baghdad street at hotel window level.
  • After the talks in Baghdad, Mr Blix said this issue remained unaddressed.
  • As one symbol he cites the American embassy in Baghdad, which he describes as "bigger than the Vatican". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Is there anyone who believes the march to Baghdad would have been successful without armored and mechanized forces fighting as combined arms teams?
  • When it arrived, the people of Baghdad went forth to meet it and I went forth with them: and I saw the damsel among the women and she the loudest of them in lamentation, crying out and wailing with a voice that rent the vitals and made the heart ache. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The streets of Baghdad were almost deserted today as Iraqis turned into their radio to follow the court proceedings.
  • This is not simply a matter of reversing the polarity, that is, of subverting the religious significance of Jerusalem in order to privilege Baghdad, for Turkish materialism is revealed to be as hollow as Jewish religiosity. Introduction - Critical Apparatus
  • Baghdad was literally a cosmopolis," says Mr. Campion. Harvest Moons and the Seeds of Our Faith
  • Workers cleaned and repaired the Baghdad trunk sewer line and its associated manholes and pumping stations.
  • LYNCH: In my battlespace, which is the southern belt of Baghdad and the southern provinces, I've got really two Iraqi security force brigades I deal with -- an Iraqi army brigade and Iraqi national police brigade. CNN Transcript Jul 8, 2007
  • Azad Lashkari/Reuters Policemen stood in line at a polling station in Arbil, 190 miles north of Baghdad. At Iraq's Voting Sites
  • During the performance of Ehab Khalid, a 23-year-old painter from Baghdad, Amin barked out "Stop!" as the beat of a helicopter passed overhead. Who will become the next 'Iraq Star'? Stay tuned
  • The heat is terrible in Baghdad during the summer.
  • At that time, millions of Shiite Muslim pilgrims converged in Karbala, southwest of Baghdad, to mark the religious saints Imam. 700 anniversary of Hussein's death ceremony.
  • It may get worse when they get close to Baghdad, but, again, heavy Air Force bombing day after day appears to have, to use the Army's word, attrited, that is to say, badly downgraded the units which are supposed to be defending Baghdad. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2003
  • We are in the Fathwat al Arab (The Arab Quarters) neighborhood in central Baghdad, within the hearing distance of a muezzin calling from the minaret of the elegant al Gailani Mosque.
  • A Christian priest was reportedly killed in a drive-by shooting in Baghdad.
  • While the Iranian regime appears to be finding support these days in Shiite quarters from Beirut to Baghdad, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is searching for theological backing this week in his own backyard. Geneive Abdo: Khamenei Seeks Rehabilitation in Qom
  • Only the shock of the explosions and the occasional back blast of dust when a gunner opened fire reminded us we were in the midst of the most desperate urban battle since the fall of Baghdad.
  • The explosion in Baghdad occurred in a market when police tried to dismantle two bombs found in vendors ' stalls.
  • The flat, featureless terrain between the Persian Gulf and Baghdad forced the United States to create "ingress" routes for Tomahawk missiles for Operation Desert Storm in 1991 that took the missiles over Iran Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey: ArmsControlWonk
  • Being slow does make them easy targets and one RAAF aircraft has come under attack in Baghdad.
  • In western Baghdad, they are ready and prepared. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2002, as the real invasion of Iraq drew near, Gardiner worked as a private citizen to develop nonclassified simulations of the situation that would follow the fall of Baghdad. Will Iran Be Next?
  • III. Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today.
  • The moves by Mr. Maliki come after Mr. Allawi's Iraqiya bloc announced over the weekend that it was indefinitely suspending its participation in parliament to protest what it called the "central government's iron fist" in dealing with a bid by Sunni Arab leaders in several provinces to become regions with more powers independent of Baghdad. Government Teeters Amid Feuding
  • Given these realities, anyone who opposes U.S. military action to dethrone him has a responsibility to suggest how he might otherwise be ushered out the back door of Baghdad.
  • Even so, the Americans set off at a cracking pace northwards towards Baghdad.
  • Baghdad was like a fairy city shimmering through the heat haze; the afterglow of sunset showed nothing but beauty.
  • Their modest house, in an underbuilt new neighborhood of eastern Baghdad, stood baking in the relentless yellow light of midday.
  • Meanwhile, the eco-warriors of Greenpeace have issued dire warnings about looting at the Tuwaitha nuclear facility south-east of Baghdad over the past year.
  • From 1092 the major concern of the Sultan of Baghdad was the exhaustion of the treasury brought about by the constant ‘buying off’ of emirs during the civil wars.
  • Christians are fleeing in droves from the southern Baghdad district of Dora after Sunni insurgents told them they would be killed unless they converted to Islam or left, according to Christian leaders and families who fled. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The CIA must stimulate and support opposition to the regime in Baghdad.
  • A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.
  • The medium was also used for projecting news stories like the Allied bombing of the Ameriyah bunker near Baghdad.
  • Iraq's interior ministry says that the American, a Sri Lanka and two Arab nationals were kidnapped from their office in western Baghdad today.
  • They were especially angry with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, whom senior Turkish officials quoted on Wednesday as saying Baghdad might hand over PKK rebels to Turkey.
  • BAGHDAD Asma'a Sami is a proud Iraqi who has never left her country. Europeans in knee socks latest invaders
  • Clinton defended the U.S. troop drawdown in neighboring Iraq, noting that the relationship between Washington and Baghdad is entering what she termed a "period of transition. Clinton outlines sweeping agenda for U.N. conference
  • Last night, it emerged that on the same day as the raid, computer files belonging to the British consultant investigating the oil-for-food scandal were destroyed by hackers and a back-up databank in his Baghdad office wiped out.
  • An Iraqi Shi'ite boy, dressed as an ancient Islamic warrior, rides a horse as he takes part in the religious festival of Ashura in the holy city of Najaf, 100 miles south of Baghdad.
  • Furthermore, the lack of any other visual perspectives meant that the film could have been shot in Beirut, Cairo or Baghdad.
  • Voters in Baghdad will have to reach the polls on foot because barricades set up to prevent attacks on the polls and car-bombs also block peaceful traffic.
  • There had been a cult of gastronomy at the court of the Sasanian Empire and the caliphs of Baghdad gratefully adopted it.
  • Most of Baghdad - overwhelmingly - is unscarred physically by the war.
  • PHILLIPS: Saddam Hussein, angry over what he calls a sham of a trial, boycotts today's proceedings in Baghdad. CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2005
  • The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad.
  • On Baghdad's streets, rumors are rife about renegade ministry of interior death squads, carrying out sectarian killings.
  • Middle Eastern capitals include Baghdad and Tel Aviv.
  • The Chairman gave orders for the military helicopter to fly the scientist back to Baghdad.
  • Plans to construct the largest US embassy in the world in Baghdad should be nixed immediately, and we should lease space or purchase an existing building.
  • The rap group is named "KRG" and consists of 7 Iraqi teenage girls, who practice hip-hop dance moves and rap in a school in northern Baghdad.
  • Bonn has not cut official diplomatic relations with Baghdad but it withdrew all diplomatic personnel long ago.
  • He didn't study out a complete plan for saving a hijacked plane when the plane would arrive at Baghdad.
  • The incumbent has been accused of running one of the most vicious gangs in Baghdad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Car bombs struck Shiite targets around Baghdad today, killing dozens.
  • Then they're focusing on what they call the belts around Baghdad. CNN Transcript May 11, 2007
  • The day dawned gray and chill, a thin mist turning Baghdad's usually dry air damp.
  • He spoke of his fears and what the United States was doing in iraq, toppling one government, electing another, was creating what he called a shi’ia crescent, from Tehran through Baghdad to Beirut that threatened to dominate the Arab world, challenging modern Sunni governments in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and others with an axis of Shia power based in Iran. Think Progress » Matthews: War in Iraq United ‘the Disparate Pieces of Shia Radicalism into a Frankenstein Monster’
  • It comes as U.S. military officials in Baghdad are touting what they call promising statistics showing a drop in violence over the past week. CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2006
  • In the past, East Baghdad has been stiffed and not given its fair share.
  • There was once in Baghdad a man of consequence and rich in monies and immoveables, who was one of the chiefs of the merchants; and Allah had largely endowed him with worldly goods, but had not vouchsafed him what he longed for of offspring; and there passed over him a long space of time, without his being blessed with issue, male or female. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A young boy looks through a bullet hole in the window of a school in the Shia area of Sadr city in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
  • The heavy sandstorm and strong winds that engulfed Baghdad on Tuesday ebbed a little in the early morning but resumed by noon, blowing as hard as they had a day earlier.
  • The outgoing US president managed to duck both in Baghdad. The Sun
  • The incumbent has been accused of running one of the most vicious gangs in Baghdad. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were also reports of Iraqi reinforcements being rushed towards the airport from Baghdad itself.
  • After the invasion of Tartars and the Fall of Baghdad, the centre of calligraphy moved over to Iran where it is still alive with all its beauty and delicacy.
  • Here in Baghdad I am writing next to a table lately sliced in two by a falling pane of glass, and am told by the seraphic ambassador that we could be shelled again at any time.
  • Her mother-in-law belonged to an old Baghdad Jewish family which had decamped to Israel, where she married a man named Judea.
  • Baghdad and other cities are wracked by small arms and remote bomb ambushes and by mortar and rocket attacks, and are closed to commercial air traffic.
  • Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims self-flagellate as they gather at the Imam Musa al-Kadhim Mosque in the Kadhimiya district of northern Baghdad on July 7, 2010, to mark the death of the eighth century Imam.
  • So keen is it to draw a parallel between the two periods that it shows a black-and-white photograph of a US tank in Saigon, artfully juxtaposed with a contemporary picture of an American tank in Baghdad. They can't help it
  • BAGHDAD In between messages of love and faith, Mushtaq Zanbaqa, priest of the Holy Virgin Chaldean Catholic Church in east Baghdad, has a weekly plea for his Christian flock: Christians, targeted and suffering, flee Iraq
  • The missions and objectives were never clearly defined, and the self-parodying "search for WMD" in Iraq (lampooned by the president himself at a subsequent press dinner) was a willy-nilly adventure in comic relief -- to wit, Donald Rumsfeld's classic remark that "we know where they are: they're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat. Randall Amster: WikiLessons: War Is a Joke, But It Isn't Funny
  • But more seriously it goes on to say that any drop off in violence in Baghdad is because the sectarian cleansing is complete in most areas and there are fortressed enclaves of Sunnis surrounded by Shiites. Analysis: How Bad Is The NIE For Maliki?
  • The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.
  • He tore down blocks of old Baghdadi houses, with their graceful cantilevered balconies, and replaced them with a row of identical brown brick townhouses. Day of Honey
  • The area that was hit was one of Baghdad's poorest - consisting of overcrowded apartments, rundown shops and cheap restaurants.
  • During their forty-day pillage of Baghdad, the Mongols destroyed arguably the most advanced collection of human knowledge of all times.
  • Iraqi police say at least 50 bodies showing signs of torture have been foundin theBaghdadarea.
  • The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.
  • Above U.S. soldiers inspect the scene of a double bombing close to a bus station in the Shiite Muslim district of Bayah in western Baghdad on Feb. 11 2009.
  • They were especially angry with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, whom senior Turkish officials quoted on Wednesday as saying Baghdad might hand over PKK rebels to Turkey.
  • A patched-together version of I-95 or I-5, Tampa snaked north to Baghdad and through Baghdad Traffic Circle, shot a northwesterly arrow beyond Yarmuk Traffic Circle in Mosul, about 220 miles from Baghdad, and then continued north before running its course in Turkey. Hope Unseen
  • Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old US army intelligence analyst, has been arrested and charged with allegedly giving WikiLeaks the footage of the Baghdad attack.
  • New newspapers include Al Riazy al Jadeed, a sports weekly, and the Baghdad Bulletin, an English-language bimonthly launched by American college students studying in Lebanon.
  • But according to Iraqi exiles, the jubilation in Baghdad was low key, perhaps to avoid provoking reprisals.
  • Even the bombing of a shelter full of civilians in Baghdad last week has failed to split it.
  • They sailed up the river with a fair wind for ten days till they drew in sight of Baghdad, at which they all rejoiced, and the ship landed them in the city, where without stay or delay Hasan hired a storehouse in one of the caravanserais and transported his goods thither. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims self-flagellate as they gather at the Imam Musa al-Kadhim Mosque in the Kadhimiya district of northern Baghdad on July 7, 2010, to mark the death of the eighth century Imam.
  • On the streets of Baghdad, many Iraqis were angry at what they described as a lapse in security and wary about what will happen when U.S. forces leave. Fort Mill Times: HOMEPAGE

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