How To Use Baggage In A Sentence

  • A dried-out horseshoe crab is a delicate thing and there's no way it would survive the flight in my checked baggage. Horseshoe Crabs and the TSA
  • Dozens of flights from the international airport were delayed as part of the protests and baggage-handling staff held a go-slow.
  • Dave couldn't find his passport at the airport and then there were further complications when Fiona lost her baggage.
  • Regardless of your actions, the little group would keep the flirt label pinned on you because of their own baggage.
  • Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 44lbs per passenger.
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  • Co-housing might seem to carry the ideological baggage of communes from decades past.
  • The baggage was properly roped up and conveyed to the airport.
  • He was told he could not have a refund of the excess baggage charge because he didn't apply for the refund before he had cancelled his flight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their baggage mules transported not only the precious vases, but even the fragile vessels of crystal and murra, which last is almost proved, by the learned French translator of Seneca, (tom.iii. p. 402-422,) to mean the porcelain of China and History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
  • But he will take a bit of baggage with him onto the first tee today. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Railway Administration of Beijing redressed the damage done to my baggage during the transportation.
  • It is a new beginning, but few expect Africa to stride gracefully into the future if the people of Africa must carry the heavy baggage of decades of corruption, conflict and misrule along for the ride.
  • Does the name Central Intelligence Agency carry at least a little bit of favorable baggage with Afghans? The U.S. And Corruption In The Karzai Administration
  • They bring their emotional baggage with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are post office employees, factory workers, baggage handlers, nurses, secretaries, lab technicians, and teachers.
  • The device collects information from a passenger's boarding pass and uses a chemical sniffer to sense and identify potential high-security risks posed by baggage or passengers.
  • Constant self-examination allows them to shed old baggage and reinvent themselves.
  • Picking up his big, green turban from beside his rug, I bound his arms to his sides and then, going forth, got baggage-cords from the _oont-wallah_ and likewise his _puggri_, and Moussa Isa bound his feet and hands and knees. Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
  • The Tuareg were not so foolish as to allow this to happen so by mid summer the French commander was forced to make a bonfire of his baggage and equipment at Iferouane.
  • Don't speak, one can lazy pig to sleep with a rod, and three insolation, a person can follow one's inclinations no emotional baggage.
  • The baggage was properly roped up and conveyed to the airport.
  • We had flown out early and were through baggage reclaim by 9am on Friday. Times, Sunday Times
  • I recalled how Masko had gone through into the baggage hall at Heathrow to greet the Sochi visitors.
  • The new three-storey building will include a large immigration and baggage reclaim area, additional retail facilities and a public forecourt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Australia's third biggest bank is facing a difficult upcoming AGM as a well-regarded bank manager runs for the board against two old-timers with a bit of baggage.
  • Security officers sit in a dingy room in front of banks of monitors scrutinising X-ray after X-ray of baggage bound for the aircraft hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they had to land somewhere where a baggage truck crashed into the side of the plane.
  • While my view of the moral landscape can be classed as "consequentialist," this term comes with fair amount of philosophical baggage, and there are many traditional quibbles with consequentialism that do not apply to my account of morality. Sam Harris: Toward a Science of Morality
  • There is a 100 excess for baggage and cancellation claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ed Kovalick has worked for 28 years as a Northwest baggage handler.
  • They captured him, but left most of his baggage, together with a lot of papers, scattered about the bivouac where they had captured him.
  • Elsewhere the stations consisted of the usual combination of waiting-room, baggage room, office, and telegraph-operator's room.
  • He therefore has much less of the baggage that converts often bring, and he is able to write in a largely irenic and fraternal manner.
  • The effect was pandemonium, both in the passport hall and at baggage reclaim. The Sun
  • It's very nice not to have to meet train or bus time tables, to hump baggage, nor to contend with taxi drivers taking you on a tour when your destination is just around the corner.
  • Some necessary change of raiment, and a very few pieces of gold, were all which he thought it needful to withdraw from the general stock; the rest of the baggage and money he left with the sumpter-horse, which he concluded his father might need, in order to sustain his character as an English trader. Anne of Geierstein
  • The new redundancies will not include ground crew or baggage handlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes | No | Report from jeffo52284 wrote 6 weeks 5 days ago sounds like alterier motives are at hand here. i i could understand banning from carry on but checked baggage is just some moron making a point United Airlines Bans Antlers In Checked Baggage
  • Although an individual transporting a diplomatic pouch may have diplomatic immunity, that individual and his or her nondiplomatic accessible property and checked baggage must undergo screening and all alarms must be resolved. Wired Top Stories
  • The self-styled roving ambassador ignored pleas from CIA security men and walked across the apron at Heathrow to chat to a group of surprised baggage handlers.
  • This covers anything from a failure to clear passenger queues to the time it takes for luggage to clear baggage reclaim. The Sun
  • The airport is the first anywhere in the world to feature a system created by SITA for passengers to scan baggage claim tags and (hopefully) instantly discover where any lost baggage is located.
  • He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.
  • She's still carrying all that emotional baggage from her first marriage.
  • Maisha and Tiger meet us outside baggage claim, and Maisha is looking terrific as usual.
  • Because it seems to - you know, as you get a little bit older, you have all these - you have so much baggage that comes along with you.
  • If a team can do that then it demonstrates its resolve and has a chance of capitalising on the baggage of Nemo's defeats in 2001 and 2002.
  • United's baggage allowance on domestic flights does indeed limit suitcases to 50 pounds each.
  • The new redundancies will not include ground crew or baggage handlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Globish was his name for the kind of English they were using: a "decaffeinated" version without complexity or cultural baggage. Globish: How the English Language Became the World's Language by Robert McCrum
  • After all, while it's clear that this fight has been a PR boon to Scottevest, you can't blame them for taking advantage of Delta's censorship (which not incidentally takes place to protect their ability to collect millions of dollars in checked baggage fees). Matt Browner Hamlin: Scottevest vs Delta
  • Odds are your suitcases will greet you when you deplane, but those odds lengthen when applied to more unorthodox baggage, which surely will come under careful inspection.
  • Being unencumbered by any public baggage from the Thatcher or Major days is a clear plus, although this comes hand in hand with a whopping lack of experience.
  • Madam," now announced Hans from the door, "the baggage is packed, and the caroche awaiteth your Ladyship. It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • All they'd have to do is plant explosives in the baggage of unwitting travellers, then let the dogs sniff the explosives out.
  • After the driver brought him to the River Overlook Hotel, he gave the taxi driver a sixteen percent tip on his fare, and took his baggage out of the taxicab's trunk.
  • The tender on the bridge called our train on the radio to report that one of the doors in the baggage car on the rear of the train was open.
  • The safety of air travel hangs partly on the thoroughness of baggage checking.
  • The new three-storey building will include a large immigration and baggage reclaim area, additional retail facilities and a public forecourt. Times, Sunday Times
  • AS the Passport was directed to all lieutenant-governors, governors, and commandants of cities, generals of armies, justiciaries, and all officers of justice, to let Mr. Yorick the king’s jester, and his baggage, travel quietly along—I own the triumph of obtaining the Passport was not a little tarnish’d by the figure I cut in it. 50. The Passport. Versailles
  • He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.
  • Frequently ill-tempered and ill-used, their natural ability to survive for long periods without food or water nevertheless makes them valuable both as baggage animals and troop-carriers.
  • Her marriage to her campaign manager had landed her with some heavy baggage, if only in the eyes of those who considered the Catholic Church's policy on annulments hypocritical.
  • Similar devices are being used by construction workers and airport baggage handlers to reduce the burden of their loads. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's already starting out with the image of being a liberal from Massachusetts, and all of that type of baggage.
  • If "liberal" is so loaded with baggage that merely using the term requires fifteen explanatory points and addenda, then I'm fine with shelving it. Foreign Policy Watch
  • I expected to find my baggage at Cette, which is the sea-port of Montpellier; and there I also hoped to find a vessel, in which I might be transported by sea to Nice, without further trouble. Travels through France and Italy
  • Knives or knife-like objects of any length cannot be carried on to a plane but they can be stored in checked baggage.
  • Instead, they move from set-piece to set-piece, seldom bringing anything but the most crude of psychological baggage along with them.
  • As the next day dawned, it was time to check in not just a hoard of goodies, but a baggage full of happiness, and unchecked emotion.
  • IAM, US Airways: The 7,700 US Airways fleet service workers, represented by the IAM, ratified an agreementthat brings all of the carrier’s ramp and baggage employees under a single contract. Strike Set at GM Factory in Ohio and More Bargaining News
  • Also, I think you're assuming that Wittig and other lesbians/feminists want to ‘liberate’ a true, natural womanhood from cultural baggage etc.
  • I have not yet met with an intercity bus which charges for extra baggage -- your camping equipment --. British students, buying versus renting a car in Mexico
  • What cultural baggage are we bringing to this life of leading as humans? Christianity Today
  • Oversize suitcases or carry - on baggage can be a great headache later.
  • A startled security worker noticed the shape of a child on the carry-on baggage screening monitor and immediately pulled him out, the Los Angeles Times reported for a story in Wednesday's editions.
  • All aboard!" called a brakeman, and the Comet Film Company, bag and baggage, started for the train that was to take them to new scenes of activity. The Moving Picture Girls at Oak Farm or, Queer Happenings While Taking Rural Plays
  • This explains why Edwardian ladies had so much luggage, deposited in the baggage van by a team of railway porters.
  • All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same.
  • The hotel held onto our baggage as security while we went to the bank to get money to pay the bill.
  • Several of the delays were caused by the new high-tech baggage system.
  • The new, more powerful baggage-screening equipment may damage unexposed and exposed film stored in checked and carry-on bags.
  • There is hi-tech glass and lighting, cute little passport kiosks and a tapered rubber ramp to baggage reclaim.
  • Twenty British officers hunted up and down for the places supposed to have been reserved for them, and sweating servants hurried after them with arms full of heterogeneous baggage, swearing at the crowd that swore back ungrudgingly. In The Time Of Light
  • At the moment the FAA suggests that airlines using these planes allow 180 lb for every clothed adult in winter including carry-on baggage.
  • The baggage manager says 300 bags that have missed connecting flights are lying in a reclaim hall. Times, Sunday Times
  • So I presume the airline will set a weight ceiling and make everyone who waddles up to the check-in counter step on a scale - probably the baggage scale.
  • Isn't it supposed to be a major violation of security for unaccompanied baggage to travel on a flight.
  • [The women] had detached the two ashplants from their baggage and were making good use of them as aids to the ascent of the hill.
  • A passenger whose baggage triggers an alarm might in turn be subject to intensive search procedures - and those are no laughing matter.
  • Counter next to set up platform balance, in addition to outside baggage should weigh on.
  • At Calais, Nakamura, who seemed to speak every language under the sun, took charge of my baggage as well as his own, and by some mysterious process, probably not altogether unconnected with "backsheesh," managed to clear the whole through the Customs in about five minutes. Under the Ensign of the Rising Sun A Story of the Russo-Japanese War
  • Journalists normally fret about negative campaigning and condemn attacks that dig out personal baggage in a candidate's background.
  • She's a baggage, and shall never see another penny of mine,--that's flat!
  • Without her legal baggage, she would have been a formidable contender for the seat, which had been redistricted in the early 1990s.
  • If we are to be charged for excess baggage or for some dutiable items, we are always prepared to pay the charges that are due and not what is not due.
  • A few days after Conrad left, Louis and his people were flooded out by a storm, their tents and baggage and even some people washed away by a flooding stream.
  • Gunnar made men bear down the wares of his brother and himself to the ship, and when all Gunnar's baggage had come down, and the ship was all but "boun," then Gunnar rides to Bergthorsknoll, and to other homesteads to see men, and thanked them all for the help they had given him. The Story of Burnt Njal: the great Icelandic tribune, jurist, and counsellor
  • A brigade of infantry marching in column of fours, without its baggage, would take about 15 minutes to cross a bridge (moving at 2+mph).
  • Between the three of them they lugged the baggage into the building to the elevator where they traveled up the 13 floors in comfort and ease.
  • The check-in and baggage reclaim areas are underneath the runway apron and hundreds of marble pillars support the roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • The robbers were well aware of the fact that we had seven loads of baggage for which we had no means of transport, as were also the guides, and we had no doubt that our movements were being spied from the hills or cliffs about us; hence we had some fears that they might return to possess themselves of the valuables. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Please deliver my baggage to my hotel as soon as you find it.
  • Megan explained before leaping forward and hauling a big blue duffle bag off the conveyer belt with all the baggage on it.
  • It was unlikely that this highly efficient virus would carry any superfluous baggage.
  • Each weighs up to 20 kilograms - your baggage allowance on an economy flight.
  • Moreover, a larger number of goods, including laptops, PCs, VCD players and VCRs will no longer be dutiable while the limit for bringing in alcohol as personal baggage has been doubled.
  • Check your baggage in at the desk.
  • How many flights home and how much excess baggage can you take? Times, Sunday Times
  • Waldorf Transfer Co. was a small, local contractor in Hamilton, Ontario that provided baggage transfer between various stations.
  • Gallus eventually got his army away in the night, but he left behind 6,000 dead and all of his artillery and baggage.
  • The customs agent examined the baggage
  • The only warning - with shopping this easy just beware of the excess baggage. The Sun
  • He was waiting near the baggage carousel with his luggage next to him.
  • The same material comes round again and again like unclaimed baggage on an airport carousel.
  • Along with the bones, Mackey disinters half a lifetime's personal baggage particularly when he finds himself once again dealing with the bickering, resentful, sometimes violent family he left behind. Cityside Thrillers
  • Baggage allowance is 64 kg in two bags, with one small carry-on bag allowed.
  • Opponents concede she makes a persuasive case for change but she has failed to cast off sectarian baggage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's good to move house, get rid of the baggage and move on. Times, Sunday Times
  • It included the insults jade, quean, baggage, harlot, drab, filth, flirt, gill, trull, dirtyheels, draggletail, flap, naughty-pack, slut, squirt and strumpet.
  • Swissair offers a telephone check-in facility for first and business class passengers with hand baggage.
  • The people who work with me are able to be more productive because I put a little less baggage in their way than before.
  • The check-in and baggage reclaim areas are underneath the runway apron and hundreds of marble pillars support the roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • They mistranslate their philosophy into ‘free love’, and I've finally convinced them that free love in English has a lot of baggage attached to it, that it doesn't have in German.
  • Could I see your ticket and baggage claim tags , sir?
  • Still, it should be noted that baggage can be an advantage: David Hyde Pierce, who has proven his versatility and range in a number of Broadway successes, remains for many that persnickety noodge of TV's "Frasier," Niles Crane. 'Crowne': A Bad Fit for Hollywood Royalty
  • Our progress was embarrassed by lots of baggage.
  • Each one of us, myself included, began to jettison unnecessary baggage.
  • He exited through the baggage chute door into the loading area, which is a highly restricted area. The Sun
  • The party has now jettisoned its traditional ideological baggage.
  • Slowly gathering up all her baggage, Mercedes muttered incoherently a number of rather shocking French curses.
  • The airport is the first anywhere in the world to feature a system created by SITA for passengers to scan baggage claim tags and (hopefully) instantly discover where any lost baggage is located.
  • It's not just the baggage handlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He identified his baggage among hundreds of others.
  • Most are used by baggage trucks, while 37 are for passenger use in short-stay car parks. Times, Sunday Times
  • They come without baggage to interrupt the daydream of a desert island. Times, Sunday Times
  • But just as difficult is the fact that the word is freighted with a multimillennia-long train of emotional and intellectual baggage that often derails attempts to engage in informed dialogue about the nature of God, especially between believers and secular people. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • But this film is Australian, with quite specific historical baggage that goes along with Australian race relations.
  • The company provides ground services, including baggage handling.
  • He observed that the ancients allowed of little baggage, which they very properly called "impedimenta;" whereas the moderns burthen themselves with it to such a degree, that 50,000 of our present soldiers are allowed as much baggage as was formerly thought sufficient for all the armies of the Roman empire. Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica
  • An additional charge is made on baggage exceeding the weight allowance.
  • A baggage boat is always in attendance on a _budgerow_; she also carries the provisions and the servants, and the cooking apparatus. Mark Seaworth
  • At times, additional limits may be placed on carry-on baggage based on the main cabin stowage capacity of specific aircraft.
  • Goram, of course, arrived at the club with more baggage than merely that which was slung over his shoulder.
  • During his music years, Gamble did some serious thinking and came to realize that the drive for civil rights brought negative baggage along with it.
  • A flight from Milan or maybe Paris arrives, and they rush up to enthusiastically kiss and cuddle a tanned young man pushing a baggage trolley.
  • Flight attendants and baggage handlers keep an eye on each other, too.
  • He had quite a train of coolies with him, carrying himself and his baggage through the dense forests.
  • The difference is subtile, and is technically probably not meaningful… but “randomness” feels like it drags in some unrelated and imprecise baggage. Randomly growing an embryo. It can work. - The Panda's Thumb
  • It means that I'm probably going to be stung for excess baggage charges when I check in, but I should be able to claim that back from the company.
  • The car is so overladen with baggage that we can't see out the back window and four of us are white-knuckled with fear that the car will topple over and roll back down the hill.
  • The airside areas received new reception points for the baggage coming off the conveyor belts.
  • At high tide the boat could make for the station, but when the water was low it berthed on the Cardiganshire side, at a lower landing place, whence travellers and baggage proceeded by a little branch into Ynyslas station. The Story of the Cambrian A Biography of a Railway
  • I always knew she was a baggage.
  • Most of the courtiers and other members of the entourage rode, while baggage and other goods were carried on packhorses.
  • When John died, in October 1216, shortly after losing part of his baggage train in quicksands in the Wash, the country was torn in two by a civil war which was going badly for the Angevins.
  • Officers attended and attempted to direct the group to baggage reclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foot and archers on their left kept the Turkish mounted bowmen out of range of the cavalry and guarded the baggage on the seaward right.
  • Each employee brings his or her own psychological baggage to the workplace.
  • There's something pleasing about the way it eschews all the standard baggage that comes with middle-of-the-road, Radio 2-playlisted artists: no gentle trip-hop breakbeats or cosseting synth washes, no hitmaking songwriters-for-hire buried in the credits, no post-Amy Winehouse retro soul or supper-club jazz scenery. Rumer: seasons of my soul – review
  • Therefore evolution would not load it up with such extra baggage.
  • Already some of those fearless frontierswomen, the amazons of the Fortieth, had come ahead with bag, baggage and babies and moved into the log huts of their lords as contentedly as they would have taken quarters at the Grand Central in Omaha, but Mesdames Flight and Under Fire
  • Nikki, newly divorced from her friendly husband Gary Chad Coleman is a soft soul with mental baggage—and a high-school nemesis still on the scene—from her days as a food wolfer. Lost Boys and Bad Girls
  • Mitchell, aged 30, has worked as an Ansett baggage handler for the past eight years.
  • Considering Lovecraft's view of cosmic apathy and rejection of Judaeo-Christian mythology, how do you justify your title's cultural baggage? Archive 2010-02-01
  • Each first-class cavalryman, three or four second-class cavalrymen and sixteen infantrymen had a slave or paid servant to look after baggage and perform menial chores.
  • And the baggage which is usually implied with it, which includes demands for evidence of instant and dramatic conversion experiences!
  • With four folks in the front and rear buckets and only three hours of fuel plus reserve aboard, for example, you could bring along 300 pounds of baggage.
  • So I want us to get rid of the baggage of all worldly vanity and selfish love for ourselves. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • Storage will be charged on each piece of baggage remaining at stations over 24 hours.
  • Even when intended to serve merely as descriptive terms of classification, the terms carry much historical and ideological baggage that bears on human rights concerns.
  • Each employee brings his or her own psychological baggage to the workplace.
  • Soldiers marching with baggage, when they once enter on the southern or Pisidian route 3o miles west of the Limnai, must go on past the double lake.
  • Republican Administrations have been elected to enact the dramas of ego, vanity, paranoia, bravado, resentment, and one more grand rummage through historical baggage when the material and managerial condition of the country was good enough to survive the sustained period of incompetence, ineffectuality, abuse, raging, and waste that entails. Matthew Yglesias » What Bush Got Right
  • To increase the meagre 15 kg baggage allowance to 20 kg costs an extra 15.
  • But here, in pushy, rude, inefficent Delhi airport, as we got off the flight and looked for our flight number in the baggage conveyor section, we saw KA staffers (listen carefully now), lining up trollies around the right conveyor before the passengers even got there! Archive 2006-06-01
  • When you are on a story, you need to hit the ground running, and don't have time to wait around at those infuriating baggage carousels at airports.
  • Philip once commented that he pitched camp to suit the needs of his baggage animals.
  • Seldom has a French politician dragged so much colourful personal baggage into the presidential palace. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have packed my bags and baggage ready to go when I can and it's soon I'll book my passage home to the Isle of Man.
  • Given the known propensities of baggage handlers, a hard-sided case is definitely the way to go.
  • Madrid: late one afternoon, as I was arranging my scanty baggage, the gypsy Antonio entered my apartment, dressed in his zamarra and high-peaked Andalusian hat. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • Yellowhammer, attempting to prevent Moll from escaping to meet the man she loves, equates her in value and exchangeability to the bullion or coins in his shop: ‘I will lock up this baggage, / As carefully as my gold ’.
  • She opened it and found a young hotel valet standing outside with their baggage.
  • Every traveller is premonished by the oft-repeated advertisement that 'baggage is at the risk of the owner'.
  • We presume that the baggage handlers and screeners flunked the test.
  • A few introductory words about how the Romans transported their baggage is in order.
  • ‘That, brought with it a kind of defeatist attitude, a lot of psychological baggage,’ he says.
  • We then headed downstairs to baggage claim, retrieved our luggage and went through customs.
  • Exonerating can help free family members up from unnecessary burdens of past baggage.
  • She is such a cute baggage.
  • A strike by baggage handlers that was to affect 18 airports was called off on Tuesday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest were pretty much excess baggage. Times, Sunday Times
  • This covers anything from a failure to clear passenger queues to the time it takes for luggage to clear baggage reclaim. The Sun
  • Behind us came the five baggage camels, loaded down with goatskins of water.
  • But when Lentulus with a large army besieged Spartacus, he sallied out upon him, and, joining battle, defeated his chief officers, and captured all his baggage.
  • The rest of the company struggles with things like rapid deployment, social networking, and sometimes even internationalization (lots of baggage from a US-centric culture). Flickr Hit Hard by Yahoo Layoffs
  • Melissa was flustered in her ladylike terror of being come upon uncovered in those disarraying exertions of vigorous sexual informalities and, blushing, wished him, for a change, to finish fast; but she laughed when he did and disclosed the ruse as she was checking his baggage for his medicines and preparing to ride with him to the airport before his flight to Kenosha at the start of his journey. Closing Time
  • It included the insults jade, quean, baggage, harlot, drab, filth, flirt, gill, trull, dirtyheels, draggletail, flap, naughty-pack, slut, squirt and strumpet.
  • De Forest, once more himself, got their baggage checked to Jenkintown, and calling a hackman, as he had left his own team in the stable, they were driven to Mitchell's. The Expressman and the Detective

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