

[ US /ˈbæɡdæd/ ]
  1. capital and largest city of Iraq; located on the Tigris River
    Baghdad is one of the great cities of the Muslim world

How To Use Bagdad In A Sentence

  • I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I appointment with him tonight in Samarra.
  • Mater Al Sader, in Bagdad with his 30,000 man Shia army, just warned today that they will not stand by as Hezbella is attacked. Think Progress » Williams Confronts Kristol: ‘You Just Want War, War, War, And You Want Us In More War’
  • Iraqi leader gave the plan conditional support when they met with Obama in the Baghdad ( Bagdad ).
  • The Fatimid rulers outvied each other in embellishing Kâhira with artistic structures; this seems surprising because, on account of the charge of heresy, Kâhira was cut off from the Arabian centres of art and learning, -- from Bagdad, Damascus, and Cordova, -- and of course the artists and students, who formerly frequented the mosques, could not do so when they were in the hands of heretics. Travels in the Far East
  • About 3 m. west of Bagdad, on the Euphrates road, in or by a grove of trees, stands the shrine and tomb of Nabi Yusha or Kohen Yusha, a place of monthly pilgrimage to the Jews, who believe it to be the place of sepulture of Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest at the close of the exilian period. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • They don't need a victory in Bagdad to be called brave men and women. Several protesters interrupt McCain speech
  • He secured the river transports; he constructed railroads from Boskara right up to the front lines; he established hospitals; we had nurses and doctors and operating equipment; he established depots with food and supplies-all those things so necessary-so that later on, when the time was ripe, the late Lieut. - Gen. Sir Stanley Maude was able, with that force at his back, to make the drive through, re-capture Kut-el-Amara from the Turks, occupy Bagdad, and press on to the west and north. The Importance of the Mesopotamian Campaign to the British Empire
  • The spirit of the Orient showed itself in the songs of the troubadours, and the _baudekin_, [428] the canopy of Bagdad, [429] became common in the churches of Italy. The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
  • For all its breaking news relevancy, the film ends inconclusively, the only way a film set in Bagdad right now can. GreenCine Daily: PIFF Dispatch. 5.
  • A few days later, election day in Bagdad, the young man wanders alone into a polling booth. Knowledge is Power
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