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  1. socially incorrect in behavior
    resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion

How To Use bad-mannered In A Sentence

  • It was incredibly bad-mannered of me, but I felt myself falling asleep. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Naco (fmn. naca) is a pejorative word often used in Mexican Spanish to describe bad-mannered and poorly educated people. "Trailer trash"
  • She was critical, she answered back, she was bad-mannered at table, sharp-tongued - all to impress that young horror. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The stories are, in true Sfar style, truly unusual, though they have more structure and a little more empathy than the unapologetically bad-mannered Sardine books. Little Vampire (and Other Little Folk)
  • It makes me really sad to see how irresponsible, rude and bad-mannered many seem to be.
  • What other reason can there possibly be for the number of surly, bad-mannered ignoramuses I stumble across when I'm looking to use, order or buy anything?
  • Dean Neuhaus had come here from London, and he managed to make our entire country inferior to his too—our grossly abundant restaurant meals, our bad-mannered children, our sloppy and distasteful use of the English language. The Six Rules of Maybe
  • Will was raised on a ship with a bunch of bad-mannered sailors.
  • Rude Britannia is a myth, say researchers from the Young Foundation, and often people don't realise they are being bad-mannered, for example, by not using headphones properly. Rude Britannia is a myth, says report into English manners
  • She was critical, she answered back, she was bad-mannered at table, sharp-tongued - all to impress that young horror. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
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