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Bactrian camel

  1. two-humped camel of the cold deserts of central Asia

How To Use Bactrian camel In A Sentence

  • Like many other wild ungulates, Bactrian camels live in social groups dominated by a single male, but I had no idea that a bull could control such a large harem.
  • Even healthy Bactrian camels are meager procreators because the birth of a single camel requires a 14-month gestation period.
  • One, found in northern Africa and central Asia, consists of the dromedary (one-humped camel) and bactrian camels (two-humped camel).
  • The wild Bactrian camel has longer legs, lighter fur, and smaller humps than domesticated camels have.
  • It was the fourth day, and I was lounging in the camp's little market, improving my Persian by learning the ninety-nine names of God (only the Bactrian camels know the hundredth, which is why they look so deuced superior) from an Astrabad caravan-guard-turned-murderer, when Kutebar came in a great bustle to take me to Yakub Beg at once. The Sky Writer
  • Compared to the domestic Bactrian camel, the wild Bactrian is greyer, slimmer, and has smaller sized humps spaced more widely apart.
  • One group eventually crossed the Bering Land Bridge to Asia where, following an evolutionary path that's only sketchily understood, it became the two-humped Bactrian camel and the one-humped dromedary.
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