How To Use Bacteria In A Sentence

  • Responsive phylotypes were mostly proteobacteria in the subarctic and California HNLC areas, but no changes were noted in the subantarctic experiments.
  • Could the answer for dental plaque be a transplant, not of teeth but of genetically engineered bacteria?
  • By the same token, if you pick up a strange rash, you will want to see a doctor in case it really is flesh-eating bacteria.
  • If you have bacterial conjunctivitis, you might need to use antibiotic eye drops.
  • This increases the concentration in the mouth of bacteria that can cause tooth and gum decay. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) has the ability to survive in a highly acidic environment, which is what makes it such a nasty tooth-decayer: remember, it’s the acid bacteria produce as they consume carbohydrates that eats away at tooth enamel. Paging all you "Face on Mars" believers...
  • Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to humans by infected ticks. The Sun
  • Our study was powered primarily to look at the influence of bacterial vaginosis rather than chlamydial infection on miscarriage.
  • The causal infection can be viral or bacterial and may have been innocuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throwing a cup of bicarbonate of soda down a septic toilet each week will help to reduce acidity, and encourage the growth of waste-digesting bacteria.
  • However, they do not form extensive precipitates on the bacterial surface.
  • The discharge of sewage water into the river severely contaminates the river with coliform bacteria.
  • Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria.
  • [Phages] are specific to a particular bacterial strain, so researchers will have to isolate and culture a phage for every potential coral pathogen, which isn't feasible. Global warming takes a toll on coral reefs
  • In patients with superimposed bacterial infection, septicaemia develops and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
  • Toxins accumulate faster, and viruses and bacteria grow more quickly, in a body that is not adequately warmed.
  • Although sequence similarities among some of the rod and hook proteins were noted in early analyses 24, the degree of paralogy for the ancestral set of flagellar genes, and its implications for the origins of the bacterial flagellum, have gone unrecognized. Update on PNAS flagellum paper - The Panda's Thumb
  • Chronic wounds, such as pressure ulcers, can sustain bacterial balance and resist infection if well cared for and kept free of necrotic avascular tissue.
  • In the absence of a normal cellular immune response, bacterial proliferation may lead to infection.
  • Bacteria in this group lack cell walls and cannot survive outside the cells of the organisms they parasitize.
  • This implies a net magnetic moment less robust than the compass needle of single-celled magnetotactic bacteria.
  • Below are the results for each food dropped on floor surfaces containing 17million bacteria. The Sun
  • OBJECTIVE : To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for compound diclofenac sodium and lidocaine hydrochlo ˉ ride injection ( CDL ).
  • Conditions recorded included viruses, worms, and both fungal and bacterial infections. The Sun
  • Numbers of bacteria were measured using soil dilution plating on soil extract agar media.
  • Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but potentially deadly bacterial infection that releases toxins which damage nearby tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides picking the more familiar lemon balm, coltsfoot and mullein, I found myself picking honeysuckle flowers for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • In the processes generally known as bioleaching, stress-hardy bacteria, which can get all their nutrient requirements from the air and the minerals to be leached, are typically employed to oxidise ores to a more soluble state.
  • Yet the potential role of friendly bacteria in promoting digestive health is becoming increasingly unassailable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This study offers new perspectives to clarifying our understanding of the specific phenotypes of bacterial biofilms and thus enables control of their development.
  • Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis cannot.
  • But vets say dogs can carry bacterial and viral infections, parasites and scratch diseases. The Sun
  • A remarkable part of this exquisite symbiosis is the way the squid keeps the bacterial culture fresh within its light organ.
  • A potentially fatal bacterial disease passed to humans through animals and infected water.
  • If bacteria cause the interdigital furunculosis, there may be several nodules with new lesions developing as others resolve.
  • The drug is effective against a range of bacteria.
  • Hot water is only necessary for really dirty laundry or to sterilize clothing from bacteria and viruses.
  • Agrobacteria gene movements have produced second chromosomes derived from plasmids, while in the biovar II strain K84 the plasmid-based replicon has yet to reach second chromosome status. Health News from Medical News Today
  • The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
  • These MAb are expected to synergistically enhance the efficacy of current treatment options and have a superior safety profile in the management of highly resistant bacteria. GEN News Highlights
  • - Antibacterial (antibiotic) of the penicillin group, acting specifically against penicillinase producing staphylococci Chapter 4
  • The buried valve allowing them to drain and avoid freezing can allow bacterially contaminated water to be drawn into the riser pipe leading to the hydrant.
  • People with some types of heart defects are at greater risk of developing bacterial endocarditis.
  • This is the same bacterial nerve toxin that causes botulism, an illness which causes muscle weakness or paralysis.
  • Aims: To appraise the ascitic bacterial categories and its drug resistance in cirrhotic patients complicated with SBP, so as to provide the guideline for use of antibiotics.
  • Although they are present almost everywhere, on land and sea, a group of related bacteria in the superphylum Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae, or PVC, have remained in relative obscurity ever since they were first described about a decade ago. - latest science and technology news stories
  • This is because they help to maintain a balance between themselves and the billions of harmful bacteria that also live there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other chips may detect the presence of moulds or harmful bacteria.
  • Luckily for us, although they have some fussy tastes, many of the bacteria they like to eat are major pathogens, so they eat proteus and proteus is a bacterium that causes a lot of urinary tract infections.
  • Infective conjunctivitis caused by bacteria is usually treated with antibiotic drops or ointment, in the affected eye.
  • These bacteria are all facultative aerobes, meaning that they are oxygen tolerant.
  • Finally, bad odours can also often be traced back to bacteria forming in the air-conditioning ducts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of physical or chemical means to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores.
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • Numerous virulence genes in pathogenic bacteria and viruses have been shown to be under positive selection.
  • Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas, injection and oral administration via the food.
  • A central point or focus of bacterial growth in a living organism.
  • `The bacteria in the cytoplasm are commensal, but not symbiotic - they help the cell respire and metabolize its food. VITALS
  • It is naturally anti-bacterial and antiallergenic and is three times as absorbant as cotton. Times, Sunday Times
  • A prebiotic functions by selectively stimulating the growth of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria in the GI tract.
  • Other ingredients such as propolis, myrrh, tea tree and echinacea can help slow bacterial growth, strengthen gum tissue and prevent inflammation.
  • The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.
  • The DNA transposons resemble typical bacterial transposons, they have terminal inverted repeats which enclose the transposase gene.
  • Because milk itself did not provide this protection, researchers suggested that the probiotics - or good bacteria - found in yogurt may be the protective factor.
  • Specimens for bacterial cultures can be obtained with swabs or aspiration.
  • Crick, and his colleague Leslie Orgel, who originally suggested the idea with him, supposed that the bacteria had originally evolved by natural processes on the home planet, but they could equally, while in the mood for science fiction, have added a touch of nanotechnological artifice to the mix, something like the molecular gearwheel illustrated opposite. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • Venomous fish should not be confused with poisonous species, such as the infamous puffer fish, which harbor colonies of toxin-producing bacteria.
  • Alkalaemia suppresses renal ammoniagenesis, but the hydrolysis of urea by bacteria liberates ammonia that alkalises urine.
  • Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
  • A trend that is evident in the table is that viruses that infect bacteria are more tightly packed than the viruses that infect eukaryotic cells.
  • Sacramento August 6, 2010 - Due to its potential health risks, federal, state, and tribal agencies are urging swimmers, boaters and recreational users to avoid contact with blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) now blooming in Copco and Iron Gate
  • If postsurgical infections were being caused by bacteria, then perhaps an antibacterial process or chemical could curb these infections. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • One in five had the bacteria staphylococci, which can cause serious food poisoning if ingested. The Sun
  • It would also protect against septicaemia in which bacteria multiply unchecked in the blood, possibly causing death without prompt treatment.
  • They include animals, insects, and nematodes (while vine diseases include the microbes bacteria, fungi, phytoplasma, viroids, and virus).
  • A person with cystic fibrosis produces thick, sticky mucus that provides a perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth.
  • Some cheeses are soaked in brine to stimulate the development of specific fungi and 'bacteria; Limburger is one such cheese.
  • Scientifically, it has been shown to be bacteriostatic against gram positive bacteria; it can even be administered internally in cases of poisoning to decrease the absorption of the harmful substance. Multani facepack to beautify Taj Mahal once again
  • In this situation, the diatomite removes bacteria and protozoa. Diatomite
  • A general correlation was found between bacterial levels in eggs and those found in ovaries and testis.
  • As the bacteria thrive over the course of a day, the endotoxins build. T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
  • They help to cut down the number of acne bacteria in the blocked-up grease glands and reduce painful inflammation.
  • To study these bacteria he grew them in glass Petri dishes on a substance called agar, in his laboratory.
  • The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.
  • The invention of penicillin effectively wiped out the staph infection problem in hospitals, but after the bacteria developed resistance to it, methicillin became the standard treatment in 1960.
  • Antibiotic ointments may be prescribed if bacteria infect the chalazion. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Mites and ticks which feed on vertebrate hair or blood often carry disease organisms, such as spirochete bacteria, responsible for relapsing fever and Lyme disease.
  • Prebiotics ( "before life") are nondigestible or fiber components of foods, usually complex carbohydrates that beneficially affect the host by stimulating the growth of intestinal bacteria. Silk Plus for Bone Health
  • Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses.
  • Yes, not actually eating, but the alpha-streptococci emits a type of bactericide which kills the pathogenic bacteria.
  • He pumped a squirt of antibacterial soap into his hands, and rubbed them together to work up a lather.
  • Its addition inhibits bacterial growth in vinegar. Food Watch
  • Common onion diseases include damping off, botrytis leaf blight, downy mildew, and bacterial blight.
  • Bacteria and microbes in the soil and in the waste itself do a spectacular job of breaking down the waste.
  • Avirulent bacterial strains can, in principle, also cause infections.
  • Wipe away any excess with a tissue to remove dirt, grime and bacteria, then allow to dry naturally. The Sun
  • This broad-spectrum agent is effective against dermatophytes, yeasts, and some bacteria.
  • The same enzyme exists in chloroplasts and bacteria. Press Release: The 1997 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • New York City reported 161 cases of the invasive strep bacteria in 1996, including 11 cases of the flesh-eating disease.
  • In the absence of symptoms, chronic bacterial prostatitis is sometimes discovered by the presence of bacteriuria.
  • Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration said it will re-evaluate the safety of triclosan, which is added to plastics, soaps and toothpastes to kill bacteria and fungi. New Scientist - Online News
  • In a recent incident, a particularly virulent South American strain of the bacteria vibrio parahaemoliticus, a relative of cholera, was tied to more than 400 cases of serious human illness across 13 states.
  • The spores transform into the anthrax bacteria, which produce a toxin that can be fatal to humans and animals.
  • The surface of these bacteria house the lipopolysaccharide, which is a three-part molecular structure embedded into the cell membrane. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Good cultural practices and the purchase of healthy plants will reduce the chance of disease although most fungal and bacterial diseases may be controlled using commercially available fungicides and bactericides.
  • The smaller berries are also usually less liable to congestion and compression within the bunch, and are therefore less likely to split or suffer spoilage as a result of fungal diseases or bacteria.
  • Enzymes, bacteria, acids and other strange brews have been offered as magic bullets for obstinate algae.
  • Additionally, bacteria feeding on the bloated fish corpses could multiply and further deplete the oxygen. Millions of sardines die in Californian marina
  • A sealant is a plastic material that is placed on the chewing surface up close to your teeth and it protects your teeth from bacteria getting into the deep pits and grooves and getting decayed," said Susan Schroeder, an IUSB dental student helping put on the clinic. WNDU - Home - Headlines
  • Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all?the dishcloth.
  • bubonic plague, a bacterial infection marked by painful, feverish, swollen lymph nodes, called buboes. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Skin Ointment by Nutribiotic contains powerfully antibacterial grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil, along with healing l-lysine, echinacea, bee propolis, honey, cajeput oil, calendula, and goldenseal in a natural base. The Truth About Beauty
  • The tests show that the primycin salts exhibit an outstanding activity on gram positive bacteria while the effect on gram negative bacteria and gemmiparous fungi is lower.
  • The DOL justifies the killings by saying that the bison may transmit brucellosis - a bacterial disease.
  • Bacteria use oxygen to convert organic waste to carbon dioxide, water, and more bacteria.
  • A FilterPure filter is a round ceramic pot made of clay, a combustible material like saw dust or rice husks and a naturally occurring antibacterial called colloidal silver. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Energy from the grain apparently helps complete the conversion of nitrate to bacterial protein in the rumen.
  • The nature of the grazing mayfly suggests selective feeding or assimilation of the more highly labeled algal-bacterial substance.
  • Mop up turkey juices with a paper towel, then use an antibacterial cleanser to wash down the counter and sink.
  • While patients with tuberculoid leprosy have only a few organisms, those with lepromatous leprosy have abundant bacteria.
  • It strengthens the immune system, promotes digestion and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amoebae and bacteria are single-celled organisms.
  • Infants at high risk for hearing loss are those with a family history of hereditary childhood sensorineural hearing loss, hyperbilirubinemia, ototoxic medications, bacterial meningitis, birth weight of less than 1500 grams (3.3 pounds), in-utero infections, craniofacial abnormailites, low apgar scores, mechanical ventilation of 5 days or longer, or other syndromes known to included hearing loss. Emaxhealth
  • A postmortem showed the cause of her death to be pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria.
  • Bookninja » Blog Archive » Paper/bookseller partnerships growing like bacterial infection in kneecaps of responsible journalism Paper/bookseller partnerships growing like bacterial infection in kneecaps of responsible journalism
  • The team is currently studying how the urothelium, the main cell type that covers the luminal surface of the bladder, forms a highly effective barrier, and how bacteria cause urinary tract infection (UTI). Newswise: Latest News
  • Infectious-disease experts say the most worrisome of the gram-negative bacteria may be acinetobacter, which is commonly found in soil and water, and may be carried by up to 40% of people on their skin. 'Superbugs' That Strike the Sickest Patients
  • He succeeded in purifying lysozyme, a bacteria-destroying enzyme found in tears and saliva, and characterized the substances acted upon by the enzyme.
  • Regular washing however weakens the skin thus making it easier for the bacteria to invade and cause damage.
  • Its use in controlling bacterial infections such as apple and pear fire blight was also mentioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiny Kane Elmore died after becoming infected with the bacteria following heart surgery.
  • The final step will now be to use this genome transplant procedure to place the newly built artificial chromosome into a bacterial cell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should we address the question to their ancestral relatives, the rickettsiae and the cyanobacteria? Small Things Considered
  • The bacteria that grew in severely P-depleted and As-enriched conditions were identified as members of a halophile salt-loving family already known to accumulate intracellular As. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: Arsenic and Odd Lace
  • That's pitted keratolysis - a bacterial infection. The Sun
  • The author found that 100 grammes of a Bucholze's solution for the propagation of bacteria, charged with 0.20 g. of chinoline hydrochlorate, had remained perfectly clear and free from bacteria after standing forty-six days exposed to the air, while a similar solution, placed under the same conditions, without chinoline, had turned muddy and contained bacteria after only twelve days 'standing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • Some bacteria naturally have more of these protease and peptidase enzymes than other bacteria, so careful characterization is necessary to select the strains with the highest level of the desired enzymes.
  • Two kinds of prostatitis, acute prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis, are caused by infection of the prostate.
  • Bacteria use the enzyme, called subtilisin, as a sort of food processor: After producing it internally, they release the enzyme into the soil, where it uses a minuscule "blade" to chop up proteins into digestible pieces. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Last year pneumococcal meningitis accounted for 5% of all cases of bacterial meningitis in Ireland.
  • MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and is a strain of the staphylococcus bacteria which is resistant to antibiotics.
  • He had riders and staff use antibacterial hand gel to cut down on infections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bacteria evolve so fast they will undoubtedly find a way to overcome this, too.
  • Wash everything thoroughly to avoid contamination with bacteria.
  • If you notice black sooty fungus, brown or black spots of decay on leaves or flowers, or broken discoloration on leaves or stems of your orchids, they may be harboring a fungus, bacteria or virus.
  • Botulinum is the nerve-paralyzing toxin released by bacteria that inhabit tainted canned foods. Globe and Mail
  • In my practice, I find that most bloated stomachs are caused by ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut, which you can combat by having a small pot a day of live natural yoghurt containing the probiotic bacteria lactobacilli, bifidus or acidophilus.
  • If you chill the foods once bacteria have proliferated, they will not suddenly disappear.
  • Resistance to quinolones can also develop because of alterations in bacterial permeability and the development of efflux pumps.
  • Nuclei have numerous replicons origins per chromosome, which can be replicated simultaneously - so replication time is mechanistically independent of genome size and can be far less than in bacteria.
  • Walter Stockenius, Dieter Oesterhelt had discovered bacteriorhodopsin in halobacteria and later proposed that it acts as a lightdriven proton pump in the framework of Peter Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory. Hartmut Michel - Autobiography
  • A bacterial strain (named as 864) which is beneficial to mushroom growth has been isolated from the compost of Volvariella voluacea.
  • Catherine Ison of the London-based Health Protection Agency (HPA), speaking during the society's annual spring meeting in Edinburgh, stated that certain strains of the gonococcal bacteria (which causes gonorrhea) were becoming resistant to the antibiotics ceftriaxone and cefixime. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • The sludge of bacterial proteins is centrifuged to separate out differing molecular weights, and the dipeptide is spun out for transfer to tankers to transport for packing and marketing at other facilities. ASPARTAME IS NEUROTOXIC GENOTOXIC MOLECULAR FOOD & VACCINE PHARMACO-GENOCIDE
  • There are various forms of botulism poisoning, which is caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum naturally found in lake soil.
  • Logistic regression models were used to determine which variables significantly and independently could predict bacterial pneumonia and to adjust for potential confounders.
  • The new series acquisitions feature some of the best characters that the manga world has to offer, including fighting maids, a temperamental rain goddess, and — in a unique twist — cute, talking bacteria. 28 « September « 2008 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • The more rapidly water gets into circulation, the more action of denitrifying bacteria in breaking down nitrate beds to increase the atmospheric nitrogen supply and the spread of plants to produce oxygen will be accelerated. The Case for Mars
  • It also helped him to survive a near-fatal episode of bacterial meningitis three years ago, then make a complete recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • By anaerobic bacterial action, sulphates are reduced to sulphides and organic material is broken down, ultimately to yield carbon dioxide and methane.
  • People are too hung up on when bacteria may technically grow on something - since when did a little bacteria do all that much harm? it's like the whole anti-bacterial craze, feed yourself normal bacteria and build up your immunities. although I would stay away from older canned/jarred things - botulism is scary. juggler314 Use A Leftovers Log To Safeguard Your Stomach | Lifehacker Australia
  • Importers want their products cleared quickly but fungi and other plant pathogens like bacteria and viruses don't always like to reveal themselves.
  • This biological process wasted food and, with expanding scientific knowledge of bacteria during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, began to be seen as unhealthful.
  • Bacteria then enters the wound and initiates infection.
  • Basically these are bacterial cultures much like those in yogurt, given to cattle in their feed. New methods aim to keep E. coli in beef lower all year
  • Sulfur bacteria Filamentous autotrophic chemosynthetic bacteria that derive energy by oxidizing sulfides to elemental sulfur and build up carbohydrates form carbon dioxide.
  • Royalisin, a protein in royal jelly, suppresses certain types of bacteria including staphylococcus and streptococcus.
  • Bacteria are too small for the naked eye.
  • Submerged leaves decompose quickly and can cause scummy bacteria to form.
  • Droppings carry potentially dangerous bacteria such as listeria and salmonella that can cause a range of illnesses including meningitis, pneumonia and lung damage.
  • In addition, the report presents a preliminary draft of the human amniotic fluid metabolome from women with PTL that shows biochemical intermediates of human metabolism as well as xenobiotics such as salicylamide and bacterial products can be measured in human amniotic fluid. Business Wire Travel News
  • Viable molds and bacteria were determined by incubation on two different media.
  • As a cheese ages, fats and proteins break down through proteolysis, into simplified units via bacterial or fungal actions.
  • Temporal programs reflecting the 24 h cycle of day and night are expressed by most organisms from microscopic cyanobacteria to macroscopic humans.
  • Early models assumed that all magnetotactic bacteria are microaerophiles and indigenous in sediments.
  • Legionellosis is the illness caused by exposure to the bacterial pathogen Legionella.
  • Fish wastes and unconsumed feed smother the sea floor beneath these farms, generating bacteria that consume oxygen vital to other sea life.
  • And should we ever actually find some kind of extremophile alien life there, be it bacteria or something more evolved, who knows what would happen if we don't protect ourselves adequately? Watch the trailer for Martian, a new graphic novel by Clay Rodery about madness on Mars
  • A recent study found that women with an infection called bacterial vaginosis were nine times more likely to have a miscarriage than uninfected women.
  • Mutual allelopathy between Vallisneria spiralis Linn. and Microcystis aeruginosa was investigated through co-culture and separate culture, excluding the effects of bacteria and nutrient.
  • Sulphurous acid breaks down partially into hydrogen ions and bisulphite ions, a form having little effect on micro-organisms such as bacteria and wild yeasts.
  • They grew the bacteria, took a portion of the growth, and added that to a new tube with fresh media.
  • We distinguish within this group two widely different series of forms, which we will speak of as bacilli and cocco-bacteria respectively. Scientific American Supplement, No. 303, October 22, 1881
  • It may be less well known that ethylene is also produced naturally by bacteria and fungi.
  • The BSM-2000's detection method for detecting anthrax can also be used for detecting C. difficile, which is also a spore forming bacteria," said Mr. Amir Ettehadieh, UNDT's Director of Research and Development. News
  • A bacteriostat is a substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria in inanimate environments, preventing, say, rotting or odor of textiles or deterioration of paint. HOME COMFORTS
  • Around 1940 Delbrück, Hershey and Luria became interested in bacteriophage, a type of virus that infects bacteria, rather than ordinary cells. Physiology or Medicine 1969 - Press Release
  • Under these conditions, certain species of bacteria break down the waste to form methane gas.
  • Results of infection by common bacteria such as salmonella, campylobacter and listeria can include vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, or even death.
  • Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
  • ** Alpha-hemolysin, produced by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria - latest science and technology news stories
  • It is usually caused by the bacteria staphylococcus.
  • A pathologist told the inquest Mrs Ormerod died from pneumonia caused by the legionella bacteria.
  • These resistant microbes may include bacteria that were present from the start.
  • The pump has a filter to remove all the harmful bacteria.
  • It is a fact that we are cousins of gorillas, kangaroos, starfish, and bacteria.
  • After more than 50 years of searching, scientists have discovered a key gene that enables certain bacteria to cause blindness and debilitating genital tract infections.
  • Inflammation of the pharynx is called pharyngitis, caused mainly by bacteria and viruses. Best Syndication -
  • Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all?the dishcloth.
  • The butyrates and caprylates present in ghee are also thought to promote healthy bacterial growth in the intestines, promote repair of the intestine wall, and suppress pathogen growth of some yeasts and parasites if they are present.

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