
How To Use Backwards In A Sentence

  • Lift your feet a few inches off the floor and slowly rock backwards and forwards. Healthy By Nature
  • I have found that a tool guided by a straight-edge, and "jiggered" backwards and forwards, makes by far the best lines for blind-tool work. Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
  • He wears his cap backwards and spits rhymes with fierce energy and unbridled theatrics. The Harvard Crimson :: News
  • What about the other evidence about him in the toilet pacing backwards and forwards, with expletives and asking everyone who came in for a line of drugs - speed?
  • Every single one of his intended blows was blocked and parried, even when the man tripped and fell backwards.
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  • Honsha carries are a sword with a snaky curved blade and a short dagger - like weapon with a slightly longer hilt and a blade curved backwards.
  • Enemies struck by gunfire don't just fall over backwards; they jet blood like the lawn sprinkler in Hell, then collapse into a heap.
  • It's not just the flummery - the full-bottomed wigs, men walking backwards and so on - but the way this exercise in constitutional theatre is playing to the wrong audience.
  • And, depending on the ball point, can flip over backwards.
  • Then he arose and clomb the mast to see an there were any escape from that strait; and he would have loosed the sails; but the wind redoubled upon the ship and whirled her round thrice and drave her backwards; whereupon her rudder brake and she fell off towards a high mountain. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I walked backwards towards the door.
  • Fleet went toppling over backwards, sending his armful of cannonballs clattering across the deck.
  • Herodotus rejoins that camels have four thighbones in their hind legs, and that their genitals face backwards.
  • A trail-blazing super care centre that would move three doctors' practices and a clinic to one site is a backwards step, health bosses were told.
  • I snarled and she took a step backwards, glancing at the naked blade in my hands.
  • My inertia in not pushing it backwards into a safe zone is as guilty for the shattered glass as the treacherous wind.
  • Andreas turned around and kicked out at Justin, sending him staggering backwards to regain his balance.
  • He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.
  • It's also shaped like a bra so it's easier to get on and off - I hook the eyelets while wearing it backwards and then shift the bra around to get my arms through it.
  • Backwards Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards.
  • The fool would put a saddle backwards if left alone. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • They spent their time running backwards and forwards around the vehicles and buildings carrying wounded victims to shelter. Broken Lives
  • Rather than expanding services to cater for its population explosion, the town has taken a major step backwards over the past thirty years.
  • The steam locomotive was travelling backwards from Rawtenstall to Ramsbottom, pulling three carriages carrying 20 passengers.
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs in an upwards and backwards direction, almost parallel to the cerebral central sulcus that delimits the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
  • There is a massive sub-culture there, looking backwards and it's getting more insidious all the time.
  • I'm not a bad driver considering I only started learning three days ago," she said as we careered backwards and then jumped forwards in third gear. Wales: a cross-country adventure on horseback
  • Caitlin launched herself at him - a sudden spinning kick knocking him backwards.
  • Take a big step backwards with the back leg. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can also use xenocode. com google it, i use it a lot, although there are some bugs using ie6 backwards compatability, ie entering text in the url bar Windows 7 RC Includes “Windows XP Mode” | Lifehacker Australia
  • No one can outrun someone by running backwards, so don't try… if you are facing someone and decide to run, step cornerwise back, turning and running at the same time.
  • A hand yanked him backwards as a car went screaming past him, the driver angrily blaring his horn at him.
  • He can memorise 60 digit numbers in a jiffy and recite them forwards and backwards.
  • It startled the three spellbound students when Dan took a step backwards into their small closed circle.
  • He strangled the urge to bang his head backwards.
  • Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory.
  • A male colleague got 585 for toppling backwards on a faulty chair while another was handed 14,000 after hurting his back lifting boxes. The Sun
  • Clearly a name that is easy to spell backwards or forwards is an advantage if spelling isn't your thing. The Sun
  • I was beginning to go a little cross-eyed when quite suddenly the ball was rolling backwards.
  • He just looked backwards and barged in to the goalkeeper. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like to tell myself, irrationally or no, that Grandma said I had it backwards to consol me. 2010, what I wanted
  • The anterior border of the sterno-mastoid must be pulled backwards, and the digastric and stylo-hyoid forwards and inwards. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • Today I learned that “retromingent” means urinating backwards. Ride through My Mind
  • Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.
  • The MDS-JE510 also features a Jog Dial for split-second track access, allowing users to skip forwards or backwards through tracks.
  • Fore and hind may bend either both backwards, as the figures marked A, or in the opposite way both forwards, as in B, or in converse ways and not in the same direction, as in C where the fore bend forwards and the hind bend backwards, or as in D, the opposite way to C, where the convexities are turned towards one another and the concavities outwards. On the Gait of Animals
  • He is not backwards about coming forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disturbances can occur while a fish is at rest, when swimming forwards and backwards, and during maneuvers while moving in either direction.
  • One can impose a more structured ending by moving backwards a pace or two and waiting until relatives seem to be ready to leave. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • He is to skip three times while repeating thrice the following sentence, and after repeating three times forwards and backwards: thus (_forwards_) -- 'Fear and dread shall fall upon them by the greatness of thine arm; they shall be as still as a stone'; thus (_backwards_) -- 'Still as a stone may they be; by the greatness of thine arm may fear and dread fall on them'; he then is to say to his neighbour three times, 'Peace be unto you,' and the neighbour is to respond three times, 'Unto you be peace.' Moon Lore
  • This shows that Jupiter is ‘retrograde’, which means that it is moving backwards through the zodiac.
  • Simply stand there wafting an item backwards and forwards while kicking the machine and shouting mild expletives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The force of the blow unbalances him, and he falls backwards onto the ground.
  • Irene glanced backwards and saw that there was no man there.
  • The top of the stick smashed the man's nose, sending him stumbling backwards before a swift slash caught him in the neck and threw him to the ground.
  • Next, I saw our dog spring backwards from la ruche! Enflure - French Word-A-Day
  • She is being dragged backwards, away from the excrescence that despoils her bedroom floor, onto the landing. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • The dead man fell backwards, his head cracking against the lap of a stone buddha.
  • She later became a member of the Grand Rapids Ballet Company in Michigan and says she has a double-jointed back, which allows her to bend backwards from a standing position and touch her feet.
  • His white hat was seated on his head backwards, the chain that he always wore accompanied by a hemp necklace.
  • We can't have a conversation in the hallway, I walk him in backwards.
  • In practice, the operator jumps forwards and backwards within the pattern indicated on the chart rechecking some decisions and anticipating others.
  • Oh, the disgusted look on women's faces as they step backwards through a doorway, out of the rain.
  • Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory.
  • Engage forward and reverse gears and shunt backwards and forwards, listening for unusual transmission noises.
  • When the length of the sentence was then announced, Coltman appeared visibly stunned, swaying backwards and forwards.
  • The wooden end caught Nogai in the face, and he pitched over backwards.
  • He gave a loud, startling, heart-wrenching cry and fell backwards in a dead faint.
  • All the straps fasten on the outside of the leg, with the straps pointing backwards. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • Went backwards or forwards in text looking for particular pieces of information. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory.
  • His height makes it almost impossible for a defender running backwards to outjump him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked up at the tall man with curiosity, tipping back his head to view him, nearly tipping over backwards in his effort.
  • Do they tire of the messages coming in on the ansible, telling them they are backwards, wrong, out-of-step with the real seasons? All That the Rains Bring
  • The camera's frequent slow dollies backwards, from a small detail to the wider scene, echo the plot's revelations and the inexorability of fate.
  • It was a happy choice; my good genius, I suppose, for you see I was already fairly well read in modern science, and these old Greek philosophies set me thinking backwards, unwinding and unlearning, and getting at that eidolon which is not to be found in the mechanical heavens of this age. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • Little Missouri river passes them, and that they were in every respect like our domestic Sheep, and like them the Mail had lunated horns bent backwards and twisted. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • I will never forget her exquisite bourree en arriere - the floating quality of her run backwards on her pointes - and the shock when for lack of stage depth she hit the scenery against the back wall and fell. Canada's Artistic Boom II
  • She said “they seem to have gone backwards” in some respects from a period when J.C. Watts was in congress. Matthew Yglesias » Steele Promises “Off the Hook” PR in “Urban-Suburban Hip-Hop Settings”
  • And if you wear bifocals or trifocals, keep in mind that you may have a tendency to tilt your head backwards so that you can see through the lower portion of your glasses.
  • I'd argue that steampunk is basically a form of science fiction that looks backwards rather than forwards. 10. Steampunk, ed. by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer
  • Film titles, like Andy Kaufman's record, jerking backwards and forwards awkwardly, move between fact and fantasy, real and imagined worlds.
  • Mostly chronological, the action lurches suddenly forwards or backwards as the mood takes it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The horse started making 'pig-jumps' in every direction forwards and backwards, to the right side and to the left, and sometimes round in a complete circle.
  • It is broken and caused my wheelchair to topple over backwards.
  • '' We are definitely going in backwards from the way we wanted to, '' said Romo, who was 23-of-32 for 321 yards with two touchdowns. - Football - Detroit vs. Dallas
  • And to cap it all off, when she was tied-up she couldn't run backwards, so she lay down instead!
  • We even put one of those spoof backwards recordings on the end of the single for a laugh, to give all those Beatles nuts something to do.
  • Here we have the Government taking a huge step backwards towards compulsory trade unionism.
  • Evolution had reached its peak and was going backwards.
  • The cloud formation rolls backwards as it surges forward at speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the government appears to be bending over backwards to help foreign car makers, there is still little outward encouragement for our most important industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keeping the top leg straight, flex the foot and swing the leg forwards and backwards 5 times.
  • She gently rocked the baby backwards and forwards.
  • He was wearing dark clothing and had no cycle lights, and was hit by the police car as he glanced backwards.
  • When we reached the crest and looked backwards, a glorious view was presented. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • It matches with these plans here, but the oil pump pushes the oil through the turbocharger backwards. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Only the ‘dawgs’ will run up on you rappin', walking backwards in front of you, them wigwagging and yapping like little Collie dogs.
  • In the park the pigeons flap and coo, and a couple of girls wearing pink headscarves rock idly backwards and forwards on the red swings beside the climbing frame.
  • Ives wrote in 1932, One variation was the theme in canon, put in three keys together, B-flat-E-flat-A-flat, and backwards the cancrizans of Hindemith who was at Yale? "Classical" American Music, cont'd from July 5 post
  • Many in the country, affronted by the tawdry detail, will feel football has moved backwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • When hovering, the same input will make the model start to move backwards.
  • And I thought, 'He's gonna be all blinged up, with attitude and a backwards baseball cap. Dancing With the Stars Backstage Report: Romeo's Last Dance
  • It is part of the human activity of storytelling to retell, misremember, breakup and tell backwards, peek into the crannies and tell the other stories (thank you Euripides), wonder what might have been, what could be, and tell the same stories over and over, but tell them slant. Fan the Flames
  • No one is using the scientific method or offering any kind of testable hypothesis; just look backwards, find whichever market indicator helps support the anti-Obama thesis, and let the hackery commence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health Insurance and Pharma Stocks Rise, US Treasuries Sink in Reponse to Obama Care:
  • To go backwards, you must put the car in/into reverse .
  • Sheep not fully grown, the wool fine, the Horns were abought 4 inches long, Celindric, Smooth, black, a little bending backwards and pointed; they rise from the Middle of the foeheard, and a little above the eyes, and appeared to possess all the marks of the Common Sheep as already discribed. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Renwick climbed aboard a young horse in the yard at home last week and was horribly squashed underneath his mount when it reared over backwards.
  • Two Models for Business Extensions a. Backwards from Customer Needs taking feedback from customers and evolving the offerings or adding new products in adjacent markets … i.e. Kindle Tips on Innovation & Entrepreneurship From Jeff Bezos
  • So spoke Mrs. Tynan to her daughter, who alternately swung backwards and forwards in a big rocking-chair, silently gazing into the distant sky, or sat still and "cackled" as her mother had said. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • Devon's eyes widened in surprise at my sudden movements, and stumbled backwards when he caught me.
  • Just the fact that somewhere on the sidewall is the word "rotation" followed by an arrow pointing the wrong way makes me extremely uneasy, and actually riding a wheel set up this way makes me feel like a cat being brushed backwards. Cycling Customs: Flashing the Biological Passport
  • Our lives consist of semper cedentia retro:always going forwards backwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Claude bucked under the impact, spinning backwards into the flaming wheelhouse. CORMORANT
  • He reeled backwards, losing his footing, stumbling behind one of the buildings.
  • Should he scrabble backwards towards the house?
  • Pizza, for me then, is sort of a twisted, backwards culinary interpretation of the hotelling phenomenon. without going back to econ 100A with professor olney, i’ll just say that it doesn’t really matter what pizza tastes like because i’ll just go to the place that will “minimize the average traveling costs.” Pizza is like sex - victor jr.'s in culver city
  • Pike's head quite often pulses backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
  • The rides are enticing, and riding the carousel backwards can restore your youth, but the price is your soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • He shot forward suddenly, knocking me backwards with a powerful kick to my chest.
  • We bend over backwards to be fair to all the children.
  • Yep, my last name backwards is so horrible I won't even tell you what it is. Trebor Nosnibor
  • There was a loud explosion sound and it sent the two fighters flying backwards down the hall.
  • You've put your hat on backwards.
  • Prospects for effecting real political change seemed to have taken a major step backwards.
  • Ignatious began to roll his chair backwards, towards the door.
  • The term "offline" denotes being behind the times, even backwards. Eric Margolis: Is North Korea's Bark Worse Than Its Bite?
  • She hears the grandfather clock chiming, but when she looks at it, it is running backwards.
  • I stumbled backwards a step then readopted my basketball blocking stance.
  • Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness may make him forgetful.
  • A three-digit number was presented and participants were instructed to count backwards by threes for 10 seconds.
  • Back on the original path, this album is a feast of rain stick, electronics, cymbal reverb, soft percussion and backwards dissolves.
  • Lying as shown, flex the foot and swing the top leg forwards and backwards 5 times.
  • Pike's head quite often pulses backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
  • His height makes it almost impossible for a defender running backwards to outjump him. Times, Sunday Times
  • When excited or scared, a white streak appears on the sides, extending backwards from the pectoral fins.
  • When we reached the crest and looked backwards, a glorious view was presented. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • Lean backwards and clasp your right ankle with your left hand. The Sun
  • Apparently the object began to sway backwards and forwards as if it were searching for something.
  • Many newspapers, periodicals and fiction of the day detailed the accidents and almost-accidents which befell early motorists, such as when Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, upon taking her new motorcar for a trial run, accidentally drove backwards and knocked over a passing man, and then proceeded to drive over him twice more before he got away and she got out of the car. To Drive a Motorcar | Edwardian Promenade
  • Went backwards or forwards in text looking for particular pieces of information. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Plosh!" went Mr Jones right in backwards; and "spatter" went the foul mud all over his face and shirt-front, and then the poor little man tried to scramble out, but slipped in again, making himself worse than ever; but his next effort was more successful; and when Sam saw him standing amongst the potatoes looking all piebald, his heart was joyful within him, as he hurried home to tell the boys the success of their plot. Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • Janus was supposedly the god of new beginnings and gateways and was able to look backwards and forwards simultaneously.
  • When she bends backwards and kicks her heels, she is in constant danger of dislodging the rose behind her ear.
  • The light breeze caught her hair and sent it flying backwards as she tossed her head.
  • I amused myself one day by observing the springing powers of this insect, which have not, as it appears to me, been properly described. 15 The elater, when placed on its back and preparing to spring, moved its head and thorax backwards, so that the pectoral spine was drawn out, and rested on the edge of its sheath. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The claim that the oligarchs privatized companies in order to strip their assets gets the logic backwards.
  • Other indicators show the region slipping backwards both economically and socially.
  • On that part of it where we first attempted to land there stood some very large birds, called flamingoes: these, from the reflection of the sun, appeared to us at a little distance as large as men; and, when they walked backwards and forwards, we could not conceive what they were: our captain swore they were cannibals. The Life of Olaudah Equiano Or Gustavus Vassa The African
  • That is at the lineout, which has been a vital phase of play in the past two matches and remains the only area where Scotland have arguably gone backwards in the past year.
  • He dragged her backwards and off-balance, and then kept her moving so that she couldn't recover.
  • Spirits in the Material World - The Police if you read the title backwards it says eciloP ehT - dlroW lairetaM eht ni stiripS - Articles related to Traditional plastics shelved in bio-product industry
  • The pulse was drift backwards nonlinear by the self - frequency shift effect.
  • He was so excited that he toppled backwards bottom first into the bin. Times, Sunday Times
  • In response, the girl just cowered away from him, crawling backwards on her hands and knees.
  • Mauritian sega dancing starts somewhere around the pelvis and doesn't stop until the dancers are limbo-arched backwards in a wild, shake-that-thing convulsion.
  • Note that subatomic particles sometimes have antiparticles, with opposite charge and spin, that are the same ones going backwards in time.
  • With the cod coming near the boat, walk backwards towards the cabin to allow the skipper to get right to the back of the stern of the boat and he'll net the fish.
  • Dislocation upwards and backwards into the great ischiatic notch. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • Pushing through rushed legislation for political face-saving is a massive backwards step.
  • But this is so par for the course for South Carolina and the people are so thick headed there, that all you can do is sit in aw at how backwards they are. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • Tobias jumped backwards only when the bird swooped in his direction.
  • The trajectory could then be plotted and extrapolated backwards so that its position could be located.
  • Libet didn't consider backwards referral in volition because antedating in his sensory experiments was pinned to the primary sensory EP, and no such marker existed in the spontaneous finger movement experiments. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • I stumbled back holding my head and immediately tripped backwards over a chair, which I swear was strategically placed there to make me look like a bigger klutz than I already did.
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs upwards and backwards, dividing the insular cortex into a precentral lobule with short gyri and a postcentral lobule with one or two long gyri.
  • Then he would lift his huge opponent up and throw him backwards, usually landing on top of him. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was dressed in green camouflage and waving a banner that Ford couldn't read, since it was backwards.
  • Valshar's hands went out at the shoulders and caught himself as he fell and started to turn his fall into a backwards roll.
  • A kayak - pointed at both ends - could be a palindrome of a vessel, in both shape and word, except that you can't paddle it backwards as happily as you can spell it so.
  • The only obvious religious imagery in the film is the Christ-like pose of a man falling backwards with his arms outstretched, which is thanks to physiology as much as to religious symbolism. Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives’ Bizarre Readings of Gran Torino
  • It was a long backwards haul but the centre made the trek despite the comfort of the scoreline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man fell over backwards flopping to the deck in unconsciousness.
  • First surprise - she curled her fingers around the strings and began to fingerpick, thumb bent backwards and fingers double-jointedly bent on the fret board in the style of the self-taught.
  • That Sarah Palin is so tough I heard one time she dawned a gilly suit and snuck through the brush with in inches of a bull moose, reached up and twisted his nuts off with out him even knowing it, retreated to her snow machine and drove 50 miles backwards home just in time to fix dinner. Think Progress » Palin: Obama could win reelection if he ‘played the war card’ and declared ‘war on Iran.’
  • As Perry inched backwards a huge voice, it’s tone incongruously warm and reasonable, boomed from the face. 365 tomorrows » The Library : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • During evacuation, the anorectal junction moves down and backwards and the pelvic floor usually descends slightly.
  • Edgar struck him a buffet on the face which sent him reeling backwards.
  • In Hud Martin Ritt had fine actors, an excellent cinematographer, and a superb location, and he still managed to cripple the film dramatically by chaining himself hand and foot to the assbackwards structure of my novel. Film flam
  • The shunt left the car with damaged suspension, bodywork and even broke the crankcase in the backwards impact.
  • When the lower space needs to be increased, the internal frame is lifted upwards and then moved backwards, and a check bar arranged on the supporting frame plays the action of stopping the retreat.
  • One shot bellowed out, and his gun recoiled, jumping backwards from the force of the bullet ripping from its nozzle.
  • ASpiritedLife. com: The Eva Mendes Spirit Interview: Kicking Ass And Revealing Some Too TeenDirectory. net: Erotic sleuthing laced with backwards babes, and Paulson on female doormat duty while Scarlett's shrewdie hangs with a murderous gang of homicidal fattie clones, like an underworld Madonna bossing an obedient crew of paunchy boy toys. Undefined
  • The word backwards is also mirror-imaged, which typepad wouldn't let me do, but it all adds to the allure of the book, as does the lime gree ribbon bookmark, and offers plenty to talk about with children. Pippi Longstocking
  • He took half a step backwards to stabilise himself, before feinting to the left and bringing his sword around to the right.
  • You walk in to the deafening metronome uncha-uncha-uncha robotic caterwaul, the music almost binary in nature 101101-ing to a crowd of Latino gangbangers, septuagenarians, slumming rich kids and washed-up high school jocks with backwards hats who were just looking for something to date rape. Someplace Else
  • The moment he's sitting in his smalls centre stage, rocking backwards and forwards, moaning to himself, a suggestion is made that perhaps it's time to get out of Dodge.
  • He went reeling backwards, stumbling back into his room.
  • Soon an elderly man with his tie tied backwards joins them, followed by a brunette in a pencil skirt whose hemline is two inches from committing a crime. Inside the Vanity Fair Oscar party
  • All the straps fasten on the outside of the leg, with the straps pointing backwards. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • But if you look backwards in the world of higher education and learning in general, these disciplinary separations are relatively recent. Smithsonian Mag
  • The second assumption is that the stream can not move backwards on itself, that is, reverse its direction or join itself.
  • You can align text vertically or horizontally, can center, left - or right-justify multi-line labels, and even print "mirrored" labels where the letters are reversed/backwards. MAKE Magazine
  • We go rafting, which is fun and exciting, although the experience is slightly marred by our obnoxious German guide, who kept pulling bullshit like getting us to paddle our raft in a circle, or steering us backwards under waterfalls. Vignettes from Reid’s Visit
  • We discovered in the massacre at Macclesfield that all teams can look poor going backwards, and Longton were certainly no exception.
  • In fact, Ronaldo was pushed backwards and trod on my foot.
  • So for those who still dream, it'll have to be back to clumping around a garage with your cousin's motorbike helmet on backwards.
  • Then blindfold them and invite them to take four steps backwards followed by four forward before trying to blow out the candle.
  • As much as they were dominated by Niemann, though, maybe some hope seems to be on the horizon for this Jays team as things have pretty much gone assbackwards for the boys in blue and while all season. Ottawa Sun
  • She was just exiting the bathroom as she tossed her hair backwards.

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