
How To Use Backtrack In A Sentence

  • Consumers get incredibly upset when dieticians and researchers backtrack on previous findings, proclaiming that products once deemed healthy are now in question.
  • Manhattan's condominium sales cooled over the summer, backtracking in July from a June surge that was boosted by a tax credit for home buyers. Manhattan Condo Sales Slowed in July
  • To get around logjams, around dams and around shallow places, they unload their gear and carry the boat to the next put-in; then they backtrack to get the gear.
  • Aberdeen council was recently forced to backtrack on its single status plans after council workers threatened industrial action.
  • Underscoring why he won't debate on Hardwick's show, Davis is trying to backtrack, which is hard when you clearly harbor animus towards the subject matter: Buffalo Pundit
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  • She backtracked as fluently as she had come forward, declaring that she could not remember any examples, and then proceeding to brush off the whole thing.
  • He backtracked last week to the point of erasing the most controversial of his manifesto pledges on healthcare from his campaign web site. Times, Sunday Times
  • He kind of backtracked and said I don't mean to draw a straight line between Hillary Clinton's vote for the war in Iraq and what happened in Pakistan today, but he did make the same argument that Obama has been making about diverting resources away from getting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan because of the war in Iraq and he did not back off of that. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
  • Indeed, he often backtracked from long-held positions - a tactic referred to as a ‘confirmation conversion’ in Washington.
  • We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.
  • I backtracked a mile to a treed flat along the river that looked like a good campsite.
  • Even the government, with its tonal backtrack on race-based policies, has acknowledged that.
  • Hikers in the national forest who stumble into a clearing full of cannabis need to backtrack out very carefully; pot farms are often sown with mines.
  • But he also says there must be no room for the PM to backtrack. The Sun
  • Unlike corporate networks, which can limit access, and can backtrack users, we have to continuously monitor for attacks and, more importantly, successful intrusions.
  • Backtrack now to the point at which the impressively recalcitrant Bilbo is being soundly berated by Gandalf.
  • And then all of a sudden, the computers kind of backtracked and said no, there was only one earthquake. CNN Transcript Aug 15, 2007
  • We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.
  • My own experience as an ‘intellectual’ thus far has been halting, backtracking, often unfinished, particularly unremunerative, and certainly not respectable.
  • Let's backtrack a little bit because people will wonder why we didn't address this.
  • She appears to have backtracked from that position.
  • Not being able to see a foot in front of her face she backtracked a few steps and began searching the wall for a light switch.
  • These tickets are loaded with restrictions: with most, you'll need to travel either east-to-west or vice versa without backtracking and complete your trip within a year.
  • I backtrack a couple dozen feet on the street until I'm standing next to a lady who's trying to dig her car out of a snowbank, and we're both eyeing this thing warily as it continues to clatter and belch fire and smoke.
  • Can we say she is ideologically backward or that she has backtracked to the status of household slave?
  • There is increased pressure on Congress to backtrack on some of the welfare cuts imposed last year.
  • You will accompany me as we backtrack through art's history, before circuiting the globe in pursuit of art's diverse manifestations.
  • The President is backtracking on his promise to increase healthcare spending.
  • Since returning from his Easter break in Florida he has bungled and backtracked even in his fief, the Senate.
  • Then it backtracked on part of that deal, fueling American suspicions that it was not simply developing fuel for nuclear reactors.
  • He then tried to backtrack by saying he knew how much it cost to fill up a car, but not how much a litre costs. The Sun
  • They'd been able to backtrack the entire affair, all the way back to a really good picture of Kayla swiping the vials of aphrodisiac.
  • The President is backtracking on his promise to increase healthcare spending.
  • This makes it very easy to backtrack your session.
  • It will eventually allow them them to backtrack to get stuff like "celeb" off Obama by pointing out that McCain has been a starfucker for years. Obama Campaign: McCain "Would Rather Lose His Integrity Than Lose An Election"
  • The next day, to save the cyclists backtracking 22 km and then facing 80 km across featureless bogland to our destination, Achill Island, Josephine arranged for her fishing boat to ferry us to the island.
  • Can we just backtrack a little bit and look at your primary and secondary education?
  • He backtracked last week to the point of erasing the most controversial of his manifesto pledges on healthcare from his campaign web site. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to backtrack just a titch, the biggest breakthrough came when Hoboken zipper factories amped up the erotic associations of the zipper, capitalizing on the alluring promise of "a quick and effortless disrobing. Tove Hermanson: The Secret Sexy Life of Zippers
  • Yes | No | Report from faze631 wrote 2 weeks 6 days ago if you bring one thing bring a back track. finding your way back to camp after venturing out into the woods racing the sunset is not fun. they sell the bushnell backtrack almost everywhere cabelas, bass pro, sports authority dicks modells probably even kmart Whats your favoret high-teck survival gear? What site or store can you get it at? Thanks.
  • So your saying that, according to TPM, Emanuel has "backtracked" from something he didn't say? Emanuel Backtracks From 'Trigger' Comments; Dem Says CoS Made "Hell Of A Mistake"
  • By using backtrace and backtrack of FAN algorithm, the efficiency of test generation algorithm has be improved.
  • That is a really major backtrack on the Act, and it flies in the face of the many submissions we received from workers and unions, supporting the intentions of the holidays legislation.
  • I wonder if Labour will backtrack on its tax policy and increase the brackets for income tax thresholds after learning of this poll - when your own base support is demanding change then you know you are in trouble.
  • But he also says there must be no room for the PM to backtrack. The Sun
  • The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.
  • He's already been forced to backtrack on the assertion that he made that three Republican lawyers supported the pardon.
  • Can we just backtrack a little bit and look at your primary and secondary education?
  • It is being thoroughly abused to track -- pardon, "backtrack" -- the phone records of everyday mainstream reporters. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush's Lips are Moving So We Know He's Lying - Patriot Act Used to Tap Reporters
  • We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.
  • And some may even be trying to backtrack from the political fallout that the desafuero has caused. Archive 2005-04-01
  • At the same time, thousands of conservative politicians will face a dreadful choice: backtrack from the anti-abortion ground they have staked out and risk infuriating their pro-life base; or deliver on their promise to eliminate the right to abortion, and risk the wrath of a moderate, pro-choice majority. Letting Go of Roe
  • They backtracked hastily and asked simply to be able to publish a prompt response.
  • Now I'm headed east on Highway 3, backtracking from I - 35 to Hampton.
  • It is understood that pressure is being put on education bosses to backtrack.
  • Second, the concessionary review clause slipped in by the Treasury will allow the government to backtrack on the budget in 2014, depending on progress elsewhere in the EU, reducing long-term certainty on emissions cuts and potentially harming the investor confidence in green technologies which the Climate Change Act is designed to build. Letters: Two cheers for the coalition's climate change budget
  • Based on their observations, Henry and his colleagues were able to backtrack the Abell 754 collision to its two constituent galaxy clusters, with one smaller than the other.
  • The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.
  • I stepped through the door - only to backtrack when what he said finally computed.
  • The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.
  • The pattern was repeated on and off: occasionally coming into a clearing, getting directions, backtracking, lost again, more directions.
  • However, in response to the public outcry at the proposals, the council has now backtracked claiming talk of closure was a rumour.
  • A district council has been forced to backtrack on its proposed council tax rise after being warned that it risked being capped.
  • The police backtracked a tall dark man.
  • Imagine not being permitted to backtrack on an inadvertent slip.
  • As for the surroundings, consider buying a driving guide (Cook's has a good one) for the area -- these guides link up several areas of interest, in manageable pieces, in a drive order that minimizes backtracking. Que Faire a Aix-en-Provence? / What to do in Aix-en-Provence? - French Word-A-Day
  • We backtracked the attackers to the northern edge of the woods.
  • Mention should be made here that the revisionist CPI leadership within years backtracked and from 1955 officially declared that what it called fake independence before was actually real independence. A Maoist critique of the CPI(Marxist)
  • She waited a few minutes, and then backtracked his footsteps.
  • Only four years before, St. Augustine's City of God had laid the theological groundwork for the church to step into the void left by the collapsing Roman Empire Ever since, Western civilization and the Christian enterprise have been joined together for better or worse; the church has moved and countermoved, advanced backtracked, tottered and triumphed before the contingencies of history. Top Stories
  • The HRW message is a legalistic apology that straightforwardly backtracks on what was probably a proforma attempt at even-handness — and explictly adopts the Counterpunch/Norman Finkelstein view that Barud was merely a guy exhorting others to Gandhian nonviolence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Human Rights Watch Officials Just Thin-Skinned? (No!):
  • The President is backtracking on his promise to increase healthcare spending.
  • She then kind of backtracked on her initial contract with the Morenos, where she was going to be paid $15,000 to be a surrogate and carry one baby for them. CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2005
  • At this point the leading ants panic and backtrack to the safety of the swarm.
  • The President is backtracking on his promise to increase healthcare spending.
  • I backtracked and cranked up the volume, but that didn't help.
  • It is being thoroughly abused to track -- pardon, 'backtrack' -- the phone records of everyday mainstream reporters. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush's Lips are Moving So We Know He's Lying - Patriot Act Used to Tap Reporters
  • And so the president kind of backtracked earlier this week. CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2007
  • Guttenberg's pronouncement was both a backtrack on his own remarks a month ago, when he called the airstrike "militarily appropriate," and a rebuke to the colonel who summoned US fighter-bombers to blow up two fuel tanker trucks stolen by the Taliban. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Backtracking from the grand speech before his defeat at Zanzibar Land, we already see the sympathetic Big Boss and his savior status with Gray Fox's tragic childhood, Dr.
  • I backtrack the deer, because I want to observe its pattern of natural movement.
  • We begin with a violent and botched jewellery heist in downtown Tehran; then the action backtracks to show the robbers' lives, and how they got into this mess.
  • I backtrack off the Spirit Lake Highway and drive around the mountain to the south side, where a lone sheriff's deputy patrols the unpopulated roads.
  • At times this requires backtracking in order to regain the thread of meaning/imagery, stammering the poem's impact.
  • Let me backtrack a bit because you made reference to it twice.
  • In a nutshell, we took the information that he did give, that was legitimate, and just backtracked it to the hotel room he was in, and then simply did a photo identification.
  • I took a furtive look around, digested the unfamiliar surroundings, and backtracked.
  • Even he is not willing to fully backtrack on that.
  • A counterbattery radar system can backtrack the path of enemy projectiles to the launch site and automatically provide location information, telling friendly forces where to fire.
  • Would we decide to backtrack on the plans we'd made? Times, Sunday Times
  • The ‘little old lady’ would no longer be backtracked because an overweight, under-exercised middle-aged man has developed heart problems through his own stupidity.
  • But by inauguration week, the group was backtracking from that claim.
  • After having car trouble the teens backtrack to the church to satisfy their morbid curiosity.
  • Unfortunately though, their first major agreement virtually formalized a procedure for allowing members to backtrack on their trade liberalization commitments.
  • Kuhn soon backtracked from the multidimensional conception of incommensurability in Structure, which (in some key passages, although perhaps not others) equated commensurability with translatability and, in turn, with communicability. Scientific Revolutions
  • I came across an almost impossible situation: I met an unfordable stream when backtracking would have meant at least a two hour detour.
  • (He didn't want to backtrack any more, he longed to consolidate. BEHINDLINGS
  • The actual point of this post is to backtrack on something I've brought up in conversation many times to annoy my conservative friends.
  • He backtracked to their position, but by then the men in black were upon them.
  • To have backtracked on a finding to which he was signed up would have been crass and would have exposed him to accusations of inconstancy.
  • When we graduate from high school most of us don't know where we are going to end up-we make U-turns, take forward steps, backtrack, travel and reinvent ourselves several times along the way.
  • Party insiders were furious he had backtracked on plans to abstain. The Sun
  • I notice that it is starting to backtrack on the issue of nuclear ships in New Zealand waters.
  • Let's backtrack a bit and review the events as they occurred.
  • Crawford's departure -- which she describes as a planned return to her teaching job -- serves as Downes 'main evidence supporting his claim that the Obama administration "is clearly backtracking" on Net Neutrality. Timothy Karr: 'AT&T Consultant' Conjures Evidence that Obama is Soft on Net Neutrality
  • Because there were no other lynx tracks in the area, I was able to backtrack the lynx to the site where the deer was first attacked.
  • He chips the ball over Given and it bounces clear of both a backtracking Finnan and the empty net.
  • In this case, we were sitting there for over fifteen minutes until one-by-one, cars began swinging into U-turns to backtrack to an alternate route.
  • There was only one way to fly out of Port Moresby in a forwardly direction, avoiding a long backtrack to Sydney, and that was to fly to Manila. One From The Hart
  • Now under pressure from congress, Luskin has completely backtracked, telling roll call, quote, 'Whether, when and about what a former White House official will testify is not for me or my client to decide but is part of an ongoing negotiation between the White House and congress over executive privilege issues.' I Believe The Term Is, “Sweat Like A Pig”?
  • The woman turned around as quickly as if someone had forcibly spun her around by a shoulder, and in two running steps had backtracked to him.
  • What the NY Daily News fails to mention is that Palin backtracked her criticism of Rush Limbaugh’s use of the word retard. ProWomanProLife » Well, that’s tasteless
  • You suggest I "want it both ways", an accusation that is generally taken to mean someone is advancing two contradictory propositions (and hence that the argument has logical flaws), and then on no basis whatever that I've "backtracked" implying that I'm losing the argument. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The finance minister backtracked on his decision.
  • I kept backtracking in the conversation, thinking I had offended her, only to be met with gales of laughter.
  • (He didn't want to backtrack any more, he longed to consolidate. BEHINDLINGS
  • The magnitude of the problem is greater now, because of the focus on the democracy, and the U.S. simply cannot backtrack on that.
  • We had to backtrack to the corner and cross the street.
  • The justices refused to backtrack from a 5-4 decision that struck down a state sentencing system because it gave judges too much leeway in sentencing.
  • Summer backtracked about two steps and then held open the door for her, revealing what looked to be a large public lounge and restroom, complete with about five stalls and a leather sofa, in a private home.
  • The company is backtracking from its more expensive plans.
  • POLITICAL ANALYST: He did, and I think she kind of backtracked a little bit today. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2009
  • Overgrown grass verges will be cut back after councils backtracked over the service.
  • ` ` My timing wasn't great, but I tried not to put myself into positions where I had to overexert myself or would have to backtrack or backcheck, '' Sullivan said.
  • If you get yourself "bushed" (lost) on one of these legs, you also need to be able to navigate on a "back bearing" using the compass to backtrack your way out.
  • No one can make up their minds what to do, and then when they finally do, they end up backtracking, retracing their steps, and returning to the scene of the previous puzzlement to more or less complete the vacuous cycle.
  • Since we have several lab areas where we work, it's not unheard of to have to backtrack to recover a temporarily misplaced disk.
  • Would we decide to backtrack on the plans we'd made? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Daily Telegraph is, today, having to backtrack madly today in its leader, making out that the IGC is a new development, covering the tracks for Daniel Hannan, who confidently predicted that Blair was going to sign the treaty on 22 June. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.
  • We had to backtrack a bit to talk about gametogenesis and fertilization, but I didn't mind. Late night variety pak
  • Now they've backtracked and said they may call them to a disciplinary hearing.
  • Rush Limbaugh criticized Shepard Smith and Fox News for their backtracking on the Shirley Sherrod story, saying they had "caved" by admitting that the tape ... Rush Limbaugh: Fox News 'Caved' On Shirley Sherrod Story
  • He then took out his camera and backtracked the animal's course, finding two other beds that the ram had used.
  • These and other policies have been damaged by backtracking, U-turns, watering down and general shilly-shallying.
  • Every effort must be made to force the government to backtrack on the cuts which will result in an estimated 58 million being saved by reductions in rent allowance and welfare payments, he said.
  • Web pages have gotten us used to wandering through content via links, backtracking, re-reading and re-finding with reasonable ease.
  • I just don't know if I should veer off this path for a while, maybe backtrack a bit and see if I can't find out what I've forgotten to do.
  • What the heck are the Goobermen made of? backtrack a little in the archives, you'll see that the title placeholder for the Clayin Saga has finally been filled. The Web Comic List - Latest Webcomics
  • To backtrack a bit, both DJ and his teacher swore up and down to me for most of this school year that DJ and S. had become friends and had put the past behind them.
  • Rush Limbaugh criticized Shepard Smith and Fox News for their backtracking on the Shirley Sherrod story, saying they had "caved" by admitting that the tape of Sherrod had been taken out of context. Rush Limbaugh: Fox News 'Caved' On Shirley Sherrod Story
  • He then tried to backtrack by saying he knew how much it cost to fill up a car, but not how much a litre costs. The Sun
  • It may also lead to a situation in which it is not always possible to backtrack from a citation to a source, because somewhere along the way somebody decided a certain, necessary piece of information was unnecessary. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for Abolishing the Bluebook
  • Nothing would be nicer than to hear a filmmaker backtrack and recall how studio tinkering hampered his vision, or how test audience ambivalence mutated his masterwork.
  • Party insiders were furious he had backtracked on plans to abstain. The Sun
  • People power has triumphed and forced Lancaster City Council to backtrack on three sets of plans.
  • Worse still, the government has often backtracked on its reform commitments or reversed measures deemed to be politically or socially unfeasible.
  • Unfortunately, we encountered some electrical gremlins in Pomona, and, as a result, we have had to backtrack to square one to establish a solid baseline.
  • But the Oracle of Lanka, Murali, now backtracketh and sayeth there beath no conspiracy, and the NYT Ed hath brandisheth this about as gospel truth. The Lede
  • When the 507th, believing their previous route to be clear, backtracked through the town, the guerrillas attacked, achieving surprise.
  • They have obfuscated, delayed, lied, backtracked, pettifogged, and cancelled all sorts of commitments under the informal and formal rubrics of the Oslo process.
  • Because second-trimester abortions span multiple days during which the cervix is first softened by inserting bundles of dried seaweed called laminaria, a woman who has second thoughts can, in theory, backtrack. Top Stories
  • So, there I was this morning, backtracking visitors, and someone got here from a search on his name.
  • They backtracked far into the cave, away into one of the tunnels that branched off from the main one, and finally into a small cavern.
  • Maturo backtracked on Wednesday, issuing a public statement apologizing to the town of East Haven and to the Latino community for what he called an "insensitive and off-color comment. Top headlines

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