How To Use Backstair In A Sentence
The real reason is that she is ashamed of New Labour's backstairs manoeuvres to starve the nursery nurses back to work.
Had this questionnaire been produced two years ago, before Museum Services were accused (no doubt unjustly) of backstairs negotiations, the questions would have been highly appropriate.
The camp has felt able to display a high degree of serenity in recent days, affecting a distance from the apparent skullduggery and backstairs dealings, in the sincere belief that things are moving the Chancellor's way.
He slipped into the alley and up the backstairs.
However, Article 51 seals the churches' special status and lends them yet more opportunity for backstairs dealing, without being subject to the same democratic checks and balances as the rest of civil society.

He said: ‘I sense that there may be the stench of a backstairs stitch-up.’
‘And he wonder's why I worry,’ she mumbled a she rushed down the backstairs hoping to surprise the fighting party.
his low backstairs cunning
Up the backstairs in bare feet so that no one would hear and interrupt them.
backstairs intimacies
The book uses the fourth Doha meeting to trace how the so called Quad - the US, EU, Canada and Japan - use backstairs intrigue and ‘green room meetings’ to get their way.
Parlementeer, accused him not only of poltroonery and tyranny, but even of concussion (official plunder of money); which accusations it was easier to get 'quashed' by backstairs Influences than to get answered: neither could the thoughts, or even the tongues, of men be tied.
The French Revolution
Will this happen or will the IMF job be subject to the usual mix of carve up, power politics and backstairs intrigue?
Gordon Brown and the IMF deserve better than this shabby treatment
The surprise leaks and backstairs briefings are familiar after six years in government, as is the whiff of intrigue and rivalry between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor.
The road to eminence lay by the "backstairs," the atmosphere of which he could not endure.
The Ship of Fools, Volume 1
Soundlessly she made her way up the backstairs to the family apartment.
In it, Bearden alternates between the commotion of Harlem -- street cars and barbershops, friends congregating on the corner -- and our quietest possible moments on earth -- through one of the building's windows, a couple makes love; through another, a man sits by himself on the backstairs.
Bobby Elliott: New York's Centennial Celebration of Romare Bearden (1911 - 1988)
The handrail was highly polished and unlike the dark and narrow backstairs there was no squeaky stair, no stair you had to avoid for fear your foot would fall through.
Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her up the backstairs to his room.
Insurers are increasingly refusing to pay cash to claimants because they can cut costs by replacing goods through backstairs deals with store groups.
There has been some backstairs grumbling by elected officials who signed on with him during the dot-com-boom phase of his candidacy, but his union support is holding firm.
Now, this will all be cleared up soon, but Mrs. Chiffinch misses you and wonders if we could sneak you in for a quiet supper in the backstairs with us.
Exit the Actress
The voices emanate from the kitchen, at first, but soon she hears the sound of feet running up the backstairs - closely followed by set of heavier footsteps.
He reveals details of boardroom machinations and backstairs skirmishes which only a fly on the wall could have witnessed.
She weaved through a couple occupied tables before clambering up the backstairs to the apartment up above.
He got the white heat of corruption thanks to a Yorkshire architect who was later convicted for his part in a scandal of backstairs planning and bribes.
And say, ‘Let's get a hustle on back down backstairs, this wind is about to blow us both overboard!’
Places (we often called them that instead of farms) that I knew about all had either stairs or backstairs to the servants quarters, so I was quite surprised to see that at Beamish ladders had been the order of the day.
The metope between wine ark and backstairs hangs on two transition that achieve watercolour cartoon formerly, whole dining room became immediately active.
Was there a motive at work under this strange reluctance of his which had a sort of backstairs influence, not admitted to himself?
We crept up the backstairs in our nightclothes, trailed by the sleepy dogs.
Exit the Actress
He ran down the backstairs to the pool and into the diner so that none of them will know he had done it.
The real strength of his play lies in its backstairs portrait of the horrors of English hotel life.
Just prior to the formal tour I led an unofficial tour of random colleagues from assorted units on a wild goose chase round the backstairs.
The images of abuse of royal power and of backstairs corruption are the main issues that he must counter.
I suddenly heard scuffling about down the hall, so I proceeded carefully down to the small chapel down the hall, near the backstairs that led down to the kitchen.
Mallory quietly went up the backstairs and stopped in the library facing four huge walls full of all sorts of books.
The walls of the backstairs and restrooms are also covered in kits.
Charleston's Three Lions Pub: a soccer highlight in America's lowcountry
Eager hints would become rhapsodic proclamations; backstairs whispers would be babbled aloud in the corridors of the complex.
We crept up the backstairs in our nightclothes, trailed by the sleepy dogs.
Exit the Actress
He sipped the coffee while she went up the backstairs.
Soundlessly she made her way up the backstairs to the family apartment.
He, on the other hand, loves the intrigue, the subtle manipulation, the backstairs chicanery, and there's no one better to convey it.
No praise is high enough for him… over recent weeks he has been victim of critical backstairs briefing from senior colleagues against his decision to highlight immigration as an election issue and other alleged mistakes.
The metope between wine ark and backstairs hangs on two transition that achieve watercolour cartoon formerly, whole dining room became immediately active.
Think bewildering numbers of parties, unexpected coalitions and backstairs scheming - but in the end it's the monopoly man that wins out.
She used the backstairs so she wouldn't see Jared yet.
Regardless, I sat outside on the backstairs watching the jackdaws gathering above and the sheep on the mountain opposite.
backstairs gossip
It is truly incredible that the favoured solution for politicians of all persuasions in the current scandal about undeclared backstairs loans is that we, the taxpayers, should be the solution.