How To Use Backstage In A Sentence

  • Not sure backstage before a sell-out show is the time to jot down ideas though. The Sun
  • Suggestion: write it down next time and do a run through while waiting “backstage.” — airish I Do Solemnly Swear…(Line, Please?) - The Caucus Blog -
  • The Amazonian is back in another dress; either that or they have a whole tribe of them backstage.
  • Who was the starriest celeb backstage? The Sun
  • We went backstage after the show to meet the actors.
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  • A special welcome awaits those with an interest in drama either on stage or backstage.
  • That was the only backstage pass I needed. The Sun
  • Backstage proper I had expected something approaching theatrical Bedlam. Times, Sunday Times
  • See our exclusive backstage footage online. The Sun
  • I still remember the smell of foundation cream and face powder, of cosmetics and finely toned skin that hit me backstage at my first show. Times, Sunday Times
  • I bet the staff backstage think they've got the best job in the world. The Sun
  • ‘Apart from a little contretemps with the lighting backstage and a couple of cases of hay fever, there were no major problems,’ Nicholas relates.
  • Backstage, he would be like a prizefighter waiting to get out there. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's so great to hear a speech that kind of galvanizes the psyche of a country," Rush said backstage at the SAG Awards, alongside Firth and supporting-actress nominee - News
  • For my part, I left the scene as intended, only to find myself not backstage but in another theatre and invited to keep performing.
  • Elsewhere, we go behind the scenes at Strictly for an exclusive peek into what the stars get up to backstage on o the day of the show. The Sun
  • Elsewhere, we go behind the scenes at Strictly for an exclusive peek into what the stars get up to backstage on o the day of the show. The Sun
  • It's like she's waiting for someone to run in from backstage and throw a cape over her shoulders.
  • Clever staging meant that we were backstage - the curtain and footlights downstage - watching the dancers warm up and interact before a show.
  • On Friday at New York's St. Regis Hotel, just two hours before showing the first collection he designed since his breakthrough, Mr. Wu worked backstage pinning and stitching a finely draped cocktail dress of black silk tulle with embroidered red hash marks — a modern sort of pointelle — onto a model. Life After the First Lady
  • In the backstage area, just about everyone except the competitors has crowded around clipboards full of paper.
  • Watch video of the awards on my website to see a backstage tour from James. The Sun
  • The celebrity guests can get some serious pampering in The the backstage spa area. The Sun
  • Or did some Bryant Park squirrels get in there for a rassle backstage? Una LaMarche: Project Runway Finale Recap Part Two
  • Sitting quietly backstage before the contest, she admitted that after a long career as an amateur, she was ready to put aside her bodybuilding efforts and give powerlifting a try.
  • I was quite artistic and I studied an arts foundation course at Bradford College and later worked at the Alhambra Theatre backstage, in the box office and on the stage door.
  • The energy was fantastic and even the people backstage were having a blast.
  • While we enjoy the insights and backstage stories that those around the supergroup can provide, it would have been nice to have more input from the members themselves.
  • But Michaele wanted to talk about how Whoopi had been "berating" her backstage on "The View. Michaele Salahi and Whoopi Goldberg tell their sides of the story
  • During my class play, my friends and I were dancing like goofs backstage.
  • It's 30 minutes before show time and it's dark and surprisingly quiet backstage at the Gateway Theatre.
  • I snuck off to freshen up and down a much needed espresso before getting glammed up in the tiny backstage room.
  • After finishing 13th, he left the backstage area favoring his right leg and said, ‘Well, at least I made it.’
  • On the eve of curtain-up, Cooper and Strallen joined their director Jonathan Church backstage to talk about following in the footsteps of Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, and the challenges of bringing a celluloid classic to toe-tapping, puddle-splashing life. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Backstage, the children sit in front of naked light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, wiping away the make-up they carefully applied before the performance.
  • On this season, another contestant had an enormous fight backstage with Simon Cowell where she called him a 'perv' to his face, Rushfield says. New Idol Book: Inside Simon's Lair, Season 1's Love Triangle, This Year's "Three Paulas"
  • But as he embraces adolescence, he has shunned the spotlight and has done jobs backstage instead. The Sun
  • But last September she applied to be a backstage helper in a panto and said she wanted to be Miss Garland's dresser.
  • She herself has worked backstage for a marionette theater in Minneapolis, and she taught calligraphy for years.
  • In fact, they'll no doubt be sharing an eyeliner pencil backstage. The Sun
  • He planted the two harps in front of the orchestra, on either side of his rostrum, and banished bells and drums to the unseen backstage.
  • The staging for Radames's return - with massed wind and brass, plus ballet - was terrific, despite some backstage noise for Aida's preceding recitative.
  • We got a great show for you tonight, a galaxy of stars, all backstage.
  • Then, while all of the security guards are busy restraining the ruffians, walk straight backstage and wait for an opportunity to talk to whomever you want.
  • After finishing 13th, he left the backstage area favoring his right leg and said, ‘Well, at least I made it.’
  • As this show starts, we hear classical-sounding vocalizing coming from backstage, which let's us know we are not in Rodgers & Hart territory right off the bat. Michael Giltz: Theater: NYMF #2 -- Friends, Hipsters & Pigeons
  • Currently, the auditorium, offices and backstage areas are smoke-free zones, but smoking is allowed in the bar and some areas of the foyer.
  • Three hours before game time, a throng of reporters packed the space as if it were backstage at a Springsteen concert.
  • Yesterday's thoughts on American gun culture reminded me of something that happened when this middle England muser was a backstage myrmidon at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
  • We went backstage after the show to meet the actors.
  • Once I even got to hang around backstage, but felt rather squeamish about being the hundredth idiot to say, "Gee, I like your music".
  • As the show progressed, with no security staff whatsoever, the wings of the stage started getting jammed with hangers-on from backstage and other kids from the audience who'd finally had the nerve to climb up out of the crowd. Binky Philips: Pete Townshend Meets My Mom and Dad at the Fillmore East
  • And as nerves fray and tempers rise you can be assured of a catty remark or backstage rumpus.
  • See my website for the full interview and backstage tour footage. The Sun
  • Goffman is claiming here that interiority is a provisional back-of-backstage identity wholly concerned with preparations for, or broody post-mortems of, front-stage performances of the socialized, theatrical self.
  • Danny looks the least attractive of the bunch of boys, sitting backstage in powder and hairgrips.
  • The organizers say it's a fair contest but who knows what goes on backstage?
  • Before the show we sneaked a look backstage to get the low-down on the make-up artists.
  • The most surreal presence was a black-and-white monitor of the conductor, there for the benefit of the backstage conductress to direct a chimer who had to ape the sounds of church bells.
  • She recouped and made it out in time to run backstage for a rubdown and outfit change. Who Won America's Next Top Model: All-Stars?
  • We charge just £1.00 per person for this fascinating look backstage.
  • The show was about to begin and backstage there were signs of feverish activity .
  • She arranged for the machine to be placed backstage throughout their American gigs. The Sun
  • They weren't meant to look too closely at the subtext, duck into the alleyway or the authentic cookhouse on route, or some red light backstage dressing room where she sat half-undressed in front of a mirror, all shallow breath and heaving breasts, rouge, heart on sleeve. Unwritten
  • To Robert Plant he was this absolutely elite gentleman, the master of serenity, as much at home with the backstage cavorting of Led Zeppelin as he was with the politesse of high society. . . The Man Behind the Music
  • It's 30 minutes before show time and it's dark and surprisingly quiet backstage at the Gateway Theatre.
  • I didn't have the date but I had the kiss funny enough because she was so excited after finishing the semi finals the other day she ran backstage, jumped into my arms and planted a full smacker on my lips so I may have broken her duck (ph) there which I must say is quite an honor. CNN Transcript May 29, 2009
  • He played his bass like he had five spares waiting backstage.
  • costumes were changed backstage
  • He put me halfway down once we'd gotten backstage in the small dressing room the guys had been given.
  • Our three winners and their guests will also get the chance to meet the cast and have a backstage tour. The Sun
  • We'd hit the big time, changing in a real dressing room, not some backstage janitor's closet.
  • They pour into the backstage car park like expensive treacle and come to a halt at the crack of a whip.
  • As we are led backstage, we see dressing rooms that might be private cabins.
  • Anyone with an interest in the world of drama, whether on stage or backstage, is encouraged to come along to the meeting and get involved in the activities of the group.
  • The contestants, from 11 Asian countries, Germany and France, primped backstage as they answered questions about themselves.
  • The school was given use of the theatre rent-free for the day, but they had to pay for the wages of members of staff backstage crew, usherettes and bar staff as well as for a new licence to perform the score of the show.
  • I wander backstage after the set and bump into Clint.
  • A Cantonese Opera performer sits backstage a theater in Hong Kong.
  • Backstage the four stars have trailers next to each other in a guarded compound. The Sun
  • By now it's less than an hour until show time and there isn't room to swing a mascara backstage so unsurprisingly Belinda laughs when I ask how she's coping.
  • As the cast took their curtain-calls, I sat crestfallen backstage, erasing my disguise with a make-up wipe.
  • Indeed, so deglamorized are his paintings of dancers backstage and in rehearsal that in some circles Degas has gained a reputation for misogyny.
  • Backstage, the producer is barking instructions into a headset while pacing and gesturing wildly in front of a bank of television monitors.
  • The American stopper managed to bag a backstage pass and was blown away to meet his hero. The Sun
  • Backstage crews were forced to rebuild the pod three times because they hadn't got it down to the closest centimetre. The Sun
  • A few minutes after the match, they were brawling in the parking lot backstage and the security broke them up.
  • Backstage after the show, still in his exquisitely constructed riding boots, he manages to blend drama and reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • At times it reads more like an epic playbill than the behind-the-scenes exposé hinted at in the subtitle ‘Backstage at the World's Greatest Comedy Theater.’
  • Danny stepped away, and cast one last disdainful look at Scott before going backstage, and presumably leaving the theater.
  • Janet found the stage door and wandered backstage.
  • The summit took place backstage at the O2 arena. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stood nervously in the wings, backstage, watching the present act on stage.
  • Backstage on Friday, exactly the opposite outcome was predicted by World Book Night's mastermind, Jamie Byng. Book lovers flock to hear Trafalgar Square readings
  • Heaving another sigh, he jogged down the stairs to the lobby of the venue and made his way across to the side door which would lead him round to the backstage.
  • Handing me things and giving me advice left and right, the backstage women were quickly turning from munificent to officious.
  • Convenience quick backstage commodity maintenance, statistical report form and user order form management.
  • Here are backstage rooms for the theatre ending in a corner green-room, and a loading dock for scenery is accommodated as discreetly as possible in the north-west corner.
  • At the fashion shows, designers and journalists collide backstage with varying degrees of success, but this week issued a triple whammy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world of fashion is made up of designers, models, coordinators, choreographers, producers, directors, stylists, and the backstage crew all working individually and at times divergently.
  • By this time I'm starving, so when we go backstage at the restaurant, among the pots and pans and prepping stations, I get quite excited.
  • Backstage, hidden away in its unseen archives, labyrinthine corridors and a warren of dark store-rooms are more clues to the lives of Nicholas and Alexandra.
  • Our friends talked shop for a while, dishing on backstage gossip about the other artists.
  • You dont want to spend the rest of your life looking back with disgust at every picnic and curry you shared, regretting the times of ringing in sick to spend the day in bed together, recalling festivals, boat trips, backstage passes, crazy French bars, trips to the all-night beigel shop at five in the morning, the night the Tories were kicked out, the bewildered newspaper man in the snow, as merely part of a marathon mistake. What's Going On
  • Professional hairstylists were banned from the backstage area. Christianity Today
  • Stars were pampered backstage with hand and arm massages and facial treatments. The Sun
  • It was like Hi De Hi backstage, very much so.
  • Next week's production of The Wizard Of Oz will involve more than 100 participants, aged seven to 21, on stage and backstage and in the orchestra pit.
  • The auditorium, the stage and backstage areas were burnt to the ground. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • the musicians left their instrument cases backstage
  • We walked back to our dressing room backstage, and I reached forward to Tom, and squeezed his shoulder.
  • At the intermission, Murai came backstage and toweled off his glistening face.
  • Wages and backstage conditions were abysmal, ticket prices kept as low as could be. The Times Literary Supplement
  • many private deals were made backstage at the convention
  • As our two heroes attempt to avoid capture they get themselves involved in the backstage and on-stage lives of showgirls, divas and more.
  • But as he embraces adolescence, he has shunned the spotlight and has done jobs backstage instead. The Sun
  • He told the jury that once the £1m cheque had been handed to the soldier, he and his wife were taken backstage to their dressing room.
  • To create his galaxy of impressions, Baxter watched television avidly, even backstage between stage shows.
  • We got a great show for you tonight, a galaxy of stars, all backstage.
  • But I will leave off here and retreat into the backstage shadows for the nonce. METAPLANETARY
  • Unfortunately, he rambles on the microphone just as often as he twists the knobs backstage.
  • Mon 10/19/09 1: 23 PM nevermind the fact that she had clearly popped some oxycodin backstage before the show, she was almost as bad as robbie williams the week before, but he was clearly coked out, completely different Whitney Houston wardrobe malfunction: Yikes, she really didn't need that... |
  • I've got the TV on the predebate on C-Span with no sound and I'm looking at that stage - I hope Palin is backstage puking her toenails up. RNC Brought In Whopping $66 Million In September
  • They mooch around with no energy and look miserable backstage.
  • We have to get him special backstage passes 'cos he always comes down in disguise. The Sun
  • While a CPR-certified physical therapist administered first aid backstage, the new lead couple quickly discussed their impending unrehearsed performance.
  • The show was about to begin and backstage there were signs of feverish activity .
  • Backstage, Trump has a case of nerves, skittishly pacing and shaking his legs to the beat. FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • I wonder who is cutting the deals backstage and what it will look like after this is over.
  • The boys were all sitting in the backstage area talking and having a great time.
  • I should be on the front lines, not making deals backstage.
  • Over the years, she said, they kept in touch by telephone and brief, occasional backstage visits at concerts.
  • After the show, we were allowed to go backstage to meet the cast.
  • Here are backstage rooms for the theatre ending in a corner green-room, and a loading dock for scenery is accommodated as discreetly as possible in the north-west corner.
  • Peter then passed the paper backstage before carrying on with the rest of his act, which was greeted with rapturous applause.
  • But backstage she was less than friendly, insisting on being surrounded by her entourage. The Sun
  • During intermission, Michael and Ashley visited the backstage area, where the musicians rested until the finale of the concert.
  • Mae made an appearance at WrestleMania 22 in April 2006 in a backstage segment with Gene Snitsky who had a known Foot Fetish, in which he "fondled" her feet. Mae Young
  • When the concert was finished, he had a huge bouquet of flowers delivered to me backstage. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has laid down a strict code of conduct in her troupe and women artistes are not allowed to entertain visitors backstage or go out unchaperoned.
  • Afterwards, emboldened by the music's galvanic tides and ominous, pacing images, I barged backstage.
  • Otto had slipped in earlier, unseen, phantomlike, working his director magic backstage. Songs of Love & Death
  • But beyond the public turmoil lies a private, backstage world of unrequited love, secret affairs and insecurity.
  • Stars were pampered backstage with hand and arm massages and facial treatments. The Sun
  • I first saw Philip from the wings backstage, he was directing a rehearsal, making some point with the actors.
  • Winder provides a backstage version of British history, with fascinating descriptions of how poor immigrants arrived from across the world, including Lascars, Chinese and Gypsies.
  • The organizers say it's a fair contest but who knows what goes on backstage?
  • Go backstage after your performance, see the cars being rebuilt by their tearful creators and persuade the presenters to sign your programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Betty's job was to stand backstage and cue the actors.
  • Beastie Boys and Hilary Duff also were no-shows for their scheduled backstage moments.
  • He is regularly seen on set wearing headphones, and often chats with the judges backstage. The Sun
  • It is precisely because Frayn establishes the people that the famous second act, in which we see the farce from a backstage perspective during a matinee in Goole, is more than a balletic exercise. Noises Off - review
  • There's a reason why some theaters have a green-painted lounge backstage.
  • We've had to cancel several shows due to Andrew spotting random concert-goers wandering backstage.
  • Chicago Reader's Jonathan Rosenbaum gives us his blurb: Suggesting at different moments a backstage musical, a failed love story, a surreal comedy, and even a cartoon fantasy, this beautiful, corrosive, visionary masterpiece by Jia Zhang-ke is a frighteningly persuasive account of the current state of the planet. MILF:04 The World
  • According to sources, lots of Hollywood types were backstage, including agents, PR flacks, managers and special guests.
  • This one's from the Google Developer Day at Wembley Stadium, with notes and pics at the Backstage Blog.
  • That said, the headline meeting is only part of a giant process of backstage meetings and working parties launched to find a global solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Backstage Pass hub has evolved to become a seamless extension of the overall AOL Music experience, and it is navigationally threaded throughout AOL Music. Myers Media Innovation and Creativity Awards: Media Company Silver Winners - Part 2
  • As part of the refurbishment, a new orchestra pit, accommodating up to 60 musicians, has been created, along with the construction of a new backstage block, incorporating dressing rooms, and an increase in the height of the flytower.
  • The backstage activities are a mysterious world for this youngster.
  • Rumours circulated backstage concerning the famed violinist, who was allegedly making last-minute efforts to cancel the proceedings.
  • Regardless, Troy Rawhiti-Forbes is in a backstage confab with the other wrestlers.
  • It's so great to hear a speech that kind of galvanizes the psyche of a country," Rush said backstage at the SAG Awards, alongside Firth and supporting-actress nominee Helena Bonham Carter, who plays the king's devoted queen. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The actors flurry about backstage, hissing, thumping and gesticulating wildly between cues.
  • It was much better to eat at the hotel and bung it on room service than suffer backstage food which was so rank that within the next decade bands wised up and put riders in their contracts specifying what they wanted.
  • Stars were pampered backstage with hand and arm massages and facial treatments. The Sun
  • We used a photograph of him taken backstage at the Winter Garden theater to calibrate our time extractor.
  • Lars is really talkative and chatty on the way backstage and as it begins to rain, we take refuge in Kate's car where I press play on the Dictaphone…
  • She prances off backstage and I have to physically hold myself back from a scowl.
  • The less than four years old Hyogo Performing Arts Center in Nishinomiya, Hyogo decided to hold their very first public backstage tour for a hundred or so lucky applicants. Japan’s top toppings for pizza
  • Perry walked towards the backstage area, yelping as they were nearly attacked by screaming fangirls.
  • It could almost be a backstage comedy at the start, the second act is simply duologues and then we see the actual show.
  • The sole fact that I can spot the problems of a patriarchal society when watching bunraku is proof that I am experiencing the same problems today, and that I am not free from them," says Ms. Miura, who has written a bestselling novel about the backstage world of bunraku and a guidebook for novices called "Charmed with Bunraku. Puppet Love
  • At the last minute, we decided to seat the language coach backstage as a prompter.
  • In 1932 the cast would have been severely reprimanded backstage afterwards - and worse!
  • Before the show we sneaked a look backstage to get the low-down on the make-up artists.
  • I can personally attest to the similarities between the atmospheres backstage before curtain-up and that of a restaurant in the buildup to a dinner service.
  • For a donation of just $5 or more you can enter to win airfare to Denver, a Democratic convention pass, three nights in a hotel and backstage passes to hang out with Michelle Obama at Investco Field before her husband's acceptance speech. Re: Dinner with Hillary - Swampland -
  • When I chat briefly to Mareko backstage at the gig later that night, he too is modest and friendly.
  • Caleb and Matthew famously brawled backstage at a British awards show (the newspaper headline: "Bruise Somebody"). Riffs: Kings of Leon vs. The World: Their biggest beefs, brawls and blow-ups
  • We intended to rent a small office building, only to find that we were squeezed out by those who have strong backstage support.
  • He receives a standing ovation and backstage waits for the verdict that matters most. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1932 the cast would have been severely reprimanded backstage afterwards - and worse!
  • A couple of cameramen and a photographer from Elle arrive to capture the backstage atmosphere, and the girls switch on the charm, posing coquettishly in twos and threes.
  • Not sure backstage before a sell-out show is the time to jot down ideas though. The Sun
  • It all seems like a fun backstage clip until he shows up and reminds her that it's actually very triggering for him.
  • Backstage staff assembling and building the set are looking for a 1930s-style upright wheelchair, and a male ventriloquist's dummy.
  • Then, by coincidence, I met him backstage at a theatre premiere and I didn't recognize him.
  • Backstage, as the players had begun the long final movement, Carr had uncapped a bottle of spirits and poured celebratory drinks for Perez, Goodwin, and the rest of the behind-the-scenes staff.
  • In Berlioz, he planted the two harps in front of the orchestra, on either side of his rostrum, and banished bells and drums to the unseen backstage.
  • Kent was a scholarship student at the Pillow and was working backstage when she first saw the company.
  • Bar, foyer and backstage are all much improved but the red-plush auditorium retains its intimate charm.
  • I just wanted access, the backstage passes and the party invitations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The performers, in costume and make-up, were walking up and down backstage.
  • And backstage passes for Glastonbury so I can go onstage with the bands. Times, Sunday Times
  • The $500,000 afterparty, held in a club specially constructed backstage at Wembley just for the night, was a bacchanalian eyeful that featured acrobats swinging overhead and nearly naked dancers gyrating in cages. William and Kate
  • These pieces depict dark shadowy spaces cut by vertical passages of warm, smoky glare revealing backstage equipment or showing the stark reflections of spotlights on empty stages.
  • She slipped down off the stage and behind the curtain into the darkness of backstage.
  • Also huge for some people, what goes on behind the scenes with all those supermodels at the fashion show backstage?

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