How To Use Backslide In A Sentence
And so we have shattered expectations, disgust at backsliding, abhorrence at the betrayal of the values we hold dear, and a hefty dose of fear - because if the US can backslide, how safe are the rest of us?
Henry has been called a backslider because of the lenity of his counsels, but I cannot but think it is the Spirit of Christ that influences him.
The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe
I think that the fact they get a grand jury in there, they memorialize the people's testimony so that they can't backslide, they can't say, no, I didn't say that, they can't equivocate.
Yes, many people were still angry but it was also noticeable that the apologists and backsliders were beginning to gather force.
In my last piece titled ‘To hell with backsliders,’ I said that, ‘All over the world regional trading blocks are either being formed or enhanced by political will.’

He's a reformed criminal who may yet backslide.
It is with a sense of profound ennui that one reads today the enthralling news that, "Gordon Brown hinted … that he could yet call a referendum on the new EU reform treaty if fellow European leaders 'backslide' on deals struck by Tony Blair to protect British sovereignty.
The games they play
One backslider returned to the fold is a greater victory than a thousand heathen.
But then he backslides into the life, re-entering the Web porn business with a partner on a new site featuring himself and ‘other boys he helped recruit.’
You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide.
There'd ought to be children's words and grownup words, -- that's what I think," said Sue, decisively; "but what does 'backslider' mean?
Homespun Tales
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Just a few months after passing comprehensive health reform, U.S. lawmakers appear willing to risk a short-term backslide in the push to reduce the number of uninsured Americans until the overhaul's major provisions take effect in - Top Stories
Of course a man can, if he chooses, get in extra steps enough to keep his feet warm, but we contend that no quadrille, where they only touch hands, go down in the middle, and alamand left, can work upon a man's religion enough to cause him to backslide.
Peck's Sunshine Being a Collection of Articles Written for Peck's Sun, Milwaukee, Wis. - 1882
This means that schools that have improved enough to sustain success levels beyond three years will no longer need the funding, and should they then backslide, they'll again be eligible for help.
But as the slowdown bit, unemployment rose and tax revenues fell, finance ministers became increasingly restive under a regime which asked for balanced budgets and promised fines for backsliders.
It is only natural for such a people to backslide back to nepotism and dictatorship when the reigns are handed over.
To many folk it sounds as if I'm being lazy, or being a backslider, or shunning the group.
But, notably, the hearings board said small - and medium-sized cities can't "backslide" as a result of its ruling.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
You've got to monitor it and make sure nobody backslides.
I like to hire good Church members, but sometimes they backslide.
Only hope I don't backslide when I go to Grenada next weekend for a month or so.
As some people already know, a dance move called the moonwalk (aka backslide) had been existed before it became the "moonwalk". - Financial News
There are many recorded instances of the moonwalk, originally known as the backslide or
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Today the forces offer planned careers for young men and women who are intent on gaining a professional training and there is no room for backsliders, unwilling recruits or recalcitrant conscripts.
The "backslider" is an excellent illustration of the results of periodic renewal of impulse to right living.
Church Cooperation in Community Life
And as for the common, partial, and ignorant histories of France, written in our tongue, they generally make him a kind of backslider, who might have been a Huguenot
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Why, for that matter, should the international community trust a backslider with a track record of preferring force to freedom?
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The shoes will still be there if the world disappointingly backslides behind old battlelines.
Some days I would backslide, and I'd still have anger, and I would just read the list.
I like to hire good Church members, but sometimes they backslide.
We say stand firm with the purpose and the mission and to hell with all those who may wish, for whatever reason, to backslide.
One backslider returned to the fold is a greater victory than a thousand heathen.
[[GLAD MIDSOMMAR!]] thursday: salt&vinegar crisps & lemon-tinged water rolled up in a stale headache-tortilla. smothered in non-profit-job-responsibility sauce with a hint of reluctant obedience. pre-stonewall gay documentaries as garnish. friday: [[proposed menu:]] a ramequin filled with moral-backslide. [to partake of the drink thursday's vow prohibits.] [[p.s. my lungs absofuckinglutely hate me.]] comments??
Pojken Diary Entry
I like to hire good Church members, but sometimes they backslide.
That is why we hold in contempt those who, in the unbridled pride of their narcissistic haughtiness, for selfish interests, or even for filthy lucre in various places all over the world—even in our land a small group of such backsliders and traitors can be found - divorce and isolate themselves from their own people and its life and real interests and, with inexorable logic, become instruments of the antihumanistic forces of imperialism and, in its service, the heralds of disruption and discord among nations.
Making the History of 1989
Somewhere along the way, deep in our long term backslide in education spending and the decline of leisure time we produced a society of people impatient to study a situation then react in a non-violent way.
Oakland Focus Blog
She bets him $50 that she won't backslide into her relationship with David.
Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with BIG BROTHER himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared.
Is anyone uncomfortable with the imposition of the "2 minute hate" this week?
Another method of the devil to cause you to backslide is to induce you to practice something again that you told
Life of Lucius B. Compton, the mountain evangelist, or, From the depths of sin to the heights of holiness,
Whenever I read this Psalm of David, which is quite often, it reminds me what it would be like to backslide, and I pray that that never happens.
I find in myself a natural aversion to my duty, and to spiritual and divine exercises, and a propensity to that which is evil, such an inclination towards the world and the flesh as amounts to a propensity to backslide from the living
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)