How To Use Backside In A Sentence
The trek was a bit monotonous at times - I wanted to go faster - but it was relaxing, enjoyable and worth the sore backside.
And you can do it backside too so that you end up ollieing over into a regular switch feeble.
It's refreshing when you see a trainer stick with a lesser-known jockey if more famous backsides are available to sit on their best horses.
The Sun
Buttons Included. a trigger on its backside, face buttons, and a D - Pad.
It took a moment, but finally Pa appeared and sat down on the edge of the porch, taking Hoss over his knee to administer two firm swats to his backside.

I just learned backside airs, and I was trying to tweak them out.
He says anybody hoping to twist off the top of the pipe must be able to do front- and backside 180s off ordinary jumps.
While some gas is absorbed in the blood, most comes out through the mouth or backside.
The Sun
One of my friends, Henry, who gallops horses at Laurel took me to the backside.
And although they're famous for the skimpy proportions of their bikinis and trunks, these labels are also making suits for even the shiest backsides.
Bathing Beauties
Halfway through the meeting he crashed and needed stitches to a wound on his backside.
The Sun
Note how Zodiac is given enough towline to keep it on the backside of the wave.
But that gave me the kick up the backside that I needed.
Times, Sunday Times
Less lovely is the backside of the Fylingdales radar station, quite a complex of buildings.
She's also become a self-appointed expert on backsides.
The Sun
We need to talk about adding to the squad to give the others a kick up the backside.
Times, Sunday Times
He peered outside, seeing the backside of a cursing orderly as he bent over to pick up a heap of empty bedpans.
Cut an inside miter (long point on backside of trim), and cope the resulting profile straight back.
The cover prominently features the naked backside of a seductively posed, appropriately bronzed woman standing on a beach.
kun chui - When you hear someone shouting KUN CHUI behind you, you better watch out your backside.
Manglish/Singlish - Food Culture
I come straight into the backside of the school, the side that no authority can watch.
Tom grabbed me around the waist and pulled the backside of my body against his front, and held me there.
By the end of the fourth mission, Lunar Orbiter probes had surveyed 99 percent of the front and 80 percent of the backside of the Moon.
We got the tape measure out and he had the biggest backside so in he went.
Times, Sunday Times
Actually if the truth be told parmigiana cheese originates from Reggio, however as Reggio formed part of the original Duchy of Parma we won't be a "rompi scatole" (pain in the backside) about it.
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Our son found his way into a disused cesspit and then, going barefoot, picked up an infection, which required regular injections in his backside.
Natalie: Please ignore the extended shot of my diapered backside and focus on the dialogue.
Natalie Fitts: Sister, Sister: Christmas 1998
Is it the front or backside of the Plexi, or the surface of the plywood?
You learn to wipe caked crap off of their backsides otherwise, it can become plugged up and they die, sometimes you hold them until they fall asleep in your palm, and you generally just fall in love your flock in those first few days.
Maria Rodale: 5 Crazy Things That Occur When You Raise Backyard Chickens
Dubbed Manx, after the female underwear brand Spanx, the stretchy fabric is said to lift and firm flabby backsides, suck in beer bellies and smooth away so called love handles. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The varial kickflip is a combination of the backside pop shoveit (coming soon) and the ollie kickflip.
IMHO, indeed it is true that most ranks above that of Inspector (and including a lot of day shirker Inspectors who hide in offices) have sold out their collective backsides to climb the greasy pole.
I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
He blasted some of the biggest frontside airs I have ever seen and backside flip lipslides like he was born doing them.
It was lined with the backsides of an assortment of brick buildings and had wooden crates of varying sizes stacked at random intervals next to each one.
We need to add to the squad to give the others a kick up the backside.
The Sun
Streuer had to brake hard, and on purpose he just nudged my backside with the front of his bike.
Standard wallpapers consist of a front and backside made of paper.
Some need a kick up the backside.
The Sun
The backside axle stall is a basic trick you'll need to know to learn 50/50 grinds and many other tricks on ramps.
Find out more about foot placement during a backside big spin with tips from a professionally sponsored skateboarder in this free video on skateboarding.
The flowers and leaves tend to face only one way, leaving their backside just thick, fleshy bare stems.
The Sun
We need to add to the squad to give the others a kick up the backside.
The Sun
Suddenly, the mouse hightailed it out from under the keyboard and went back over the backside of the desk.
Is this the backside of the mythical blood-sucking creature known as the chupacabra, which I'd actually never heard of?
CNN Transcript Aug 12, 2008
Eighteen horses died inside the barn on the backside of what used to be Riverside Downs.
Faint music came from another house beyond the trees; a carriage clopped past the distant gates; overhead a nightbird moaned dolefully; I could hear my own knees creaking as I crouched there, scratching the newly-healed bullet-wound in my backside and wondering what the deuce was wrong.
Pepsi stretches out into a sphinxlike position, with his backside up in the air and his front legs stretched forward.
Rescuing Sprite
There was an icy tailwind and blowing mist as she, Amy, and Pat began to pick up too much speed descending the long hill down the backside of the Tehachapi pass.
But there is no doubt the England management have applied a kick to his backside by leaving him out.
The Sun
Nash skated with the puck through the slot and lost control of it, Modin jamming it off the near post with the puck ricocheting off Khabibulin's backside into the net. - Hockey - Chicago vs. Columbus
Certainly the fight to be the best of the rest hardly seemed to inspire too many on Saturday, with more than a fair sprinkling of orange seats unwarmed by backsides at Tannadice.
He'll be getting a nasty surprise if there are any backside shenanigans on the go.
The Sun
On the second day, we practiced jibing, or passing the boat's backside through the wind.
His backside air drop at huge Pipe is still stuck in my head.
He was gormless, spoke in a funny nasal accent and looked as if he could do with a kick up the backside.
A very communicative one too thanks those urethane bushes and the back axle bouncing up and down just a few inches from your backside.
Standard wallpapers consist of a front and backside made of paper.
She then staggered a few feet, trying to get back to her seat and fell down onto her backside.
He had more expected a sharp rebuke for sleeping late, maybe even a none-too-gentle reminder in the form of a hand to his backside.
We yucked it up all the way into Philly, where the dudes battled backside flips up the city hall five-stair in the dark.
The doors slid open sideways, and Ves, taking just a step inside, was lucky not to get nipped on the backside as the doors closed shut, tightly behind him.
Kick their bloody backsides, then rub their noses against a mirror until they could see themselves as they really are.
He went to the tetrahedral capsule's backside, and twisted the knob that should have immediately opened the cover plate of the Mars Shelter Unit stowage compartment.
Who Do You Say I Am
The exposed backside is recessed at the central gate location to define the current path which connects the source and drain ohmic contacts.
Graeme Kent tells the story of how more than 30 fighters - the Great White Hopes, though most of them were no more than second-rate brawlers - who tried to dump the bumptious champion on his backside only to suffer that fate themselves.
The coup de grace was plopping onto our backsides and sliding down a grassy bank to our first abseil point.
Between a Rock and a Waterfall
The two resulting surface forces on front and backside are opposite and tend to stretch the object.
Besides its backside, the front is featuring a wider bumper that incorporates side skirts and a huge air inlet.
I adore the fit, cut and wash of these Gap jeans because they lengthen my silhouette, the high-rise backside provides ample coverage and the elastane lends a touch of stretch.
Felicia C. Sullivan: The Epic Ten: What You Should Covet in 2010
We need to add to the squad to give the others a kick up the backside.
The Sun
Some need a kick up the backside.
The Sun
It talks about having more of those people whom police officers call shiny bums: people who sit on their backsides, or police officers who do not staff the patrol cars, walk the beats, or make the arrests.
And in fact, be bought differently and the motive of mobile backside often cannot explain with onefold theory.
Another blow cracked at her backside, and a sweeping thrust knocked her off her feet.
Aside from the smells and litter, people spill food that others then sit in, spending the day unaware they have a ketchup sachet stuck to their backside.
Times, Sunday Times
He also has gnomes baring their backsides, and a scattering of fake skulls, but he said all of these were just part of who he was.
Grasp the plate with your fingers on the backside, straight, and your thumb hooked over the side facing you.
He snapped backside ollies into the corner, and fell into seventh.
But don't be surprised if another wintry blast blows in and bites your backside just when you were thinking it was all over.
The Sun
A few years ago he'd often spot the wooly beasts on a neighbouring farm with huge sores on their backsides, weak and hardly able to stand.
On the way to lock it in the nightstand, she paused to kiss his cheek and smack his backside.
They should get off their backsides and let us see what they intend to do about it.
Glancing behind me as my backside hit the floor of the boat, I saw the water surface gently bulge and swirl before settling to its normal oily calm.
We got the tape measure out and he had the biggest backside so in he went.
Times, Sunday Times
By implementing optical servo tracks on the backside of the media, customers use the entire magnetic surface of the media for recording data.
It is the most notorious kick in the backside in the history of art.
Times, Sunday Times
The guard signals to the rearward backside observer as he passes.
Add wood glue to the miters and a bead of construction adhesive to the backside to compensate for the light nailing.
Staring at the nude female sunbather fifteen floors below, her tattooed backside exposed so that everyone in the surrounding high-rises could admire or cajole or admonish from the windows next to their cubicles, office workers on every floor calling friends or documenting the view with cell-phone cameras, I realized that no matter how holy or removed from the everyday we might be, we are all rubberneckers to the mundane absurdities that materialize seemingly out of nowhere.
The Cult of Impersonailty
That spiel from the photographer about his battle against sexual inequalities and such is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to get some feminist backside waving in front of his semi-erect self, and to get some hench pictures of boobies and so forth.
Support Topless Women
Such behaviour warrants a smart kick back on his backside.
He did body jars, backside airs, transfer lines and skated hella fast to 3rd place.
Each letter had a small number in the corner on the backside of the letter; in the envelope was just paper, nothing else.
We are not wearing provocative necklines, neither short skirts nor are we showing our backsides.
Two hundred quid is better than a kick up the backside now, but it was an absolute fortune then.
The Sun
But don't be surprised if another wintry blast blows in and bites your backside just when you were thinking it was all over.
The Sun
And all Bacchic backside are the developer that be looked attentively at silently and awaits.
If he could wangle his backside onto or into a seat he was away!
We immediately took to the word because "glissade," said with just a hint of indeterminate European accent, sounded more respectable than "sliding on our backsides down the face of a snowy mountainside with our snowshoes splayed out in front of us and our poles dragging ingloriously behind.
NYT > Travel
The lunge, in all of its forms, primarily targets the quadriceps and gluteus maximus, the muscle that gives your backside its shape and definition.
Bill, it's the comment you made on this particular item that explains and demonstrates why you will be remembered long after dave barry is as remote from human memory as the backside of Pluto is from the sun.
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The spray from the offshore wind was blowing over the backside.
Shortly, he said, we would see the dog's handler take a hold on her haunches and install her in her appointed trap, backside first.
Darius walked to the backside of the store where numerous coolers were set into the wall.
Add wood glue to the miters and a bead of construction adhesive to the backside to compensate for the light nailing.
Lay them flat, front side up when measuring the front rise, and backside up when measuring the back rise.
Small, pointed white ears projected from her head and a long flowing white tail protruded from her backside.
People are so sick of the Punch and Judy knockabout which passes for political debate that they are voting with their backsides and refusing to make the trip to the ballot box.
Jinju stood up, brushed the dirt off her backside with her bundle, and slowly headed home.
At a certain point I really got into doing different lip tricks - backside lips and blunt slides.
In my day discipline was meted out with either the cane or a strap across the backside.
masculinized" features, e.g. a higher waist-to-hip ratio (more tubular shape), flatter backside, and stronger and more prominent jawline. Top Blogs
Such behaviour warrants a smart kick back on his backside.
Unused to such harsh treatment, the horse reared back on its hind legs, unseating Jack Foster who landed with a thud on his backside.
His backside, with the vertical line peeking out from the center of his waistband, is a familiar sight in our village.
French Word-A-Day:
An architectural solution to dead urban space became a convenient location for underage drinking and irritating backside noseblunts.
But there was Mac, with her height, wide hips, and generous backside and chest.
I watched a man in tight leather shorts slapping his backside to the cheering crowds and felt nauseated by the sleaziness of it all.
Has she disappeared up her own backside while doing some strange yoga pose?
The Sun
You will have to climb the hill, of course, but since the backside is gradual, you won't have to worry about downhill spills.
It makes the film finally feel real after working my backside off.
The Sun
The distance from the backside to the front angle is easily 200 feet (that's way over 60 meters).
The old woman boasts that they would change their minds if only they got a look at her backside because one buttock, as she has mentioned twice already, is missing.
You looked at his backside and there was a kind of hollowness to it.
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Philip "Taff" Bartlett, one of the Welsh Guards' pallbearers for Diana, Princess of Wales, said: "Our families say we are not receiving much recognition, when guys are working their backsides off in dangerous conditions.
Archive 2007-06-01
While some gas is absorbed in the blood, most comes out through the mouth or backside.
The Sun
And then the high priest would take the remainder of the blood and pour it on the backside of a goat and thrust the goat out of the community and the goat was called the scape goat which was sin laden.
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They groped us, felt us up and thrust their pelvic regions into our backsides.
Well, in so doing they present to the world their backsides to which the world should now administer its well-placed hobnail boot.
Archive 2008-04-06
I remember when I first saw you out there riding the pipe grabbing huge backside airs.
The train rattled on and on towards doom as my backside cramped itself on the seat.
If we got the penalty or a goal somewhere we might have sneaked a draw, and if we had got our backsides out of it we would have learned so much again and it would have been great but it wasn't to be.
I'd say the backside flip, because it feels better to be able to push it 180 as long as possible and then just sweep it up and know you have it.
As before, surface on the backside, collect your board, and paddle away as if you had just done a perfect duck dive.
These Democrat legislators and the ones from the House who visited the camp are still trying to cover the backsides of their mouthier, lazier colleagues.
June 2005
The slippy grass led many of the runners to slide down the fell on their backsides rather than attempt to negotiate the seriously steep incline on two feet.
First, remove the nails left in the molding from the backside using nippers or locking pliers.
Scarborough's players, we were given to understand, had been planning to bare their backsides in support of a new lads' mag.
Hes so far up the insurance companies backside, he should be considered their hemorrhoid.
Baucus gets support from the center
On the east, there are the blank backsides of the residence and conference center and the yawning entrance to the underground parking garage.
Some need a kick up the backside.
The Sun
Brian Patch did body jars, backside airs, transfer lines and skated fast to 3rd place.
It isn't safe unless we get 6,000 people through the door and I want everybody to get off their backsides and get in here.
Has the closing burst needed to bend from the backside to make the tackle ...
‘I can bear a few more hours of riding, I think,’ Viola replied, but without much conviction and a slow shift of her backside in her seat.
Halfway through the meeting he crashed and needed stitches to a wound on his backside.
The Sun
He sprawled across the landing mat and ended up on his backside.
I've told them to give me a kick up the backside if I ever get too bigheaded.
The fleece is so cut that the wool around the base of the legs and backside runs in a continuous line, from which it is easy to strip the dags, the stains and the prickles.
Such intensity gets to dance right out there in front of your eyes, as ideas, desires hopes and expectations are backsided in favor of a single story.
We bought a low-slung wooden chair to put in the back of our truck - an investment of £1.50 that gave our backsides a little respite on the bumpy roads.
Many of them needed some kind of kick up the financial backside.
They've kicked our backsides and are showing the way it can be done.
The Sun
There is no such rule as one backside per seat; four people can and will squeeze onto a two-seater bench.
Such a move would give the worst banks a kick up the backside and can't happen quickly enough.
Times, Sunday Times
I even love queuing at counters during the Christmas shopping frenzy and falling flat on my backside in the slippery snow.
When the stride foot lands, the arm is at the top of the backside. - Instructional Series: Getting started
He reached in and pulled the next section toward him, and, when it was out, Cork saw that an eyebolt had been screwed into the backside, which would allow it to be removed easily from the other side of the wall.
Vermilion Drift
Remove the nails left in the molding from the backside (so you won't damage the face) using nippers or locking pliers.
Unused to such harsh treatment, the horse reared back on its hind legs, unseating Jack Foster who landed with a thud on his backside.
9. Soul of Nataka steadied on the backside; sixth April 24; sixth here after three money trips at Woodbine; best needed.
Milligan dragged himself through sagebrush, cactus and rocks, tearing what little skin he had left on his right arm and backside.
Ever wondered how to do a backside nosegrind or a frontside flip over a hip?
Next would be big backside floaters or under the lip lay back snaps.
Arrgh, I will blast the barnacles off thar bastardly backsides and make them walk the plank!
Arrrrrrrr. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
That spiel from the photographer about his battle against sexual inequalities and such is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to get some feminist backside waving in front of his semi-erect self, and to get some hench pictures of boobies and so forth.
Support Topless Women
They want guys who work their backsides off, who play with passion, and who don't like getting beat.
How I could kick my sorry backside now.
Times, Sunday Times
He did some lein-to-tails and backside airs.
The 41-year-old man belted his three-year-old son across his backside with his hand at a shopping centre in Chorlton, Manchester.
He's not quick enough to defeat blocks in the run game to pursue backside running plays and is a liability in coverage.
He received a header eight yards out with Metzelder right up his backside, but he turned instantly and welted the ball towards the near post, where Lehmann funnelled it round for a corner.
There is a certain idea that you should sit in an enclosed theatre, and feel the seats through your backside as you listen very carefully to the language being enunciated so clearly.
My backside was sore from sleeping on such hard ground and my neck had a crick in it from the high elevation of my ‘pillow’.
The more cynical ‘youngsters’ (me, my sister, brother and husband included) will remain in the dining room chuntering about the royals being an unnecessary expense and a general pain in the backside.
They were gey drunk, pinching people's backsides and looking up kilts.
Unless of course it was during the Rumble in Jungle and someone said Foreman couldn't hit Ali's backside with a banjolele.
Ukeleles, Plagiarism and August
And it was worth the sore backside to learn that.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, I'm prevaricating, dwelling on ‘stuff’, undoubtedly thinking too much, and generally needing motivation, probably in the form of a swift kick up the backside.
Howbeit the Generall had caused to be written vpon the backside of their passport, that if they did offer any violence vnto the messengers, he would hang the best prisoners he had of theirs: which made them to aduise better of the matter, and to returne them home; but without answere.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
But nobody had the right to be that nasty; not even if his backside was black and blue.
While Sherm dealt the frontside half-Cab flip and switch backside flip, Eric had the thankless task of working with the fakie ollie one-foot tail grab.
Ariana Mesaros, Heidi's teammate, said, "I don't feel comfortable. My whole stomach is hanging out. Yes I can pull it up and if I pull it up my whole backside is hanging out.
They stuck flags in a long sidehill, outlining a brute of a track, including two steep run-ups and a low-grade grind up heavy Kentucky Bluegrass to the backside of the course.
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In Jeff's defense, he can do backside bigspins every time, even while blindfolded.
Walter stood in front of the fireplace, where logs burned, warming his backside.
Are too many of the top quarterbacks sliding down the backside of the hill with not enough young talent to replace them?
The other three members of Os Trapalhões take on the roles of the Oz-bound characters: Zacarias as the Scarecrow (with long straw blonde hair and heavy make-up, strangely resembling Sylvia Miles), Mussum as the Tin Man (his costume is an industrial tin drum) and Dede Santana as the Lion (his costume is a brown afro and a furry vest with a tail hanging from its backside).
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And it's got a wheelhouse -- a sort of caboose on its backside.
I could do backside tailslides, but I don't kill it or anything.
We got the tape measure out and he had the biggest backside so in he went.
Times, Sunday Times
The backside is undercut and serrated to prevent glare and is dovetailed into the slide with a set-screw for windage adjustments.
He is there to give us the kick up the backside if we need it, or he can put his arm around you.
Times, Sunday Times
With a squish, the bar turned to gel and I slid to lie on my knees and chest awkwardly, desperate to turn around (Mother only has the pleasant sight of my backside at the moment.).
Perhaps it has given him a kick up the backside.
Times, Sunday Times
Government officials simply need to get off their backsides.
Our arms were our forelegs; our own legs, with straight knees, came behind, and, backsides in the air off we went, the tins making a lovely scrunchy sound on the track.
‘My message to the vandals is to leave the people of this area alone and get off your backsides and do something constructive with your lives instead of being continually destructive,’ he added.
By answering questions on the backside of crowns and labels through emails, landlines and SMS messages one accumulates points.
Perhaps that was the kick up the backside he needed.
The Sun