How To Use Backpack In A Sentence

  • I turned up at the school yard with my hippie backpack slung over one shoulder feeling pretty cool. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd live the transient and ephemeral existence of a backpacker for a week, an existence of freedom and simple pleasures.
  • I suggested that attracting backpackers and independent travellers would be a good way to get that ball rolling.
  • ‘You must be joking,’ I wanted to say, but choked on my words as I looked at the moving conveyer and spotted my long-awaited weather-beaten backpack.
  • - A small backpacker stove, fuel and cookpot (and spoon!) - Clothing suitable for wet, windy or cold weather Parry thrust parry
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  • But I'll certainly let you know before I go backpacking in Borneo. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • The contents of her backpack spilled out, many items breaking with a resounding crash as a result.
  • These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load.
  • It looks like a mother uncrumpling papers in her son's backpack to find a missing assignment.
  • And she had returned the following afternoon, carrying Timmy on her hip and the rest of her possessions in a backpack.
  • I have every kind of backpacking, and car camping stove available, as well as car camp tents, backpacking tents - just imagine that I've collected an incredible amount of gear for both over the years. Silly newbie w/passport & transport needs camping companion
  • He unslung his backpack, looked into it, and frowned.
  • In Trainspotting, Begbie's blood boils at the backpackers who see the sights of the city centre but are blind to the blighted landscape of its surrounding schemes.
  • No bags, rucksacks, backpacks or holdalls more than eight inches square.
  • Fill your empty backpack with a freshly baked baguette, a fine, odoriferous fromage, a bottle of red, some fruit and you're good to go.
  • They easily slide into a bag or backpack, and come with molded tie-down loops that fasten to any sturdy object - perfect for weekend fly-ins.
  • I press up against the lockers after final bell, waiting for Z to situate things in his backpack and get his lock secured just so. Camo Girl
  • She usually toted the baby around in a backpack.
  • In this untracked and threatened wilderness, our small group will backpack between glacier-fed rivers, taking time for close observation and photography.
  • Campers and backpackers have reported thefts of food, sleeping bags and clothing from their coolers and tents, according to authorities.
  • Since my first outing with a group called the Tahoe Trekkers, I've hiked in Patagonia, snowshoed in British Columbia, trekked in Nepal and backpacked my way up Mount Whitney.
  • Wearing a robe, he stumbles out of bed and opens the drapes and shades, gazing down lovingly upon the housekeeper putting Serge's midday snack into his backpack.
  • Most of those things even skody backpackers like myself learn. Cactus Kate
  • Water leaked out of the can into the backpack
  • It takes me to South-East Asia on long bus journeys and to backpacker hostels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all white and single backpackers, Scot arrives in India with the idea of travelling without blending in.
  • She's also got a backpack on her shoulders and canvas straps hanging from her legs, the telltale sign that electrodes are attached to both calves. Times, Sunday Times
  • 1. The term backpacker pisses you off so much that you write a long ass blog about why it's a divisive term and tie it in to some wild conspiracy theory involving the government, corporations, media outlets and record labels removing all of the consciousness, creativity and balance from mainstream rap music. One Year Later AKA Thoughts Of A Subject, Verb And Predicate Felon
  • The star-grading system, which was introduced in the accommodation industry in 2001, has moved on to other fields - such as the caravan and camping, and backpacking and hostelling categories.
  • He is looking in his special backpack for something he can use to do something to the blackberry bush. James MacGyver
  • A muffled kitten meow sounded from inside the backpack she wore.
  • All the people are interested, but you don't take history in your backpack and carry it with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a person carries a loaded backpack, the pack too moves up and down the same distance at the same time.
  • However, by then we'd bunked on yachts and in shared backpacker dorms.
  • Upon arriving in Copenhagen, I was burned out from backpacking and looking forward to a good nap.
  • Carry the cloths in a plastic bag in your backpack for a refreshing and stimulating energy boost.
  • She hauled her backpack onto her back.
  • As well as frequent mentions of Club Med, Platform contains a few diatribes against the Guide du Routard, France's backpacker alternative to the Michelin guides.
  • It changed my mind about backpackers, as I discovered they were cheaper and often better quality than most hotels, and the people are more accessible and friendlier.
  • And now that you're carrying half the weight, why use a seven-pound backpack when a three-pound pack is fine?
  • Eight feet tall - hard to believe something like that could unfold from the small pack off of the Marine's backpack.
  • Wear a weighted vest or a heavy backpack and walk for 30 minutes at a steady pace. The Sun
  • Little wonder it's the sort of book that you find at hostels favoured by backpackers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hung my backpack under my name tag and took an apron, tying it with more force than was intended.
  • As usual, the label delivers strong belts, hats, and tees, but most notably are their new backpacks, buttondowns, jackets, and wallets (pictured above). CtotheJL
  • He popped the phone into his trouser pocket and, grinning at Rory, proceeded to strip down to his drysuit, placing his clothes and boots next to his backpack near the edge of the bridge. Be My Enemy
  • This slim book - a little more than a hundred pages - is his account of the skills he used on his journeys, and it covers basic campcraft at a size you can easily slip in your backpack.
  • By the standards of wilderness activities such as backpacking, sea kayaking is ridiculously prodigal of weight and space. From Sea To Shining Sea
  • Bobby hoisted his one-year-old son, Aidan, into a backpack and went to transfer two pet hawks from their outdoor weathering perch to an indoor mews.
  • They removed prepacked rucksacks and backpacks, tents and laptop computers. The Thieves of Darkness
  • In 2006's Lonely Planet, Rosefeldt himself plays a bandana-wearing backpacker on an impossible quest for the authentic Indian experience, journeying from the desert through Mumbai's slums and on to a Bollywood movie set over and over again. Artist of the week 110: Julian Rosefeldt
  • The locking carry case can be attached to a belt or a backpack. Times, Sunday Times
  • As anyone who's done it will tell you, backpacking is a great way to travel.
  • The ultralight construction restricts winter use, but for three-season backpacking or bicycle touring, it is an excellent bet.
  • At the bottom, there are hundreds of backpacker hotels, and (away from the fleapits of the Khao San Road, at least) most are clean and comfy, if a little spartan.
  • When he is not looking over project Gantt charts he is looking over topo maps and planning backpacking trips in and around Arizona.
  • The enormously popular Outing Club runs local climbing, telemarking, and backpacking trips, as well as summer expeditions to South America and Alaska.
  • Trained soldiers carrying backpacks don't do as well. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • I fired up my backpacker's stove and cooked up my version of hobo chow with rice and kidney beans.
  • Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies
  • Here I sit, ten and a half years later in what was once a sought after sleepy retreat for long term backpackers to kick back and relax over a few cold beers and banana pancakes but no longer is relaxation found. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • He reached into his backpack for black nylon rope which he swiftly whipped around the circumference of a nearby chimney.
  • She took out her clean uniform, washed and pressed, and packed it in her grey backpack.
  • She runs a downtown hostel for backpackers - the cost only $5 a night.
  • As with any heavy weight, your child should bend at the knees and grab the pack with both hands when lifting a backpack to the shoulders.
  • I grabbed my backpack and left, my cheeks still flaming.
  • Two minutes later, she dug into the back of her closet and pulled out a large backpack.
  • The scale of the disaster is prompting volunteer squads of backpackers to try to deliver aid themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • I catch her going through my drawers and backpack, and she snoops on my little brother even more, searching his room and listening to his phone conversations.
  • I dumped my backpack in it, and gingerly climbed up and sat behind him on the motorcycle.
  • Invented in the 1890s, the multitool is more useful now than it ever was: Its flashlight yes, some have lights can help you search through a backpack filled with charging cables to find your keys; its screwdriver is always handy when you need to open your PC for a RAM upgrade and its blades will slice through any of those blister packs that mummify electronics. Bold Folds
  • The scale of the disaster is prompting volunteer squads of backpackers to try to deliver aid themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The average age was about thirty and a lot were travelers backpacking around the world.
  • We find stunning beaches befouled by backpackers.
  • Originally a beachside restaurant, it added backpacker bungalows and has matured into a fully fledged resort, with a new spa and upgraded accommodation. Times, Sunday Times
  • dwarfish", subsumed to their mode of transport, or scattered about - as are the backpackers outside Venice station in Vertigo - like corpses. The Guardian World News
  • I don't want to just get some old cheapie school backpack a) because they fall apart too fast and b) because they have no style.
  • That's what Sweden-based Boblbee Inc. had in mind when it designed Peoples Delite, a hard-shell backpack that allows you to pack it all in, and Megalopolis, its big-sister version.
  • You can also establish certain wanzers as support units, such as repair backpacks to ‘heal’ allies or EMP backpacks to jam enemy equipment.
  • Karen staggered along under the weight of her backpack.
  • If I'm really evil, might I not stand back and *not* heal a party member so that I can loot a "friend's" backpack? Lights Going Out in the Anti-RMT Bunker
  • The former roadworker is serving seven life sentences for murdering seven backpackers in the | Top Stories
  • You turn up a bit grubby, with a dusty old backpack, and they look rather alarmed.
  • “These are good, very good,” he said to nobody in particular as he waded back and forth between the stalactites hanging from the spectral ironworks on the walls and the measuring and collecting instruments stored in a beaten-up backpack. First Contact
  • I put my backpack back on and resecure the shoulder strap for the fiftieth time. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
  • At home as I emptied my backpack, a Slip of paper fluttered to the floor.
  • Any frontman who turns up at a gig wearing a backpack doesn't deserve to be on stage. The Sun
  • The JanSport Air Cure Laptop Backpack ($50) has shock-absorbing elastomer that distributes the weight of heavy loads more evenly, decreasing pressure by 50% on the shoulders and upper back. The Best Tech For College
  • In Spain, a young teen is arrested after a drug dealer plants some hash in his backpack.
  • I had a sudden urge to listen to my heavy rock music and went to drag my backpack out of the closet where I had deposited it.
  • Unlike Bowman, he was able to check its spin by bursts from the nitrogen-jet thrusters on his backpack.
  • I found an inflatable pink backpack, a bead necklace and a giant bone on my walk, not all in the same place.
  • I hid the drum behind an armchair, unpacked my bag, put the backpack back in the bottom of the airing cupboard, and stayed.
  • So think about the next time you see or hear someone use the term backpacker and think about the events that happened in the past that started 10 years that brought this term into creation and common usage. Mommy, What's A Backpacker? AKA What The Hell Is A Cannibal Ox?
  • My long crawl along them sees bankers and backpackers alongside captains and cabin crew, all mingling in the steamy summer heat. The Sun
  • While the hobos, degenerates and backpackers passed by (you need a keen eye to tell the difference), we chatted for a while about this and that.
  • It feels like standing up from a squat while wearing a big, heavy hiking backpack.
  • Meanwhile, a 23-year-old Tadcaster man has died in a freak road accident while backpacking in Australia.
  • I changed into the shirt I wore earlier that day, shoved my uniform shirt into my backpack, shut the locker and walked back out.
  • Then we set about ordering a backpacking stove from each - either an MSR Dragonfly or a Primus MFS, both of which retail for about $100.
  • Sara shoved her math books on the shelf and stuffed a blue lunchbag into her backpack.
  • She quickly withdrew money from her backpack, folding two ten dollar bills into her pocket.
  • Blue water sailing is as different from coastal sailing as a Himalayan expedition is from backpacking in the Rockies.
  • Thus, what about the foreign policy credentials of backpackers, retirees, businessmen and other expats who at least lived with and regularly dialogued with the local taxpayers? Does visiting a farm boost your husbandry credentials? « Blog
  • He took his backpack off before lying completely on the floor and furiously scrabbling at the mortar with his fingers.
  • I have a field marshal's baton in the backpack, it is just that the season is not right to take it out.
  • Smiling coyly, she slowly brought out from her backpack a small bottle of wine.
  • Sam spent six months backpacking in Australia after her degree, then worked as assistant marketing manager at a vehicle parts firm near Leeds.
  • A Land Warrior platoon - each soldier outfitted with body armor, a computerized backpack system and helmet-mounted monocular eyepiece - is also part of the parachute assault.
  • So, once everything is neatly containerized it must be placed into the backpack in the right order.
  • The Windermere site features 300 touring pitches and more than 70 caravan holiday homes, as well as facilities for backpackers.
  • She was wearing brown hiking boots, a pink backpack, a canteen and a hookshot attached to her belt.
  • They may choose the hard seat, or, if ‘splurging’ (to use backpackerese), treat themselves to the hard sleeper.
  • Her backpack was slung over her right shoulder; and she wore dark blue hipster jeans.
  • Unfortunately, her son's backpack was only one sign of his complete disorganization.
  • Earlier this year Matthew Hayden wrote of the great leg-spinner's nicotine dependency, recounting the tale of the Australian boot camp before the 2006-07 Ashes: All we were allowed to take was a backpack, a sleeping bag, a hutchie field shelter sheet, a couple of shirts, two pairs of socks, undies and joggers. The Nursery End
  • Daren:Let's go backpacking around the Greek islands this suer. I found a great travel guide with lists of places to stay and restaurant which aren't expensive.
  • Morocco is a haven for backpackers and sybarites alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nearly thirty years ago, Vickie and I backpacked around France in a sort of homage. A Conversation with Indra Sinha:
  • Snap hooks at each end of the sling attach to the sling swivels, allowing the rifle to be securely carried like a backpack.
  • And my tracks, leading away from my red backpack and across the frozen lake.
  • The occasional meeting of a backpacker on the trail was different, and friendly words were always exchanged.
  • Police apprehended and arrested an individual suspected of stealing students' backpacks from the cubbies on the lower level of the Campus Center on Nov. 15.
  • I watched two men with bulging backpacks descend the stairs and load them into the boot, nearly filling it up. "Shotgun!" one of them said.
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  • While the knife is designed for tactical backup, there's nothing that says you can't stick it in a backpack or hunting pack.
  • Veon dropped to one knee and pulled his pistols out of his backpack, tossing the pack aside.
  • If you want to add more, get webbing, backpack straps, metal buckles and so forth.
  • In the rising morning heat, we all made final adjustments to backpacks and chattered nervously in an array of languages about what lay ahead. Taking on 'Everyman's Everest'EasIER Peaks
  • She found my open backpack in the closet and carefully went through all its pockets and compartments.
  • "Run, " says Tom, but the gang breaks into pursuit while Tom, trying to hold the pace, gropes in his backpack.
  • The road is lined by cheap hostels and unpretentious bars that bustle at night, and has been a popular spot for foreign backpackers and budget tourists for many years.
  • To make it fit with his power, you could say lifting heavy weights is the equivalent of hiking up a hill while wearing a heavy backpack. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Creating Weaknesses for Your Superheroes
  • How many Pommy visa overstayers are now backpacking their way around Oz presently?
  • A typical story of naive backpackers bumbling about in a foreign land, you might think. Times, Sunday Times
  • He walked to the rounded crown of the hill, he procured a metal box from his backpack, unhooking it from a solar battery, and set it down on the earth.
  • She preferred not to carry a heavy backpack, and at times she pragmatically let men haul it for her.
  • It reminded me of the few times I'd seen her first thing in the morning, when we'd been backpacking and shared a tent. LOSING IT
  • For many graduates, university was three years of partying and backpacking, interrupted only by the occasional lecture.
  • I gripped my backpack, knuckles whitening as the trepidation in my gut hardened into anger.
  • I would never backpack or turn a somersault or jump to the ground from even the most modest height or run the length of half a block.
  • My last excursion was indeed with a pop-up, to Glastonbury, and my other tent is an ultra light one for squishing into a backpack, so your Vango FBT is in a different league. F*cking Big Tent « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • The sun had been long since covered by the mass of clouds that obscured the grey sky when the new recruitment returned upon a chestnut mare with a large backpack upon his shoulders.
  • I said goodbye to the other breakfasting Mavi backpackers, feeling a bit bad that I was leaving them just so I could have a warmer room.
  • Now she lifted herself up to shake out her cramped muscles, and went in search of her backpack and something to eat.
  • It's a bit like spending freshers week trying to find somebody prepared to go backpacking with you the following summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boats can haul twice the gear of a backpack, glide as effortlessly as a snowboard, and thrill like a luge.
  • This lack of self (not one illustration is of the author) does have the advantage of lending credibility; and with no heroics or intrusive personal antics, and certainly none of the backpackers 'dreaded "inner journey", Jacobs's unmannered style and easy erudition is a delight. Andes by Michael Jacobs
  • There may be dog-eared copies of the works of James Michener lying about, and Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" sits in your backpack.
  • The field equipment included compasses, binoculars, webbing and backpacks, which will be issued to more than 230 recruits on the latest course at the Metinaro training facility.
  • I'm looking for a stylish yet practical backpack to carry my books in. Times, Sunday Times
  • I try to take only the smallest backpack - just hand luggage if possible - and few clothes or possessions.
  • With this season's clear preppy inspiration - from argyle sweaters to sweater vests - it's no surprise that backpacks are one of the coolest and most practical items to hit the streets.
  • Passengers carrying suitcases - or backpacks or briefcases - will have farther to walk to mass transit connections.
  • We came to the smallest principality in Europe as backpackers, not on business.
  • A backpacker from Warminster has been battered to death while travelling across Thailand.
  • He packed his things into his backpack and tested it on his shoulders, groaning slightly as he adjusted to the weight.
  • One is for a door that can help you get a passkey, one is near the end of the game, and one is a sequence breaking door that will let you skip the armor and let you beat the game in just your shirt and backpack. Not Now, Honey, I'm Exploring
  • I nodded, surprised, and wondering why I'd confide in a teacher, then grabbled my backpack and left the classroom.
  • After some hard debate, they decided to take full backpacks, with sleeping bags, a stove, a shovel, and two days' worth of food.
  • With that, Chris zippered his backpack, grabbed it and put it on his back and soon ran down the stairs and soon out the front door.
  • His black backpack was still slumped by his desk and the undone homework atop was weeks late.
  • Well, after over 20 years of searching used book stores, thrift stores, flea markets, little kids 'backpacks and the pockets of dead bums in alleys, all with no luck, my long search for the Conan Endless Quest adventure books came to a conclusion thanks to the amazing generosity of a Geek Orthodox reader named Kevin. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I had just shoved my Precalculus book into my backpack when I felt a sharp poke in my back.
  • Scosche's solBat II charger combines a lithium ion battery with a solar panel so it can charge devices as fast as a wall wart ... and then replenish itself in the sun. solBat II, the latest version of its USB charger for iPods, iPhones, and other USB devices that combines a 1500mA lithium-ion battery with a solar cell charger: the idea is that the batter can charge USB devices as fast as a wall wart, then then users can recharge the solBat II "greenly" in the sun for the next recharge, perhaps by plopping it inside a car windshield or dangling it from a backpack. Digital Trends | Digital Trends
  • They take up less room than other foods and don't weigh you down - an important factor when backpacking.
  • As well as broadcasters in the commentary boxes there will be half a dozen radio engineers carrying backpacks within a half a mile radius accompanying the presenters to broadcast the reaction of the crowds on the ground.
  • When they go boldly into the wilderness, they ought to carry in their backpacks Thoreau, London, and Tolstoy.
  • To reduce firewood consumption and fire rings, backpackers started carrying small portable stoves.
  • The average age was about thirty and a lot were travelers backpacking around the world.
  • I grew up in PA hiking, backpacking, camping, and one of my favorite understory trees in the eastern forest was Eastern Redbud, cercis canadensis. Dancing Around The Truth
  • “These are good, very good,” he said to nobody in particular as he waded back and forth between the stalactites hanging from the spectral ironworks on the walls and the measuring and collecting instruments stored in a beaten-up backpack. First Contact
  • Just for reference, the man that drummed the “Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot” rule into my head spent his youth backpacking in Puget Sound. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Dale Peterson Ad
  • He walked to the rounded crown of the hill, he procured a metal box from his backpack, unhooking it from a solar battery, and set it down on the earth.
  • Whilst I was at the train station waiting for the train I'd called a backpacker hostel and asked about vacancies, fortunately they had one, so all rather hurriedly I booked that for the night. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • When living out of a backpack for three weeks, it's easy to become confused - a new home every couple of nights, trying to separate skanky clothes from clean, the ever-growing stash of souvenirs.
  • His two female companions, Zombie and Eeyore, swig from a bottle of pricey Tejava tea and pass a smoke while lying on a blanket surrounded by a fortress of backpacks, bedrolls and scrawled signs asking for money. San Franciscans Try to Take Back Their Streets
  • Brad built it to mimic the old growth forests he admired while hiking and backpacking as a kid.
  • For one thing, cheap travel will become a thing of the past - goodbye backpacking trips to Bali and cross-country road trips.
  • Wander off the more touristed streets of the fairy-tale city of Pitigliano and you find small shops like this, where leather master Rodolfo Cilento labors among his hides, making handsome, multicolored handbags, backpacks, gloves, and other wares. The Other Tuscany
  • There is nothing more liberating than heading out dressed down, bumbag- and backpack-free. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some writers prefer ones that are thin enough to fit into a purse or a full backpack. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • I heard someone coming up the stairs, so I quickly jumped into bed, and hid the backpack under the covers.
  • Tilao became a frequent voice on the radio in Mindanao, and he apparently so enjoyed this public persona that he nicknamed himself “DJ,” embroidering the initials on his backpack. Jihadists in Paradise
  • CHARTIER At first PackRat seemed to be a strange app, because it's an * app* made for working with Backpack, a web service. MacUpdate - Mac OS X
  • If he wore a backpack, he should have been sniped at the entrance.
  • 21 Jul 2009 by Emily R my problem with the ergo is getting the baby in the back. we gave it back to the friend who lent it to us and are using a hiking backpack. what is the advantage of this carrier over a traditional backpack? » Trying out the Beco
  • No matter the quality of your gear or how fit you are, backpacking is less than comfortable. Backpacking Made Easy
  • I was in slacks, listening to an iPod, backpack slung over my shoulder, and trying to figure out a KenKen puzzle. I've been profiled
  • So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. OpEdNews - Diary: A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left "The Left'
  • With each backpack you will get free gift of a purse.
  • On the last day of August, he walked across the river, and spent the last of his money on a new backpack and sleeping bag.
  • The binoculars have smart silver finish and can easily slip into a pocket, handbag or backpack. Times, Sunday Times
  • The binoculars have smart silver finish and can easily slip into a pocket, handbag or backpack. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've used the Alpamayo for backpacking and Nordic ski touring and found it very stable.
  • American experts believe that water vapor jetting from a cooling unit in the backpack of spacewalkers is strong enough to turn the entire two-hundred-ton space station out of alignment.
  • At the time of his death, Otzi was carrying an unfinished longbow, a quiver of unfinished arrows and a backpack.
  • All the people are interested, but you don't take history in your backpack and carry it with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does anyone know if you shoot a deer in the deep woods and it's going to be a day before you get back out because you've backpacked in, what do you do to keep the meat good? Does anyone know if you shoot a deer in the deep woods and it's going to be a day before you get back out because you've backpac
  • With halters underneath the bridles and their lunches safely tucked into their backpacks they set out.

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