How To Use Backhoe In A Sentence
He mounts it on a Cat 350 excavator or a backhoe, and he most often fits it with shear blades.
According to the audit, the city's fleet has about 461 units of "rolling stock," which includes transport vehicles, public safety vehicles and heavy machines such as loaders and backhoes.
We threaded rope through the tarp grommets and tied it to the backhoe and pulled him to the barn.
Arcane Circle
Earth movers, excavators, backhoes, and bulldozers rely on hydraulic fluids to lift, move, scrape, and dig.
On any construction site you see hydraulically-operated machinery in the form of bulldozers, backhoes, shovels, loaders, fork lifts and cranes.

It is designed specifically for fueling excavators, backhoes, and other diesel-engine vehicles in the field without spillage.
Its most popular segmented tire is used for grading and excavation work mounted on skid-steer loaders, backhoe loaders, tool carriers, wheel loaders, or trenchers.
Noise ordinances in cities and other sensitive areas are leading to quieter hydraulic breakers and demolition attachments for excavator and tractor-loader backhoes.
For most of yesterday morning, more than 20 blind and vision-impaired people remained trapped in the building, surrounded by trucks, backhoes and excavators.
Up ahead, Larry pointed to a backhoe chugging away, and I slowed.
He watched as the bucket of the backhoe was removed from the hole, revealing a contorted broken pipe sticking out of the bottom of the hole.
One of the considerations in maintaining a backhoe is the tire condition.
Brontosaurus-size backhoes rumble in to clear 9,000 tons of earth.
Earth movers, excavators, backhoes, and bulldozers rely on hydraulic fluids to lift, move, scrape, and dig.
On any construction site you see hydraulically-operated machinery in the form of bulldozers, backhoes, shovels, loaders, fork lifts and cranes.
The loaders complement the backhoe and excavators, improving productivity and bringing in more business.
Each person selects one piece of equipment to focus on, choosing from loader backhoes, excavators, wheel loaders, crawler tractors, and motor graders, but participants also get a chance to operate the remaining equipment.
Whether you've got a backhoe or an excavator, more than likely you've got to move that piece of heavy iron from your yard to a job site.
Engineers guided a small backhoe / loader into the site and started to clear larger pieces of debris.
Earth movers, excavators, backhoes, and bulldozers rely on hydraulic fluids to lift, move, scrape, and dig.
Repairs or damage to one system can disable other systems, as when a backhoe used to excavate to repair a water line breaks a fiberoptic cable, or when a broken water main floods a subway tunnel, or …
June « 2009 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
And when I saw the backhoe I figured some pipe broke somewhere.
I hauled livestock, hay, wool, tractors, balers, backhoes, buildings, trees and whatever ‘kind of fit’ the trailer.
Gator Country owner Gary Saurage (right) directs Steven Parr (in backhoe) as they move a gift shop at the theme park.
Gator Country expansion
I have seen drivers behind the wheels of steamrollers and backhoes, working with freakish intensity, doing the bidding of a boozemaster who had dangled twelve-packs before them.
He says another major problem with construction equipment is boom failures on backhoes and excavators.
At SVCC, Jones explains, the heavy-equipment training facility has 14 of each of the following: dozers, backhoes, excavators, motor graders, and loaders.
One of the items everybody got overstocked with is rubber-tired backhoes.
There are systematical way you can search, and when I look at the clips, they use a backhoe.
CNN Transcript Jul 30, 2004
Equipment Operator position summary: operate miscellaneous heavy equipment, such as backhoe, bulldozer, excavator, track or rubber tire loader, etc., in remediation projects of ....
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Deputy Chief Larry Wendt said a backhoe will partially dig the graves and the inmates will finish them.
A backhoe is a piece of equipment the helps move dirt, gravel, and any other material on your jobsite from one place to another.
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The National Transportation Safety Board on Friday released a metallurgical analysis of approximately 55 feet of pipe that appeared to rule out several possible causes of the pipeline failure, including corrosion or external blunt force, such as from a backhoe, and to suggest the blame could involve substandard welds.
Pipeline-Blast Probe Finds Welding Flaws
Invest $8,000 or so and you can have a backhoe that will excavate 10 ft. or deeper, depending on make and model.
In fact, in specific applications a rotating grapple gives you an advantage for digging in that you can dig straight down, where with a backhoe or an excavator you typically have to dig a trench to get a certain depth.
And that's the reason that this vehicle has this gigantic kind of backhoe arm that is in the days ahead.
CNN Transcript May 25, 2008
Deputy Chief Larry Wendt said a backhoe will partially dig the graves and the inmates will finish them.
For more capacity, you can move up a notch or two to loader backhoes and midsize excavators when space for the big excavators, dozers, and other dedicated machines is short.
One thing she could really use would be a rented backhoe and a few loads of fill.
I was working with a backhoe and trencher on a daily basis for about three years when an assistant's job became available.
On any construction site you see hydraulically-operated machinery in the form of bulldozers, backhoes, shovels, loaders, fork lifts and cranes.
Contractors in underground construction find the backhoe attachment for a trencher practical.
It is further insinuated by your article that our employees were ‘excavating a trench, using a backhoe.’
Now the backhoe's lower center frame sits on the support, taking the weight off the stabilizer arms.
Nobody has been buried there since before the turn of the century, which was also before the day of the backhoe.
What may be ideal for a contractor is the availability of several machines at a project - a backhoe loader, skid-steer, excavator, and telescopic handler, for example - with one or two operators who can run them all efficiently.
He said backhoes and excavators were being utilised to help put out the blaze, which has been smouldering for more than four days.
Heiser doesn't use a backhoe to muck out the corral where he winters his yearlings; he uses a wheelbarrow.
Backhoe A backhoe is a piece of excavating equipment consisting of a digging bucket on the end of a two-part articulated arm.
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The company manufactures a family of steel mechanical locking devices designed specifically for skid-steers, skid-steer attachments, backhoes, excavators, and trailer hitches.
There is a lot of (physical) work done there, such as backhoe operations and driving snowplows. Top Stories
This could not be accomplished with a tiller; we used a backhoe to get the job done.
A backhoe dug down to the damaged culvert in the bottom while a crew assembled another culvert up on top.
The operation of other implements, like post-hole diggers and backhoes, can also benefit from the reverse seat operation.
Tethers were attached to the bucket and backhoe of the Bobcat while others were secured to the machine itself.
Company-owned bucket trucks, trenchers, backhoes and cranes serve about 25 crews in the southeast and southwest.
Deputy Chief Larry Wendt said a backhoe will partially dig the graves and the inmates will finish them.
The latter was a 10-week-long field course in which students learned how to operate bulldozers, backhoes, excavators, loaders, skid-steers, and graders.
One was threatened to be brought "straight to their makeshift grave" or to the "backhoe" (referring to the backhoe used to dig the graves for the victims of the
In load and haul applications, for example, should you use excavators, wheel loaders or backhoes to fill the trucks?
Still remaining are the constant reminders of the devastation left behind; trees left in branchless tangles, roofless shambles of hand-laid stone foundations of once century-old structures, empty weed-filled lots, the constant traffic and beeping of backhoes, and the bare slab foundations of what were once homes but now have only haunting stairways leading down to what were once basements that, luckily, saved the lives of many local residents.
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It is designed for backhoe or trencher mounting, but it can be adapted to fit a dozer blade on small grading jobs.