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How To Use Backfire In A Sentence

  • Her schemes backfired on herself,and she lost her boyfriend forever.
  • He decided on a plan of action but it backfired horribly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any spell with an incantation has the ability to backfire if even one word in the chant is pronounced wrong.
  • The way many estate plans are currently worded could cause them to backfire, either by triggering unnecessary state estate taxes or even accidentally disinheriting a surviving spouse. Does Your Trust Need a Tune-Up?
  • The new legislation which was intended to `soak up "the millions of them floating round the country has backfired in its purpose. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
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  • A slight backfire on starting could burn the engine off the wing!
  • Trying to make your partner jealous by flirting with other people can easily backfire on you.
  • Smearing a good woman for partisan, political advantage can be a deadly game that can easily backfire.
  • It's a gamble that can backfire badly. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the plan backfired when the driver couldn't get the flash car to start as they left the restaurant - leaving the couple at the mercy of the paparazzi.
  • With the score knotted at 17, Ryan opted to go for a fourth-and-two from the Oakland 37-yard line late in the third, but the call backfired when Sanchez missed Plaxico Burress on a slant route. Sloppy Jets Stumble Against the Raiders
  • If Miller was trying to create his own scenario to get a title rematch, it may have backfired, at least for now. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • However, the move backfired as Williams chopped the game-winning hit over a drawn-in infield to lift Minnesota to just its third win in eight games.
  • Their plan backfired, and soon the fire grew out of control and they fled in panic.
  • These efforts actually backfired, and one lower-level State Department official was cashiered.
  • Such attempts at manipulating the news have already backfired in the eyes of the public.
  • Yet the gambit may have backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plan may have backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the landing gear was being retracted, he felt a slight hesitation and mild backfire with the left engine.
  • European Pressphoto Agency Pioneerwent after the high end of the market for plasma-display TVs, amove that has backfired in the recession. Pioneer Unplugs Its TV Business
  • If I got it wrong (not too often, thankfully) the motor would backfire and try to kick me over the handlebars.
  • A car backfired somewhere, the CD now flew upwards at a fresh angle and speed.
  • Her schemes backfired on herself,and she lost her boyfriend forever.
  • By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show. Ziad for the Defense
  • These changes may backfire, though. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Wire fencing had been used to keep the deer out but this backfired when capercaillies killed themselves by flying into it.
  • Of course, some plans backfire, which is what happened to a guy who tried to doctor his W2 form but put down the wrong address for a company he said he worked for but didn't. Jerry Zezima: "The Loan Arranger"
  • Their efforts backfired and resulted in the largest showing ever for religious parties in Pakistan.
  • The Backfire effect on the " Net - O - Matic " will no longer break on damage.
  • The gusty wind prevented the air tanker drops of retardant, and use of backfires that are key tactics of fire containment.
  • Some feel they are personally powerless to bring them about, while others use false promises as a sort of motivational technique that backfires. Times, Sunday Times
  • True, forcing people into unsuitable jobs may sometimes backfire. The Sun
  • Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he went off with her best friend.
  • Last night his gamble backfired as he was effectively left without a party in the Commons to lead. The Sun
  • His scheme to win the girl backfired and she went to another guy.
  • True, forcing people into unsuitable jobs may sometimes backfire. The Sun
  • We knew that our backfire wasn't going to put this fire out - but it did diffuse the power of the rager.
  • On the battlefield, this engine produced a loud backfire when starting, instantly drawing enemy fire.
  • Most flame weeders on the market are the same ones used by fire fighters to set backfires.
  • I'm hoping their robocalls annoy people so much they will BADLY backfire. In New McCain Robocall, Rudy Giuliani Suggests Obama Opposes Jailing Murderers And Rapists
  • Williams was forced to use high-risk all-or-nothing tactics which backfired as Seles squared the match then secured victory.
  • My old car backfires all the time
  • It is an idiotic move that backfires in a splendidly karmic way.
  • I have to say, if the idea was to persuade any of us that her followers are sane and rational people, the plan backfired in spectacular fashion.
  • And strikes can backfire: lack of public support can stiffen government resolve.
  • But extreme in loco parentis protection of legal adults from their own stupid decisions is a sick and dangerous idea, and one that's destined not just to fail but to backfire.
  • Nick Farr-Jones said Cooper was a "boofhead" idiot for repeatedly targeting McCaw and warned that his actions could backfire should the Wallabies meet the All Blacks in next month's World Cup final. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It is clear from the Council report into the progress of the scheme that it has partly backfired.
  • Keeping your eyes open for hazards may backfire, too. The Sun
  • But if the imposition of a punitive tax serves to reduce demand for starter homes, the strategy may backfire.
  • The US - well, some of it - argued that the Backfire could be counted as an intercontinental-range aircraft and hence part of the strategic balance.
  • In the end this was a case modern information warfare that backfired spectacularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Nepal a cash handout scheme may have backfired by increasing school absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Due to the uprising the plan has backfired on an epic scale.
  • But the move again backfired as Rolen smashed the reliever's second pitch over the left field wall for just his second hit in 17 at-bats.
  • Attempts to make the tax code more consistent can backfire horribly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the gamble could really backfire is if one of his two hookers suffers an injury within 72 hours of a game. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it seems to me that selling boxes half-full of dunnage is likely to gain you sales only once, and subsequently to backfire on the seller.
  • The Oscars tend to try to go a little more outside the box — although that backfired when they went for the James Franco-Anne Hathaway pairing, where there was no chemistry and Franco's self-consciously post-modern/social media approach was a complete misfire. Ask Matt: Why We Love The Middle, Tonys-vs-Oscars, Glee Project, Grey's and More!
  • The company's new policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit.
  • But his bid backfired when Anne got a court order banning Bill, 70, from living within 20 miles of her.
  • Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he went off with her best friend.
  • But his desire to prove a point backfired in a grim and unambitious contest which spectacularly failed to live up to its pre-fight hype as a clash between two big punchers.
  • There is a long road ahead to be sure, but the Carly Fiorina engine which many expected to backfire seems to be puttering along okay.
  • Got back in the car, started their car again, which is a bit of an old beater, and it backfired, apparently.
  • Unfortunately the plan backfired.
  • That could have backfired horribly had we not won the Ashes so convincingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • These changes may backfire, though. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The decision to take only four strikers backfired disastrously, and we bottled the penalty shoot-out.
  • The phenomenon - known as "backfire" - is "a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance. Top Stories
  • If this was his way of seeking attention, it has already backfired spectacularly. The Sun
  • Yet the move has backfired because the figures also reveal that its retail market share has dropped to under 40 per cent.
  • In fact, rocketing to the top of a highest-paid CEO list can really backfire.
  • In some cases, the overall result can be what's called 'backfire': more energy use than would have occurred without the improved efficiency. Wonkbook: Our last chance to stabilize the housing market
  • Dave continued to tighten his screw till abruptly the engine choked, backfired and died.
  • He also warned their opposition could backfire because he was now intent on deregulating the restaurant sector.
  • The car engine backfired in three sudden bursts as they drove off.
  • If this was meant to take the heat off, it has backfired disastrously. The Sun
  • That was a plan totally backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • And now that experience could backfire on the country which gave him the platform to bounce back. The Sun
  • However, his plan backfired as no one took him up on his offer.
  • My legs were JeIl-O when I walked away from them, and a passing car's backfire nearly stopped my heart.
  • What will backfire is when Reps link Obama to Carter. Obama camp uses McClellan book to attack McCain
  • ‘It sounded like a backfire - and then somebody hooted and shouted to me to hop out of the vehicle as it was on fire,’ she said.
  • Project Fear may have backfired on polling day, but it has been helpful in one respect. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tactic ultimately backfired when viewers complained afterward to the BBC Web site that the show wasn't raunchy enough.
  • In the end this was a case modern information warfare that backfired spectacularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sounds like a decent middle-of-the-road weepie, which is the right way to go -- if she starts angling for Oscars right now it's going to backfire. Cinema Blend Feeds
  • But the gamble backfired and he now knows his job is on the line. The Sun
  • The terms backfired when housing markets weakened, leaving borrowers with loans bigger than the value of their home. Top Stories - Google News
  • The plan may have backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sounds like the headmaster is trying to get some easy press, but I can't see how it won't backfire. Would you trust these people with your kid?
  • He has said nothing that could backfire on him, has offered no emotional outbursts that would conflagrate the story. rss feed
  • In either case, this backfires because his fans may feel robbed of witnessing his all-conquering self-parody, but I digress.
  • The plan backfires and the pair end up locked in reciprocal scorn and contempt. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It backfired horribly at the team's official presentation. Times, Sunday Times
  • So his little game of semantics backfires on him, a very interesting development indeed considering how clever he can be at manipulating a situation.
  • True, forcing people into unsuitable jobs may sometimes backfire. The Sun
  • But that strategy will backfire, because nobody will take the Council's recommendations seriously.
  • It's easy for us Brits to assume that such sentimental spin will backfire but, having lived in the US for three years, I can assure you that Americans are made of gooier stuff. Fightin' Words or the Simple Truth?
  • And she'll turn on the waterworks if the deals backfire.
  • Meanwhile, he is working out a modus vivendi with the Supreme Leader, who, despite his conservative instincts, realizes that the clerics' obstructionism could eventually backfire.
  • That was a plan totally backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one little lie to secure an elusive table backfires spectacularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's going to backfire, specially after Hilton turn back on McCain "oldness" ... New McCain Ad: Will "Biggest Celebrity In The World" Help Your Family?
  • If the world economy continues to wither, stimulosus attempts by encouraging Detroit to have fuel efficient cars and tax credits for homeowners to weatherize homes will backfire because a bad world economy means temporarily plenty of cheep fuel. Terror Twilight | ATTACKERMAN
  • The engine coughed, backfired, and a small explosion sent the transport's occupants flying.
  • Instead, it's backfired, and perhaps he should change his name to "Crisp," as in toast ... Poll: Rubio opens up wide lead over Crist
  • Their name-calling backfired, however, as Crist embraced the term and even used it in campaign ads. The Campaign Spot
  • I thought that "steeling" 30 minutes of precious "enterteinment" time from the average American, will only alienate Obama and backfire. Leah McElrath Renna: Five Reasons Why the Obama Infomercial was Worth the Cost
  • The cackhanded way in which it was sprung on the public backfired spectacularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Nepal a cash handout scheme may have backfired by increasing school absenteeism. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the decision has backfired on the Second Division club.
  • I find my attempt to cash in cynically on the massive Disney/Walden media spend for the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe may backfire if I actually begin to enjoy the books. Letter to America
  • Her schemes backfired on herself,and she lost her boyfriend forever.
  • But her secretive way of voicing herself backfires when Georgia and Virginia are fired for her subversiveness.
  • But ironically, Forbes' attack ads backfired.
  • Columnist Ahmed Gamal Badawi wrote in the liberal opposition daily Al-Wafd that the government policy to "besiege" Islamists with "obscenity" would backfire and only add Undefined
  • McKinnon pushed back a bit half-heartedly about this, but the bottom line on the Palin selection is increasingly clear: it was a historically bad decision by McCain, a gimmick that backfired -- not just because Palin is so clearly unsuited for high office, but because it demonstrated McCain's own severe deficiencies as an executive. Sarah Palin: Trick or…Trick - Swampland -
  • But telling a stranger too much about your assets and achievements can backfire.
  • He said the decision would backfire and result in inefficiencies as the customs office was still entrapped in bureaucratic problems.
  • I handled that okay, but it just so happened that a farmer was running a tractor nearby and managed to produce a loud backfire just as we reached the stream.
  • He has suggested that such tactical maneuvers could backfire.
  • A final experiment by the police at labour organization backfired disastrously.
  • To emphasize the point, the caption below a photo illustration of Rice and Bush with a blood red Gaza City skyscape in the background reads: "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President George W. Bush, whose secret Palestinian intervention backfired in a big way. In Jon We Trust
  • For prudential reasons, I worry that linking social benefits to the workplace may backfire.
  • Secondly, a more "instrumentalist" consideration: It is highly likely that any open expression of sympathy by our president for the pro-Musavi side would backfire. 'Just World News' with Helena Cobban
  • U.S. ‘Personality Assassination 'of a Palestinian Ally yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' U.S. ‘Personality Assassination\ 'of a Palestinian Ally'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The UN\'s goldstone report has backfired, putting the survival of Mahmud Abbas at risk, due to the Obama administration\'s handling of diplomacy.' U.S. ���Personality Assassination' of a Palestinian Ally
  • Supreme Court with "catechized" justices, a strategy almost certain to backfire, they should content themselves with modest, competent justices who are free of ideological bias, and all the while keep their eyes on the real prize: "public sentiment. On Abortion: A Lincolnian Position
  • The engine coughed, backfired, and a small explosion sent the transport's occupants flying.
  • They said the plan backfired when four times as many workers joined the unions than had left.
  • Over-enthusiastic followers have been known to backfire on valid and well intentioned initiatives in education.
  • The backfire from a bread truck coming around the corner was too close for comfort when I realized what was happening. When Crickets Cry (copy)
  • These are inherent weaknesses that are best exploited only indirectly, lest criticism backfire.
  • Sometimes the very act of trying to censor what reaches the public domain can backfire and achieves the reverse result to the one intended.
  • Gloria knew her plan had backfired and that she would have to come up with something better next time.
  • In fact, most of what she's thrown as actually backfired, which is why she has stopped throwing things. Hillary Pollster Mark Penn: Obama More Likely To Suffer Fate Of John Kerry Or Al Gore
  • The efficiencies would backfire because of anger in the plant and the town. Globe and Mail
  • My favourites are still the RX7 rotaries, which give magnificent flameouts and backfires from the exhaust when the drivers lift their foot off the accelerator.
  • Yet her diary may backfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fires Comfort had started must have been sucked by the indraft back toward the burn as Spur had hoped, creating a backfired barrier to its progress. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • Their father, Nate, has his own fair share of problems with an ailing burlesque theatre and a numbers racket that backfires, leaving him in debt to a small - time hood and drug dealer.
  • It can backfire a little, particularly if you are a hound for constructive criticism.
  • But one little lie to secure an elusive table backfires spectacularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even assuming it's the latter, though, this bit of PR could backfire.
  • These plans have backfired, however, leading to growing criticism of the sanctions policy.
  • Now he cannot bear to be in a crowd and will jump with fear if a car backfires or a firework goes off. The Sun
  • And strikes can backfire: lack of public support can stiffen government resolve.
  • This week the strategy backfired when Mr Bersani tried to impose a candidate of his liking on Puglia, Italy's heel, a region run since 2005 by a charismatic gay far leftist, Nichi Vendola.
  • The sentiment backfired at once with a sharp reminder of the hopelessness of her own dreams.
  • That could have backfired horribly had we not won the Ashes so convincingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this kind of condemnation of public health officials who made the most prudent decisions based on available knowledge could well backfire in future emergencies: I fear that public health officials will draw the lesson that they should wait for greater scientific certainty before responding in the future -- and we could pay for that overcaution with many lives lost. Reports accuse WHO of exaggerating H1N1 threat, possible ties to drug makers
  • Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble
  • Never before has a devious little plan backfired so badly.
  • However, the wait-and-see policy could backfire if those players manage to secure contracts elsewhere in the meantime.
  • He took the risk, and didn't bawl and howl when it backfired.
  • I suspect that this will in many respects backfire and is going to create a lot more mischief and a lot more misery.
  • The evidence is there in our teams' meek exits from Europe over the past couple of weeks that the experiment of loading our clubs with foreigners, in the hope that they will deliver success in Europe, has backfired.
  • Deafening car stereos, honking horns and noises like gun shots ring out as hundreds of drivers deliberately make their car engines backfire.
  • It backfired horribly at the team's official presentation. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could offer full-throated or even material support to the opposition, but this would probably backfire: the regime would then be able to portray its opponents as stooges of the Great Satan.
  • However, the plans backfired as the still agile southpaw turned many of those bunts into double plays by catching them in mid-air.
  • The gamble backfired and a subsequent stop dropped him down to 15th place - but incredibly he battled back to take third. The Sun
  • The government's imposition of arbitrated settlements appears to have backfired: teachers continue to hold fast for improved classroom conditions.
  • The replacing of certain roundabouts by traffic lights has so backfired that a campaign is under way to bring them back after the Games. Times, Sunday Times
  • It backfired horribly, which is why so many of the payroll vote were willing to sign. Times, Sunday Times
  • By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show. Ziad for the Defense
  • However, one of the first phone calls backfired spectacularly, according to one anecdote told to PRWeek. ' John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Attempts to make the tax code more consistent can backfire horribly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Resting and perhaps spoiling and pampering players in fact I believe can backfire and make them more prone to injuries.
  • For both fires, portions of the barrens sample area were burned by the backfire flame while other portions were burned by a more intense headfire.
  • My favourites are still the RX7 rotaries, which give magnificent flameouts and backfires from the exhaust when the drivers lift their foot off the accelerator.
  • Since the ships were used to being heated up, a sudden blast of hot air on a cold engine could backfire the engine or even destroy vital components.
  • And I heard this - it was a shot, but it sounded like a backfire.
  • He said:'It was just a joke which backfired. The Sun
  • It's a gamble that can backfire badly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't criticize the students or it may backfire on you.
  • Fires were initially started as backfires to blacken areas adjacent to firelines.
  • This comes with the warning that this plan can backfire spectacularly.
  • The reshuffle might also backfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet her diary may backfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • By challenging the courts, it's possible that strategy could backfire, which is a risk that some discharged military service members fear. Lt. Dan Choi, Openly Gay And Excited To Rejoin Military In Face Of Possible DADT Repeal (VIDEO)
  • In the long run - even in the medium run - coddling dictators backfires.
  • They used bulldozers to scratch out a huge protective line and lit backfires to contain the flames. The Sun
  • Instead, by exploiting a tragic situation, I think they are trying to score cheap miles, and I firmly believe this will backfire in their faces.
  • But I have a hunch who tattletaled because that person's call backfired one evening.
  • It could backfire by emboldening the Taliban and annoying ally Pakistan, which fears Washington will cut and run as the Soviets did in Afghanistan.
  • But attempts to suppress Republican activity routinely backfired. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There is nervousness in military circles that such a war could backfire disastrously.
  • He warned this might backfire and invite sympathy for the party.
  • La Russa, explaining on Tuesday why Pujols had the freedom to call the backfired hit-and-run, volunteered, "I think I've said over and over again that for the 11 years that we've been together, Albert has proven every year, virtually every day of the season and postseason, he is a great player, not just a great producer, he's a very smart baseball player. NYT > Home Page
  • It can be a very powerful thing, but if you are overexposed it can backfire.
  • Never before has a devious little plan backfired so badly.
  • Down the road, this policy could backfire badly on the US and on the caretaker government.
  • And now that experience could backfire on the country which gave him the platform to bounce back. The Sun
  • The plot backfired when the bomb exploded too soon.
  • Deadliest were the Backfires, sleek, swing-wing, supersonic aircraft originally designed specifically for missions against naval targets. Countdown
  • The plan backfires and the pair end up locked in reciprocal scorn and contempt. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I suspect, however, that such eagerness can backfire: that the socially unready child will rebel or withdraw.
  • But attempts to suppress Republican activity routinely backfired. The Times Literary Supplement

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