
How To Use Backed In A Sentence

  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • There are high precipices that are backed by the papyrus and ambatch swamps that form the delta of the Kagera River.
  • In the end, despite these tight controls, the US-backed generals failed to win a majority of the vote, securing a plurality only through frenzied last minute stuffing of the ballot boxes.
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  • The aromas and flavours of fresh ripe pineapple are topped with a hint of honey backed by zippy acidity.
  • Over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central London backed up by mounted police, three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd.
  • Also I lived in a top-floor flat on a busy road, my carpets were foam-backed, the furniture was chipboard and hardboard. M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
  • But most union locals active in the race backed Ryan.
  • But now we can't even use the plumbing because the drains are all backed up.
  • A silver-backed brush and comb set with her monogram gleamed in the soft bedside light. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Two bird tarsometatarsi, one from a green-backed heron and another a turkey, were also interred with the human remains at Brandon.
  • He backed his little-known horses in fierce ante-post bets. The Sun
  • During the 1980s the contras, strongly backed by the United States, raised 18,000 troops to fight the revolution.
  • In the greater monetary scheme of things, of course, the dollar is still what investor Doug Casey calls ‘the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.’
  • The Ontario government, backed by other provincial governments, argued against the lower court rulings, saying the Metis existed as a community only after European settlers arrived in Canada.
  • In the midday sun, the allure of a golden-globed Orthodox church was matched only by the three blue spires atop the straight-backed cathedral.
  • the guards stood stiff-backed and unsmiling
  • But he is still carrying almost $400 million in debt secured by his extensive music-publishing holdings, in addition to the smaller loan backed by Neverland.
  • But for those who believe in watching the buys and sales of insiders it is an interesting move, particularly when it is backed up by another key company official's deals.
  • She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas.
  • Caps are 12.5 oz. wool blend and have buckram-backed front panels, pre-curved visors, and grey undervisors.
  • Yep, aggressive lyrics and guitar riffs, all backed by the trademark thumping drums, with only moments of calm to provide a respite from the headbanging.
  • Yet it is also a fact that the Administration has quietly backed down from a number of its most bellicose threats.
  • The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up.
  • Not a threadjack, but I can't believe Libby Trickett backed into the finals because the Chinese swimmer deeked! "The Excruciating Anguish of Elizabeth"...
  • Japanese would have difficulty to secure real goods from Americans for dollars they have received since these dollars are unbacked by production.
  • Slave law backed up and legitimated the private power of slaveowners.
  • Today he backed away from that statement, saying he was misinformed by exit polls.
  • So we got out the playbook and quarterbacked our companies into the worst automotive recession in a decade.
  • The President, backed by trusted advisers, some of them dyed-in-the-wool oilmen, called immediately for increased energy production. BARRACUDA 945
  • It yelped again and backed away, its body shaking with fear.
  • Investors who bought securities backed by subprime loans apparently did not understand the risks either.
  • I backed away slowly, feeling an automatic hello-there kind of absentminded smile climb up on my face as a disguise. Darkly Dreaming Dexter
  • There should be a bicycle licence of, say, 100 a year, and with that should come government-backed third-party insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Uncle Barry backed Arsenal to win the FA Cup.
  • Would she live to a time when she could see clearly which ` ism " history had backed? DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Among the other Buddhist works is Suzuki Kiitsu ' s sublime 19th-century scroll painting of Sho-Kannon, who sits tranquilly on a floating lotus, backed by a golden moon and brilliant blue sky. In Search of Beauty
  • Harriet slouched until she was almost hunchbacked, wearing boy's clothes, unironed and grubby.
  • The stick and the fist backed up the array of legal powers.
  • Compare this bird with the golden-fronted woodpecker that has yellow on the forehead and back of the neck; the red-headed woodpecker that has an all-red head and neck, and the ladder-backed woodpecker that has a black-and-white striped head. Mystery bird: red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
  • He backed the winner and won £70.
  • The Royal Bank-backed Tesco Financial Services will also announce its first official profit when it declares its interims this week.
  • a straight-backed wooden chair
  • The election commission reached an impasse on the day of the vote Thursday after the opposition, backed by international observers, demanded that votes be sent from individual polling stations by a satellite-based system believed to be tamperproof. Dictator's Son Winner of Togo Election
  • She backed into a doorway to let the crowds pass by.
  • Long-backed, thin, ‘lank as a leafless elm,’ a New England coach driver might look as though a high wind would blow him away, yet he would wear nankeens and low shoes in winter weather, and was not fragile but lusty.
  • Keep the floors covered with close-fitted carpet with a foam backed underfelt or underlay.
  • The Park is an important breeding area for the pinkbacked pelican Pelecanus rufescens, white pelican P. onocrotalus, African fish-eagle Haliaeetus vocifer, Caspian tern Hydroprogne caspia, goliath heron Ardea goliath, rufous-bellied heron Butorides rufiventris, yellowbilled stork Mycteria ibis, pygmy goose Nettapus auritus, collared pratincole Glareola pratincola and greyrumped swallow Pseudohirondo griseopyga. Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
  • The bowlers were very well backed up by the fielders, and the hosts were pegged back to 19 for three from 12 overs, with Koram being the pick of the bowling with three wickets from six maiden overs.
  • Water from a beck which feeds into the River Wharfe at Ryther, near Tadcaster, backed up and blocked the main road through the village.
  • He backed out of the truck and stood looking over the bajada in the moonlight. No Country For Old Men
  • My family backed me up throughout the court case.
  • Learners will gain a working knowledge of the food industry, with a general introduction to food manufacture backed up with a range of specialist options.
  • In the past 20 years, employees have lost right after right to Government-backed bosses intent on squeezing more work for less pay out of their workforces.
  • Album opener ‘Petrified Possessions’ is guided by a plodding piano line that's backed by a tremulous guitar adorned with tines of feedback.
  • The trainer backed away from the enraged tiger.
  • Here, my eyes would glaze over as I flash backed to the summer I spent putting little purple microdot tabs of mescaline in my mouth, waiting for that hallucinatory high.
  • At both venues he backed artists of worldwide fame and made a number of radio and television broadcasts with his trio.
  • Software is the bang up-to-date Office XP Small Business Edition and it's backed up by a one-year, collect-and-return warranty.
  • The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions.
  • After initially supporting the latter he backed the former. The Government and Politics of France
  • He piggybacked her child so she could see the show
  • A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old-fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed -- destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort. The Purcell Papers, Volume II
  • It is possible that the gold-backed Islamic dinar may replace the dollar as the global trading standard or that China or the European Union may seize the moment to offer the world a stable replacement currency.
  • The cardo gobbo hunchbacked thistle is a perfect example. Where Health Springs Eternal
  • He backed up Chad Pennington, and then Brett Favre, and then Mr. Sanchez last season, though even that glamourless role could be ending. Clemens Barely Holding On as Jets' No. 3 Quarterback
  • There, on the great high-backed oak chair, sat the same enormous rat.
  • She may have backed out of plans to appear on "The Oprah Show," but Oksana Grigorieva has moved on to the next best platform to spread the good word about her bad relationship with baby-daddy Mel Gibson: People magazine. Oksana Grigorieva on Mel Gibson: 'I thought he would kill me'
  • The Rockets have been backed into every conceivable corner in the playoff penthouse.
  • Buttonholed while crossing the court-house lawn, and backed into a corner between the county clerk's office and the jail, Shelby had to listen with what patience he might to her denunciation of what she called his vile concord with Belial. The Henchman
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • The digicam is backed with still and video capture code.
  • The showpiece will be a collection of about 10,000 personal papers that belonged to Dr. King, which were purchased with a $32 million loan backed by some of Atlanta's biggest philanthropists and corporations. Civil-Rights Gains Test New Memorials' Relevance
  • This arc of pristine sand sweeps around a bay backed by swaying palm trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions.
  • The flood water backed up the pipes for the dirty water.
  • The report is backed up by disappointing rankings in the world's top 500 universities.
  • Found above the falls are whitebacked night heron Gorsachius leuconotus, African finfoot Podica senegalensis and rock pratincole Glareola nuchalis. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • Muni analysts had said the U.S. rating downgrade will most directly affect municipal credits tied closely to U.S. government debt securities, such as pre-refunded bonds backed by escrowed Treasury bonds and agency-backed municipal debt. S&P: State, Local Borrowers Can Still Be Rated Triple-A
  • Then early in the Obama administration, regulators threw the real estate industry a bone, expanding a financial rescue program, the term asset-backed securities loan facility (TALF), to commercial-mortgage-backed securities, thereby muffling calls for a broader industry rescue. The Other Shoe
  • In jurisdictions where a cheque can be backed by a guarantee card, there cannot be countermand.
  • Her face was almost imperceptible backed by the last remnants of the day's light. THE SHADOWS OF POWER
  • David's light caught the long-eared hump-backed shape of an aardvark, lumbering ahead of us at a steady trot.
  • Threatened or now rare species also include blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanii, yellow-backed duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor, sitatunga Tragelophus spekei, giant hog, hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushpig potomochoerus porcus, the Rwenzori hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus ruwenzorii and Ruwenzori otter-shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (EN). Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
  • Degrees leave the learning much more up to you, with the emphasis on lectures backed up by tutorials rather than a more interactive learning environment.
  • He backed out of his earlier promise
  • In addition, there are bushpig Potamochoerus larvatus, giant forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, yellowbacked and blackfronted duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor and C. nigrifrons. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • De Vere backed up several steps toward the side staircase.
  • An ancient Russian icon in nielloed silver and one of these Christs in carved wood, executed in the seventeenth century by Bogard de Nancy, in an antique frame of gilded wood backed with velvet, were the only things that slightly relieved the banality of the decoration. Là-bas
  • The government has backed away from its plans to decriminalise consensual sexual behaviour between teenagers.
  • He had backed a European takeover bid while she had backed an American one. Times, Sunday Times
  • An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. The Dark Art of Interrogation
  • Perhaps fewer teachers at the conference would have backed this tax hike on savings if they had done their sums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fed purchase extension: Some of the downdraft is a result of the Federal Reserve's recent decision to extend by three months its program of buying up debt and mortgage-backed securities from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. U.S. News
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • In fact, the biggest surge in recent sales trends has been for flip-up, network-backed, celebrity-endorsed models.
  • The crawfish has a tail, and five fins on it; and the round-backed carid has a tail and four fins; the squilla also has fins at the tail on either side. The History of Animals
  • This is a white form of our old enemy the rosebay willowherb, but once you have seen it growing in a border backed by dark hedging you will forget all about its evil relatives.
  • a broken-backed book
  • The earthy humour is backed up by an impressively slick game. Times, Sunday Times
  • Russian troops are moving on Tbilisi, Abkhazia is now in the hands of Russian backed seperatists. The Cease-Fire That Isn’t « Tai-Chi Policy
  • Threatened or now rare species also include blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanii, yellow-backed duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor, sitatunga Tragelophus spekei, giant hog, hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushpig potomochoerus porcus, the Rwenzori hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus ruwenzorii and Ruwenzori otter-shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (EN). Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
  • Each terrace is backed by north facing offices, where minimal solar gain reduces the tendency to overheat and the need for energy-hungry air conditioning. BEDZED: Beddington Zero Energy Development in London | Inhabitat
  • The Bush administration backed off its previous position insisting on linkage.
  • Notably, the company checked the Trujillos 'time sheets against the security gate log of entries and exits, ignoring the fact that workers often "piggybacked" -- failed to show their badges at the gate, following after someone who had -- and had done so for years without comment by the company. Joan Williams: Health Care? Let's Do It for Charlie
  • When the resulting flight from asset-backed commercial paper caused exposures to come back on to the balance sheets of banks that had sponsored such programs, uncertainty about some banks 'exposures raised their funding costs, most notably in the term interbank market, as evidenced by widening LIBOR spreads. Lacker Speech on Financial Stability
  • The kitchen was in spotless order, and she sat down on a stiff-backed chair by the window to wait for her brother. Further Chronicles of Avonlea
  • General Motors is selling its European operation to Magna, the Canadian car parts supplier, which is backed by the Russian bank Sparebank.
  • Being itself unbacked by anything other than politicians' promises, it is - in its current unbacked form - simply doomed.
  • An example of the process is producing a seat back for an automobile, wherein foam-backed fabric sheets are mated with a polypropylene substrate.
  • I pulled up to the launch and actually backed it is on the third try which I thought was good, but had to pull it right back out because I forgot to unstrap the boat. Tales From The Boat Ramp
  • That said, the chances of a state-backed telecom company not honouring its obligations are pretty low.
  • A week ago a national rail strike was called off at the eleventh hour when the management backed down over pensions.
  • He'll be backed by one of the nation's finest backcourts.
  • Hi Raman, I had just reacted to your aforesaid sentence as I thought that saying something like this aphoristically should ideally be backed by sound arguments. What they wanted us to do
  • I counted Bill and Megan Romersma, whose place backed up to ours and whose son, Jared, Puddles and I had ditched earlier, because there was no way we were going to get away with this if that little tattletale had come along. Chicken
  • Take the business of this newspaper, the rag that backed the rebel faction, and that was closed down for 60 days last month.
  • For Bittman fans, it's a good approach to a cookbook: an enormous hardbacked monster of a book, 1000 recipes from everywhere, and especially useful if you've got ingredients but no specific direction you want to go. Sunday is Food Day: Vichyssoise
  • The officer saw an open-backed truck at the site containing a large amount of asbestos cement roofing material.
  • Passage begins on a wide seashore backed with dunes against a cloudless sky.
  • There can be no war nowadays between civilized nations, nor any peace that is not hollow and delusive unless sustained and backed up by the sentiment of the people who are parties to it. 
  • a slim straight-backed dancer
  • Backed by an ­invigoratingly swinging big band, his singing made me feel good with his personal, signature sound, infectious jazz time and conversational phrasing. The Other Frank Sinatra
  • From the time he left Oxford he was acclaimed and backed by a small minority of passionate admirers whom I have called his fuglemen. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Garvey backed him up, cheerleading from the sidelines, quoting chapter and verse from the security regs. CORMORANT
  • If you were to peel away the plastic (a foam-backed thermoplastic olefin) from the instrument panel, you'd discover a one-piece magnesium casting.
  • Slean was backed by a crack six piece band, including a string section and Sarah McElcheran on trumpet, flugelhorn and what appeared to be a conch shell.
  • He backed out, turned, drove on to the road and turned left to go down to the T-junction. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • Suspended from the ceiling just behind the white marble altar, the cross is backed by a swath of deep purple fabric.
  • He piggybacked her all the way down the path, despite her loud complaints and squeals.
  • It is made from foam-backed silk that gives it extra shape and definition. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's looking very handsome out back, all sweeping lawns backed by a soft mixed hedge perhaps ten feet high, composed of a good blend of native trees and bushes.
  • All the faltering, paltering and useless procrastinating by Hillary and her ilk have worked to delay any effective Democratic-backed change in the Iraq War, and, by extension, the reining-in of Cheney plans against Iran. Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
  • This narrative must be placed within a historic, political and cultural context to re-frame the relationship between the state and the citizen, and will require the development of robust and impartial rule of law backed by independent judiciaries. Ziad J. Asali, M.D.: Arabs Deserve a Party of the Citizen
  • When Mr. ElBaradei returned to Egypt in February 2010 to lead an alliance of opposition groups, many of them youth-driven, the Muslim Brotherhood backed him, formalizing a partnership that had already gelled among the rank and file. 'Brothers' in Egypt Present Two Faces
  • The sinks flank a vintage five-panel door and are backed by beadboard wainscoting made of tongue-and-groove 1x4s.
  • On Sunday a rebel motion on council housing transfer policy was backed on a show of hands.
  • Democratic leaders have said they plan to implement a parliamentary procedure popularly known as deem and pass to push the health care proposal backed by President Barack Obama over the finish line. Stories
  • Backed by official government data and using media savvies, these 34 NGOs are forcing brand-conscious global IT corporations to face up to the discrepancy between their glorified "Supplier Code of Conduct" and actual implementation on the ground. Xiu Min Li: China's IT Poisons
  • R These locals, led by manic violinist Steve Gibons, might be the city's best practitioners of Roma music -- and there's only one ringer in the bunch, cimbalom virtuoso Nicolae Feraru, a Romanian expat who also leads his own group and a few years ago backed Serbian legend Saban Bajramovic at HotHouse. Chicago Reader
  • The council meeting takes off as the Mayor clad in ceremonial attire takes the high backed chair on the dais at the stroke of the bell.
  • I believe there is nothing more to be said or done to-night, "responded the duke, in a desponding tone -- for it _cannot_ be an exhilarating anticipation to have to get up in the morning and stand up to murder, or be murdered, even where the duellist is the bravest of men, backed by the serenest of seconds. The Lost Lady of Lone
  • Interesting marsh birds found in the reclaimed areas include egrets Egretta alba, E. garzetta and E. intermedia, purple heron Ardea purpurea (a rare vagrant from Africa) and green-backed heron Butorides striatus, while birds of prey include osprey Pandion haliaetus, Pallas's sea-eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus (R), white-bellied sea-eagle H. leucogaster, grey-headed fishing eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, Oriential hobby F. severus, northern eagle owl Bubo bubo and brown fish owl Ketupa zeylonensis. Sundarbans National Park, India
  • The partnership behind it insists it is a serious effort at fusion food, born of 18 months of culinary and market testing, and backed by a hefty investment from a leading Edinburgh food company.
  • The bottom line is that she believes in a secular government and she is backed and advised by a group of secular intellectuals.
  • Most importantly they are easily accessible and backed by the Treasury. Times, Sunday Times
  • He backed out of the hedge and set off at a steady lope up the lawn. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • God's purpose in each case, and what God actually accomplishes in each case, in the development of character, -- these have not yet been placed before the jury; but, backed up by many fulfilled prophecies, by the character of Jesus Christ, by His resurrection, by what He has accomplished in the world, we have God's solemn assurance that _He will yet place this evidence before the jury_. God's Plan with Men
  • This arc of pristine sand sweeps around a bay backed by swaying palm trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project is being backed by a letter of credit from Lasalle Bank.
  • Wells was supposed to put up half the money, but later backed out.
  • Although the foam-backed type is nonslip, I prefer a felt or flannel-backed padding. HOME COMFORTS
  • With my luck, I'd lose if I backed the only horse in a one horse race.
  • I know the mode has been chicaned upon; but it was substantially obeyed, and much better obeyed than I fear the Parliamentary requisition of this session will be, though enforced by all your rigor and backed with all your power. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12)
  • Tom Seymour had her backed up against the wainscoted wall, one hand flat against the surface on either side of her shoulders. Secrets of the Tudor Court
  • Backed by a combination of sticks and carrots, the advice often gains credibility only because it is taken.
  • The captain of a submarine is shown observing through the periscope a broken-backed merchantman, torpedoed fair amidships and sinking by the bow, with the complacent rhyme.
  • Their data will still be backed up, but it will be captured in an in-use state rather than a quiesced state. 2BakSa.Net
  • This is a thin film that's been coated onto a flexible plastic material backed by a strong glue.
  • These are vertical planes of horizontally stacked planks of wood backed by a pole or beam planted in the ground.
  • The major selling point was that it backed on to swathes of open countryside. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • She opened the purse and withdrew a paperbacked bub - ble with a blue derm inside. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • I backed my way across the river with rifle leveled and took up a defilade and waited ... Anyone have a good bear story? Here's one of mine..... Back in 1986 I was stationed in Alaska near Fairbanks.
  • The principles and methods of weft backed weave CAD with and warp grouping are introduced.
  • A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.
  • You need to make sure everything is backed up on your home computer - a flat battery in your PDA can wipe out all your data in one go.
  • Punters taking a longer view backed the banknote printer to do well from any return of global inflation when stimulus measures are wound down. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was all disinformation which we backed up with fictitious facts and figures to make it appear genuine. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • Contractors are also very frustrated, and feeling backed into a corner.
  • Players' union boss Gordon Taylor today backed plans to test footballers for designer steroid tetrahydrogestrinone, vowing: ‘We have nothing to hide.’
  • Mr Javanfekr said Iran wanted to end the 'animosities' between the two countries who have had no diplomatic relations since 1980, a year after Iran became an Islamic republic following the toppling of the US-backed shah. Undefined
  • Lately, he has been dabbling in pop music of the Andrea ­Bocelli variety, which is to say amplified, synthesizer-backed sentimental ballads. 'I Have to Fly in Order to Sing'
  • Council workers carrying chainsaws and backed by 12 cops moved in at 5am after neighbours were woken and asked to move their cars. The Sun
  • In order to confront Iran, Reagan and Bush administrations had incessantly backed Saddam Hussein regardless of his suppressing the Kurd and developing NBC weapons.
  • Carp and skimmers are showing in large numbers backed up by rudd and tench.
  • After that, I kind of backed off the "sped" chat; instead, I created "brunette moments," which are like "blonde moments" and "senior moments," but my brunette moments are much ditzier. Nikki Luongo: 'You Seem So Normal!'
  • My family backed me up throughout the court case.
  • The election alliance led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki -- whose administration has been backed by Washington -- called the court decision "bloodstained" by allowing suspected Saddam loyalists back into the political fold. Headlines
  • The US doesn’t ratify a treaty but since a court whose jurisdiction the US also does not recognize says that the failure to ratify is irrelevant, all backed up by more cases from, of course, said court, then the international law binds theUS! The Volokh Conspiracy » An Eminently Sound Approach to (Supposed) International Human Rights Norms, from the Ninth Circuit
  • It's not that his surmises are automatically wrong (they're backed up by art-historical knowledge and personal empathy), but that they sound affected and impossibly privileged.
  • Experimental tests with aquatic species have backed up the theoretical predictions.
  • The revamped series of Dr Seuss books have been colour-coded with the green backed books aimed at younger children with bright simple illustrations and as with all Dr Seuss tales the narrative is in rhyme.
  • Mass amounts of this innocuous beverage flooded the market and, backed by slick advertising campaigns and the lure of good cheap wine, few could resist the bait.
  • He backed out and before I knew it we were driving around forty miles an hour in Timberville.
  • Yet this Saturday night I had the privilege of being present when Suzie McNeil, backed only by drums, bass violin and a lonely electro-acoustic guitar, gave in to the crowd.
  • They go about their dull lives without ever hearing the words novice chaser or staying hurdler, or even once experiencing the adrenalin rush of seeing the horse they backed at 12-1 come to the last flight upsides the favourite.
  • Lajoie said that Italo Medugno was "unshaken" in cross-examination and his account was backed by two other former students at Pleasant Park Public School. Ottawa Sun
  • The slaves rose and backed out of the chamber, their eyes cast down.
  • The kitchen door flew open, and one of the men backed into the hall, his gun cocked and ready.
  • Tessa had not backed down, not an inch, during her entire tirade of reprimands and verbal lashings.
  • Israel of course, tacitly backed by the do-nothing amurkan Department of State aka Condi Rice. Think Progress » U.S., France agree on cease-fire package.
  • You may have been a great gambler but you've backed the wrong horse this time.
  • J.B. glowered like a spoilt child, for Kagi backed me up, and our discussion was pretty strained until he got his way on another ridiculous point - the establishment of a school in the hills for piccaninnies. THE NUMBERS
  • His lectures were indeed brilliant, backed up by visible, very audible practical demonstrations. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, these statements were general in nature and were not backed by material evidence to support them.
  • The arch is topped by a large tracery rose and backed by a trough on the interior side (within the cloister walk) that probably once marked the entrance to the chapterhouse. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Caps are 12.5 oz. wool blend and have buckram-backed front panels, pre-curved visors, and grey undervisors.
  • Mangrove Capital Partners, a Luxembourg-based venture capital firm which has backed Skype and Nimbuzz, has invested $4 million for a minority stake in Global Online Apparel, a holding company of Indian shoe e-tailer, as well as other e-commerce sites across the globe. Deals India: Morning News Roundup
  • Backed by a $ 172,689 campaign funded by the cemetery industry, the proposal sailed through with 68 percent of the vote.

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