
How To Use Backbencher In A Sentence

  • Labour backbenchers are confident the last tally-ho will soon echo across Britain's countryside.
  • But here he is, threatening to go on and on, surrounded by fawning Labour ministers, backbenchers and constituency delegates.
  • He said there was a groundswell of opinion among backbenchers, and said he had been involved with a statement released detailing the plans.
  • As a mere backbencher I'm not privy to negotiations that go on.
  • But former city Lord Mayor Cllr Dermot Lacey (Lab) says there is opposition to the new post from a 'coalition of Fianna Fáil backbenchers and bureaucrats' who want to 'stymie' RTÉ News
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  • Expect, too, plenty of backbenchers to step forward fearlessly to criticise the leadership.
  • The joy among backbenchers when McCreevy announced the programme last December was almost unconfined, as they scurried off to their constituencies to bask in the good news.
  • Mr Morgan, 46, repeatedly demanded on Tuesday night that the 40-year-old Tory backbencher withdraw her allegation, which he described as an "absolute, blatant lie". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • While the Committee was looking at the strange electoral role practices of the family of the somnolent Queensland backbencher, he seemed to have something different to say.
  • The whips who failed miserably to dragoon the rebels through the ‘No’ lobby on Wednesday wearily admit that a mass revolt by more than a third of backbenchers cannot be passed off as a mere blip.
  • He leaned one elbow on the dispatch box and turned round to his backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a private meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party earlier, the Prime Minister himself urged backbenchers to back him.
  • Labour backbenchers precariously hanging on to marginal seats began to stir.
  • And tonight party backbenchers and Peers will decide if it is time to kill off the battered Premier once and for all. The Sun
  • The Conservative leaders expressed their preference for contributory pensions but did not restrain many of their backbenchers from voting for it.
  • Potentially rebellious backbenchers stuck in their constituencies were not offered this facility. Times, Sunday Times
  • The week past has shown, for the first time, that Labour backbenchers have found out how to revolt against ministers and that they are willing to do so.
  • The widespread opposition of Labour backbenchers has forced the health secretary to make some cosmetic changes to the proposals.
  • He leaned one elbow on the dispatch box and turned round to his backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the government frontbenchers, government backbenchers, opposition frontbenchers, and opposition backbenchers.
  • Tell that to the government backbenchers who howl at him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many backbenchers also oppose windfarms, which they say are costly and unreliable. The Sun
  • But Tory backbenchers are desperate for him to end the drift.
  • It all depends, I suppose, on whether his whips still have the backbenchers in their iron grip.
  • Many Liberal backbenchers and opposition members were completely unaware of the negotiations.
  • But they could also help to appease Conservative backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conservative backbenchers have rebelled against plans to cut employment and support allowance payments by 29 a week from April. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has imposed a three-line whip which means the sack for any member of the government who defies him and career-sapping consequences for any backbencher who rebels. The Tory Eurosceptics are on a roll. So why are they still so cross? | Andrew Rawnsley
  • The advantage of being a backbencher is that you can speak your mind.
  • As a Tory backbencher in 1988, Nicholson was vice-chairman of a parliamentary committee that rejected the expansion of automatic incarceration, asserting that it doesn't work, overcrowds jails and takes too hefty of a social and financial toll. Top Stories
  • Will comfortably feed about 100 Conservative backbenchers.
  • Over half the backbenchers are regularly involved with select committee activity.
  • Naturally the most ambitious junior ministers and backbenchers are also creeping up to Downing Street. The Sun
  • But any attempt needs to involve much more than party leaders since backbenchers in both Houses can easily block reform plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Cameron has also reprimanded shadow cabinet member Alan Duncan as well as backbenchers Douglas Hogg and Sir Patrick Cormack over MPs 'pay. David Cameron distances himself from 'maverick' Tory party
  • Heseltine's campaign team, having been canvassing backbenchers for several weeks, had already developed a considerable momentum.
  • And as a backbencher you will need to allow your successors to get on with that task without undue interference.
  • This comes after the Opposition was mauled yesterday in Question Time when Labor backbenchers were really looking to make budgetary inroads on the equity angle.
  • A senior Conservative backbencher agreed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intoxicated by the discovery of their own power, Labour backbenchers celebrated a rare parliamentary victory.
  • Tory backbenchers attempted to inflict more pain on the PM over budget cuts but he scuttled behind his stockade and caterwauled at them like an 80s class-warrior. A percentage game at PMQs
  • Why do ministers ask so few questions in private, and backbenchers ask so few questions in public?
  • Since 1997, Labour backbenchers have docilely suffered themselves to be herded through the division lobby with about as much consideration for their feelings as crated veal calves.
  • Conservative backbencher Rob Halfon, who secured today's debate, revealed he had been told there would be a three-line whip - the strongest disciplinary sanction. Petrol price rise: David Cameron faces Commons revolt after No 10 e-petition
  • Some Labour backbenchers have added their voices to the chorus of condemnation.
  • The Charter is up for renewal in 1996, and there are ministers to be lobbied and Conservative backbenchers to be wooed.
  • All I ask now is that I be allowed to continue my constituency and Parliamentary work and responsibilities as a backbencher.
  • The PM told ministers to force backbenchers into line ahead of a key vote on the issue next Monday. The Sun
  • The parliament's backbenchers did, however, force Executive ministers to change the law so two questions on religion could be included.
  • The backbencher says not from our side, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE Government is set to lose support in its heartlands because of its failure to help the poor, a senior backbencher has warned. The Sun
  • The scientists here are being warned not to be disappointed if they don't get to see high ranking politicians, because today's backbencher is tomorrows cabinet member.
  • The plot collapsed in the absence of significant backing from other senior backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henry McLeish also promised to address the deep disaffection among Labour backbenchers exposed by his snap election last weekend.
  • It is difficult not sympathise with the Chancellor who is under a lot of pressure from Conservative backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to spending more time in the chamber than most backbenchers, she also has a frontbench job as a spokesman on culture.
  • A motion to withdraw support from the Coalition was moved by a senior Essex backbencher.
  • Many Labour backbenchers regard them as the doves in the Cabinet most capable of leading anti-war dissent.
  • Since then he has been an active backbencher, chairing the influential Treasury and Civil Service select committee.
  • He took the first in a series of fence-mending measures by inviting disgruntled backbenchers to participate in designing Labour's re-election strategy.
  • I can't wait for him to set foot in parliament as a backbencher where he is going to be face to face with the people he always arrogantly insults.
  • Standish Michael Keon, Melbourne backbencher with a feline wit, was the chief parliamentary articulator of Santamaria's ‘threat from the north’ line, though not a Movement member.
  • The position now reached by the Executive on its repeal is one backbenchers can live with.
  • It was a crass attempt to suck up to the backbenchers,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • It began, as is the custom, with two speeches by government backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Charter is up for renewal in 1996, and there are ministers to be lobbied and Conservative backbenchers to be wooed.
  • If the Government is reduced to grubbing the votes of its most backward-looking, antediluvian backbenchers, then what is it in office for?
  • He had lost some right-wing ministers and alienated many backbenchers and supporters outside Parliament.
  • Ideas that raced through his head, as a backbencher, became concrete legislation once he held the Ministerial reins.
  • The speaker is supposed to operate outside of party politics and Bercow has been the target of dissatisfaction and disgruntlement, particularly from Tory backbenchers who claim to detect bias. House of Lords in stalemate over voting reform
  • Lib Dem backbenchers went further when contacted by the Guardian and accused their coalition partners of short-termism and kneejerk reactions. Tories' reaction to riots 'bonkers', say Liberal Democrat MPs
  • The executive's refusal to accept the committee's decision has caused outrage among Labour backbenchers.
  • Scunnered with the malign Scottish press, scunnered with his own backbenchers, scunnered with the amateurism and ineptness of the parliament.
  • If the Government is reduced to grubbing the votes of its most backward-looking, antediluvian backbenchers, then what is it in office for?
  • But military top brass as well as his own senior backbenchers warned he risked failure if Britain cuts and runs from the tough battle early. The Sun
  • Potentially rebellious backbenchers stuck in their constituencies were not offered this facility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ministers and backbenchers have concluded that the game is up and if they go on thinking that way it probably will be. Times, Sunday Times
  • His own backbenchers and members of the opposition have all threatened to walk out of Westminster or resign.
  • Since he is prepared to do this, there is nothing that he cannot do: his ranks of craven, sycophantic backbenchers will not cavil at anything he says.
  • The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa, an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan.
  • I was also under no illusion that some backbenchers on our side were nervous about the policy.
  • The Conservative leaders expressed their preference for contributory pensions but did not restrain many of their backbenchers from voting for it.
  • Labour backbenchers are confident the last tally-ho will soon echo across Britain's countryside.
  • In no particular order: the resignation of Dr Liam Fox means he has lost the Eurosceptic right's favourite pin-up; the promotion of 29-year-old Chloe Smith to the Treasury team, as well as Justine Greening to transport, signalled to scores of middle-aged male backbenchers that their political futures are behind them; and almost all of his backbenchers will face tough reselection battles as the Commons shrinks from 650 to 600 MPs. EU referendum: party poopers | Editorial
  • Now Manchester's ruling Labour group has pledged to act after its own backbenchers joined the clamour for change.
  • Prime minister's questions is principally for backbenchers, he said incongruously. Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
  • Underscoring that point, two West Australian backbenchers, Wilson Tuckey and Dennis Jensen, had inadvertently drafted a motion that would have tipped out Turnbull, and his deputy - their mate and fellow Sandgroper Julie Bishop - a Keystone Cops mistake that took time to correct. Undefined
  • Many backbenchers also oppose windfarms, which they say are costly and unreliable. The Sun
  • In January 2004, the Tories and Lib Dems both voted against the tuition fee bill along with 72 Labour backbenchers, united in deploring a measure that broke with Britain's long-standing tradition of offering free public education. University fees are going to rise. They have to be fair to the poor
  • Some 30 Conservatives abstained, as did a significant number of Labour backbenchers.
  • Now Manchester's ruling Labour group has pledged to act after its own backbenchers joined the clamour for change.
  • Tory backbenchers will then be reselected or not by a "selectorate" which will probably not be feeling very warm about Government policies, and may look kindly on mild rebellion. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The shenanigans provoked uproar as the nation began to lose patience with the third party 's dithering backbenchers in the face of an economic crisis. The Sun
  • Being an MP may be a doddle for obscure Labour backbenchers, but not for party leaders, and Salmond will inevitably become UK leader again.
  • Ministers and backbenchers agree that his continued membership is a source of increasing embarrassment.
  • It may well have been the desire of many, perhaps a majority, of the Cabinet and the Conservative backbenchers.
  • This is the time for Labour backbenchers to put political integrity before government opportunism.
  • Two of the backbenchers who suddenly find themselves Parliamentary Secretaries will no doubt be thrilled.
  • A new Speaker should get backbenchers and party leaders together to discuss how to make it work. Times, Sunday Times
  • That said, a long-serving backbencher who never asks the government anything is probably a strong hint that they are a talentless time-server.
  • In April 1939, under pressure from Tory backbenchers, the Government announced the introduction of military conscription.
  • Ministers maintain that backbenchers need not concern themselves with such prodigiously boring work. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said there was a groundswell of opinion among backbenchers, and said he had been involved with a statement released detailing the plans.
  • Furious Conservative backbenchers rounded on ministers for penalising hard-up households. The Sun
  • But a minister whose policy is unpopular with some of his own backbenchers may find opposition support embarrassing.
  • A decline in party discipline and of members' willingness to obey the whips, is one means of restoring influence to the backbenchers.
  • One of the reasons for my great success as Speaker is the way I have empowered backbenchers and the opposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even Liberal backbenchers concede that the Prime Minister's first instincts are authoritarian.
  • A motion to withdraw support from the Coalition was moved by a senior Essex backbencher.
  • The backbenchers' rebellion could inflict her first Commons defeat. The Sun
  • The Government refuses to hold a national poll despite pressure from its own backbenchers and senior party figures.
  • Ministers maintain that backbenchers need not concern themselves with such prodigiously boring work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of his backbenchers have deep concerns about the armed forces becoming overstretched. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an attempt to square their own backbenchers, but they have failed to satisfy them and we are now set for a battle royal.
  • The whips have the task of mobilizing their party's backbenchers: popular mythology ascribes to them powers beyond their reach.
  • It is also expected that a couple of Tory backbenchers will be named and shamed tomorrow for being amongthe very worstabusers of the system. Telegraph reportedly planning to do the shadow Cabinet on Monday
  • Fortunately, for once I don't seem to be the only one convinced of his idiocy - most of his backbenchers are too.
  • Conservative backbenchers will also have to approve any deal and some will oppose any further power sharing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may well have been the desire of many, perhaps a majority, of the Cabinet and the Conservative backbenchers.
  • Yet by failing to meet expectations of a radical cabinet rehaul, he may yet be confronted by unruly backbenchers.
  • Backbenchers moved 3510 amendments, only 171 being carried and most of these were not opposed by the government.
  • But Tory backbenchers are desperate for him to end the drift.
  • A lot of the subjects are backbenchers, who are not generally covered by political cartoonists. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shenanigans provoked uproar as the nation began to lose patience with the third party's dithering backbenchers in the face of an economic crisis. The Sun
  • And would he really not make a better contribution to the national debate than half the backbenchers in parliament?
  • Governments want to govern without interruption or interference and active backbenchers have the bad habit of asking inconvenient questions and making speeches which embarrass ministers.
  • Since then he has been an active backbencher, chairing the influential Treasury and Civil Service select committee.
  • Now that she is a backbencher and no longer has to be on-message, Harman is coming up with radical proposals to help women balance both their working lives and caring responsibilities.
  • It was a crass attempt to suck up to the backbenchers,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tory backbenchers fear it will be a vote-loser. Times, Sunday Times
  • How troublesome will backbenchers really be when it comes to a vote?
  • If you're going to have your picture in GQ, you're going to invite a certain amount of comment, she continued, grinding any notion of sisterhood under her booted-heel to make a sideswipe at her fellow panellist, Tory backbencher Louise Mensch. Committee's solution to attacks on female politicians: 'just get on with it'

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