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How To Use Back In A Sentence

  • Jeff, clad in board trunks and a T-shirt, leans back in his chair with the lappie on his, uhhh, lap, and his bare feet up on the desk. Savages
  • It would almost be better to have no backbench bills at all than the current system, which offers a false glimmer of hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
  • The Fat Controller and I were back inside the bolt when it arrived from the bonded warehouse at Felixstowe.
  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
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  • I chatter with enthusiasm whilst knobs of butter slide off the fishes' backs and sizzle to blister bubbles.
  • Before you know it, all the Sandy Clarks and Billy Starks doing the media rounds are back in business until the next time they are given their jotters for failing to meet fans' expectations.
  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own. Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • The right back found himself in unfamiliar territory in the opposing penalty area after a swift exchange of passes that opened up Reading's defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they want it knocked back into a field of muck and dirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The recoil from the shot blew James onto his back, unconscious once again.
  • The material you choose for surfaces including counters, backsplashes and floors can also account for variations in price.
  • He was going back to the place where there was no feeling, because emotion and love were not allowed.
  • I turned up at the school yard with my hippie backpack slung over one shoulder feeling pretty cool. Times, Sunday Times
  • He came back hours later clothes ragged, an excited look on his face.
  • Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
  • Pulling one back with another penalty - this time converted by the regular taker - they finally conceded a third. The Sun
  • Back on the boat and heading to shore, we spotted a spout, a fin and then the flukes of a humpback whale.
  • To avoid leaving the center posts in the permanent work, two rows of temporary posts were placed, as shown by Fig. 1, Plate LX, the center wall and skewback were built, and the posts were removed, as shown by Fig. 2, Plate LX, before placing the remainder of the lining. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • Instead of asking the fortunate few, why doesn't Ted asked the gifted masses of state employees to do a little giveback? We're! Number! 5! (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • There is a tradition of magickal practice in my family but sadly it fell into abeyance a couple of generations back.
  • I have no great picture of her to link because I am out of town in San Francisco and all the pictures I have are the naked librarian Playboy centerfolds I got in email a few days back.
  • She jumped back with a little yelp of surprise.
  • As far back as the 1920s, it was an easy getaway for Hollywood types looking for a little privacy; and this golden era lives on at select spots.
  • Only a few minutes had gone when the Welshman flung in an inviting right-foot cross to the back post.
  • Simply smooth a little on your face at night, lie back and say goodbye to dull and lifeless skin. The Sun
  • Consumers get incredibly upset when dieticians and researchers backtrack on previous findings, proclaiming that products once deemed healthy are now in question.
  • The old ceiling and bar brought back many memories of happy carefree days of yore to those present.
  • He slowly depressed the plunger and once the syringe was empty, withdrew the needle and stepped back.
  • The snow relented and we were back to a rocky descending path.
  • This causes verrucas to grow back into the skin, which can be painful.
  • I'd live the transient and ephemeral existence of a backpacker for a week, an existence of freedom and simple pleasures.
  • Sefelt has pulled back halfway normal, swelling up and down with big wet, rattling breaths.
  • Chile's top constitutional court blocked a government bid to promote the free distribution of the morning-after pill to minors aged 14 and over, dealing a new setback to President Michelle Bachelet.
  • I barken back to the rogue Taken Howler, the dead unexpectedly alive and inimical. Shadow Games
  • Back in the mid-1980s, for example, knee replacement surgery was considered a success if the patient wound up with 90 degrees of flexion, which is "nothing near normal," he says. Latest News
  • Inhuman hours, back-stabbing competition, abuse by superiors; it's all familiar now.
  • Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.
  • Her mother has written to him explaining the situation but has not heard back.
  • He advised people against indulging in backbiting.
  • The presidential election will be conducted against a backdrop of seismic political and economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anybody who has tried to follow a rigorous diet will know how easy it is to lapse back into bad habits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies need to be able to handle surges, otherwise the cost of generating leads is wasted and prospective customers who cannot get through may get such a bad impression of the company that they do not bother calling back.
  • Carefully, she moved a hand forward and eased back the white sheets.
  • Why aren't more different types of cars - namely hatchbacks, wagons and microcars - more readily available in the U.S.?
  • His offhand manner put my back up.
  • The defensive line is a strength, but the team would like more quarterback sacks from the left side.
  • Instinctively they turned their back on the farce staged by the trade unions.
  • A swingle-tree hung at the pole's end, and a second pair of reins was fast to the driver's seat, the four cheek-buckles lying crossed over the wheeler's backs. Ambrotox and Limping Dick
  • She huffed, stood up, arched her back in a heavyweight stretch, turned to the fountain and started in on a long, long drink.
  • The nerves are the terminal branches of the right and left vagi, the former being distributed upon the back, and the latter upon the front part of the organ. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • A homeless woman is back on the streets again after being evicted from a telephone box.
  • The gnomes in the back room are putting the finishing touches to the new software.
  • Lamaze classes aid in preparation; hypnosis, acupuncture, and biofeedback are also used.
  • Her partner deceives her, but she doesn't know it; her children fail, but she is told they succeed; she believes she has the admiration of others, but they laugh at her behind her back.
  • I have found that a tool guided by a straight-edge, and "jiggered" backwards and forwards, makes by far the best lines for blind-tool work. Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
  • On Friday, we thought we'd try lunch at the Stag and Hounds in Binfield, but there wasn't a table free, so we'd headed back homewards and went to the poshest place in the village.
  • It is mainly accomplished by using text in the same color as the background color of the page.
  • This inversion technique takes into account atmospheric effects on the radiation and spatial variations in the surface emissivity and backscatter.
  • Hundreds of the aircraft are on order, but loss of the Northwest batch is a serious setback.
  • The development includes eight sound stages, production facilities, digital facilities and outdoor back lot areas.
  • Moe is a 32 year old privately-owned chimp kept in a backyard in Los Angeles.
  • Mandela was convinced of security force "connivance", at least in the form of standing back and allowing violence that they could stop. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Instead of leaving, the fish crowded towards the back of the Redondo Beach marina and used all the oxygen in the water, marine experts have said. Millions of sardines die in Californian marina
  • After filling an entire grocery cart, I sent Penny back for a second.
  • The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
  • The interior of the suction device is sleeved with a nozzle unit device which can inject backwash water to a suction port and the low pressure area of the filter screen part.
  • The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
  • When they met she was happily married to her first husband Laurie Brown, a member of Manchester United's back-room staff.
  • Overextension in the lower back results in this 'duck-like' posture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bird became so tame that it was impossible to release it back into the wild.
  • He wears his cap backwards and spits rhymes with fierce energy and unbridled theatrics. The Harvard Crimson :: News
  • He's come back to scrounge a meal and a bed, and he'll be off with what he's managed to steal before daybreak. THE BLACK OPAL
  • Ridiculous salaries and back-scratching seems to have been the order of the day. The Sun
  • Indeed, the chants of ‘York, York, York’ which greeted the final hooter summed up what the supporters thought of their performance and, in particular, their fightback.
  • The Pre-U would at best take us back to the position in 2000. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • His second book came out in hardback last month.
  • When the dork came to bat, he was waving the bat back and forth with the label aimed straight at the pitcher. WHY is the FOUL POLE FAIR?
  • The new sled is meant to replace the one he had in Colorado, back with his family. Eric’s Top 10 Defining Christmas Moments » Scene-Stealers
  • Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets. 
  • This is one of the main drawbacks of having a business carried on by a company.
  • He spun a chair around and straddled it as he sat down, folding his arms across the wrought iron back.
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • Paul Temple pushes through a field of shoulder-high oilseed rape and twists one of the plants back to show me.
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
  • His brother Jeremiah played a stormer at corner back and his accurate deliveries to his forwards were one of the highlights of his play.
  • I hit the water and surfaced, looking back to see Scott pointing west.
  • Thereafter, he retreated to the Celtic backline.
  • These people write reasonable, well-balanced letters, disclaim any belief in racialism, and back up everything they say with copious instances. As I Please
  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch.
  • Fortunately, says Burtch, nearly all crowdfunded ventures - more than 95 percent - do deliver promised goods to their backers eventually.
  • Payoffs and kickbacks and cheating and lying to the public are a way of life.
  • A gob of crimson pouring from his lips, he spat it out, wiping the excess with the back of his hand.
  • As it was evident he was in no mood for converse, Sybil, who seemed to exercise considerable authority over the crew, with a word dispersed them, and they herded back to their respective habitations. Rookwood
  • Most prewar kitchens had ceramic tile countertops and backsplashes, and many of the original patterns and colors are now back in production.
  • Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering. Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
  • He came back to one of my classes and talked about all this stuff like how if you don't know what you're doing, you can just get sliced in half trying to hop the trains.
  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • Du fwhat we cud, we cud not make some av th 'silly fules kape back clear av th' danger-zone -- wimmin an 'all, bedad! The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • The sight of that red tab on the back pocket triggers something that is well worth triggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I stepped back outside, the snow was continuing.
  • This day wilt thou either bring back in triumph the gory head and spoils of Aeneas, and we will avenge Lausus 'agonies; or if no force opens a way, thou wilt die with me: for I deem not, bravest, thou wilt deign to bear an alien rule and a Teucrian lord.' The Aeneid of Virgil
  • And so we found an association between this opacity at the back of the lens and short-sightedness, or myopia.
  • The background music was provided by an accordion player.
  • She took her time looking me over, dug into her fake Gucci handbag and handed me a ballpoint saying, ‘Give it back when you're done.’
  • Left of center a circular form hovers between the foreground and back-ground: both cell-like and lunar, it is concealed and revealed by waves of golden brown toner.
  • Police recovered what was later identified as a charred right human foot in the backyard and documented a fire pit with drag marks leading to it. Edmonton Sun
  • And as I watched, having circled back through the carlot, she turned back from heavy traffic several times. Grouse Diary Entry
  • That takes me right back - I used to have a special bagna cauda set, like a mini-fondue set. Two Recipes for Bagna Càuda (Δύο Συνταγές για Μπάνια Καούντα)
  • Back in the '60s and '70s I listened to Gordon Lightfoot a fair bit when I wanted to take a break from the harder rock that was the staple of my listening.
  • What looked like solar panels rose up at the back, white light gleaming from them like sunshine in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shelter was quite a long way away, and there wouldn't be time to come back to the steps.
  • I'd like to thank my backroom staff who worked tirelessly. The Sun
  • York were immediately on the back foot but repelled a series of short corners and managed to engineer a breakaway attack.
  • This also limits his ability to make downfield blocks on linebackers.
  • ‘Sewing a squash ball into the back of their pyjamas or nightie might sound like a wind-up but it's effective because it stops people from sleeping on their back,’ he said.
  • Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.
  • But going back to the days when I was seeing these epics first time round, in the fleapits and bug-hutches of south-east Leeds - most of them converted music halls or disused chapels - we didn't give a hoot what the title of the film was.
  • Note 17: Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de Lalande, L'Art de faire le maroquin, ([Paris, 1766]). de Lalande also published earlier work on a similar subject L'Art du tanneur ([Paris], 1764). back The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Slicked-back hair, a bushy Italian mustache, sleeveless Iggy Pop T-shirt, cut to show his shoulder tats - "wham" across the left, "pow" on the right. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile and dragged himself back to safety.
  • The TVs, which have edge LED backlights, sport a 240Hz frame rate, Sharp's Aquos Net online service with access to streaming movies from Netflix and Vudu. CEDIA: Sharp launches first 3D TVs, 3D Blu-ray players
  • That's the forecast for the forecastable future -- showers and thundershowers as the warm and sun suck moisture out of our sodden lebensraum and turn it back into clouds. Showers
  • Browning is said to have written back that he used it to mean a piece of headgear for nuns, comparable to the cowls for monks he put in the same line.
  • The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him. Northern Rock - Pay staff a bonus with public cash.
  • The students are drawn from very mixed social backgrounds.
  • A constant theme in research concerned with the hospital care of older people is the discharge from hospital back to the community.
  • The avatar would greet drivers and give them information and personalized feedback using conservational language. Ford to Enhance Sync With 'Apps' and Avatars
  • Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity. Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
  • Coming back to the bill itself, I find that the figures have been massaged.
  • And sometimes those mistakes wind up back to back on a Sunday afternoon.
  • Bobileff and crew fettled and cajoled and fairly bullwhipped the old beast back together, then fired her up and into a transporter just hours before the show.
  • She risked a glance back over her shoulder.
  • Like a lacertine Vicar of Bray, he varies incontinently from buff to blue, and from blue back to orange again, under stress of circumstances. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • The lack of a back-and-forth "us-verus-Nasdaq" makes it hard to imagine what the exchanges, and the fees, will look like, said Neil Catania , co-founder of agency-only brokerage firm MND Partners, located on the NYSE floor. Stock Traders Fear Fee Hit
  • The straw that broke the camel's back was "jete" - which I said was a ballet term, from the French. Archive 2009-01-01
  • How about how the door of your car opens as you back up from the burnout to let burnout smoke escape the cockpit?
  • He turned his back to the refrigerator and addressed the shaken lawman. WILD JUSTICE
  • I go back now and the dialect of the old residents is noticeably absent, replaced by the faux scouse of the Liverpudlian refugees.
  • I duly surrendered my little device, only to feel a sudden pang of panic on my way back to my seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am never quite clear on whether all this is sartorial or sardonicDad’s way of announcing that he used to be a punker but is now a middle-school English teacher, or if becoming a teacher has actually turned my dad into this genuine throwback. Excerpt: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
  • A dear little announcerette rattled off expert intros to various gymnastic jingles, one of which featured dogs barking in the background.
  • You'd always ignore it or answer with a cool comeback.
  • By backing the policy, he committed the party to supporting a 'no-platform' policy.
  • He lacks any backbone, as becomes apparent during the toe-curling dinner party that forms the play.
  • At the back door, out of inexorable necessity, in developed and convincingness and sincerity laid down by all authorities on the art of the short story. Confession
  • Then the piston moves back up to compress this fuel/air mixture.
  • You can't go back on your promise now.
  • Nemours showed him at once what use to make of the army under his orders, and having enfiladed his National Guard battalions, and placed his artillery in echelons, he formed his cavalry into hollow squares on the right and left of his line, flinging out a cloud of howitzers to fall back upon the main column. Burlesques
  • Price as tested is $44,600, including $8,525 in options Deep Sea Blue pearlescent paint, eight-speed Audi Tiptronic transmission, high-intensity discharge headlamps, power liftgate and onboard navigation with backup camera and an $875 destination charge. 2011 Audi Q5 2.0 T Quattro
  • Her schemes backfired on herself,and she lost her boyfriend forever.
  • Then, I shall have news to tell, the _best of news_, I hope; and I won't need to keep anything back. The Golden Silence
  • We're on a misty riverbank, with lush, flowering trees and towering storybook castles in the background.
  • In one, a rear view, Tritia was bent over the back of a couch, offering to the camera a perfect shot of her white untanned ass. Baby Games
  • Most, but not all, of the closed handle backsaws appear to be tenon saws while most, but not all, of the open handle backsaws appear to be dovetail saws.
  • That night I lay flat on my back and stared up at the ceiling.
  • The initial lift of the bar targets the lower back and thickens the erectors, the middle part of the lift widens the barn-door lats, and the squeeze and lockout at the top emphasize the upper back.
  • Not difficult, admittedly, but he remains a solid and dependable presence at the back. The Sun
  • If you hit him back, you'll only be descending to his level.
  • She lay back in her bed, her companion clucking around like a motherly hen.
  • He made his escape on the back of a motorbike.
  • A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
  • Relaxing, in amusement at her unwonted altruism of motive, she had drawn her moleskin coat more closely around her, and settled back to wait the other woman's pleasure in returning to the bright warmth that the pale-orange ribbon of light, wavering upon the swaying platform, harbingered. Undesirables
  • The church dates back to the 1830's when recently emancipated slaves were given lands at Kingstown.
  • Saw her awhile back at the Community Theater, as a matter of fact.
  • Stewards held back furious fans, and security personnel had to duck as objects seemed to be thrown. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have endured hardship in order to provide continuous feedback.
  • At the end of the day, you can come back here for cleanup, or there's cold cream in your trailer. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • It results in a rich mix of students from various backgrounds with different experiences of education. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other matches University made it two wins in a row with a 4-2 win over Whippersnappers, although University slipped back to their bad habits and defaulted the bottom two boards.
  • What about the other evidence about him in the toilet pacing backwards and forwards, with expletives and asking everyone who came in for a line of drugs - speed?
  • The petticoat is very easy to make, too ... just cut the fabric to the right length (front & back piece), stitch sides, add lace at the bottom, sew a casing at the top for elastic & then add elastic & stitch opening closed! Year Around Feminine Fashions
  • Falling masonry, backdrafts and explosions are all very real dangers facing a firefighter outside the training room.
  • It still whispered about, prowling in the back of his consciousness, murmuring darkly even though his body was slack with well-satisfied relief. Captured by Moonlight
  • His dark eyes stared back, full of rawness, honesty and uncompromising sincerity.
  • He looked in the fogged up mirror at the reflection staring back at him.
  • The adrenalin was going and the rider was trying to get me back as quick as possible. The Sun
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • Running low on fuel Fuchida headed directly back to the battle fleet, now 190 miles north of Oahu.
  • Spain dominated possession in the opening minutes and looked to have the measure of an uncertain Dutch backline. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • The trail will accommodate five core activities: walking, cycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling (where possible or desired).
  • Sharpening his rhetoric, what they call contrasting himself with Senator Clinton before she started fighting back. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2007
  • Anyhow it took Jae over an hour to cut my hair as I went from having curls half way down my back to wearing it cropped like a boy.
  • There are high precipices that are backed by the papyrus and ambatch swamps that form the delta of the Kagera River.
  • She scrubbed his back
  • They come from a privileged/wealthy background.
  • “Hooray” can be dated back to 1686 and possibly comes from the German word “hurra,” thebattle-cry of Prussian soldiers during the War of Liberation (1812-13). Blog – syllable studio
  • Every single one of his intended blows was blocked and parried, even when the man tripped and fell backwards.
  • We will therefore go back to the electorate to renew our mandate with confidence.
  • Invariably the reply came back, 'Not now!'
  • There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burnt it.
  • Back then, you could get a denim jacket and jeans for a fiver. The Sun
  • It is a good service to provide for your listeners so we don't have to pause the show find whatever your looking at and then come back. aria on August 22, 2009 3: 04 pm intro is a cover of the airman stage on rockman 2. its called airman ga taosenai, u can find lots of versions of it on nico nico douga Anime Pulse » Shows
  • Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been officially recorded.
  • If the condenser must be located above the turbine, then the pipe should be carried first downward and then upward in the U form, in the manner of the familiar "entrainer," which will be found effectively to prevent water getting back when the turbine is operating. Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
  • The micro-mini white cover-up she had donned over her bathing suit was removed without circumstance, revealing a shimmering gold maillot that dipped very low in back and was accented by sheer finely-woven gold mesh across the waistline in front. Who Said It Would Be Easy

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