
How To Use Back room In A Sentence

  • The gnomes in the back room are putting the finishing touches to the new software.
  • It was the first time even the back room was full, and though that may be what every owner wants, two waiters sleepwalked through our room with eyes wide shut, ignoring everyone to their left and right.
  • The teabagger view of Massa's Town Hall Phillip Dampier: More importantly, Randy Kuhl ended his term holding town hall meetings in a back room, where ...
  • Eating in means busing your tray to a windowless back room outfitted with children's school chairs and communal tables pushed up against sponge-painted walls.
  • Now I have a temporary desk space in the upstairs back room we're using as a library, very cosy and snug, and a view over the belt of woody scrubland at the back of the estate.
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  • He may not have sat gloating in some gloomy back room over his great hoard of treasures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The solution of piling up huge amounts of products on back room shelves (increasing operational costs for the retailer) is, in the best case, still only a partial solution.
  • The marriage bed lies on its side in a back room, still wrapped in plastic. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were just do-se do-ing to their partners like billyo, when Lola and Hogarth appeared from the back room. TICKLED PINK
  • Yesterday I did a major tidy of the back room, and I mentioned that I intended doing the same for the front room.
  • Set in what looks like a vast wine cellar, the walls and ceilings of the main room are exposed brick, as is the private back room space that holds up to 140 people.
  • A biology student with a stutter now occupied the back room.
  • One of the most remarkable things about Britain - now as well as then - is its incredibly well-developed network of live music clubs, mostly in back rooms in pubs or draughty town halls.
  • An elderly woman doddered out of a back room with a walker. Archive 2008-11-01
  • They were just do-se do-ing to their partners like billyo, when Lola and Hogarth appeared from the back room. TICKLED PINK
  • Gone were the piles of undifferentiated clutter, the narrow passageways, and the mysterious back room.
  • Photographs of his career festooned the walls, and albums would be brought from the back room at the merest beckoning. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • In the back room, we have our large brick oven, a kitchen table and our cooking utensils.
  • Here they have been put to good use for storage and as shower rooms and discreet passages linking front and back rooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may not have sat gloating in some gloomy back room over his great hoard of treasures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The back room was choked with old carpets, old clothes, mould, mushrooms and unfamiliar smells.
  • They rested, like other third-class travelers, in the back rooms above inn kitchens. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • But, in the back rooms of the main concourse, customs officials demand bribes from traders trying to import clothes, shoes or electrical goods into the country.
  • The older nurse clucked in a matronly manner and the two nurses, together, hurried the girl into the back room to find a doctor.
  • A bright reception leads into a cavernous back room which is full and surprisingly festive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The large back room features portraits drawn from life - the actual rather than the ideal.
  • He ran into the back room and yanked the false bottom out of the old oaken desk, pulled out the cloth-wrapped parcel, and set it on the desk. Masdy's Silver
  • I threw one cloak over my shoulders and fastened the clip when I heard Kyla scream from the back room.
  • He was forced to sit for up to 20 hours a day in a squalid back room, sticking tiny pieces of silver onto napkin rings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nancy Pelosi announced that she will run for House minority leader, sending her aides-de-camp into a reality show-like frenzy of back room alliance-building and strained showings of unity. HUFFPOST HILL - NOVEMBER 5TH, 2010
  • As she walked inside, two men came running at her from a back room.
  • I knew I'd probably overstepped the mark, but at least she'd given up on the back room. THE MANANA MAN
  • They have spent some rainy nights in friends' apartments, and occasionally hang their hammocks in the back room of a bicycle-repair workshop in Brooklyn where they volunteer as mechanics.
  • The smaller back room was crowded with scaled-down pieces, which seemed to have picked up density and psychological charge along with their diminution in size.
  • My sister and I stood in the funeral home's back room, painted a washed-out green like an old cafeteria's kitchen.
  • In a cool back room, spinners and weavers worked on wool that brings farmers a few pence a kilo, and £200 sweaters that take a month to make.
  • Current campus conservatism isn't part of any clandestine plan organized by neoconservatives in a back room of the White House.
  • He summoned a younger pale-faced woman, whom Tansey took to be his wife, to keep shop, and led the Chief Inspector into a back room. WIDOW'S END
  • He bought his liquor wholesale from a moonshiner who worked in the greenhouse and had a still in one of the back rooms. METAPLANETARY
  • Photographs of his career festooned the walls, and albums would be brought from the back room at the merest beckoning. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • I tried to avoid the back room where the undesirable elements were gathered.
  • Adding still more to the dramatics was a back room appeal to Nancy Pelosi by Secretary Paulson not to savage his plan in front of the press. Fear peddling can't save Paulson plan
  • He may not have sat gloating in some gloomy back room over his great hoard of treasures. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may not have sat gloating in some gloomy back room over his great hoard of treasures. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's not in the back room somewhere, is he, feeding funds and silent approbation to the gunmen?
  • Close to 200 people squeezed into the back room at Brion's grille, which is a stones throw away from George Mason University. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • The front room is full of cocktail drinkers, the next full of whisky-bibbing geezers, a third full of students watching television, while in the back room two interchangeable blondes played pool.
  • Then he was invited into the back room for tea, and a fire department baseball cap was placed atop the blond locks. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the oracle's back room, a long table was covered with butcher paper, on which pastels and watercolors were set out.
  • But then it became cracked and smeared with paint and was finally put out of sight in a back room. The Sun
  • Every Wednesday, the owner leaves her large back room in the hands of performance poet Josep Pedrals, who has been organising the poetic equivalent of a knees-up here for the last few years. 10 of the best literary haunts in Barcelona
  • He's a man of the shadows and back rooms and his comfort zone was hiding behind the charade of his Chancellorship bamboozling us with figures while he sold off gold reserves at rock bottom and beavered away at a Socialist usurpation of an inherently conservative Nation. Time To Set Out His Vision
  • A small group of connoisseurs would gather out in the back room each holding their glass up to the watery sunlight filtering through the dirty sash window.
  • He was coming out of the back rooms wearing a very tight, black sleeveless t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms and tattoos and low-slung, lanky jeans.
  • They are produced by money-hungry bodge artists in garages and back rooms using outdated pill presses and ingredients that could well make most people's hair stand on end if they ever knew what they were.
  • He buys worthless junk from the villagers - and persuades them to tell him their deepest secrets in his back room at midnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a back room that I'm now living out of and the grounds are nicely mowed and clipped.
  • Now I have a temporary desk space in the upstairs back room we're using as a library, very cosy and snug, and a view over the belt of woody scrubland at the back of the estate.
  • In the granary, which is usually a low back room, the ears of corn are often sorted by color and laid up in neat piles, red, yellow, white, blue, black, and mottled, a Hopi study in corn color. The Unwritten Literature of the Hopi
  • Tokyo Nicholas found Tanzan Nangi in a back room of Kisoko's town bouse. Second Skin
  • He was snoring in a back room, and, like a man in the deadhouse of a bush shanty, not likely to wake before sunrise. Robbery Under Arms
  • The man was a stiff, a hackocrat, and a boodler...a friend of the boyz in the back room. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Palm + on the front desk and a figure in a djellaba shuffled from a back room. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • But I was quickly whisked through to a private back room, where my new friend Kelly invited me to lie down and relax.
  • She vamps and coos and then is swept into a back room to change into the next fab outfit, assistants fluttering on every side of her.
  • Isn't the back room of a colliery as holy a place to pray as a meetinghouse ? WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Provide and fix to external door opening Ground Floor Back Room 4-in. x 3-in. solid deal rebated posts and head secured to brickwork and dowelled into stone threshold with architraves on inside. Try Anything Twice
  • In the back room a circle of politicians sat around a table smoking, sharp-faced men in black suits with dark circles under their eyes. Day of Honey
  • It was the Prohibition era, so all the gambling and the drinking took place in back rooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • That evening, the man took Buck to the back room of a bar in San Francisco.
  • Wasn't this the clock Grandfather bought and hung in the back room of the old house?
  • ‘If they arrest you for gambling,’ the pert blonde said abruptly, bringing an armload of toadstones and cat hairballs from the back room, ‘can I run the store?’
  • As a treat, I was allowed to choose a bottle of soft drink from the crates stored in the back room.
  • Olympic gold medalist Kristin Armstrong and tour stars join several cherry picked gear sponsors at San Diego wind tunnel session inadvance of the Tour of California In a back room at the San Di Inside Tri
  • Wrapped in her coat and shouldering her bag, she emerged from the back room.
  • The proprietor, an Ichabod Crane look-alike, emerged from the back room. FURTHER TALES OF THE CITY
  • The gallery's small back room contained only a framed facsimile of a letter written in 1837 by Ramohan Roy, a Europhile reformist.
  • Klara had made each of us a pair of mittens to wear in the back room when it was cold.
  • Insist on a back room to avoid noisy barflies and if possible ask for a cathedral view. Times, Sunday Times
  • He led us to a table in the all-but-deserted back room, where the reason for his beleaguerment became apparent: a quartet of young Japanese guys who seemed to be laughing at him, at us, and at everything on the menu. The Italian Summer
  • He did not, however, neglect to leave certain matters to future consideration, which had necessitated further visits, so that the little back room had become quite accustomed to his spare, not unsolid, but unobtrusive figure, and his pale, chinny face with clipped moustache and dark hair not yet grizzling at the sides. In Chancery
  • I sat in the back room that I had made into a temporary kitchen, with a candle, and with a bedquilt around my shoulders. The Case of Jennie Brice
  • The marriage bed lies on its side in a back room, still wrapped in plastic. Times, Sunday Times
  • `They saw Major Karnes return to the back room, followed by the elephantine Hubert in his grey uniform. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • In the back room Irena sat with her back to the light tacking a sleeve into the armhole of a taffeta dress.
  • While the corporate heavies were doing the deals in the smoke filled back rooms they kept the airline flying with a warmth and efficiency it was a privilege to be on the end of.
  • The reader will understand that during the progress of this oration, though at different times, the members withdrew to the back room and 'oystered.' The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • Later, I would make the Napoleon House around four for a game of chess or to play the old beatup upright piano in the very back room--by then drinking brandy alexanders--and New Orleans bars made the best brandy alexanders in the history of the drunkard's world in those days. Here We Go Again
  • Atta presents an onslaught of meticulously handcut shadow casting spray varnish stenciled plastic pieces, elaborate "exploded view" drawings, and a Gooberry Patch in the back room, where visitors can pick an unripened talking pull string Gooberry Plush and take one home to abuse. Boing Boing
  • He managed to get his colleague to go into the back room and bolt the door, so that she was safe, and then, while the robber was not looking, triggered the call for the police.
  • Even with a weekly income of $300, they decided to continue to live in the back room.
  • He alternated between standing still and pacing nervously for about 20 minutes, until an employee of the bar said he would show the Red Sox game in the back room.
  • When the sun goes down, we'll close the curtains, extinguish all the lights, make sure the doorbell is unplugged, and hide in the back room with the stereo on loud enough so that we don't hear their begging. October 2004
  • One of the most remarkable things about Britain - now as well as then - is its incredibly well-developed network of live music clubs, mostly in back rooms in pubs or draughty town halls.
  • Without them, customer service departments would probably consist of one or two people playing solitaire in some small back room.
  • Brian sauntered past his meat cases, into a back room where an employee hacked away at shins of beef, and through the door of his meat refrigerator.
  • Old time schmeckers suck the black smoke in the Chinese laundry back room.
  • Then he was invited into the back room for tea, and a fire department baseball cap was placed atop the blond locks. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may not have sat gloating in some gloomy back room over his great hoard of treasures. Times, Sunday Times
  • She legged it into a back room and they tried to force their way into the cash drawer.
  • But then it became cracked and smeared with paint and was finally put out of sight in a back room. The Sun
  • She decided the back room would make a good study.
  • Oh, that's right ... they're only interested in screwing 99% of Americans while giving egregious loopholes, tax cuts, back room deals and promoting corruption. GOP: Dems' health care reform plan 'a prescription for disaster'
  • I've had a wheeze - why don't we put both kids in the small room and that will leave the back room free.
  • This, Author-friends, is the first book the wee infant Rejectionist ever fetched from the Adult Fiction Shelves of our local library, which were appropriately located in a dimly lit and somewhat cavernous back room, and we remember very distinctly the sense of Import we felt pulling this extraordinary volume off the towering shelf with our tiny hands. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Tara followed Jenny down the corridor to a back room with a locked keycard entry. Rogue Oracle
  • Every time Katy left her with him, she'd head straight for the back room, then wander round the house with a puzzled unhappy look on her face.
  • He buys worthless junk from the villagers - and persuades them to tell him their deepest secrets in his back room at midnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • But her work undermines any notion of glamour - her renditions of simians, jawbones and ancient pottery are like junk found in the attic, or in the back room of a dilapidated museum.
  • Other discussions throughout the day involved whether the presence of a Wimpy restaurant could be used as an indicator of social depravation, which was the best film trilogy ever made (after Empire magazine got it totally wrong – Star Wars prequels above the Naked Gun trilogy?) and what exactly takes place in those back rooms of Argos? Best of Chatterbox: Move, Moyles and man nights
  • Logan and Murray-Leslie hide in a back room surrounded by friends: fashion buyers, designers, film-makers, artists.
  • And then we see that the Maytag novitiate is in the back room with a cell phone, foiled in his attempt to get the box of Cheez-Its. CROSSOVER OF THE WEEK (THIS WEEK, REALLY!)
  • The patron conducted us to a little back room where our table was reserved.
  • Photographs of his career festooned the walls, and albums would be brought from the back room at the merest beckoning. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • I've heard stories flying around about paint cans, defective sprinkler systems, and a stash of fireworks in the back room of the comic-book store.
  • A small child in the back room screams for attention, waking another child in the cradle in the far side of the living room.
  • He announced to his wife that he was going to educate the public by building a planetarium in the back room of their house.
  • Waits is sitting in the back room of a roadhouse near his home town of Santa Rosa, where the industrialised farmscape north of San Francisco starts becoming wine country. The Guardian World News
  • As far as Back Room Deal Obama and his hench woman Pelosi and Mr. Reid they will go up in flames at the first possable election moment. Floridians weigh in on House-approved bill
  • And off he beetled to the back room he set up a couple of days ago, with a clean workbench and a worklight just right for the assembly of electronic components.
  • Isn't the back room of a colliery as holy a place to pray as a meetinghouse ? WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • After an excruciatingly suspenseful bomb defusion sequence, THE SMALL BACK ROOM grants Sammy and Susan a happy ending. Delirium Tremendous
  • They have found neglected war memorials left in back rooms, museum stores and vestries, and hope that their work will persuade the relevant organisations to display them prominently once more.
  • I'm going to need you to unseal the security you've no doubt got on the back room.
  • The crowd was stalling the police, and as Roni was pulled into a back room, they heard gunfire begin.
  • This mood continued in the gallery's back room, where one found the aftermath of a performance during which Parrino sledgehammered 13 pieces of Sheetrock that had been painted with black enamel.
  • It is not the one-man back room of a pub operation that characterises many comedy clubs.
  • I followed her into the back room and there were about 50 guys crowded round a small black & white TV.
  • He buys worthless junk from the villagers - and persuades them to tell him their deepest secrets in his back room at midnight. Times, Sunday Times

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