How To Use Baccy In A Sentence
They were small but doughty warriors and not averse to a pipe of baccy after the battle.
‘Bring us back some baccy… ‘Then the plea and the figure wallowed in drift until the pathetic hut, the provision - cases and even the Stephenson screen were no more.’
And old man with more beard than face spat a trail of baccy across the stump of a felled tree.
Always an optimist, Dick easily outdid the immortal Micawber in his faith in something turning up just when things looked their blackest, and he had literally no thought for the morrow, until his hand, mechanically groping in his pocket for the wherewithal to fill his pipe, advised him of the fact that even his "baccy" was finished.
A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
'You might get me some "baccy,"' he said, thrusting the bill through the bars and grinning.
The Girl and The Bill An American Story of Mystery, Romance and Adventure
Or a lifetime's supply of wacky baccy?
The Sun
I light a 'baccy' by your permission, Mrs. Williams," and a courtly bow accompanied the words.
The Fat of the Land The Story of an American Farm
_Neegig_ and he became great friends; they had one thing in common, and that was a love for tobacco, and in the summer evenings after dinner the young white man and his grown companion would recline on rustic seats in the garden, and smoke pipe after pipe, the red man mixing his "baccy" with some savoury bark from his native land which he produced from the depths of his martin-skin tobacco-pouch.
Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians
UB40 in the inner pocket, papers and baccy and lighter and keys: ready to practise her autograph!
Hindhaugh damped his spirits by saying, slowly, "Not too fast; that 'baccy's got to go overboard, my boy.
Stories by English Authors: the Sea
They should spend a little less time smoking wacky baccy and listening to that tuneless rubbish called dance music, and rather more time being seen and not heard.
Why, there was one tribe that I saw in the East who putt fat in the tea, an 'another putt salt, and after they'd swallowed this queer kind of tea-soup, they divided the leaves among themselves an' chawed 'em up like baccy.
The Buffalo Runners A Tale of the Red River Plains
On a low stone wall we spread our handkerchiefs, and each in his handkerchief put all his worldly possessions with the exception of the ` bit o 'baccy' down his sock.
The Carter and the Carpenter
I have shut an 'boulted the door an' by Him that made me, you'll never lave this house, nor go out of that door a livin 'woman, unless you tell me all you know about that Tobaccy-Box.
The Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish Famine Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
They confessed they had visited a local travellers' site to get some 'wacky baccy'.
Times, Sunday Times
I zipped it open, pulled out my pipe, matches and baccy, and commenced to stoke up and enjoy a good British moment.
Ooh, just like the book innit, except could we not stress the fact that yer actual hobbits were small but doughty warriors and not averse to a pipe of baccy after the battle.
He had come as before for "baccy," forgetting that the weed was not sold on Sundays, and had been prevailed on to remain to the service.
The Lively Poll A Tale of the North Sea
But if they drive you back to the baccy, you should consider nicotine replacement therapy - like gum or patches.
The Sun
It would be like the difference between dry, chemical-ridden cigarette tobacco and moist, flavourful rolling baccy… except far, far worse.
Baccy down me sock, someone says something a little out of sway, a stranger in all dark non-prison clobber is opposite my open cell door flashing his watch in my direction he was.
Archive 2006-02-01
This "law abiding majority" are nothing of the sort and the kind of people that quite happily download music and films from the internet, park on double yellows and buy cheap "baccy" from a man in a pub and then whinge about "why don't you go after the 'real' criminals".
The stupidest idea in British policing?
Some buttons and tobacco (Mr Whittle calls it "baccy"),
A Book for Kids
It was the first time in months that he'd spoken a sentence not consisting of one or two words, like yes, no or I need baccy.
Ever dabble in the wacky baccy?
Times, Sunday Times
Wonder of wonders, this curious people called "baccy" tabac!
"Contemptible", by "Casualty"