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  1. like a baby especially in dependence
    babelike innocence and dependence

How To Use babelike In A Sentence

  • babelike innocence and dependence
  • He is trim, brown-haired, nice-looking for a regular guy; babelike for a scientist. Brian Greene's restaurant at the end of the parallel universe
  • Also: Parallel-universe physicist Brian Greene is "nice-looking for a regular guy; babelike for a scientist," and as capable as debating vegan cheese as string theory, reports Monica Hesse... Read this: Senate insider/outsider Mike Lee, Sarah Palin's trademark, physicist Brian Greene, Dan Snyder talks back
  • But she spoke in a fast staccato, so she didn’t come across as babelike. As Husbands Go
  • If you want a babelike 30-year-old hanging around the house, by all means, buy that car for them … the shiny red one!” Is Buying Your Kid A Car Going Too Far?
  • This innocent daring, this babelike ripping up of serviceable conventions -- God knows what advantage such men might take of it. The Christian A Story
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