How To Use Babbling In A Sentence

  • However, at one ludicrous point she starts babbling about how her face has changed!
  • Relying on their well-established formula of eerie melodies, pastoral soundscapes, babbling children and rhythmic clamour, their sophomore effort rings true.
  • Stop babbling and speak more slowly.
  • Then we spilled out into the corridor, babbling incoherently and the experience that none of us would ever forget came to an end.
  • That monotony of form, those commonplace cadenzas, those endless bravura passages introduced at haphazard irrespective of the dramatic situation, that recurrent _crescendo_ that Rossini brought into vogue, are now an integral part of every composition; those vocal fireworks result in a sort of babbling, chattering, vaporous mucic, of which the sole merit depends on the greater or less fluency of the singer and his rapidity of vocalization. Gambara
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  • In the first year, babies should " communicate in a variety of ways, including crying, gurgling, babbling and squealing ".
  • In fact, I tend to favour country pubs with beer gardens next to babbling streams.
  • There was nobody around, just a babbling brook and a canopy of green. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • And though the chorus failed altogether to dull the splashing of the rivulet and the babbling of the by-cut over a bed of stones, it seemed out of place in this particular spot; it aroused resentment against men who could not think of a lay more atune with the particular living, breathing objects around us. Through Russia
  • Or is that a babbling brook? Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of a little town nestling between two babbling brooks is a beautiful one and we owe it to ourselves to keep it as beautiful as possible.
  • The lunch mural, for want of a better title, strikes an altogether different chord — that of an evacuated spring-blossomy babbling-brook alpine hinterland glorious people-scape, in which the principal technical challenge for the artist was to crank up the volume of the foliage and the foreground blossoms, whilst reining in the waters, because for obvious reasons the plash and gurgle of cataracts can be counterproductive at lunchtime. The Mural II
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our daughter of 22 months makes a lot of babbling conversation but is showing no real inclination to speak. Times, Sunday Times
  • And you can test it in context directly - by seeing whether children's prelinguistic babbling has a higher frequency of native-language sounds than of foreign ones.
  • The result of this animalisation was the disempowering of homeless people through their representation as incoherent babbling drunks, the wild, drug crazed miscreants and the ‘feral’ runaways.
  • It was babbling loudly, clamoring to tell her about every fish swimming in its depths and about any animal that happened to drink its water.
  • Blue sky, fleecy white clouds, buttercup fields, babbling streams - the works.
  • I could hear the sound of a babbling brook.
  • NOW is the time for the current administration to continue to step up to the plate and lead America in the direction of greatness again and forget about all the babbling from the kids and move forward with the important issues at hand. Obama touts financial reform, says GOP stance 'deceptive'
  • And along beside Mott's Road the stream is gurgling, babbling, chattering, bubbling, giggling, chortling, burbling - so many words to express the natural joy, the hilarity of nature doing what it does best: glorifying God in its self.
  • I want to loathe Blair, but I am forever mindful of the fact that ... in the real world, in the long run, as opposed to the rarefied ectoplasmic, legalistic fantasy-land of the peaceniks we must endure babbling about us ... in that real world, in the long run, that invasion may have saved my neck and the society I live in. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could hear the sound of a babbling brook.
  • There's a babbling brook in the garden, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • And rather than win swiftly and brutally as we had with a mighty Japanese Empire, LBJ fought Vietnam as the conflicted war president he was, babbling on about building “a Great Society on the Mekong.” Matthew Yglesias » The War
  • There was nobody around, just a babbling brook and a canopy of green. Times, Sunday Times
  • Babbling brats would congregate near my truck, waving their miscounted sticky change in little grubby fists.
  • She dandled the fruit playfully, kissed it several times, and pretended to juggle it, while laughing with a delicious babbling brook of a laugh.
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never mind that the best conservative authorities have shown that their data is all fudged from the same broken thermometer stuck in some prof's window at Berkeley; if you show them the real data which shows that we're actually going into an ice age, they just change terminology and start babbling about "climate change"! Global warming news
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rivers that were raging torrents as I crossed them last December were reduced to babbling brooks.
  • After the Europeans came to this island, they wiped out countless babbling brooks, streams and rivers that flowed throughout the island down from the mountain.
  • Approaching the island, the images of huge mist-shrouded crags say it all but Parris feels the need to extemporise and effuse, piling adverb upon adverb into a tower of babbling.
  • Vain repetitions -- tautology, battology, idle babbling over the same words again and again to no purpose, like Battus, Sub illis montibus erant, erant sub montibus illis; like that imitation of the wordiness of a fool, Eccl. x. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Unless we are reading for the poetic qualities of the babbling — rhythm, rhyme and other such formal patterning in the verbal figuration — the articulation may not just be subvocal but subliminal, maybe even wholly absent. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The babblings and squigglings may be pretty or ugly, may carry certain associative meanings, (I think “e” is sort of … endearingly cute as a visual figurae, in its smiley muppetyness,) but these figurae are mostly just jabber and daubings until they’re built-up into morphemes, the smallest units that can have meaning. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It was like even the river below us had stopped babbling.
  • You want to talk about folks on the right all sycophantically babbling like their in Abe Lincoln's blab-school ... Your Right Hand Thief
  • We had both been babbling on about the joys of adventure when a young woman stood up and cut us short.
  • ‘I can explain,’ he began babbling, and he stuttered constantly as he tried to explain something that I already knew.
  • And that sickly-sweet music with birds chirping, water babbling, and the rush of wheat fields in the wind seemed brain numbing.
  • Rump steak, his mind was babbling, rump steak.
  • Bonus points for dragging much-neglected "contumely" out of retirement, but otherwise it's babbling-as-usual over at the Pod Works. Ellis Weiner: Here's Your Hat, What's Your Hurry?
  • The touring relatives were babbling and oohing and aahing and calling out to each other as they started to wonder off among the aisles in search of more edible curios.
  • But it takes real talent to bring out the artless charm and simple wisdom of a babbling, barefoot and pregnant hick, whose only wish in life is to have her high school sweetheart love her the way he did when they were just teens.
  • Or is that a babbling brook? Times, Sunday Times
  • Stop babbling and speak more slowly.
  • For all her pleonasm, for all her longwinded babbling, for all her pathetic redundancy, there is still so much that she will never, ever articulate.
  • This is a long, slow climb and it takes you through woodland, high above the babbling brook. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon, the babbling water lulled him into a wakeful sleep.
  • There were tall trees, wide-open planes, meandering streams, babbling brooks, rolling hills, and smart, intelligent people.
  • Bull shit bush on CNN babbling from a dunkin donut factory about his imigration crap. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: July 5, 2006
  • This green themed area contains hanging vines, a babbling brook and wooden art. The Sun
  • Darin was right; I did feel better after babbling my incoherent misgivings.
  • We all want to be able to communicate with our babies, grandbabies or siblings as soon as we can beyond the babbling and cooing.
  • I never see them researching and discussing precedents, either the serious attempts at micronationalism such as Sealand or the Freedom Ship, nor the equally loony cyber-babbling of those such as Cyber Yugoslavia? Shirky to TN Readers: Help Me Out?
  • Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates, such as pygmy marmosets.
  • Iona's laugh, a sound like a babbling brook on a summer afternoon, broke the spell.
  • The little bridges that cross the babbling stream at the entrance to his home brought joy into his heart every time he crossed it, as this was the place he loved.
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trees, distant mountains, slowly rolling hills of soft grass, flowers, somewhere behind her a river or brook babbling: it was the way she had always envisioned heaven.
  • Your daft babbling is just what is needed to keep things from being, you know, interesting. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • It was rare that he got excited to the point of babbling about anything, but the thrill of catching and taming a wild horse was something she could easily understand.
  • He was babbling away to himself, skimming stones through the dust to emphasise his broken punctuation.
  • Whitaker laughs heartily, and while she struggles up, babbling and embarrassedly scolding the GI who dropped her, everyone giggles and looks at one another as if to say how happy they all are to be there together. GIRL BY THE ROAD AT NIGHT
  • Choose to walk along a path next to a babbling brook or stare at a fish tank for a little too long. The Sun
  • But at the end of the day, I laid my head on the tacky floral pattern of the motel pillow, and I missed Callum's silly babbling and baby cuddles.
  • In the bright water into which he stared, the pictures changed and were repeated: the baresark rage of Goddedaal; the blood-red light of the sunset into which they had run forth; the face of the babbling Chinaman as they cast him over; the face of the captain, seen a moment since, as he awoke from drunkenness into remorse. The Wrecker
  • Cooling a bottle of white wine in a babbling brook at your picnic site is a lovely thought, but in reality it is not a sensible one.
  • You didn't, because after the Europeans came to this island, they wiped out countless babbling brooks, streams and rivers that flowed throughout the island down from the mountain.
  • Well, except for Sean Preston and Jayden James, who had to put up with a slightly crazed woman babbling at them in a made-up language and farting like a spluttery clown-car engine all the time, but for everyone else it was all tickety-boo. Britney Spears In Hospital After K-Fed Custody Row
  • The idea of a little town nestling between two babbling brooks is a beautiful one and we owe it to ourselves to keep it as beautiful as possible.
  • I thought that was it, until today, when the producer emails me and says that my babbling is going to be on “Halo 3: Sci vs. Fi,” on the Sci Fi Channel on September 25 at 4 p.m. Soon, babbling on a tv near you…
  • Or is that a babbling brook? Times, Sunday Times
  • There, among the babbling minds of the incompetent human race, was my beloved Farrell.
  • By this stage I wasn't babbling, more like gibbering.
  • The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention
  • Those shots, with lush green glens, babbling brooks, small rock walls, and quaint cottages were simply gorgeous.
  • This green themed area contains hanging vines, a babbling brook and wooden art. The Sun
  • She was aware that she was babbling, but for some inexplicable reason she was nervous.
  • They were all babbling away in a foreign language.
  • But I know better than to interrupt the hero with my babblings; instead I ape the satisfied cadaver.
  • We never have, and almost certainly never will have, that idyllic outdoor meal on a checked rug by a babbling stream, because as they say, it's all in the mind.
  • Between gloating, and babbling about how she and the Queen would discuss dress-making while Albert and I boozed in the gunroom (she had a marvellous notion of court life, you see), she went into declines at the thought that she would come out in spots, or have her drawers fall down when being presented. Fiancée
  • A surly teenage chick with a sidekick boyfriend stopped me and started babbling.
  • These included waves, the song of whales, the wind through the trees, a babbling stream, rain and even the sound of grass rustling across the plains.
  • I had to get off the phone, I was babbling and calling the barmaid for a round. Outfoxed Diary Entry
  • Not far away was a clear, babbling stream of fresh water from the top of the mountain.
  • There were small huts built up in the trees and straight through the middle ran a babbling stream, with a waterfall at the far side of the clearing.
  • You were more interested in babbling on about your enjoying the sound of a motorcycle more than riding one. David Lee Roth: Amtrak FM « BuzzMachine
  • That was almost worse than his babbling about the Angels being "maligned". Lone Star Ball
  • I stared passively out the window and impatiently endured the babbling from the nurse. GARDEN OF PROMISES • by Allison Sherman
  • There's a babbling brook in the garden, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • If at 12 months your child is not babbling, that is a sign that you should take them to the doctor. CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2010
  • There was nobody around, just a babbling brook and a canopy of green. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have an image of living in a country cottage by a babbling brook, striding over the hills with my two black Labradors for a pint in the village inn.
  • The US dollar index is poised at the edge of the abyss; with the amount of bearish babbling in the US and other press, the odds of a good bounce are increasing all the time.
  • -- "If I did love you as my master does," said Viola, "I would make me a willow cabin at your gates, and call upon your name, I would write complaining sonnets on Olivia, and sing them in the dead of the night; your name should sound among the hills, and I would make Echo, the babbling gossip of the air, cry out _Olivia_. Tales from Shakespeare
  • On the soundproofed pastel wall, a huge TV screen showed a stream babbling over rocks.
  • It's a picture postcard scene, by a babbling stream in Tasmania's midlands - the heart of that state's grassland country.
  • The strong smell of his presence filled her senses and she found herself babbling uncontrollably, unable so stop.
  • Her inability to communicate a clear, concise message, instead babbling in incoherent broken english, leaves little room for anything other than her inevitable political defeat. Palin says she is not a quitter
  • There's a heated pool in cottagey gardens alongside a babbling stream in a secluded valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • o 'faddling fictions as -- gestes of jongleurs, tales told by tramping troubadours, ballades of babbling braggarts, romances of roysterous rhymers, she (good gossip!) as I say, having hearkened to and perused the works of such-like pelting, paltry prosers and poets wherein sweep of sword and lunge o' lance is accompted of worthier repute than the penning of dainty distich and pretty poesies pleasingly passionate. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • Choose to walk along a path next to a babbling brook or stare at a fish tank for a little too long. The Sun
  • No matter how big or brave some of us appear to be, we all have our secret fears; phobias which reduce us to babbling physical wrecks.
  • Water is omnipresent in Valais, from babbling brooks cascading merrily downhill, to the tranquil, mirrored surface of a mountain lake reflecting majestic summits capped with eternal snow.
  • This is a long, slow climb and it takes you through woodland, high above the babbling brook. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turn right here and follow the very indistinct path through heather keeping the boggy babbling brook immediately to your right.
  • This particular mistaken belief has provided the underpinning for the GOP’s grotesquely dishonest domestic policy appeals for decades – from Reagan’s promises to curtail “waste, fraud and abuse” to McCain babbling about bear DNA studies. Matthew Yglesias » Obama Budget to Call for Freeze in Non-Security Discretionary Spending
  • Positing, as above, too males pooles, the one the pictor of the other and the omber the Skotia of the one, and looking want-ingly around our undistributed middle between males we feel we must waistfully woent a female to focus and on this stage there pleasantly appears the cowrymaid M. whom we shall often meet below who introduces herself upon us at some precise hour which we shall again agree to call absolute zero or the babbling pumpt of platinism. Finnegans Wake
  • Not only may they be purposely babbling and coding their conversations to confuse the eavesdroppers, but there are also the complexities of language itself.
  • Yes, for only four easy payments of $39.95 you'll receive an album of audio cassettes with hours and hours of what at first seems babbling prattle, but on closer inspection is much, much more.
  • It was babbling loudly, clamoring to tell her about every fish swimming in its depths and about any animal that happened to drink its water.
  • Babbling about Scientology and displaying manic intensity on camera serves little purpose when you are famous.
  • babbling brooks
  • In contrast to common chimps, at six months of age Kanzi engaged in much vocal babbling and seemed to be trying to imitate human speech.
  • There's a babbling brook in the garden, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Max, who wasn't responding well to treatment, remained in the hospital ward babbling at the ceiling and cursing in his more lucid moments.
  • But it's a long journey, and before he confronts the renegade colonel, Willard must first face all manner of trippy imagery, including the American Air Cavalry strafing a Vietnamese village to the sound of amplified Wagner, Robert Duvall declaring that he loves "the smell of napalm in the morning", a riot triggered by frugging bunny-girls, a Californian surfer on LSD and Dennis Hopper as a madly babbling photojournalist. Apocalypse Now: No 1
  • On the other side of the road a steep ravine led to a babbling stream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her career choice was made with the same fluid ease with which her mezzo soprano floats through babbling Ligeti. Times, Sunday Times
  • They walked through some tall trees and ended up by a small babbling river, there was a small fort there, and a tent pitched outside.
  • The altercation waxed hot in words, which moved the gaping hoidens of the sottish Parisians to run from all parts thereabouts, to see what the issue would be of that babbling strife and contention. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Our babbling, anile friend, in the very looseness of her prating has let out the truth. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 2, 1841
  • This green themed area contains hanging vines, a babbling brook and wooden art. The Sun
  • Infant babbling, the stringing together of vowel and consonant sounds, is an important stage in the eventual development of language.
  • Well, except for Sean Preston and Jayden James, who had to put up with a slightly crazed woman babbling at them in a made-up language and farting like a spluttery clown-car engine all the time, but for everyone else it was all tickety-boo. Britney Spears In Hospital After K-Fed Custody Row
  • Her eyes were still fixed on Mr. Stevens who was babbling and raving in some type of speech Alexander had never heard before.
  • Cassia squeaked and scrambled to his feet, hugging the other boy and babbling apologies.
  • Behind Winston’s back the beeps from the telegraph were still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Waldo Jaquith - “1884.”
  • Seeing the insipid life in the city and listening to the babblings of old men praising the past and deprecating every progressive step was unbearable.
  • Our daughter of 22 months makes a lot of babbling conversation but is showing no real inclination to speak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stop babbling and speak more slowly.
  • I whirled to see Sylvia tripping awkwardly down the stairs, babbling to herself as she tried to hold onto the bannister and the prisms at the same time. My Sweet Audrina
  • I can only counsel you, friends, to listen to no vain babbling, to no treacherous jargon about overt acts; they have already been committed. Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
  • Water is omnipresent in Valais, from babbling brooks cascading merrily downhill, to the tranquil, mirrored surface of a mountain lake reflecting majestic summits capped with eternal snow.
  • But I know better than to interrupt the hero with my babblings; instead I ape the satisfied cadaver.
  • Geez, is someone selling a wind-up doll which walks in circles babbling the above talking point? Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 19, 2006
  • Bush had to resolve doubts that -- of what Gore called the bumbling, babbling Bush. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Election Presidential Debate: The Voters Respond - October 11, 2000
  • He was right; I did feel better after babbling my incoherent misgivings.
  • Ancient forests, canyons, gentle babbling brooks, great rivers, mangrove swamps, open fields and pristine glaciers so blue that they rival the sky in beauty.
  • The little girl was happily babbling and taking in her new surroundings with awe and she hadn't made a single fussy peep.
  • Ornithologists who study songbirds call the young birds’ early babblings “subsong.” Birdology
  • The brook beside the castle was babbling peacefully as a warm breeze swept over the meadow.
  • To the foolish fop who dared to defend my honor at Maud's, let it be known that I am a proud crank, a consummate dunce, and run such a fever that neither a team of doctors nor infinite cases of quinine can stop me from babbling like a raving loon.
  • Clutching the new map, Alexander and I drove south again and closed in on Geyser Spring, eventually striding up a babbling watercourse to the point where it burst fully formed from the ground - cold.
  • There were tall trees, wide-open plains, meandering streams, babbling brooks, rolling hills, and smart, intelligent people.
  • Frankly, I'd say 14 years is long enough and the people of Williams Lake out to follow the mayor's advice and throw the authoritarian, babbling bourgeois Babbittish bum out Archive 2008-07-01
  • Ronan noticed Midori turning her head every so often as they walked, to admire a fine flower or to watch the babbling stream and the fish splashing in it.
  • Choose to walk along a path next to a babbling brook or stare at a fish tank for a little too long. The Sun
  • The irony about all this Web 2.0 babbling is a) it’s already here, stop branding what already exists, it’s not new unless you want to go get VC money like podcasting and pretend it’s all shiny and cool and b) umm, what about invariably Web 3.0 coming along and shaking it all up? Web 2.0…sequels are so dissappointing aren’t they?
  • Replacing her glasses and babbling apologies, Aimee scooped up her three sci-fi books and bumped into the girl again.
  • The young man's brows furrowed, babbling something incoherently from under his father's firm hand.
  • After fording a babbling stream, leaping over a few obtrusive rocks, and crawling through a suspiciously low tunnel, the five kids reached what could only be described as a holy wonder.
  • The trick is to find them among the dross of ill-informed advice from psychobabbling hucksters who don't seem to live in the real world.
  • Now a gorgeous 3-mile trail runs up and over the hills, past soap-root, buckeyes, and manzanitas and across a babbling brook.
  • Young male zebra finches produce something called a subsong, "which has been likened to the babbling of a human infant. NPR Topics: News
  • This is a long, slow climb and it takes you through woodland, high above the babbling brook. Times, Sunday Times

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