How To Use Awning In A Sentence
Fun is the secret ingredient of a lot of great companies, but 10 years of economic prosperity, a resurgent stock market, and the dawning of the dot-com have created other business priorities.
The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
The Roman satirists savagely expose the fawning homage heaped upon the childless rich.
I recall her fawning over him some years ago when he did some extra-special marriage+ thingy.
"Mike Huckabee has leaped ahead..."
Along with the grunion, these are the only marine fish known to fully emerge from water solely for the purpose of spawning.

The velarium, or awning, is advertised in all the inscriptions yet found which give notice of public games.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
It is easy to see that this was the logical response to the dawning realisation of death as the fate of us all.
Once a year the up-river migration of the salmon heading for their spawning grounds provides a great feast.
Certainly, the fawning coverage has got to stop.
Times, Sunday Times
Everyone I've seen in London today has got bleary eyes, and is yawning.
People are fawning over you because you are their man of the moment.
It is claimed, probably incorrectly, that in social environments yawning and weariness are due to an accumulation of carbon dioxide.
You will be able to see where the yawning gaps are up ahead.
Life Without Work
One goal was to return fish to traditional spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Clearwater tributaries, strengthening natural fish runs.
They are great, splendid establishments, with wide, overhung, awninged terraces, and potted plants and electric lights and gold and tinsel, and mixed drinks and ices and sorbets, and all the epicurean cold things which one may find in the best establishment in Paris.
The Automobilist Abroad
All of them die soon after spawning in July or August.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing was different except for a large mousehole shape gap in the bottom of the awning where the intrepid explorer had made his escape.
Do you gaze glassy-eyed at the television, and find yourself yawning at the radio news?
Times, Sunday Times
This rock sticks out; The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.
But here he is, threatening to go on and on, surrounded by fawning Labour ministers, backbenchers and constituency delegates.
Remember, he is more accustomed to interviews with fawning, gushy, fans, rather than with more hard-nosed journalists.
Caught under by the breeze, the awnings of the fore-deck bellied upwards and collapsed slowly, and above their heavy flapping the gray stuff of Captain Whalley's roomy coat fluttered incessantly around his arms and trunk.
Neither option really appealed to Darcy, but anything had to be better than spending the day with Caroline fawning over him.
In one of the several shows taking place each week, lights transform the awning into a canopy of tropical trees.
From the dawning of Greek Classicism to well beyond the Italian Renaissance, artists learned to faithfully master contrapposto, linear perspective, and the like in order to achieve the great, mythic aspiration of beauty.
Rebecca Taylor: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Baldessari
He'd go out at night and snag spawning salmon and bring them back to freeze and smoke and put up in jars.
Times, Sunday Times
The prisoners were filed off to the seaports and crowded into cattle-wagons, the awnings of which, hermetically closed, let in no breath of air.
I was waiting in the twilight semi-darkness, yawning, eyes half closed, and basically looking like a zombie.
Looking at one of the awning's outer support beams, he laughingly recalls a time when some of his friends kicked him out of his bedding for snoring too loudly.
I can't stop yawning - I must be tired.
But there is a yawning gap in timing between what he would love to happen tomorrow and what is still the case.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike the early birds, the dawning of each day finds me still abed, nested in my covers and dreamily counting waves; this is a psychological response to the soothing sigh of a slight swell nibbling at the beach a few yards from my seaside bed.
Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
That fanned fears that decisive action may be less likely to address the yawning budget deficit.
Times, Sunday Times
Above Muir, you'll wend past yawning crevasses along the Cowlitz Glacier, tiptoe over snow bridges on the Ingraham Glacier, and duck past the giant seracs of the Ingraham Icefall.
On Aug.13, Hurricane Charley roared in from the Gulf of Mexico, bringing winds of 140 miles per hour and spawning tornadoes.
Pluto's right angle to Mercury insists a bright new day is dawning.
Employers have paid 44 billion in contributions in the past three years in an attempt to narrow their yawning deficits, but to little avail.
Times, Sunday Times
Nowlan's comic strip was widely popular, running for decades and spawning a host of imitators.
Technology is spawning new competitors in areas such as peer-to-peer lending and digital banking.
Times, Sunday Times
Yawning and headache are the most common adverse reactions.
At anchoring, we saluted the king with nine guns, and the general sent Mr Femell ashore handsomely attended in the pinnace, with a fine crimson awning, to present the king a fair gilt cup of ten ounces weight, a sword-blade, and three yards of _stammel_ [red] broad-cloth.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
COOPER: His reign of corruption would last three decades, spawning the term "cleptocracy," rule by thieves.
CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2006
She would almost stop, as though climbing a mountain, then rapidly rolling to right and left as she gained the summit of a huge sea, she steadied herself and paused for a moment as though affrighted at the yawning precipice before her.
Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
However, you get a real sense that the best days are now dawning for the Institute and - as a result - for the region that it is such a key part of.
Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master's start and shriek had disturbed.
The Best Endings in Science Fiction
The officers of the amphitheatre were still employed in the task of fixing the vast awning (or _velaria_) which covered the whole, and which luxurious invention the Campanians arrogated to themselves: it was woven of the whitest Apulian wool, and variegated with broad stripes of crimson.
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
It is hoped work will be completed in time for the autumn run of sea trout and salmon, who will for the first time be able to make their way to the productive spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Yarrow.
The cracks in your relationship are yawning too wide.
The Sun
Crowds of people and predators greet the arrival of many fish spawning runs.
London was the height of hip, with a posse of hot young designers blazing a path through the jaded fashion pack and spawning the ‘Cool Britannia’ era.
Somewhere, a mile ahead in the dust and scrub, Bapa, Aurangzeb, and Roshan would have halted also to pitch tents, light cooking fires, set up shamiana awnings to keep them cool.
Shadow Princess
Skipper Stewart Drummond headed over from a corner, Danny Carlton hit a snapshot over the bar when he looked a certain scorer, Chris Lane saw his header come back into play from the crossbar and Lee Collins miskicked in front of a yawning net.
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Outdoors in the sculpture court, local bands Atole, Tu Fawning and E*Rock, will play throughout the day and visitors can watch an expert "dowser" uncover the colors and sounds of works of art, see a demonstration of printmaking at a mobile print factory and sample specially made beer brewed to complement individual museum objects for the event by Old Lompoc, Laurelwood and Lucky Lab.
KPSU - Portland's College Radio
It's funny, because so many spawning stripers come out of the Hudson River and migrate north and south, there is a good chance the striper you caught in scenic Montauk or South Jersey spent some serious time in the Big Apple.
Big City Hooking and Cooking
With springtime dawning once again it's hard not to thinks of parks, gardens and being outdoors in nature.
The dawning of democracy and installation of a non-racial government did not immediately bring about a change in attitudes, and the criminals flourished.
With the completion of the sequence of the human genome and the list of full sequence of infectious agents growing almost daily, medical research stands at the dawning of a new era of advance.
That dawning realisation that people were going to live and not die was absolutely fabulous.
Times, Sunday Times
He was in a cave, with a brushwood awning just covering the entrance.
Mostly, the ‘girl crush’ seems to be a vogue phrase for something that has been around for a long time: a fawning but nonsexual interest one woman has in another.
In Tehuantepec, tianguis - street markets, named for the Nahuatl word for "awning" - are held on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Tehuana Mamas Cook Up Magic: Food and Fiestas in the Isthmus
Awnings shade raucous vegetable sellers while swarthy men with wooden carts hawk pomegranates, dates and mangoes.
For the past 30 years the 58-year-old has worked for a company in Devon that produces blinds and awnings.
The deepest part of the night now over and heading on to a new dawning, a new dawning unlike any other that they had ever experienced.
The reality is she's out pawning jewelry and he's paying cash for a boat and keeping it a secret.
The newspaper age was dawning in America, an age that would effloresce into mass communications and the formation of a transformative popular culture.
Mark Twain
Now I saw the canvas awnings pulled down over the armourer's workshop, the storehouses shut up to keep the goods from damp, the great oak doors of the stable closed.
Feeling myself undawning, the days light playing upon me,
In the warmer months of spawning season longear sunfish are generally found in shallower, warmer headwaters of streams which have numerous pools with permanent or semi-permanent flow.
‘Oh I'm sure I'll get over it one day,’ said Tom, stretching out like a cat and yawning widely.
They are more gregarious during the spawning season when they congregate in large groups.
These difficulties are spawning innovation in the rental sector.
Times, Sunday Times
Each run of Pacific chinook, coho, sockeye, pink, and chum salmon knows how to survive in a specific spawning stream.
This year saw the dawning of a new era in the history of the awards in the school.
The page stirred from his pallet on the hearth and poked the fire back to life, then padded over, yawning, with a candle.
The new age might be dawning.
GOD'S SECRETARIES: The Making of the King James Bible
Yawning ['jni ] and headache are the most common adverse reactions.
Salmon and sea trout use the upper river as a spawning ground.
Gulls wheeled and screamed over the first slug of spawning candlefish.
Having been here when Queen Victoria reigned, Deans is the only blinds company that is still in business who can provide an authentic Victorian or Edwardian awning to complete the finishing touch to a serious restoration project on a shop, restaurant or even a special private house.
A large green awning is set over the glass window to shelter against the sun.
Hanging over the steep corner of River and Pulaski, it was a tiny, white, shuttered and awninged Cape that gave up to Lyszko & Son Vegetables and Fruits what most people would have used as their front room.
Hoopi Shoopi Donna
A yawning man is lying on a lawn in the dawn.
All of them die soon after spawning in July or August.
Times, Sunday Times
Spent morning packing awning away and cleaning pinesap off, it bikes are now on new carriers, all ready for morning. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
But in drier years the salmon are also avoiding the upper reaches of the stream, leading to fewer fish spawning.
Times, Sunday Times
Smith circles his themes with the obsessive dolor of a man lamenting a lost opportunity, spawning gorgeous, tangential what-ifs and could've beens.
It matters because it tells us of the yawning chasm between Labour's dreams and what happens when it tries to implement a policy.
She resolutely ignores me, making a theatrical show of turning away and yawning.
These secular conditions, Bushman suggests, can be understood in two ways: for nonbelievers they help to explain Mormonism's "origins," a word Bushman eschews for the more neutral "beginnings"; for Mormons they can be studied as divinely contrived preparations for the dawning of a new era.
Secrets of the Mormons
He stood gazing at it a good while, a new expression dawning in his eyes.
John Halifax, Gentleman
Frankly, there's nothing worse aside from death, global famine, nuclear disaster and all-round armageddon than seeing players in the UFO field fawning all over their peers at conferences as they seek acceptance into the ufological sand-pit by saying the 'right thing' to the 'right people.'
Posthuman Blues
The film is a picaresque ramble through a half-real Rome in which gridlocked cars are turned into living spaces; cardinals, monsignors and fawning aristocrats preside over Vatican fashion shows; and the district of Trastevere becomes a huge fairground teeming with local characters, guitar-strumming hippies, uniformed carabinieri.
Finding Fellini
All awning hardware must be mounted on either window frame or exterior wall to keep the awning level.
August is a good time to watch coral spawning.
I think it borders on the fawning, but provides a useful portrait nonetheless.
‘You really are as nice as they say,’ Harry said, fawning over Hannah as if she were his Lord and Savior.
Dickens and Gaskell were writing about big issues set in the dawning of the industrial age.
She turned her head slightly, a curious expression dawning on her beautiful face.
The Bloody Crown of Conan
The colourful awnings over the shop windows, again, gave protection against the sun.
Most of them had shingled awnings borne on prominent brackets projecting over their simple wooden platforms.
A deer mouse stands with forepaws clasped, a soulful-looking grizzly peers across a stream, and a gray jay picks at a half-eaten salmon lying in the snow, one perhaps caught by the same grizzly we see elsewhere loping after spawning chum, its fur shagged with ice.
Photo-Op: Yukon Ho
Equality experts also argue that it could help close the yawning pay gap between men and women.
Times, Sunday Times
Are these worthy of fawning cover stories?
The anniversary of the dawning of freedom for the subcontinent is not all about flag-waving.
Otherwise, it would sound like some kind of weird, fawning lie.
English writers are constantly cited as the fathers of our verse, the name of their great Scottish compeer is apt to be passed over in silence; but he is evidently worthy of being enrolled in that little constellation of remote but never-failing luminaries, who shine in the highest firmament of literature, and who, like morning stars, sang together at the bright dawning of British poesy.
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
It's a win-win situation for all involved, except those spawning "humpies" that are sacrificed for the greater good.
At last we reach the summit, where Alex shrinks back from the yawning chasm.
Perhaps this dim-bulb mayor, and the MSM in fawning over Klepto Deb, are confusing pragmatist with pilferer or purloiner or maybe larcenist.
Sound Politics: What does "pragmatist" mean?
As such persons were usually cringing and fawning, and looked for a reward, the word came to be used also to denote a fawner or flatterer.
Barnes New Testament Notes
Insistent, urging everything before it -- the toil of strenuous study, the fret of little trouble, and the dreams of dawning love -- the call stirs on.
McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 4, March, 1896
When my boddy-suvnt came with my ot water in the mawning, the livid copse in the charnill was not payler than the gashly De la Pluche!
The diary of C. Jeames De La Pluche, Esq., with his letters
Now, do you not see how, like some great star, trembling into the field of the telescope, and sending arrowy beams before it to announce its approach, the great central Christian truth is here dawning, germinant, prophesying its full rising?
Expositions of Holy Scripture Psalms
Some savvy businesses owners add their company's name, logo, phone number and address to the exterior of their awnings and canopies.
The measures included a ban on trawling in pairs in the spawning season and monthly limits for commercial fishermen.
Times, Sunday Times
Like the freshwater eel, congers undergo considerable morphological changes prior to spawning.
To scientists, that's as bizarre a finding as a queen bee spawning a colony of ants.
Hiroshi often said that the dawning of a new day meant a chance to start all over again.
And beware anyone caught yawning in the open air.
Times, Sunday Times
My suspicion is that the java fern, which has nearly taken over the entire tank, may have been hiding bits of detrius -- food, waste, rotten eggs (from the multiple spawnings of the minnows), and any number of other ugliness.
Day in the Life of an Idiot
The cost of not repairing them could be huge as motorists can claim if their car has been damaged by a yawning chasm in the road.
Times, Sunday Times
Together these studies indicate the sex steroids are likely to play a role in regulating anthozoan gametogenesis and/or spawning.
For many youngsters innocently watching it may have meant a dawning of a new direction in life, involving a blend of aspiration, determination and self-confidence.
Expect the dawning of new understandings to unfold at the Full Moon.
I found myself alone, standing at the entrance to a yawning limestone cavern, dazzled by dawning sunlight.
Clicking his tongue, breathing heavily, standing listlessly and with a dull-witted look on his face at times, he couldn't even keep himself from yawning.
That brought the curtain down on Tom's playing career but marked the dawning of a complete new involvement for him.
Reliable code, after all, doesn't generate fawning press, or indeed any press at all.
The hour-long flight takes in both sections of the Gregory National Park and passes over luxuriant river valleys, yawning gorges, rocky ravines and a chain of magnificent flattop sandstone mesas.
Yawning, he lifted his arm and squinted at the luminescent numbers of his watch.
The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.
And the rest of the time she carped, criticized, verbally and sometimes physically abused her adopted son while fawning obnoxiously over his ‘perfect’ sister.
When you've reached that great yawning chasm of despair and see no hope at all, then it's time to make that call.
It also involved the fate of the greatest spawning run of salmon in the world.
Beneath the awning was a yellow wooden door with no knob, just a covered steel slot at eye level.
Ugly Americans
He would have to trust to his luck that while he ran from the bushes to the awninged back door, no one upstairs was gazing into the backyard.
Naked Cruelty
Then without sparing a moment's pity for the fawning, awkward creature that Jonas had become, Christy turned on her heels.
He always had lot of girlfriends, and people fawning over him.
Nauseatingly fawning journalism that's all it is.
A scrawny dog lay in the doorway of a hut, yawning widely.
The new age might be dawning.
GOD'S SECRETARIES: The Making of the King James Bible
Labeld them as “human weeds” “reckless breeders” “spawning..human beings who never should have been born”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Whitewashing Progressivism
By providing protected spawning grounds for creatures such as lobster and scallops the reserve is helping other areas to replenish fish stocks.
Times, Sunday Times
In the new era which Mark believes is dawning, the temple is rejected and its imminent destruction is expected.
In my opinion it's a very scrupulous review, and why Shafer would choose to characterize it as "fawning" and "gutless" is a mystery to me.
Book Reviewing
If oil entered the lagoons, damage to fish spawning grounds, wildfowl habitat and local commercial and subsistence enterprises could be, literally, incalculable.
This yawning gulf between their reality and ours is a very modern concern.
Times, Sunday Times
That fanned fears that decisive action may be less likely to address the yawning budget deficit.
Times, Sunday Times
For the last, he vividly tells us, Wee did hang an awning, which is an old saile, to three or foure trees to shadow us from the Sunne; our walls were railes of wood; our seates unhewed trees till we cut plankes; our Pulpit a bar of wood nailed to two neighbouring trees.
Angel in the Whirlwind
The taxi drew to a halt where a purple awning reached out to the edge of the pavement.
This generation gap between older and younger men is an increasingly yawning chasm.
Times, Sunday Times
D darkness of calamity dash of eccentricity dawning of recognition day of reckoning daylight of faith decay of authority declaration of indifference deeds of prowess defects of temper degree of hostility delicacy of thought delirium of wonder depth of despair dereliction of duty derogation of character despoiled of riches destitute of power desultoriness of detail [desultoriness = haphazard; random] device of secrecy devoid of merit devoutness of faith dexterity of phrase diapason of motives [diapason = full, rich, harmonious sound] dictates of conscience difference of opinion difficult of attainment dignity of thought dilapidations of time diminution of brutality disabilities of age display of prowess distinctness of vision distortion of symmetry diversity of aspect divinity of tradition domain of imagination drama of action dream of vengeance drop of comfort ductility of expression dull of comprehension duplicities of might dust of defeat
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Then with dawning horror you realise you're screwed - eye contact is made and you're doomed to desultory, banal small talk the whole way until you get into Waverley.
And as always, there is a yawning chasm between their accounts of what happened and what others say took place.
Times, Sunday Times
Because cryptocorynes acidify the water, they form a favorable medium for the survival and spawning of many popular fish species.
After opening the door for them, he stepped outside under the awning and watched them depart.
In addition to filling up the lakes and making less room for vendace to live, when you get a storm and the wind churns the water around it deposits the silt on the beds where the fish are spawning and blankets them.
The work was a breakthrough, spawning the birth of two literary genres: science-fiction and horror fiction.
The awning is dusty and worn and the two windows facing the street are obscured with neon beer signs.
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He had to stoop, shoulders hunched, to prevent his head from coming into contact with the canvas awning.
Close seasons were originally introduced to protect fish while spawning.
Times, Sunday Times
The current spawning stock biomass is 120 million pounds, or 61 million fish.
Aram Roston: Deadliest Catch Brooklyn Style: The Fish You Catch in New York City
When spawning is actually taking place the male takes a position to hold the female against the bottom of the redd and both of the fish vibrate intensely while eggs and milt are simultaneously discharged.
Bobcat Olympics: Killam placed a video camera overlooking a weir, that is, a chute-like apparatus positioned in a creek to funnel migrating salmon upstream to spawning habitat.
Signs of the Times
She has almost unlimited power and hot men fawning all over her all the time ... and I would really like to try out the werepanther sleeping arrangment * blush*
Countdown to Branded By Fire: 6 days to go!
“He sent us away,” Montyr said in dawning understanding.
The Gauntlet Thrown Chapter Thirty Six
At eleven, Monsieur Vigo and I were talking "philosophe" over a wonderful breakfast under the awning, as we dropped down between the forest-lined shores of the Ohio.
Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
At first it looked like he was spawning some kind of tentacle, but no… it had fingers.
In Darkness » Blog Archive » From the Archives: The Salesman
Yawning, the teenage girl reached to scratch her neck, and felt the marks left there on her vein.
Above Muir, you'll wend your way past yawning crevasses along the Cowlitz Glacier, tiptoe over snow bridges on the Ingraham Glacier, and duck past the giant seracs of the Ingraham Icefall.
I felt so sleepy I couldn't stop yawning.
In these two species, the young smolt when they are barely 1 inch 25 mm long, allowing great numbers of juvenile salmon to migrate to the ocean from even small areas of freshwater spawning habitat.
Trout and Salmon of North America
It gleamed in the prenoon sun, tiles of all colors, awnings and shades above the balconies.
Burning Tower
Close seasons were originally introduced to protect fish while spawning.
Times, Sunday Times
A breeding pair will chose a site for spawning and defend it with typical cichlid aggression.
A stormstayed traveller," he said, his eyes fawning, "who has stumbled on this princely hospitality.
The Path of the King
The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk
Even the corporate media, for all its fawning cowardice, hasn't been as derelict as blog rhetoric would paint it.
Previously a thawing-out period, a prelude to the liquid lunch and brief afternoon of work en route to early doors drinking, the dawning of the new day now signals blessed relief and the opportunity of escape from his bed.
The primary rooms had festoons of "blockwork," and under an awning made from a bright patchwork quilt, made by them, hung their dainty pockets, tidies, scarfs, etc., quaintly outlined in bright needlework.
The American Missionary — Volume 48, No. 7, July, 1894
By 11.30 pm, my stomach was growling and I was lying horizontal on the sofa yawning, as she made mention yet again of leaving.
It was a relief and rather an anticlimax when the yawning official stamped my passport without a single glance at my stuff.
There is and always has been a yawning gap at the budget end of the amplifier market.
The fish appear to be feeding hard again after the spawning season, and the other lakes in this area should also fish well, with roach, rudd, bream and some tench available to be caught.
Ray would later put the museum thing down to a certain nihilism instilled by all that final-year, second-term psychosis, but in truth it was merely another instance of late-night drinking spawning an idea so intoxicating that the next morning failed to sober them of it.
A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
The most I am concerned with are those aluminum poles supporting the canvas awning.
The video-game concept of respawning is the fulcrum of this sci-fi actioner.
The Sun
We couldn't help yawning during the speech.
Understanding of the atomic nucleus was progressing rapidly and awareness was dawning of the awesome energies latent within.
with awninged windows on the west side
Every bend takes you higher while your breath is suspended looking at the yawning chasm below.
In fact, it really just underlines the now yawning chasm between the old and new world approaches to wine.
The Greek is literally said of dogs wagging the tail in fawning on one.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
In the sea pansy, Renilla koellikeri, serotonin can stimulate rhythmic muscular contraction and spawning, and melatonin can inhibit these contractions.
Bernadette next taught Chloë how to jump down out of the van, open the window, pull down the ledge, put up the awning, and set out what Bernadette liked to call her condiments.
T-Backs, T-shirts, Coat, and Suit
All the fawning and grovelling that goes on is very distasteful.
His clashes with Gerhard Siegel's penetrating Mime, grotesquely hunchbacked and absurd in the extremity of his fawning and malevolence, took on a broad, cartoonish humor that worked.
Of Gods And Monsters
Stroszek, is this name-calling the dawning of the Obamacult's understanding of civility and not marginalizing anybody in a democracy?
Report: Obama Meets Unconditionally With George Will, Bill Kristol, David Brooks