How To Use Awheel In A Sentence

  • Originally we were supposed to conduct the interview on bikes (or "awheel" as the British say) but it ended up snowing and I was afraid that, in the event of a fall, Mr. Thurston (coddled, as are all of his countrymen, by free medical care) would find himself hopelessly embroiled in our country's labyrinthine health care system. Keeping it Reeled In: Hope or Delusion?
  • The truth is, I'm beginning to suspect that there may indeed be a "cycling conspiracy" afoot or awheel, though it doesn't involve the UN. Conspiracy Theory: "Soylent Green is Douches!"
  • Meanwhile, as if this weren't disturbing enough, a number of readers have informed me that in Philadelphia a political movement is awheel that would require cyclists to register their bicycles and obtain license plates for them. Friday BSNYC Pleasure Examination!
  • Yesterday while awheel on the Ironic Orange Julius Bike, I stopped for a red light at a busy downtown Manhattan intersection. Laissez-Fairing: Rules vs. Aerodynamics
  • That kind of reflexive comment displays a failure of imagination almost as bad as the failure to conceive of awheel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Christopher Columbus — Hero or Villain?
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  • Its light glimmered on the river and on the wings of carrion fowl awheel overhead. Time Patrolman
  • the public was awheel
  • As you may be aware, there is a genteel, non-competitive cycling conspiracy (GNCCC) afoot (or awheel) in New York City, and to a certain extent Robert Sullivan is its literary voice, giving it ready access to media outlets such as the Times. Archive 2009-09-01

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