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How To Use Avidity In A Sentence

  • The authors of the second paper admit that “other variables … influence the binding avidity (preference), such as type of SA (sialic acid of the receptor site) and glycosylation and sialylation of the hemagglutinin close to the receptor binding site. ” These factors all vary obviously and there are other variables in the equation as well including the status of specific areas of the immune system. Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • Wanted to with the same avidity as she had wanted to read Johannes's diaries. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Right now I don't know whose appetite I monitor with more avidity, hers or Riff's.
  • For the average gangsman was as void of sentiment as an Admiralty warrant, pressing you with equal avidity and absence of feeling whether he caught you returning from a festival or a funeral. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • This patient was therefore reassured that she had not had primary rubella, as she had a history of rubella vaccination and high avidity rubella specific IgG was detected.
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  • In Turkey, where the place, where the fortune, where the head itself are so insecure that scarcely any have died in their beds for ages, so that the bowstring is the natural death of bashaws, yet in no country is power and distinction (precarious enough, God knows, in all) sought for with such boundless avidity, -- as if the value of place was enhanced by the danger and insecurity of its tenure. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 07 (of 12)
  • Mr. McLynn is as unsparing of the senior commanders in Burma as they were of each other: The "mentally unstable" Wingate is posthumously diagnosed with bipolar disorder; Chennault suffered from "monomania," was "essentially false" and "joined in the Chinese elite's corruption and peculation with avidity"; Chiang is described as having given his second wife a nasty venereal disease on their wedding night. Still Forgotten
  • But Griett is sent to clean the artist's studio, and he notices her curiosity and the avidity with which she studies his work.
  • In such an exhibition, one can see how traditional art teaching methods have become fairly redundant, and the avidity with which the tools of new media are used to communicate.
  • Titus produced a mug of brandy he had sharked from the ship and we all lapped it up with avidity. The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
  • Here an avidity for new and different species of flora embraces interesting species of fauna as well, both of the four-footed and two-footed kind.
  • Philosophers have an avidity to know how we perceive objects.
  • Women may write books of poetry, travels, &c. and they will be read with avidity.
  • Although the novelties of the moderns were never disagreeable to our desires, who have always cherished with grateful affection those who devote themselves to study and who add anything either ingenious or useful to the opinions of our forefathers, yet we have always desired with more undoubting avidity to investigate the well-tested labours of the ancients. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • She's been empty inside, with nothing but a heart burning with anger and avidity.
  • And all this to feed the avidity of a few millionary merchants, and to keep up one thousand ships of war for the protection of their commercial speculations. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • It appears to be inevitable that abuses will have occurred, given the avidity with which behavior modification has been sought after.
  • This is the story: there is an avidity of sympathy and suffering around at the moment, and remembering the Holocaust is an attempt to lock on to that.
  • To improve the diagnosis of illness caused by B 19 and to discriminate primary from secondary infection, a protein denaturing assay for avidity of erythrovirus-specific IgG antibodies or measurement of IgG subclass, can be used.
  • If infection is established (infection greater than about 4 months), this agent will have a lesser ability to disrupt the complexes because of high antibody avidity (binding strength).
  • A spirit of enquiry is abroad among the Chinese, and there is a class of students, by no means small in number, who receive with avidity instruction on scientific matters from the West.
  • A cheerful use of the needle is acquired in dressing these innocents; much thought, contrivance, arrangement, and prelusive affection are brought into play; and the natural avidity with which a little girl, left to her own choice, seizes, caresses, loves a doll, seems to indicate the suitableness of the amusement. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • A fox's head on an old lady's boa had also been seized with avidity by a foxhound, under the impression that he had at last found his hereditary enemy.
  • It represents an avidity to produce a grand modern opera rather than an actual vision of one.
  • Partisans on both sides study the fluctuating daily polls with the avidity of baseball fans following the electrifying playoffs.
  • I read with avidity of his great exploits, his hand-to-hand combats at Monterey, his refusal to surrender, and the escape of his entire command at Fort Donelson, when all could have marched away had they been as determined and fearless as he; of Shiloh, where he rode in among Sherman's infantry, who jabbed bayonets at him and his bold troopers and shot him through and through as he sabered them right With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
  • [12] The spermatozooids of certain plants can be strongly attracted towards a pipette which is filled with malic acid -- crowding around and into it with avidity. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • And as they seized with avidity every slight incident of disorder that could by any means be associated with the great religious movement now in progress, and presented it as corroboratory proof of the charge preferred against the "Lutherans," it is not surprising that they were generally successful in their appeal to the fears of a class which had so much at stake. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • But to read day after day in the paper, this golden domesday-book, the lists of rich people who ate terrapin together, or danced together in lace frills and white cravats afterwards, and to read it with avidity, is what might be done in some world of satire. From the Easy Chair — Volume 01
  • Olestra has an extraordinary avidity for certain fat-soluble substances, far exceeding what one would expect based on the fat substitute's proportion of the diet.
  • Over the years I have read with avidity various intellectual disputes in The New York Review of Books and other literary journals.
  • Secondly, streptavidin is a natural tetrameric protein and each molecule has the capacity to bind four biotinylated peptides, resulting in enhanced avidity of the targeting complex to its target. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The waltz is their favorite dance, in which old and young join with the greatest avidity; it is not unusual to see parents and their grown-up children dancing in the same set in a public ball-room. Roughing It in the Bush
  • Each man grabbed his share with avidity, and there and then devoured it with such gulosity that, in less than half an hour after its death, only the hoofs remained.
  • It is certainly true that there is not the enthusiasm, the appetite, the avidity for film that there was when I first began writing about it.
  • The euro seems to be reviled with avidity and fervour wherever one goes, from Holland to the Med.
  • I'm 1 who has read a version of Paine's Common Sense where on the last page he says "an avidity to punish is to be avoided ... American Justice is At Risk. What Are You Doing About it?
  • When they are available and a single component is of interest, two monoclonal antibodies of high avidity directed to different epitopes on an allergenic molecule are the most suitable.
  • Birds, especially field fares, eat the berries with avidity; and a botanical designation of the tree is _aucuparia_, as signifying fruit used by the _auceps_, or bird catcher, with which to bait his snares. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • He plunges with avidity into the delights of inner-city Glebe and the University of Sydney in its heyday.
  • From Paine's Common Sense I still like best of him from what I found in 1 version: "an avidity to punish is to be avoided ... THAT DAY, This 9/11, FOX and Bob Dylan
  • Molecular biologists enter the story, but mainly those with an avidity for technology and an appetite for large scale.
  • Marxists say it's not possible to change the rules, that capitalism will always engender its own crises, that its own avidity, greed, and iron laws will be its undoing.
  • Through his avid cultivation of the press, and through the press’s equally avid exploitation of his avidity, wrote Alva Johnston, “Al Capone was a world figure at an age when Napoleon was still a wretched shavetail.” LAST CALL
  • Since this is not a project I've followed with any avidity I was not aware that the fertilizing occurred yesterday.
  • Because of the low avidity of the antibody, HSF1 needed to be enriched prior to western blot.
  • The euro seems to be reviled with avidity and fervour wherever one goes, from Holland to the Med.
  • With a tractable reading list in front of me my impatience with reading turned quickly into avidity.
  • Only we four gathered, and there we pursued the Skill with an avidity that frightened me and enthused the rest of them. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The euro seems to be reviled with avidity and fervour wherever one goes, from Holland to the Med.
  • A spirit of enquiry is abroad among the Chinese, and there is a class of students, by no means small in number, who receive with avidity instruction on scientific matters from the West.
  • It would have been easy to find the only other face in the room uncomplicated by numbers, unconcerned by the concentration of avidity. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS

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