How To Use Avariciousness In A Sentence
This bill skilfully balances the difficulties of the elderly with the avariciousness, often, of the capital interests in retirement villages.
I would suggest however, that the richer members of York society are just as guilty and that it's their avariciousness that is also to blame.
I did not know that this covers a grasping avariciousness by the family towards the children.
When we describe their pompous vanity and take exquisite pleasure in putting calipers on the immense littleness of their avarice, we are making records of our own littleness and avariciousness.
Philip "Momism" Wylie on Congress
At the mention of the name the little group grew very grave, their avariciousness replaced by trepidation.
The Curse of the Wendigo
On the one hand, this is avariciousness; on the other, astuteness.
The Secrets of His Succession
I did not know that this covers a grasping avariciousness by the family towards the children.
You lost the “spiritual” warfare at that point when you opted for underhanded avariciousness.
The US is Trying to Take Over The World - The Panda's Thumb
M. de Courtornieu, by his avariciousness, had made even more enemies than the Duc de Sairmeuse; and all the peasants who thought they had more or less reason to complain of his extortions were delighted at this opportunity to frighten him.
The Honor of the Name
When will debt not be an option and when will humans guard against avariciousness?
Bailouts Blaze; Exuberance Explodes
This has, he argues, ‘removed the taint of avariciousness that had always discoloured the market’.
The situation evolved a rough set of checks and balances which tended to hold down the avariciousness of any one particular class.
Sneak Attack
Many newspaper executives see something sinister in Craigslist's near-total lack of avariciousness --
Zen and the Art of Classified Advertising